All life must be allowed the opportunity to freely express themselves without fear of persecution or oppression as long as they are expressing themselves with goodwill towards others. Freewill All conscious sentient beings have the right to freely and willingly choose their destiny as long as they are not infringing on another beings free will to do the same. … Read more
BioHarmony EcoVillages
A foolish dream of SolarPunk EcoVillages sprouting up across the Ozarks. … Read more
13 ha nature sanctuary in Southwest France welcomes candidates for ecovillage project.
13 ha nature sanctuary in Southwest France welcomes candidates for ecovillage project. … Read more
Leben in der neuen Zeit
Unsere Vision von einem unabhängigen Leben ist wie folgt: Wir sind eine kleine Gruppe von Menschen, und suchen Menschen die genauso denken und leben möchten, wie wir. Wir möchten einen Ort (Dorf, Siedlung) erschaffen in dem sich jeder verwirklichen kann. Dieser Ort soll Stück für Stück autarker werden bis zur absoluten unabhängigen Selbstversorgung. Das beinhaltet u.a. eine eigene Energie- und Lebensmittelversorgung evtl. Permakultur und das halten von Haus- und Nutztieren z.B. Hühnern, … Read more
Les 4 Sources
Nous existons pour : – permettre à tout âge, et en interaction, de déployer son plein potentiel en vivant des expériences, des moments de transmission, de ressourcements, d’échanges et de rencontres ; – prendre soin de soi, des autres et du Vivant ; – semer des graines de changement et renforcer la confiance des humains d’aujourd’hui et de demain. … Read more
JUA Université Holistique
• Offrir à la population un enseignement et une formation universelle de qualité • Implémenter une université de haut niveau multisectorielle, réalisée par des professeurs nationaux et internationaux qualifiés, pour apporter des solutions durables applicables en Afrique, basée sur la technicité, l’environnement, l’innovation par la recherche et la compétitivité dans les solutions locales. … Read more
Spoluzemě Vrábsko
We are settled in a small village surrounded by beautiful woodlands, meadows&ponds. With a community of 15 people we are making a foundation for a future eco village. We are gardening, conserving & fermenting food, making herbal tinctures; we are building tiny houses, renting yurts in a yurtcamp, making natural soaps & cosmetics, we recycle old fabhouses, renting yurts in a yurtcamp, … … Read more
Faro del Mundo Ecoaldea
Beaches and 800 meters from the river, stream, slopes, project promoter, orchards, greenhouse and productive area, event room, permaculture school, waldorf school, fruit square, sports Center,children’s square and a community library inside a forest … Read more
Ecovila Piracanga
A Ecovila de Piracanga é um lugar de realização de sonhos, transformação pessoal e reconexão com a Natureza que somos e a Natureza na qual habitamos. Um local de belezas naturais exuberantes, onde atualmente habitam cerca de 180 pessoas, com aproximadamente 40 crianças e recebe alguns milhares de visitantes todo ano. O desenvolvimento da Ecovila foi impulsionado principalmente a partir de 2011 com a criação de uma comunidade intencional que se estabeleceu com a missão de inspirar o mundo, … Read more
Paojilhuasca anncestral medicine camp
Preservation and diffusion of ancestral plant medicines. Sustainable and eco friendly living: not only with the nature but with the local people around. Preservation of natural resources. … Read more