Sonita Mbah, Executive Secretary of GEN Africa, reports. From it's inception in 2012 until today, GEN Africa has been growing from strength to strength, maximizing its potential in meeting the needs of grassroot communities, improving on the core structure, and showing capacity to manage and build on challenges. More than 50 participants from over 23 countries including Europe and Africa, met at Ghana Permaculture Institute in Techiman, Ghana, from December 1-6, 2016, to reflect, evaluate … Read more
GEN Latin America A Year in Review from CASA
Jennifer Trujillo Obando from CASA, the GEN Network of Latin America, reports. CASA Latina, legally established in October this year in Colombia, is emerging as a pioneer organization in Latin-America to implement Sociocracy as a dynamic form of governance within the context of conventional legal protocols. More than 100 sustainable settlements, grass roots communities and positive impact entrepreneurships came together in the CASA network to promote sustainable and regenerative styles … Read more
GEN North America Accomplishments in 2016
Cynthia Tina - GEN Trustee and GENNA International Coordinator reports. Collaboration continues to deepen among the partner organizations that comprise GENNA, which is currently GEN-US, the Fellowship for Intentional Community, and NextGEN North America. North America is a unique region in the fact that we have several organizations serving different aspects of the communities movement. Last year, these groups and individuals agreed to join forces as the GENNA Council, recognizing the … Read more
GEN Europe – Challenges and Actions in 2016
Alfonso Flaquer, Communication Officer at GEN-Europe Office in Arterra, reports 2016 was a year both celebratory and challenging for GEN Europe on organisational and financial levels. After twenty years, our network is bubbling with myriads of initiatives every year, hundreds of projects pointing towards our main goal: that of a modern and mindful lifestyle based on sustainable and fair communitarian development that cares about all beings. In the following lines I describe some of the … Read more
Resilience and Self-Reliance An Update on Regenerative Solutions for Active EmerGENcies Projects
As the call for global climate action strengthens following the COP22 in Marrakech, GEN’s work in climate change adaptation and mitigation through ecovillage development programs is guided by a design based on both prevention and response. One of the pillars of this framework is EmerGENcies, GEN’s emerging humanitarian program. The purpose is to respond to and try to prevent further deleterious effects of climate change (among other forms of crises), in vulnerable communities around the … Read more
Changes in Cameroon Transitioning the Kingdom of Bafut to an Eco-Fondom*
In the Northwest of Cameroon, a whole kingdom is transitioning into an eco-region. In consultation with King Fon Ambumbi II and combining the vision of Mayor Langsi and GEN ambassador, Konkankoh Joshua, a great deal of effort is being invested in creating a transition from rural subsistence farming into a thriving, sustainable, eco-friendly region. Sonita Mbah, Executive Secretary of GEN Africa, reports. Watch the trailer for Bafut Ecovillage: … Read more
Ecovillage Movement in China An update on the Sunshine Ecovillage Network
The partnership and friendship between GEN and the Sunshine Ecovillage Network (SEN), in China has been growing in the past year, since the first Ecovillage Forum organised by SEN took place in October 2015, drawing around 500 interested participants. Ecovillage Design Education courses have previously been run in China, led by Pracha Hatanuwatr and Jane Rasbash, and many young Chinese have participated in ecovillage training elsewhere. Chinese representatives have been reaching out to GENOA – … Read more
Youth Led Societal Innovation for Resilience (ySI4R) AKA Bridgedale360
Also known as Bridgedale360, ySI4R was a 2 year EU funded programme with the aim of inspiring youth toward sustainable living and active citizenship - it was completed Jan 2017 and is awaiting the final report/verdict from the EU. GEN International was a one of 7 partner projects. The final outcome of the project has been the online toolbox. Bridgedale360 is built upon the Gaia Education sustainability mandala with the 4 dimensions growing out into 16 modules, each … Read more
South Africa: Strategy Meeting GEN South Africa’s 2016 Strategy Meeting (April-May 2016)
GEN South Africa met this spring for a strategy meeting, promoting sustainability and clear channels of communication across the region with the long-term goal of developing a path for building and sustaining national initiatives. … Read more
Report – CASA Chile Eco-Gathering: "Call of the Calafate" and Network Council Meeting
REPORT: Eco-Gathering: "Call of the Calafate," April 7-10, 2016 in Coyhaique in Patagonia, Chile Honoring Mother Earth, Remembering Our Ancestors and Our Community We had a lovely gathering in which we shared our knowledge and experiences in different workshops, conversations, and open spaces, and enjoyed living in community for the four days that we were together. We traveled to the southern territory of the Chile, summoned and enchanted by Patagonia, her people, and … Read more