Getting rid of soda, juice, and bottled water by taking the time to learn how to make easy, low-cost, nutritious and refreshing flavoured water; by using any fresh fruit (Bananas excluded). Water is so important because our bodies constitute about 70% of it. Water plays a key role in transporting nutrients and oxygen to every cell in our bodies and it keeps every cell hydrated in order to keep our bodies fit. This process particularly affects the skin, as skin is the largest organ, thus when you … Read more
ECCO 2017
- Date: 6 – 11 October 2017
- Language:
- Portuguese
- Location: Alto Paraiso de Goias, Chapada dos Veadeiros, Brazil
For the first time since the creation of GEN, Brazil will host a meeting to bring together the Council of Sustainable Settlements of Latin America (CASA LATINA) and GEN. A Visions Council will be held with diverse activists, permacultores, educators, and indigenous leaders from across the planet to discuss and plan PRACTICAL ACTIONS for bioregional and planetary resilience. … Read more
Bottle Gardening
Take a bottle, cut horizontally and fill it with compost. Nurse vegetable seeds and place the bottle on roof tops, indoor, window frames, walls, etc. … Read more
Bottle Drip Irrigation System
Plastic bottles can be used for drip irrigation whereby, a small hole is created on the bottle lid, small enough to let water drop. This bottle filled with water is now turned upside down allowing the water to drop directly on the plant. … Read more
musical mud stomp festive earthen masonry's barefoot mud stomping
Dance and entertainment creates a building material. Live acoustic music fuels the barefoot mud stomping dance which creates a spectacle, connects people to earth and creates an unsurpassed building material. … Read more
Curso Tratamiento Ecológico de Agua
- Date: 7 – 16 April 2017
- Language:
- Spanish
- Location: Ecoaldea Los Guindales, Algatocín, Ronda, Málaga, Spain
Desde la Ecoaldea Los Guindales y Colectivo Paissano les invitamos a participar en el curso formación sobre el agua, el recurso mas importante para la vida. Durante los 10 días de experiencia de convivencia y compartir vamos a enfocarnos principalmente en el tema del diseño y construcción de un sistema de bajo costo para tratar las aguas residuales y reutilizarlas para riego. Además, trataremos de cubrir otros aspectos del uso consciente del agua, como su potabilización, aprovechamiento de agua … Read more
Permaculture Design Certificate
- Date: 4 March – 14 May 2017
- Languages:
- EnglishFrenchSpanish
- Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Canada
P3's part-time Permaculture Design Certification is offered on 7 weekends in Montréal, from March 4th to May 14th, 2017. Classes are held at the Bitcoin Embassy office in the heart of the city, from 10am to 6pm with rest and lunch breaks throughout the day. During this course we will learn to read the landscape, analyse problems and design ecological solutions for the home, garden, farm and city. EARLYBIRD PROMO CODES! Use the codes below to save some money on your tuition when you register … Read more
Food Forests Sustainable agriculture in the form of forestry
There are successful experiences around the world in designing agricultural systems as an imitation of natural eco-systems. The idea is simple yet elegant: by implementing ecological principles in agriculture, we can design a system that functions sustainably like a natural eco-system, and at the same time yields products that are useful for humans, like an agricultural system. Some main characteristics of a food forests are: * High level and a variety of production of food, fiber, animal … Read more
Foraging Wild Edible Plants There is great food under our noses...
Traditionally, in every place around the globe, people knew the local wild edible plants and their various uses. This knowledge was derived from traditions, which were formed in a constant process of trial and error, and were passed on meticulously from generation to generation. We can choose to re-learn this tradition, get to know and forage our local wild edible plants! Foraging ads diversity to our diet, is highly nutritional and accessible and is a source for food which is 100% local. … Read more
Warka Water Tower Harvesting Water from Rain, Fog and Dew
Arturo Vittori and his team at Architecture and Vision have created an iconic bamboo tower structure that can harvest water from rain, fog and dew. People have been using the principal for centuries building high-stone structures, air wells that gather moisture from the air and funnel it into a basin for collection. The WarkaWater functions in much the same way, using mesh netting to capture moisture and direct it into hygienic holding tank accessed via a spout. However, the new design is of … Read more