Savia is a vegan agroecological cohousing project, based in Asturias, in the north of Spain. Savia is a space to live in community, a home to build a life in connection with nature and its processes, where we can grow respect for all beings and create together a more sustainable, simpler and more selfsufficient lifestyle. Savia is a community housing project where we can share, dream, create and spread the values of a world based on love, empathy and non-violence through veganism, degrowth, vegan agriculture and mutual support.
We want to build a community where we can move towards a lifestyle that respects and cares for nature and all the beings that inhabit it. A place to spread veganism and work for animal liberation. A place where we can work together, help each other and live together with empathy and love, where everyone’s differences are integrated in a climate of tolerance and listening. A place where we can grow as human beings, learning day by day, developing our gifts and passions, and growing as individuals out of the collective. A place where we can transition to a declining model of low energy consumption, where we can try to live outside the paradigm of production and consumption, and work towards food and energy self-sufficiency. A place to live in a more sustainable way, where we can rethink and successfully reduce the impact of our lifestyles on the environment.
In Savia we have 900m2 of buildings and 30,000m2 of land in various rural, urban and urban plots, with several private dwellings, communal areas and cultivated land. We are located on the border between Galicia and Asturias, in the Eo Valley, close to the beaches of Ribadeo. In a wonderful environment, fertile and humid, with mild temperatures all year round due to its proximity to the coast and low altitude. With all the basic services in the same town, such as a bus stop, sports center, river suitable for bathing, doctor’s office, bar, store, public school and bank office.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 8
- Open to new members
- Not open to visitors
If you want to join us, please see all the info in the website and after that, contact us via mail ^^
Om. Namaste. Somos Lyuda (29 años, Ucrania) y Roma (35 años, Bielorrusia), investigadores espirituales. Estudiamos yoga, meditación y prácticas védicas. Somos vegetarianos y llevamos un estilo de vida limpio, sin alcohol, drogas ni tabaco. Organizamos retiros y seminarios. Buscamos un lugar para vivir y practicar en armonía con la naturaleza.
Aquí está mi Facebook.