In Thailand, another exciting cooperative initiative between government - or stakeholders - of the South with the Global Ecovillage Network has commenced. GEN representatives join hands with ETA (Ecovillage Transition Asia), to support ecovillage strategies for sustainable development in South East Asia. Jane Rasbash and Kosha Joubert report. Bicycle water pumps, meals served in banana leaves, and beautiful hand woven cloth were just some of the attractions at a recent Ecovillage Festival at … Read more
Egypt: Basata Ecovillage Sustainable Tourism in Times of Crisis
The situation of sustained violence in Egypt concerns all compassionate people who want to see peace and unity in this beautiful country. After the coup d´Etat in August, most of the tourists cancelled their travels to Egypt. The example of Basata Ecovillage shows that there can be a way to be a tourist in Egypt that supports peace and sustainability with an underlying philosophy of trust, community, and cultural understanding, reports Soraya el Hag. Although there are a lot of current events … Read more
GEN Conference, 7-12 July, 2013: Celebrating a Worldwide Movement
Three hundred participants from fifty-one countries came together for five days at Schweibenalp Centre of Unity, Switzerland, to celebrate and share, present projects and ideas, and explore new strategies of collaboration. It was a remarkable meeting of minds and hearts that revealed, in many ways, the new level that the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) has reached in its eighteenth year of existence. Never have the international connections, mutual support, and love between the ecovillages of … Read more
Women for Women Ecovillage Design Education (EDE), Umphakatsi Peace Ecovillage, Mpumalanga, South Africa
The first 'by Women for Women' EDE took place at Umphakatsi Peace Ecovillage, situated in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. The EDE training for sustainability course was the second such course to be held in South Africa. The course began on the 30th April - two days after its initial starting date due to the challenges of the remoteness of the - until the 25th May 2013. Lua Bashala-Kekana and Kosha Joubert report. This course had the aim of bringing together women in a region of our world … Read more
Empowering Cambodia Ecovillages for Conservation of Indigenous Traditions and Forests
The original Ecovillages, indigenous communities living in balance with the land and in harmony with their forests, are still alive in many corners of the world. Cambodia’s mountainous north-eastern region of Ratanakiri is one such place, in which local tribes still maintain sustainable land-based livelihoods. Indigenous communities throughout the world are struggling to maintain their traditions amidst the intensifying impacts of globalization. In Ratanakiri, the organization "Ockenden … Read more
Lebensgarten Steyerberg Ecovillage Steps of Progress
Lebensgarten Steyerberg, founded almost 28 years ago, is acknowledged as one of the longest continually existing, spiritually and ecologically oriented communities in Germany and Europe. In the years after the turn of the millennium, the community faced a growing challenge of the increasing age of the approximately one hundred adult community members. Hence they started a campaign for inviting more young families and couples to join and to move there. Martin Madhukar Dittes reports about the … Read more
Ecodorp Bergen Army Land Turns into the First Ecovillage in Holland
Two and a half years ago a group in Holland started the initiative for an Ecovillage. Up until now, no ecovillage has been created because, in densely populated Holland, land is scarce and therefore expensive. The building industry is ruled by commercial builders and limiting building rules are difficult to overcome. In a process that was a real thriller, a new group has succeeded in buying land from the government - and a property that what used to train war will be used to create community and … Read more
NextGEN Empowerment Training for Ban Pao Youth
Chiangmai, Thailand. There are a number of our young people who are still unemployed after years of education. These youth are feeling failed by society and worthless. Besides those who are jobless, there are also young people who can’t find happiness and meaning in their work and lifestyle in the big city. In Mae Jo village and Ban Pao sub-district, a number of young people have had to leave the city and come back to their home village. They are searching for alternatives. In addition to the … Read more
Ecovillage Design Course Chile
Gaia Education came to El Manzano in Chile to deliver the first Ecovillage Design Education course of 2013. This was a truly transformative event and now, with a learning community of ecovillage designers forming in Chile, the way is paved for many such more. A report by Javiera Carrion. We hosted a group of 30 leaders, teachers and designers from around South America, most of whom have already completed a permaculture design course and have vast experience in their own projects. Some were … Read more
Democratic Republic of Congo: “Hope for all” Trains Pioneers in Ecovillages
In Congo, the heart of Africa, shaken by a long war, the people and the land urgently need healing and alternatives. Due to a variety of issues such as rural migration and lack of education, together with environmental degradation such as deforestation and soil erosion, the self-confidence of villagers, especially around Kinshasa, is greatly diminished. Luc Lutala, Vice President of GEN-Congo and president of Hope for All, organized an EDE course in Congo in December 2012, supported by Lua … Read more