Everyone is equal here. We have 3 principles: unity, harmony, and personal integrity. It is important that people only do what they want, as this is an exploration into what it is to live free, tranquility and respect for the sacredness of all things. We are living the new paradigm, where love is the bottom line. … Read more
Ängsbacka is among the most important meeting places in Scandinavia for people who want to live a more conscious life, live from the heart and care for our planet. … Read more
La idea es transformar la casa vieja de mis abuelos, que se encuentra en la pequeña localidad de Aielo de Malerit, en una casa de acogida para los turistas y para las personas que quieran participar en mi proyecto. Al mismo tiempo de recuperar la actividad de mis tierras abandonadas, cercanas a la localidad, con sistemas de permacultura, de forma completamente sostenible y ecológica. Creando una venta de alimentos local y de calidad a precios asequibles. Quiero ofrecer talleres y … Read more
Aldea de Olla
No hay mas futuro que el que podamos crear con nuestro esfuerzo y el apoyo comunal. Para ello investigamos la formula que equilibre libertad personal y organizacion comunal con el fin de conseguir mejores resultados en la convivencia y trabajo de un asentamiento neo-rural. … Read more
Moraro Indigenous Off-grid Community
We practise a forest-based, sustainable livelihood by combining old knowledge with the new. Our small, off-grid, sustainable community creates solutions to address current environmental and social challenges. We are working toward invigorating an economy, so as to negate the impact of deforestation, energy consumption, climate change and current health problems. We merge our programme with community cohesion activities in order to support our health and well-being. … Read more
Molinos Verdes de Moringa
We believe and create a better world where sustainable development and knowledge it's shared. We want to learn, apply, and share ethical solutions for sustainable development through Permaculture. Why did we choose "Molinos Verdes de Moringa" ("Green Moringa Mills") as our name? - Mills are one of the first machines humans invented, very simple, versatile, with few pieces and that helps achieve many tasks at different scales. - Green is the color that represents nature. - Moringa is a … Read more
Permaculture Schloss Glarisegg
We have started setting up the permaculture garden within the ecovillage in 2012. Since then, it is constantly growing and changing. This year, we have build a pond, a small greenhouse for seedlings, a solar dryer, an outdoor kitchen, and have our first animals, namely ducks (who are busy eating the snales) and chickens. And, of course, from the start we have supplied the community as well as the seminar business with many, many fresh vegetables. And there are so many more opportunities and … Read more
The Sustainability Institute and Lynedoch Eco-Village
The Sustainability Institute is an international living and learning centre located outside the South African university town of Stellenbosch. Surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the Cape’s towering mountains and rooted in an agricultural community needing to break free from its’ racial past, the Sustainability Institute provides a space for people to explore an approach to creating a more equitable society that lives in a way that sustains rather than destroys the eco-system within which … Read more
Organic Technology Extension and Promotion of Initiative Centre (OTEPIC) is a community based organization born out of passion for sharing knowledge and innovative approaches with those who need it most: subsistence farmers, and in particular, women and youth groups in Trans-Nzoia district of northwestern Kenya and its surrounding areas. OTEPIC was registered as a Community Based Organization (CBO) in 2008. It has 4 board members and many volunteers. Vision: For the communities to have a … Read more
comunidad El Hogar
Dios nos ha traído a este paraiso en La Fresneda Teruel, la comunidad esta en sus inicios en el lugar, contamos con 1 hectárea y media de terreno y bosque. Una huerta, móvil home y en estos momentos estamos con la instalación de las placas solares. En el terreno pueden instalarse mas personas con carabanas o yurtas, tiendas...etc así como se están preparando los cursos de eco construcción para realizar diferentes estancias. Somos conscientes y vivimos con la premisa de … Read more