This community proposes to become as a field site for cultural redesign. Based on the Ecological Footprint, One Planet Valley members will focus on living a one planet lifestyle that may be evaluated for research. Those aware of and perhaps having lived in other eco-villages, and other self-motivated individuals will bring what they learn and know on sustainable living. A strategic start number will be twelve members. Learning and individual research is encouraged. An organized members list will be drawn up to become a social media community prior to swarm date. A target date to swarm / congregate in the valley is the spring of 2022. The Creston Valley location has been strategically selected based on local food production, local and provincial politics, a low climate change risk and distance from major urban areas. The town of Creston has a population of about 5000 and the surrounding valley another 10,000. The location also falls within the Cascadia bioregion and speculated political region which may have future potential.
Membership & Visitors
- Open to new members
- Rarely open to visitors
You will or will plan to relocate to the Creston Valley, or live through association in another eco-village and target a one planet lifestyle. You will socialize with and/or otherwise engage with other community members, and/or a social media connection with other like minded persons globally (ie. the facebook group). There will be regular person to person meetings eventually, but also remote digital online communications via social media as it develops. At this time, you are a self-motivated idealist who believes in developing an alternate cultural model. You will figure a lot of things out on your own, and bring what you figure out to the attention of others and the community. If you have an academic interest, you may research, record and publish data to share with the broader cultural redesign community.
Hi Les,
I’m curious where you’re at with your planning/visioning. Are you a group or just you so far?
I’m in Castlegar BC, and have been thinking about this for a long time. I’m probably about three years out from being able quit my day job and buy into some land. I’m currently working on writing my own visioning document laying out what sort of community I want to be part of. Let me know what you’re up to and we’ll see if we’re in the same headspace!
Hey Rob,
Sorry, way to many social media communications. I’m at email [email protected] if you want to chat there. At the time of your note in April, there was probably just me. This spring I have met many people in Creston valley in the Creston Climate Action group, and others. Hard to say now. I was hoping for a Cascadia Day get together next spring, 2021. A network of villages seems viable, and I think about Cascadia as a bioregion. What would you say? Vancouver and Seattle included ? I just read this article, on why planned communities fail. A ‘shadow culture’ may help. Later, Les
Hi Les, I would love to chat with you about your plans in Creston Valley and see if we are in alignment. I have a vision of co-creating and participating in regenerative community living. Creston Valley is an option for me and my family in the future. I see your email in a response earlier, I wanted to check with you before I sent you a message there.
Looking forward to a conversation.