ZEGG intentional community hosts about 100 people. We focus on the ecological and social aspects of living together in a future-orientated way. Sustainable development is only possible if it touches and embraces a variety of life areas. ZEGG especially promotes personal development and cultivates a way of heart- and mindful communication. As a community we stand for following our own truth in love, relationships and sexuality. ZEGG changed in its 30 years of existence and has been on the move from a rather homogenous pioneer community to the pluralistic and manifold resident group of today.
Learning from community
ZEGG-Community passes the knowledge and experience gained on to its guests and visitors. We have been doing this successfully for years in trainings, seminars and festivals. The combination of community life and educational center creates an inspiring combination of life and learning.
The seminar business is the economic base of the community. All profits flow into development of the site and the buildings. Furthermore we are supported by a large network of friends and benefactors. All donations are welcome to help keeping our experiment alive.
Many ZEGG-residents work in the training center. The community contributes to the festivals through volunteer work. The organization and decision-making of ZEGG GmbH is inspired by a sociocratic model.
Sustainable life
Environmental issues have moved ZEGG since its beginnings. In recent years, we have implemented a regional and CO²-neutral energy supply. We extract our own drinking water and clean our wastewater in an plant-based sewage system. In our large ZEGG garden fruits and vegetables are grown organically. The kitchen offers vegetarian and vegan food for guests and residents. Inspired by permacultural ideas we have created a manifold flora and fauna and edible landscape on the grounds. We produce Terra Preta from compost, urine and charcoal to build a better soil on our premises.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 100
- Not currently open to new members, but might be in the future
- Open to visitors
workshop-visitors welcome, work exchange welcome, volunteers welcome