Johannes Kepler School and Springhouse Community School are formal schools, in the Global south and Global North, respectively, applying sustainability principles in their curriculums that have participated in a year long project called the Twinning ReGENerative Education with other educational projects from all around the world. “I’m very glad to be part of this project because we have been able to have an overview of the global development of education towards sustainability… We can see … Read more
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How GEN’s online Ecovillage Design Education course will change the way you walk through the world.
Joining GEN’s path made me feel in alignment with myself. I have been passionate about GEN's work from a very young age, and since I discovered [the organization], it has been like a guiding star. It gives me a great sensation of relief like the world is being embraced in magnificent invisible arms. A gigantic embrace, that acts on every dimension of human issues, addressing it to restore the connection with our nature. The Ecovillage Design Course curriculum is a deeply beautiful work that … Read more
ReGENerative Education Practitioners Training Interest Form
European Solidarity Corps
Real utopias to tune in to the rhythms of the EarthAn article by GEN volunteer Rubén reflecting on his year long volunteering experience in FindhornPandemics, the threat of a global nuclear conflict, increasingly frequent disasters related to climate and ecological emergencies... In the times we live in, more and more people, especially young people involved in activism, are suffering from what more and more experts are calling "eco-anxiety". Before my experience as a GEN ESC volunteer living in … Read more
Sociocracy in Intentional Communities Conference
We are so excited to announce that registration is now open for Sociocracy for All's second annual Sociocracy in Intentional Communities conference! This year's conference is on November 19th. We'd love to see you there! This year's conference will have presentations from several communitarians and sociocrats immersed in intentional community including Crystal Byrd Farmer, Diana Leafe Christian, John Schinnerer, and SoFA co-founders Jerry Koch-Gonzalez and … Read more
Hildur Jackson Award Finalists 2022
Once again, we are delighted to honour the very special memory of Hildur Jackson, and to celebrate her legacy by featuring incredible projects around the world, and infusing some resources into some of them.This year's most outstanding project is Kufunda Village in Zimbabwe!Kufunda was founded almost 20 years ago as a place of learning, where people could recover their sense of pride, diversity, and capacity in working with their knowledge to create a healthy and vibrant community.Their work … Read more
Inspiring Futures: How Ecovillage Design Education Changes Lives
GEN Online Ecovillage Design Course Testimonial by Karen Wyeth Without the knowledge I gained through the Ecovillage Design Education course, I would have never had the confidence to speak to people about something as complicated as forming an ecovillage. I receive GEN newsletters on occasion, and when I learned they were offering an online Ecovillage Design Course, I thought right away that I’d sign up. I’ve been dabbling in community living for over 20 years, having visited … Read more
The European Solidarity Corps
When I first heard about the Global Ecovillage Network I had no clue the headquarters of GEN International were in Scotland. I did not know at all about the Findhorn Ecovillage spiritual community and GEN’s roots in it. In a way, these two are still a mystery to me. After a year of living and working in the midst of both, I certainly still discover new bits and pieces of their histories every week.The one thing that struck me before moving from Barcelona to Findhorn was the office’s ritual to … Read more
Ecovillage Transition in Action An EU funded collaboration to scale up ecovillage solutions
Project SummaryAddressing systemic crises will not derive only from international organisations, governments and politicians, they require a greater collective response. Communities, citizens, NGOs and other forms of civil society hold many of the solutions. In a fragmented world, successful cross-sectoral collaboration is key, particularly partnerships that blur the lines between top-down and bottom-up, i.e. partnerships between municipalities and community-led initiatives (CLIs). It is common … Read more
The 2022 European Ecovillage Gathering Stories from the movement
After three years, four days didn't feel like nearly enough for this homecoming European Ecovillage Gathering which was hosted by Ananda Gaorii, LØS (the Danish network),GEN Europe and GEN Ukraine in Denmark this past July.Hundreds of ecovillagers and explorers from across the world joined this exploration and celebration of ecovillage life, many for the first time.This year’s Gathering was characterised by a special weaving of the Ukrainian and Danish ecovillage experience showcasing in a very … Read more