LUMEN Ecovillage is one of the longest-lived and most prosperous intentional communities in Italy. A community of families who have joined a social experiment centred on the values of health promotion, environmental sustainability, inner growth, solidarity.
LUMEN is an intentional community, founded in 1992 by Davide Pirovano and Milena Simeoni, currently consisting of 60 people. Thanks to their great welcoming spirit, other people found accommodation in the large farmhouse and helped to renovate the building and expand the associative activities. Over the years, the LUMEN ecovillage has thus been created, an intentional community of people moved by ideals of peace, ethics, respect for the environment and attention to the harmonious development of human beings through the promotion of healthy lifestyles.
The ecovillage is fully self-sufficient in economic terms, partially self-sufficient in energy and food.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 60
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
For those interested in joining the ecovillage, we offer short periods of residential volunteering, aimed at getting to know each other. If you are seriously interested in joining the ecovillage, you can apply to the Village Council, which will then decide whether or not to activate a trial period.
A Federico e Consiglio di Villaggio.
Ciao ragazzi, siamo due gruppi familiari, complessivamente di 7 persone di età diverse
(dai 16 ai 65 anni).
Abbiamo avuto “non a caso” il piacere di conoscere la vostra realtà che condividiamo pienamente pensando di essere in completa sintonia con la vostra filosofia di vita.
Avremmo il desiderio di conoscervi per ampliare le nostre esperienze e unirci a voi per contribuire
con la nostra energia in questo meraviglioso progetto.
Vi abbracciamo e auguriamo buona vita,
P.S. Al più presto possibile vorremmo incontrarvi, grazie dell’ attenzione.
Ciao Federico,
I hope you are doing well!
My name is Jan and I just moved to Milan in September after spending a couple of years in the UK (originally from Germany). I have been interested in alternative living arrangements that foster community, sustainability etc.I have been looking to connect to like-minded people in Milan but haven’t been able to find them.
So I was wondering whether you might be able tell me something about any intentional communities around Milan, or any spiritual or political groups where I could meet people interested in that way of life.
I was also wondering whether it would be possible to visit Lumen at some point.
I am currently learning Italian and I understand most of what happens around me but I cannot speak a lot.
All the best,
I moved to Emilia Romagna from the US (I’m a dual citizen) in September. I would like to visit and/or volunteer to learn more about Lumen. Could you send details about how I could do this?
Grazie mille!
I am currently a student at Padova University as an exchange student. I am from the Netherlands and I study Project Management with a focus on sustainable projects. I would like to visit Lumen ecovillage and am wondering if that’s possible. Can you give me more information about this?
Best wishes,
Elle Dales
My name is Nevenka Ludzik. I’m originally from Argentina but have pieces in several other countries before settling down in the UK
I’m very interested in training on how to run an Ecovillage and on a communal self sufficient and sustainable lifestyle and wish to set up my own village one day, probably in Wales or Scotland.
I signed up for the training waiting list and in the meantime I’d really like to spend my summers volunteering at different ecovillages; that will hve to be for periods of 2 weeks maximum because I work caring for an elder lady.
This year the family will go away on holidays probably in springtime; and I should match their days away as much as possible.
Could you tell me if I could join you as a volunteer in May/June in exchange for boarding?
I can cook, clean, and do any other farm-related job if I’m given clear instructions
I look forward to hearing from you soon
Many thanks
Dear Lady/Gent!
We are a family from Hungary and we are finding our place in the world.
We have 2son(12, 8), they are open for the world and can to make good contact other children.
I found you on the website and I would like to interesting about the possibilities how could we live there together with people whoes thinking similar like us.
What can we do there, for what will helping your village s life, how can to learn the children, etc. My husband is a beekeeper, me as a hairdresser, but we have more other skills.
We are like to live with natural, not use chemical, eat healthy, environment consciously.
Could you send me some information, please.
I will waiting for your answere.
Lidia Berger