Land “reset” by the epic fires of 2017 that charred central Portugal. Venerable cork-oaks thrive again, protected by their unstripped bark; olives respond rewardingly to recent intensive care. An oasis of diversity surrounded by a monoculture desert of commercial eucalyptus forestry. Very steep & rugged, with a ruin, old schist terrace walls, a spring & ravines, & now fruit & vegetable plots using experimental techniques. Can fluctuate seasonally between brutal sun & relentless cloud & rain. Not for the fragile of mind or body!
Two of us live here: me 67, as fit as in my 20s, working full-time on the land, & the owner Allen, 72, young at heart & able to ebike up the mountain. We both sing, play & compose music, one on guitar, the other on piano, with long experience of Entheogens. Allen’s daughter will be here in spring.
My base is a “moored” motor-home I purpose-built in the UK, with super-insulation, underfloor heating, solar thermal & heat-reclaim. Living in it heats it. During the 40 deg C summers, a tiny solar heatpump keeps it under 30 deg. Never intended as a runabout or tourer. Longer term prospects include earth-sheltered, heat & fire-resistant dwellings. Tents are only really liveable-in between the cold rainy autumns & the oven-like summers. Allen has also built temporary solarpunk accommodation, a steep climb up the land.
Potential “members” are technical, scientific, creative, analytically minded with a core love & knowledge of nature – horticulture, wanting an emotional support network working to transcend the habits “too heavy for my planet” which wealth-harvesters pressurise or seduce us to cling to. Visitors need to be self-supporting while here. Portuguese study encouraged. Self awareness, ability to express oneself & give reciprocal quality attention is expected.
A half-hour Camino do Xisto walk or steep mountain-bike ride from Benfeita – accessible by bus. Events, maybe you, may yet affect where it continues to grow; maybe even at other bases.
Membership & Visitors
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
Please initiate an email conversation, by responding in detail to the description posted here, and about how you see yourself as part of this community.
* You are welcome to write in any of the languages mentioned.
* Please be realistic about your potential involvement, including mentioning other communities or futures you are investigating.
* I will likely respond with a SIMILAR amount to what you write. So if you write "Hi, please send me more information", I will reply "What specifically would you like to know"...etc.
* A few zany words or other evidence of human-ness is always welcome.
Very interesting. I have got an Ebike and some agricolture experience in Italy . I thought to try a new experience this year in Spain or Portugal. Could you tell me how is the weather there in the winter time?
Now I cannot travel because I have not the GP,I hope in the summer time we will be free.
Have a good time
Hey Ecaterina, sorry for delay, I didn’t get notified of your comment. I will create email list soon, see email link if you would like to subscribe.
Winter can be both long dry periods of sun 18C day, some slight night ground-frost, or as we have now: 4 weeks of continuous cloud, about 10 deg C day and night. Much colder over the next range of mountains to the North [Serra Garduna].
It would be lovely to meet-up when you are able. Tell us some more about you! Best., Trev