We are creating a community hostel in London where people who are passionate about positive social change, environmental sustainability and inner work can connect and inspire each other. By creating a meeting place for the many people who pass through London, we hope to strengthen networks for positive change and alternative communities.
The hostel will offer:
- Shared communal meals around a long table each evening, where people can meet other people with shared values.
- A diverse range of workshops (many peer-led by guests), enabling people from different places to inspire each other with stories about the work they do, and build networks together.
We are a non-profit social enterprise, and will reinvest surplus to offer subsidised accommodation to volunteers and campaigners, when they visit to London.
Eco Soul Hostel will serve as a model of more sustainable urban living. A significant part of its educational impact will be in offering people a direct experience of living a low-impact lifestyle for 24 hours. For example, the hostel will aim to be low-carbon, near zero-waste and will source from ethical suppliers.
However, in addition to this, the community hostel is designed to be an accessible place where people can taste living in a community for the first time. We hope that people who have booked will be inspired by hearing others share about some of the alternative communities and networks that exist across the region.
There is a one-minute video introducing the project at www.ecosoulhostel.com. Check out our website for the latest updates. Please get in touch if you have skills, ideas or support to offer. We will be happy to talk to you.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 10
- Open to new members
- Not open to visitors
Eco Soul Hostel started forming as a group in February 2018, and at time of writing (May) have 15 non-profit partners. We are currently exploring property options in the city.
Check out our website for the latest updates. Please get in touch if you have skills, ideas or support to offer. We will be happy to talk to you.
I found out about Ecovillage from a friend who lives in Los Angeles and has just registered to join ecovillage in LA. Would like to know whether Ecovilage in London is managed the same way as the one in Los Angeles. Apparently they offer independent living accommodation. She will be offered a studio flat at half the market rent.
I am very much interested in knowing how your ecovillage is organized.
Thank you, Adriana
There’s an issue with the map – it seems that one ecovillage has been entered twice, meaning there are two entries for one location. That means however close you zoom they won’t separate so you can’t actually click and have a look at what community this is. It’s in the UK, next to Rugby.
I’d like to see who they are!
Thanks 🙂
Thank you for catching that error, Kirran. To be clear, your comment was linked to the Eco-Soul Hostel in London which had a double entry we’ve now resolved. However you seem to be referencing another entry in Rugby, which we would assume is this one: https://ecovillage.org/project/braziers-park/ While this listing is a few years old, we hope that using the contact information there you could find out more! Thank you and please let us know if there is further help needed!