In Boekel Ecovillage we cater our needs in a very sustainable way. By doing so, we contribute solutions for climate change, environmental pollution, loss of biodiversity and exhaustion of natural resources, in close cooperation with our surroundings. If fact, Boekel Ecovillage is working on all 17 SDGs! We have build a self-supporting village when it comes to energy, water and most of our food. … Read more
Pu Am Ecolodge
Espacio que cuenta con cabañas enterradas en lomas tipo “Hobbit”. Un lodge construido con madera local nativa y fardos de paja. Huerta con método biointensivo. Ovejas y gallinas con libre pastoreo a través de cercos móviles. Un bosque comestible. Planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Laguna, río y bosques. … Read more
Ekobius International
We began looking for a community location as a base in 2011, in 2013 we acquired Ekobius, from 2014 to 2020 the political situation in Venezuela has deterred new investors, especially North Americans, and restricted our ideals to begin our vision of a sustainable ecological village and demonstration center. … Read more
Instituto Biorregional do Cerrado –
Instituto Biorregional do Cerrado – IBC was created in 2012 and has three main projects: the ecovillage Ecoaldeia Aratikum, the educational center Ecocentro Pedagógico do IBC, and the creation of a preservation area (RPPN – Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural). Additionally, as an institute, we also engage in political issues of our bio-region, through participation in local councils and part … Read more
Los Molinos del Río Aguas
Ubicados en una antigua Aldea ecológica situada en un ecosistema único, estamos comprometidos con un estilo de vida respetuoso y un desarrollo sostenible, aunque los distintos proyectos se desarrollan independientemente. Si quieres visitarnos, ponte en contacto con él que más te interesa. … Read more
Los Portales
Los Portales is an intentional community that was founded in Andalucía in 1984, although it was actually born in 1978 in Brussels. The inspiration of the founders was nurtured by Jungian psychology and dreamwork as a way to know and transform our fears and pains into power, as well as to access the talents we still do not know. … Read more
A 30-year-old Eco-Village surrounded by the Atlantic Rain Forest of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro. With a long history on Permaculture, Agroforestry and Sustainability EL NAGUAL has become a reference point for the environmental movement in the region, 90% of its territory is a natural reserve with the remaining 10% used for Organic sustainable food production, Agroforestry and the Eco-village itself. … Read more
One Community
One Community is a 100% volunteer-operated non-profit and non-governmental organization creating open source resources and solutions for all aspects of sustainable and globally-regenerative living. Here is our Purpose and Mission: Here is our Global Transformation Pledge: … Read more
Smiltenei un Latvijai
Main objectives: Children, young people and adults to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Promote sustainability and ecological life. Cultural, educational and charitable events. The disadvantaged section of society to help for cultural and educational events. Adult education and continuing education of school children. To achieve development and expansion of cooperation with other similar associations in the Latvian Republic and abroad to achieve the objectives of the organization. Preserve … Read more
Coffee Creek Community and Gardens
We are a variety show of homesteaders, hustlers, therapists, anti-oppression activists, students, and families in south west Washington. We have cats, 2 dogs, a small rabbitry, sheep, chickens, and turkeys. We are committed to sharing this experience and our skills to promote sustainable relationships with land, animal, and humans through intentional stewardship and everyday farm life. We grow wide variety of seasonal herbs, veggies, fruits and berries, and raise critters for meat, eggs, … Read more