- Date: 22 – 25 June 2015
- Location: Ecoaldea Aldeafeliz. San Francisco, Cundinamarca. Colombia, Undefined
- Languages:
- EnglishPortugueseSpanish
- Run by:
- Region:
- Area:
- Context:
- Categories:

CASA Continental Gathering
ECCO 2015
23rd to 26rh June 2015
Ecoaldea AdeaFeliz.
San Francisco,Cundinamarca, Colombia
CASA – Council of Sustainable Settlement of America – (Spanish: Consejo de Asentamientos Sustentables de las Américas) – is inviting to its second summit by June 2015. in Colombia. ECCO2015 – (Spanish: Encuentro de CASA Continental 2015) will gather activists, community based leaders and ecovillage movements of Latinameric and the world.. ECCO will be focused on CASA’s internal structure enhance, as well as, fostering relationships among organizations, which articulate to conform a resilient network, capable to promote sustainable and pro-regenerative styles of living, in Latinamerica.
CASA is working to wider the approach of its work and the impact of the initiaives articulated to the network: ecovillages, permacultural projects, indigenous, afrodescendans and traditional communities, econeighborhoods, ecocaravans and territories in transicion. One of the key allies for this ECCO2015 is the Latinoamerica Network of Permaculture. With this alliance we seek to offer better learning opportunities and build capacity among people leading and driving the different initiatives, and so, deepen collaboration among movements.
El ECCO 2015 will go from 23rd to 26th June 2015.
Some other related events are taking place, close to dates:
- 15-20 June – Latinamerican Convergence of Permaculture CLAP 2015, in Varsana Ecovillage, Cundinamarca, Colombia.
- 21 June – KIVA Ancestral Fire Ceremony, in Cundinamarca, Colombia.
- 22 June – Sacred Walk – Ritual March, in Bogota, Cundinamarca.
- ECCO from 23rd to 26th June.
ECCO 2015 will take place in Aldeafeliz Ecovillage, located 15 minutes away from a beautiful urban town called San Francisco, 2 hours from Bogotá. D.C. More info how to get there.
Previous registration is ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED. Please, do not arrive without inscription and participation assigment or you will may to return back.
How can join:
ECCO 2015 in covening to:
- active members of CASA Continental (with a recognized role)
- active members of local instances of CASA (with a recognized role)
- representatives/delegates of initiatives that want to join/articulate with CASA: ecovillages, permacultural projects, traditional communities, indigenous communtities, econeighborhoods, ecocaravans, transitional territories.
- members of GEN – Global Ecovillage Network-
- members of the Latinamerican Permaculture Movement
- representatives of sustainable living related networks and movements with concrete proposals of articulation for CASA Continental.
How to participate:
ECCO 2015 is designed to be a gathering for internal network strengthening. This gathering has a restricted capacity for 100 participants.Convene is semi-open to people and initiatives engaged in the movement. We want to take advantage of the opportinity to be together to enhance the network connections, foste the alliance with the Permacultural Movement, look to the inside of the network’s organization and advance in the accomplishment of our mission.
REGISTRATION to [email protected]
Previous registration is ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED. Please, do not arrive without inscription and participation assigment or you will may have to return back.
Suppor the realization of this gathering.
Contact [email protected] and help us to create a setting of abundance.
For more information, please visit the event website.