We are exploring how the music and arts trades can embrace transition and help to build community resilience, how the practical and creative endeavours of musicians and other touring artists can help to grow healthful networks and systems dedicated to the regeneration of Life (ecological, social, cultural, spiritual).
We believe that touring artists and the ecologies surrounding our travel routes can really thrive when we place our live events in the cultural centres of a healthy world; in the places where indigenous knowledge stands strong, in transition towns and cities; in eco-villages and intentional communities; in the centres, festivals and convergences that are dedicated to ecological and social wellbeing.
From how waste is cycled, energy generated, food/medicine/craft localised, money used, collective energy focused, environments co-created, ideas and inspiration shared: By integrating our tour circuits with these networks, we can both aid their growth and connectivity, and develop a more ecologically sound infrastructure for live events.
On our travels we are currently offering concerts and workshops. Live events can focus collective energy, and we would love it if these concerts and workshops gather people together in contemplation and celebration, and to give this group energy to the land that sustains us all.
These events could help gather people together and be nourishment for a communal workday, to …
clean streets and beaches
plant community gardens, orchards, nut stands and woodland
create edible gift gardens in disused urban plots
refurbish a disused building for community use
help to build homes from natural and recycled materials
create rainwater catchment areas
join harvests and their celebrations
share seed
do a swap shop or skill share (repair cafe etc)
form a think tank (world cafe etc)
and more ….
They could also help to raise awareness and funds for a project, or to publicly celebrate the progress of your Transition Town, ecovillage or community.
You can listen to Francesca’s music here: http://francescabaines.com/vela/
Rodolfo shares with you workshops in ‘teatro con-siente”. These workshop (1 hour or 2 hours depending on needs) use theatre exercises to facilitate connection to the self, everybody and all; to join us together in freedom and authenticity. These are a profound workshops for group building, can be useful for community, your transition town meet-ups, or in preparation for a world-cafe event.
We offer the concert and workshop on a voluntary donation basis to cover our travel expenses. If the event is utilised to raise funds and is a “pay-in” event, we can come to another arrangement. If you do welcome our visit – be it for a few days or a week or two – we love to participate in the daily activities, such as helping with growing and preparing food, natural building and more. By doing this, you give us the opportunity to lead a more sustainable life-style whilst travelling, and to deepen our connection with you and your project.
We will be making an audio-visual documentation of our travels, to share messages, experiences and expressions of eco-village and community culture. Our journey, discoveries and reflections will be shared on the blog “muse-ecology”: http://francescabaines.com/tides/
We are booking our Slow Tour 2016-2017 at this moment, so if you would like to co-create an event with us – please contact us! We look forward to meeting you 🙂
Francesca, Rodolfo and Inti
For more information and booking: [email protected]
For tour dates: http://francescabaines.com/tour/
To listen to Francesca’s music: http://francescabaines.com/vela/
To read and paricipate in the ‘muse-ecology’ blog: http://francescabaines.com/tides/
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 3
We welcome other touring musicians and artists to collaborate with us. You will need your own means of transport. This touring project will nourish those who wish to expand skills in sustainability and mindful co-living - there are so many beautiful people and places to share inspiration with! Our longterm vision is that many touring artists join the path in helping to build an ecological infrastructure for live-events. Each ecological venue would evolve with each new helping hand, each distinct creative energy. Over time they would grow in natural resonance to soulfully sustain our new cultures of music, theatre, dance, circus and more.