Increase our ability to give and receive feedback as a team will help us grow. Developing this capacity will help us face major conflicts or prevent them escalating. However, we need to be careful with the context in which people are not used to give and receive feedback. It is important to note the target goal, and my intention: am I releasing something and feeling better, or will this feedback serve to the common good? REFERENCES: … Read more
The Money Game What does money really represent?
Play the money game! Rules as follows: 1. Each participant is asked to bring a sum of money that it would be an ‘edge’ for them to lose 2. Each participant reflects on what money means to them 3. Sitting in a circle, each person puts their money in front of them on, visible for all to see There are then three rounds (715 minutes each, usually around 10 minutes / round) 4. First round – in silence. Each person takes money as they need. There is no order of play people simply take as … Read more
The Art of Pitching Presenting in an essential way to make people curious for more
Practice the “art of pitching” craft a short pitch and try it out. Learn through the feedback of peers or members of your audience. Film it and look at the videos together. Learn from the pitches of others, learn from online ressources. When crafting your elevator pitch, you first need to think about who is the audience you're trying to reach. Lead with the information that the recipient / the audience will care most about. It is always good to start with a “hook” a statement or … Read more
Negotiation Skills Win Win Win for Everyone
This is a metaskill and used in nearly every human situation where people have to share resources. Some people treat human relations as a war and so negotiation is a war. For others, where ensuring the best possible outcome for everyone is at the heart of the negotiation process, a very different approach is used. You need to listen attentively to what the other person wants. In some negotiation approaches, teachers or trainers suggest you learn as much about the other person before you … Read more
Transforming Enemy Images Taking back ones own projections
There may be a good reason why people have built up their enemy pictures. Honoring these reasons while also investigating this enemy image helps to open oneself to interaction and also to integrate and investigate the positive qualities that hide behind the initial appearance and behaviour of people. references: Mindell, Arnold (1997): Sitting in the Fire: Large Group Transformation Using Conflict and Diversity; Lao Tse Press, Portland Submitted by Pioneers of Change … Read more
Systemic Constellation Work An approach to revealing and unravelling hidden and unexpected dynamics operating within systems aiming to find a healthy and respectful place for all members of the system in question.
Systemic constellations create a living dynamic map of an issue within a certain system and are a practical, respectful and often profound way of illuminating the dynamics in coaching, organisational and other relational systems. The map (made up of ‘representatives’ – people in workshops, or objects in onetoone coaching) which a constellation creates, allows coach and client to access the wider system, see the hidden forces at play and identify new paths to lasting resolution. The … Read more
Inner Team Aligning the voices inside yourself
In order to grow authentically and spiritually especially if you uncover uncomfortable truths about yourself it is essential to discern the different voices within yourself, to understand their nature and their deeper message. Then we can begin to learn about how to let them work as a team and integrate them into our personality and viewpoints. And if we learn how to integrate conflicting voices inside ourselves then our ability to do this in outer relationships and situations is likely … Read more
The Practice of Forum Building transparency and authenticity in community
In the practice of Forum, we come together in ongoing groups to share deeply and authentically what is alive in us. With skillful facilitation, an atmosphere of safety is created, which enables us to step out of our comfort zone and into deeper levels of vulnerability and creativity. We also start to see ourselves as an integral part of the whole and not an isolated fragment. As witnesses, we build the capacity to hold more of the richness and diversity of human experience without being … Read more
Rank Understanding how power and privilege operate within and between individuals and groups
Amy and Arny Mindell, in Process Work, have outlined 4 types of rank and power (social, psychological, contextual and spiritual) and the signals that flow from those who have ‘high rank’ and ‘low rank’ in different situations. This is married with an understanding that rank is fluid, situational and by no means fixed. Developing rank awareness then becomes a lifelong, almost spiritual practice, leading to the development of mature, integrated and competent individuals and … Read more
Pro Action Cafe Bringing the wisdom of a group to the support of an individual’s task, project and vision
using a blend of World Cafe and Open Space processes, we can create dynamic, creative and fluid spaces in which we support each other to interrogate more deeply the plans and projects we are already working on. Focusing on questions such as, ‘What is the deeper question you are addressing?’ or ‘What is missing?’ can enable us to go deeper into the true nature of our vision. It also helps to maximise the contribution of group members, who actually love to support one another given … Read more