In November 2015, the first Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) course took place in Palestine: two weeks of learning, sharing, and community empowerment. The village of Farkha has great promise for becoming a model of sustainable ecological development. … Read more
Co-Act: Together Network Dialogue with all Actors
The TOGETHER network has launched the CO-ACT project to counterbalance the power of economic lobbies by using radically different methods. Considering that co-responsibility not only includes local actors but also public policy makers and legal frameworks at other levels, it is not enough to apply pressure with technical reports, by connecting with high-level contacts, etc. There is also a need to develop a bottom-up process dialogue involving the largest amount of citizens at a local level, … Read more
“Fin de la Revolucion Industrial” (Reflexión antes de la COP21- Paris /2015)
Una de las formas de ver la vida, es como un proceso de aparición/desaparición de especies, pronosticar el final de todo lo que comienza encaja dentro de esa lógica. Muchos finales se han pronosticado, el fin del capitalismo y del socialismo V.I.Lenin (1917), el fin de la historia Fukuyama (1992), inclusive se ha planificado la finalización del hambre ver “objetivos del milenio/Naciones Unidas”. La visión de la revolución industrial con su matriz energética ha tenido tal éxito que … Read more
Mexico: The Power of Grandmothers The Story of Kalpulli and Grandmother Hope
The Power of Grandmothers can create and maintain healthy communities - just like this one from Mexico, collected and translated by Tracy Barnett. Esperanza Moran was not a young woman when she decided to pack up her family, leave the big city and stake out a claim in the wilderness with an assorted band of spiritual seekers. The eldest of her five children was already in college; she had co-founded the first School of Love, a program dedicated to exploring the divine feminine within, and had … Read more
Turkey Can we Try to Become Healers of these Souls?
“Peace at home and peace in the world,” was the motto of Turkey”s founder Ataturk. Turkey is currently riled with violence and aggression. Inci Gokman explores the question: “Can we try to become healers of these souls?” … Read more
Encuentro RIE Invierno 2016 – Confirmar Reserva
Hola a Tod@s, Tenemos el placer de invitaros al nuestro encuentro de la Red Ibérica de Ecoaldeas. Tendrá lugar en Amalurra Granada del jueves 18 por la tarde al domingo 21 de Febrero del 2016. Por favor, confirmad vuestra asistencia para poder ir organizando temas, facilitando: Nombre, Teléfono, Día de llegada y de salida y si venís solas o acompañadas al correo: [email protected] Un fuerte abrazo, Lola, Alicia y Charlie … Read more
Auroville, India Renewable Energy in Auroville
Auroville, a growing international township near Puducherry on the Coromandel Coast in India, is an inspiring model for sustainable practices and ecologically-responsible living. Founded in 1968, Auroville is based on the vision of The Mother from the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and is endorsed by UNESCO and Government of India as an ongoing experiment in human unity. Over the years, Auroville has won international acclaim for its efforts in social and environmental sustainability. The efforts and … Read more
First Ecovillage Network Forum China "Green land and pure water is the true wealth"
The Sunshine Ecovillage Network Forum of China held its first meeting in October 2015. Dorota Owen reports. … Read more
As-One Community, Japan: Could our community be fossil-free by 2020?
Chasing economic growth has brought material wealth to Japan but also caused social problems and serious environmental challenges, such as climate change. Hiroko Katayama reports. … Read more
Damanhur, Italy Food from the Earth
Eating locally sourced, organic foods is one solution to reducing fossil fuel consumption. For ecovillages, this means growing your own food on your own farms and gardens. Creating a food supply for hundreds of people means finding the balance between producing in quantity with attention to variety and quality, while maintaining purity in the physical production and in intention. … Read more