We are a colourful mix of people from 0 - 80 years old, who have decided to create a living community in Allgäu, beside the mountains, surrounded by nature. We want to create future-proof ways of living, in which people can discover and unfold their potential. Ways of living where we treat our fellow people and nature with respect and love. To realise this vision, we have bought a former clinic outside Kempten, comprising 8 buildings and 15 hectares of land. We have spent the time since 2015 … Read more
Freedom Village Georgia
Freedom Village Georgia is a self-contained off the grid Modern Eco Village. Utilizing the principles written in the book “The Principles of Freedom” Freedom Village is a haven for doers, craftsmen, makers and developers seeking to fully emerge themselves with like minded individuals who are unimpeded by anyone. … Read more
The Love Plan
The Love Plan is a single homestead in Mount Dora, FL which would like to grow into an eco-neighborhood of homesteads sharing a healthy lifestyle. Our definition of a healthy lifestyle includes self-sufficiency, sustainability, and promoting universal wellbeing. We would like to have neighbors who are like-minded including self-sufficient in food and energy. Even better if you have children. Our philosophical pillars include Compassionate Communication, Libertarian Socialism, Permaculture, … Read more
Sunny Hill Association
The guiding principle of Sunny Hill is cohabiting and collaborating in the living social laboratory. Our core values are simplicity, joy, community, caring and diversity. … Read more
Los Guindales
Somos un proyecto comunitario que compartimos nuestra supervivencia en el camino de la autogestión de nuestras necesidades en armonía con la Naturaleza. Vivimos en una finca de 4,5 ha, en un frondoso bosque de castaños, con encinas, alcornoques, frutales variados y una gran biodiversidad de plantas aromáticas, medicinales y comestibles. Nuestra vida gira en torno a un gran abanico de actividades campesinas y de autogestión: * Salud: Nuestro Centro de Sanación está basado en las terapias … Read more
Nature Community
Unsere Vision: Wir leben mit intensivem Kontakt und viel Verbindung zusammen, reden, feiern, lachen zusammen und unterstützen uns gegenseitig. Wir stehen in regem Kontakt mit der „Außenwelt“, entwickeln und verwirklichen gemeinsame Projekte und lernen mit- und voneinander. Wir leben und arbeiten an einem schönen Ort mit positiver Energie, an dem wir uns wohlfühlen, versorgen uns dort weitestgehend ökologisch autark und übernehmen für uns und unsere Umwelt Verantwortung. Jeder von uns kann in … Read more
Himalayan Permaculture Centre
HPC works across 5 main sectors: Food Sovereignty (Food & Farming using agro-ecological principles); Health (focus on women’s health and preventative health); Education (adult literacy and working with schools); Livelihoods (based on circular economy principles, focussed on local resources/markets, linked to ecological health); and Capacity Building to enable communities to self-manage projects. … Read more
CENTRE DES HOMMES Atidéka méwona Avé
The project’s aim is to create a learning and living center for the local community and volunteers and to achieve the sustainable development goals. The first step of the project was the project idea and design. The next step was to purchase the land on which the project would be carried out. These phases of the project have been completed, the land design is ongoing. … Read more
Q centre for experimentation
Q is a retreat space surrounded by nature, where you can experience simple and conscious living, with low environmental impact. A place to internalize, change habits, become aware. … Read more
Quaker Intentional Village – Canaan
QIVC, established in 2000, is a community of about 30 people. We strive to live spirit-focused lives that are simple, sustainable, and joyful, benefitting from and enjoying our close connections with each other and the land. … Read more