Camphill Village Minnesota(CVM) is home to about 45 community members including adults who have developmental and intellectual disabilities. In this ecovillage, people live and work together on a farm and 525 acres of biodynamically nourished land. CVM is a non-profit organization and part of a worldwide movement. Our lives, work and celebrations are woven into the rhythms of nature found in the rolling hills, sparkling waterways, and prairie grasslands of Central Minnesota. Each person is part of the fabric of our community experience and is worthy of recognition, respect and honor.
Each person that lives in the community contributes by working on the land, in workplaces, in the family-style homes and by caring for others. Workplaces offer meaningful activities for all members and focus around practical skill building, self-expression, and sustaining the village. Our current work includes gardening organically, biodynamic farming, cooking, baking, preserving our harvest in a commercial kitchen, doing arts, basic land care, cleaning, woodworking, weaving, and caring for the homes.
All skills can be appreciated and useful. What will you bring to the table?
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 45
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
Please visit our website and submit and inquiry! or email [email protected] with a brief description stating why you want to live at Camphill Village Minnesota.
Este es un estilo de vida que siempre he querido tener, pero nunca antes supe de este movimiento y miro con tristeza de la manera erradaen que mi hija pequeña esta creciendo en esta sociedad consumista e individualista y quiero cambiar eso…..espero de alguna manerapoder lograrlo y de alguna manera reparar el daño hecho a mi hija mayor que aunque tiene respeto por los animales y el medio ambiete es adicta a la tecnologia yel cosumismo.