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In progress
- Region: GEN Europe
- Languages: English, Bosnian, Croatian, Italian, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian
In progress … Read more
Candelaria Madidi Ecológico es una comunidad-organización creada en 2010 con el fin de proteger un territorio de 35,000 hectáreas adyacentes al cuello de botella del Parque Nacional Madidi, donde se ubica el corredor biológico más biodiverso del mundo, y el último reducto de este corredor sin perturbación humana, donde se conectan los 16 ecosistemas diferentes creados por el encuentro de la Amazonía con los Andes. Entre los proyectos de la comunidad CME, está la creación de una ecoaldea … Read more
A main demonstration site was identified and bought by the promoter in 2014. Because of squatters and land tenure issues, the model could not develop. But smaller ecosites were born since and in 2017 the Ecovillage Madagascar Network has 11 sites: – FTA Ambohimanga – Soamonina – Soamahary – Antanana Maitso – Vohipodiana – Village Joie – Nomena Farm – Tamboho – Andrin’ny Aina – José – Tsilavo … Read more
connect sustainable farmers, gardening projects to exchange products, seed, harvest helpers and technology to ground a stable eco and social system with less money and with product development within the open source ecology. support experimental versions of togetherness, peaceful and harmonic cultural spaces. cooperative finance or ownership usufructuary of real estate and shared ressources. … Read more
We are a community led by a Shaolin Monk. We have a base in Berlin where we learn the philosophy, brotherhood, Taï Chi Chuan, Kung Fu. Any level is accepted. Once we know a bit we help our master in humanitarian work all over the world. If you believe in the light and in the action you are welcome in our place in Berlin to start to learn, to live with us and to be ready in the future to act for the others. We share the daily life inside but we work as well outside; a lot of pleasure; a … Read more
La Città della Luce is an Ecovillage and Cultural Association that has, as statutary scoop the study, practice and spreading of holistic disciplines developed for the fisical and inner wellness of the individuals. In order to reach this goal we organize seminaries, courses, consultation and treatments in Reiki Method Usui, Ayurveda, Yoga, Family Constellation, Bach Flowers, Light Water, Bio-energetic food, Kinesiology, Vedic and Western Astrology, Archetypic Psicosophy, Reich Psycology, Biology, … Read more
Arterra Bizimodu somos una comunidad intencional que nació en la primavera de 2014 en la localidad de Artieda, Navarra. Con el lema “Otro mundo no solo es posible, sino necesario”, levamos desde entonces caminando como Ecoaldea con el objetivo de dinamizar actividades hacia la autosuficiencia y de indagar otras economías que reflejen un nuevo equilibrio entre lo personal y lo colectivo, desplegando la creatividad y los diversos talentos de cada una de las personas que se van sumando al proyecto. … Read more
Yesh Meain is a permaculture farm located in Moshav Nahalal, in the Jezreel Valley, in the North of Israel. The farm was started in 2007 as the product of a collective journey of inspired and motivated students of the Green Apprenticeship (GA), the Permaculture Design Course of the Center for Creative Ecology on Kibbutz Lotan. Yesh Meain aims to create a center for environmental and social awareness. We aspire to encourage key changes in the consuming behavior, the use of resources and the … Read more
We are a group of people committed to manifest a common vision. Aurora is an intentional spiritual community. It is the manifestation of the search for ourselves, the reunion with our true self and the shift on the way we relate to all other life forms and the planet. The community is deep grounded into practices such as meditation and yoga. All the meals are deliciously vegetarian/vegan/raw and the use of drugs, tobacco and alcohol are not encouraged. We connect these practices to concrete … Read more
Die Gemeinschaft auf Schloss Tonndorf vereint die Menschen der Genossenschaft, welche Schloss Tonndorf gemeinsam sanieren und beleben möchten, unsere Kinder und unsere FöJlerInnen und Lehrlinge. Wir sind sowohl Familien als auch Alleinstehende. Unsere Herkunft, Lebenserfahrungen und die jeweilige wirtschaftliche Situation sind unterschiedlich - der Wunsch nach gegenseitiger Unterstützung im Alltag, einer anregenden menschlichen Atmosphäre und einem reichen, sozialen Umfeld bei allen … Read more
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The Global Ecovillage Network envisions a world of empowered people and communities, designing pathways to a sustainable future, while building bridges of hope and international solidarity.
As a solution-based, multi-stakeholder alliance, GEN provides information, tools, examples, and representation to the expanding global network dedicated to demonstrating principles and practices of sustainability in their lifestyles and communities.