Thabarwa centers are designed to be open spiritual communities. With the simple philosophy of DOING GOOD DEEDS, we help ourselves by helping others. By doing good actions we create the causes for good results. For this reason, we work with all types of volunteers and donors to make what seems impossible possible. Our centers are open to everyone, Buddhist or non-Buddhist, old or young, sick or healthy, layperson or monk. We currently have a total of roughly 115 centers located in Myanmar, … Read more
LUMEN Ecovillage
LUMEN Ecovillage is one of the longest-lived and most prosperous intentional communities in Italy. A community of families who have joined a social experiment centred on the values of health promotion, environmental sustainability, inner growth, solidarity. The ecovillage is fully self-sufficient in economic terms, partially self-sufficient in energy and food. … Read more
Gratitude Ecovillage
Gratitude Ecovillage is a forming group of Virginia and out-of-state households seeking to live in a resilient and sustainable housing cooperative in the City of Alexandria. Our group's aim is to design and build an urban ecovillage with cohousing elements such as shared communal spaces and regular activities. We envision 20 or so households (approximately 50 adults and their dependents based upon cohousing principles) living in a multifamily building comprised of 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom units. … Read more
Southwest Sufi Community
We are not a commune as such. Participants have individual housing and incomes. We work together on projects to benefit the retreat center we collectively Stewart. … Read more
We are a community that has come together with the intention of living in harmony with nature and our soul being. We seek to cultivate awareness to live in a sustainable and respectful way with our environment. We work for the rescue and conservation of ancestral wisdom, receiving here families from all the tribes of the world who come to share their knowledge and medicines. We are a family that works the practical religious philosophy of honoring life, our Mother Earth, our … Read more
Valley of Light
The Valley of Light is a sustainable, spiritual micro-community founded by members of The Oracle Institute, a 501(c)(3) educational charity and socio-spiritual think tank. VOL Members are aware of what is happening in the world and believe in the adoption of a new way of living based on an awareness of the interconnectedness of all life. … Read more
NGO Synchronic Lines Association Community
Our Community is a starting point, now involving on different levels 20 people who like the idea of setting a place to live together creating a little self-sufficient society in which happiness, richness and beauty are together with inner evolution, spirituality and art, respect for nature and mysticism. In the project, the Community buildings stand in the core of a little mountain village and they face a central courtyard that is the living hearth of the Community with different art workshops … Read more
Mindfulness Project
The Mindfulness Project is a small eco-friendly community and permaculture project in rural Thailand. The foundation of our project is to bring people together in a symbiotic community that incorporates science into alternative living. Our main principals build on compassion, radical acceptance and a permaculture lifestyle. Always open for new short- and longterm family members. … Read more
Tierra Baturi
Tierra Baturi is a Jewish intentional sustainable community located outside Todos Santos, BCS, Mexico with Jewish tradition, learning, and spirituality at its core. It consists of a cooperative, a farm, retreat center, and adjacent community of households that support the activities, infrastructure, and programs of the coop through the payment of an HOA. … Read more
Mount of Oaks – Monte dos Carvalhos
Off-grid Permaculture monastic farm since 2006. We are now a couple that welcomes many people each year to experience and be part of a family. That’s our view of community, whether it´s an intern, a guest, a pilgrim in need of rest, our elderly neighbours, our prayer/singing circle, the “new local” who comes to settle and needs advice, a retreat we host… we believe in meaningful relationships. … Read more