Molino de Guadalmesí es un Espacio de Experimentación Colectiva. Convivimos 4 personas más voluntarios y visitas. Se trata de una granja lindera con el río y en el corazón de dos Parques Naturales. Producimos parte de los alimentos y vivimos en edificaciones restauradas por nosotros en bioconstrucción. Nuestro objetivo principal es CRECER. … Read more
Kibbutz Tzivon
Tzivon is a small young kibbutz with an ecological vision located in the upper Galilee half way between the Mediterranean coast and the sea of the Galilee. The kibbutz is situated in the heart of an oak forest and is surrounded by nature reserves. Tzivon has among other things, an organic vineyard, dairy goat herd, traditional crafts workshop, a vegetable garden and and alternative eduction system. This place is about: Diversity - Diverse people that chose to live in a rural kibbutz on the … Read more
When Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish returned to Egypt in 1977 to start the SEKEM initiative he had a strong vision deep in his heart and since then, SEKEM has become a role model for sustainable development with international recognition as shown by the Alternative Nobel Prize in 2003 and the Business for Peace Award in 2012. SEKEM's vision SEKEM was founded with the idea of sustainable development and giving back to the community. The vision that brought Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish to dig the first … Read more
Integrated Community Based Sub-Wate
The Abaya and Chamo watershed areas around Bare, Sikela and Edget Ber Kebele is highly affected by degradation of the natural environment , climate change, loss of bio-diversity, and loss of top soil due to erosion which ends with siltation and pollution problems in the Lake Abaya and Lake Chamo. The meager management of natural resources is the major concern in ensuring sustainable development. The project area is highly susceptible to and unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change … Read more
Sat Yoga Ecovilliage
The Sat Yoga Community is an intentional community of people who live near an ashram (Sat Yoga Ashram)—a meditation and spiritual retreat center—and participate in the vibrancy of its spiritual and cultural richness, without necessarily needing to be fully immersed in the absolute simplicity and purity of an ashramite's lifestyle. Sat Yoga Community is a spiritual community that is currently developing and refining its capacity for cooperation, empathy, care and compassion to foster a life of … Read more
Ecoaldea Espiral De Luz
Ecoaldea Espiral de Luz Eco-Aldea Espiral de Luz, es un proyecto en nacimiento, que busca conseguir una convivencia con techo y alimentación para sus miembros, a través del trabajo comunitario y auto sustentable. Quiere que sus miembros, desarrollen al máximo sus capacidades personales y así puedan brindar una función social a través de la educación, el arte y la cultura. Proyectos de conservación del medio-ambiente, cooperativas, eco-construction, ecoturismo, apicultura ecológica, … Read more
Taman Petanu Eco Neighborhood
The Taman Petanu Eco Neighborhood is a beautiful 1.3 Hectare property just 15 minutes south of Ubud located in Banjar Sumampan, Desa Kemenuh, Sukawati, Bali - Indonesia. The Taman Petanu Eco Neighborhood community of like-minded people began to form in 2009. The Neighborhood is currently in construction phase. The basis of Taman Petanu is a deep commitment to preserve and enhance Bali’s environmental, social, cultural and economic sustainability. It is being created to demonstrate a … Read more
Hummingbird Community
Our Vision Hummingbird Community is a family of pioneering souls whose vision is to cultivate a joyful, vibrant, co-creative culture in service to the evolution of consciousness. Our Essence At our core we are cultivating a resonant field of safety, trust, playfulness, appreciation and love that nurtures our spiritual growth and empowers the fulfillment of our soul’s purpose. All of our activities emerge from this foundation. Our Mission As a living laboratory of co-creation, our … Read more
Ferme de la Chaux, Goshen
Face à l'individualisme et à la dictature de l'argent, nous agissons ensemble pour un monde solidaire, équitable et écologique. Nous choisissons comme projet créatif, un Eco-Village chrétien, participatif et festif, ou habite un collectif de familles et d'amis dans une démarche de simplicité volontaire et d'autonomie qui pratique l'hospitalité,des formations sur la Non-Violence et du développement personnel. Faced with individualism and the dictatorship of money, we act together for a … Read more
InanItah is a consciously created, earth-based spiritual community and transformational living and learning center in Nicaragua. Its vision is to raise spiritual and environmental consciousness and create space for individual and collective transformation. InanItah responds to the current expansion in human consciousness and the growing collective urge for a practical spirituality by offering classes, workshops and gatherings to support social, environmental and spiritual regeneration. We focus … Read more