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Narara Ecovillage
Narara Ecovillage (NEV) is situated at Narara, close to Gosford and the main train line to Sydney, NSW, Australia. A project that started as a Dream in 1999, with People in 2004 and with Land in 2012. Currently, 100 of us are living in our homes on site and another 140 committed future residents are on their way. We are a well-developed, diverse community that has been working together to develop this wonderful 63-hectare site with our own beautiful 45 megalitre dam and nearby Strickland … Read more
Eco Chateau
A fully restored chateau property with outline permission for permaculture ecovillage of approx. 20 eco-houses with 12 hectares/30acres land. Currently generating income. Seeking like-minded people with funds and/or skills. Currently 2 co-owners. Min investment: no fixed minimum per person. April 2020 deadline. … Read more
Projeto Walden XXI
Walden ou a vida nos bosques é uma autobiografia do escritor transcendentalista Henry David Thoreau. A obra é considerada, simultaneamente, como uma declaração de independência pessoal, uma experiência social, uma viagem de descoberta espiritual e um manual para a autossuficiência. Publicado em 1854, Walden é um manifesto poético contra a civilização industrial, que então ganhava força nos Estados Unidos. Diante da crescente complexidade da vida social estadunidense, derivada do … Read more
Vale das Lobas
Vale das Lobas is a Rural Regeneration Project in the Beira Alta region of Portugal, promoting biodiversity, well being and discovery, and providing inspiration in natural medicine, eco-construction and agro-ecology. It is time to reverse the trend of the past few millennia, and set a course towards a healthy world for our children and grandchildren. … Read more
Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Solutions (ISEES)
ISEES Center for Community and Ecovillage Development – is established as a living and learning center to build the capacity of ecovillage leaders and transition local communities into ecovillages. Projects such as the Bomigo Ecovillage Project seek to build resilience in local communities towards climate change adaptation, mangrove conservation and sustainable energy for productive uses. … Read more
Ecovillage at SEED, an International Community for Sustainable Living
Our ecovillage is comprised of members who own ½ hectare (~1.25 acre) private lots within the 150-hectare (~370 acre) sustainability focused SEED Corporation property. SEED is an acronym for Society for Ecological Education and Development. The five SEED Corporation partners all have ecological education and development backgrounds, and each owns or co-owns a residential property in the ecovillage. The Ecovillage at SEED is one of the corporation’s primary projects. Another is the ongoing … Read more
Tinos ecolodge
The eco lodge idea is about building an ecofriendly touristic destination on the island of Tinos, using sustainably the natural resources that surround us, cultivating the land and creating a self-sustained off the grid system. Because we believe that knowledge must be shared we organise every year a Permaculture Design Course in Autumn end September- beginning October. … Read more
Meadowsong EcoVillage
WHO WE ARE: “Meadowsong Ecovillage is an intentional community of educators, eco-entrepreneurs, and cultural creatives, located in Dexter, OR.” VISION: We envision the full maturation of a multigenerational, bioregionally adapted, culturally innovative community, committed to long-term stewardship of its land and culture. MISSION: Our mission is to explore, sustain, and share the values and practices of indefinitely sustainable living. VALUES: We are guided by the core … Read more
Nea Guinea
Nea Guinea is a non-profit organisation (NPO) that was initiated in 2009 with the main objective of re-appropriating our everyday needs in terms of food, health, energy, shelter, and clothing. Since then, the organisation has been operating a number of projects developing different alternative practices and techniques and has been promoting these as tools for increasing self-sufficiency and resilience of people and communities in Greece. The initiative's projects aim to inform, educate, … Read more