WHO WE ARE: “Meadowsong Ecovillage is an intentional community of educators, eco-entrepreneurs, and cultural creatives, located in Dexter, OR.” VISION: We envision the full maturation of a multigenerational, bioregionally adapted, culturally innovative community, committed to long-term stewardship of its land and culture. MISSION: Our mission is to explore, sustain, and share the values and practices of indefinitely sustainable living. VALUES: We are guided by the core … Read more
Inuksuk Project
In September 2013, our project was authorized by the Municipality of Sainte-Beatrix (located an hour and a bit north of Montreal). This is an eco-tourism project eventually involving the existence of a functioning eco-hamlet consisting forge, workshops of all kinds, gardens, etc., doubled rental housing for people of outside. In fact, we want to become, in a few years, a kind of research university and developments in ecological solutions and fulfillment of human potential. --- En … Read more
Ndem is a community in the ‘Bassin Arachidier’ of Senegal, the Peanut Growing basin of the Sahel region. The area suffered rapid desertification and soil loss due to the climatic changes combined with the extensive monoculture of peanut that was once introduced by the French for export to its other territories. The rapid exodus reached its peak with the drought conditions in the 1980s that hit most of West Africa. For 30 years Ndem has been led by the spiritual Sufi leader Serigne Babacar … Read more
Ecoaldea Tacotal
Bio construcción, hidroterapia, espacio de contemplación en la naturaleza. … Read more
Skala Ecovillage
Skala Ecovillage is an attempt to form and accomplish an ecological friendly and collective way of living. Currently, four adults and three children live permanently at Skala Ecovillage. Last year (2014) it has been created a core group of 8-10 people, which is working intensively on the implementation of the vision.At the same time, a wide network of friends and collectives, both in Greece and abroad, supports us in several ways. Ecovillage for us means connecting the political and social … Read more
Primal Nascence Eco-Castle Community
Imagine you are living 100 years from now, in 2120. The world is a very different place, and humanity has changed along with it. In recent history, the world economy as we know it collapsed in 2022 from a world war that started in North America, and spread like a plague consuming country after country. This war was an economic war, with no beginning, stretching back hundreds of years, to before the industrial revolution, maybe all the way back to the beginning of agriculture when we first … Read more
PCN Village Movement
PCN Village Movement is an initiative from Prime Care Network organization .It is a movement to create awareness of deprived rural communities and it’s associated problems and how they can be solved to benefit rural dwellers in Ghana and international volunteers on the project. This call for searching real situations in the rural sector and resources available and how they can be develop. International volunteers are being invited to come and join the movement in the field of Education, … Read more
Finca Morpho
Finca Morpho is a small tight knit regenerative educational experimental permaculture community on 4.2 hectares, close to the OSA peninsula's point of Cabo Matapalo, 14km south of Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica on the road to Matapalo, the only purple gate. We are morphing ourselves and others to be more sustainable, creative, free, happy, at peace, and open-minded to all ideas and ways of lives. Being surrounded by an indescribable primal energy from the rainforest and the ocean has inspired us to … Read more
SIOM nace de compartir los sueños y visiones de un grupo de personas que creen en la importancia de cuidar de la tierra y de las personas. Es la evolución de la comunidad del Cortijo Los Baños Al Hamam, con más de quince años de trayectoria y que se amplía al resto del valle de Luicainena de las Torres en el desierto de Almería. Formada por diferentes asentamientos y grupos a lo largo del valle, SIOM acaba de nacer en el 2013 y poco a poco va creciendo en personas con la convicción que es … Read more
Kerem Bnei Shlomo
Communitarian Artists' Agro/Biodynamic Non-Sectarian Village producing quality wine and Olive Oil to finance Stage and Screen production, study, etc... KEREM BNEI SHLOMO by Eliahu Gal-Or, AKA the Pizza Rebbe For those curious about my title: The first reason for it is that I was born and raised in Napoli, Italy, where pizza was invented. The second is that I already was a filmmaker when films were literally shot on film, those big spools were called pizzas; in Italy a "pizza" film means … Read more