Ross and Hildur Jackson from Denmark were the driving forces in creating the GEN network twenty years ago. For the first time they share the full story from their perspective. All there experience and information is a great gift especially to the young people who now take over the responsibility for the network. The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) has now existed for 20 years and Gaia Education, which began as a GEN project, is celebrating its 10th year in teaching the principles of living … Read more
Borrador Acta 29,30,31 ene y 1 feb 2015, encuentro de invierno. Amalurra Bilbao
Muy buenas a todxs, envio borrador de acta del encuentro en archivo adjunto, por favor mejoras y/ó sugerencias enviad a mail "[email protected]", gracias, salud, AMALURRA BILBAO, (Arcentales). La asamblea se desarrolla en tres días: 30, 31 ene y 1 feb 2015, 21 puntos y 4 anexos Presentes: Kevin, Rosalí, Charlotte, Charlie (los portales), Mabel (lakabe), Mauge, Alf, Lorena, Gorca, Ianina (arterra), Miracles, Toni (ecohabitar), Johny, Alicia (molino guadalmesí), Victor, … Read more
News from NextGEN Youth projects are Flourishing and Taking Shape
The process that started with the NextGEN-Europe Conference of 2014, has been moving forward ever since, leading to the development of multiple new project ideas. It has been a repeated pattern in our group that, after being highly inspired in events such as the amazing NextGEN-Europe Conference, the level of inspiration and commitment then slowly decreases over time after the young people return to the reality of their daily lives . However, so far it seems that this time we have crossed the … Read more
GEN Events in Fall 2014 Announcements and Events:
Oct 31 - Nov 7: Global Ecovillage Network Oceania & Asia (GENOA) International Conference "Ecovillages for Sustainable Development" - A Model for Climate Change Adaptation. We will be hosting our first international conference in India this year “Ecovillages for Sustainable Development - A Model for Climate Change Adaptation", from October 31st ~ November 7th, 2014, in Orissa, India. The GENOA International Conference 2014 aims at supporting community-based climate change action, as well as … Read more
Sobre el Documental de presentación de la RIE (leer antes de la asamblea)
Idea Documental RIE Durante la Asamblea del encuentro de invierno RIE en el Molino de Guadalmesí, el pleno apoyó la idea de crear nuestro propio documental para cubrir varios objetivos y no dejar que otras lo hicieran por nosotras desde “las afueras”, teniendo en cuenta de que alguno de los miembros sabemos cómo hacerlo y disponemos de equipo. Se indagó sobre los costos y se aplazó la puesta en escena puesto que la economía no daba para algo de calidad documental y televisiva. Se … Read more
NextGEN conference – DAY 2 Leadership & Appreciative Inquiries
Sessions of Leadership and Appreciative Inquiries with the NextGEN group was held by Ethan and Laura of the NextGEN Core Team. Laura opened the "Leadership-session" by presenting differences of the Hierarchy-organization structure symbolized by the Pyramid, and a Sociocracy-like organizational structure symbolized by the Circle. Ethan filled in with teachings from the Tao of Leadership. The group split in groups of three to discuss the topic, and to present their conclusions to the NextGEN group … Read more
NextGEN conference – DAY 1 Welcome, getting to know each other, presenting the programme
Work in progress... We are collecting and organizing the materials from the conference. Also in the same time we are working for the Conference in itself. … Read more
The Gambia: Sustainable Kartong Ecovillage Development and Responsible Tourism
Kartong in The Gambia is a special place, with a wealth of, hitherto, unrecognised assets including unspoilt, deserted beaches, and great tourism potential. From 21st Feburary to 20th March 2014, a very special Ecovillage Design Education – EDE – took place here. It was the culmination of a long held dream that originated in 2007, when the Secretary General of the Village Development Committee of Kartong attended an EDE in Findhorn Ecovillage. Vicky Stallwood reports. … Read more
Invitacion al Encuentro NEXT GEN para Jóvenes menores de 35 años
INVITACIÓN Queridos Ecoaldeas y Redes Nacionales de Europa ! NextGEN - la organización juvenil de la Red Global de Ecoaldeas está llamando a los participantes de la conferencia ! Queremos saber acerca de sus actividades y fortalecer la conexión entre Ecoaldeas y la red. Por favor, transmita esta invitación a los jóvenes (edad 15-35 años ) en su comunidad. Muchas gracias - es tan bueno saber que hay gente como usted que hace el trabajo de transformación que está haciendo! NextGEN … Read more
NextGEN Is there Justice in Acting and Speaking in GEN?
Words and actions between people of different colour, gender, or religion are often charged with unconscious racism or sexism. GEN is creating communication tools to become aware of old patterns to be able to change them. Some people are our helpers by making us aware of our automatic prejudices. One of them is Elena Ball from Next GEN. The first time I learned about GEN I spent some months in Senegal moved by questions such as "Who am I?", "Where do I belong?", "What do I want to do in my … Read more