Vamos sonhar e construir um novo mundo juntos? Imagine um pedaço de terra na beira do Rio de Contas, na Costa do Cacau, na Bahia. Tente imaginar a exuberância da Mata Atlântica nessa região que ainda segue preservada. Cachoeiras, trilhas, cacauzeiros, banho de rio. Agora pense num grupo de pessoas buscando construir, nesse local, uma realidade que os permita estar em comunhão com a natureza e compartilhar o dia-a-dia em comunidade. Essa é a Comunidade Aldeia. Atualmente, somos quatro famílias … Read more
Instituto ÇaraKura
The ÇaraKura Institute develops projects, pedagogical practices, and researches that engage children, youths, and adults in ethical activities connected to the sustainable and conscious use of natural resources, environmental protection, and restoration. We use artistic approaches to communicate our mission, and we live a communal life focused on low impact, meaningful and peaceful life. … Read more
One Community
One Community is a 100% volunteer-operated non-profit and non-governmental organization creating open source resources and solutions for all aspects of sustainable and globally-regenerative living. Here is our Purpose and Mission: Here is our Global Transformation Pledge: … Read more
Greening The Desert : Wahat SEKEM community
Smiltenei un Latvijai
Main objectives: Children, young people and adults to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Promote sustainability and ecological life. Cultural, educational and charitable events. The disadvantaged section of society to help for cultural and educational events. Adult education and continuing education of school children. To achieve development and expansion of cooperation with other similar associations in the Latvian Republic and abroad to achieve the objectives of the organization. Preserve … Read more
Coffee Creek Community and Gardens
We are a variety show of homesteaders, hustlers, therapists, anti-oppression activists, students, and families in south west Washington. We have cats, 2 dogs, a small rabbitry, sheep, chickens, and turkeys. We are committed to sharing this experience and our skills to promote sustainable relationships with land, animal, and humans through intentional stewardship and everyday farm life. We grow wide variety of seasonal herbs, veggies, fruits and berries, and raise critters for meat, eggs, … Read more
The Hollies Centre for Practical Sustainability
The Hollies is a small Eco Village in Ireland, County Cork on 24 acres (10 ha) of land. As of 2020, we are 19 adults and 3 children. We are also a centre for training in Practical Sustainability. The land is owned by An Baile Dulra Teoranta, a non-profit making company with charitable status for the educational work it promotes. It aims to create working examples of what a sustainable society might look like in the areas of housing, energy, gardening, economics, and community development. … Read more
Atlan Center
Vision: Atlan is a living and learning ecovillage dedicated to the artful co-creation of healthy living systems celebrating the connectedness and diversity of all Life. Mission: Atlan provides sanctuary for the creation of sustainable culture through the holistic integration of healing, art, and design. Our ecovillage demonstrates permaculture and regenerative principles while engaging a network of resonant communities. The Community: Beginning in 2007, Atlan emerged from spontaneous … Read more
El “Buenviví” es un ecoasentamiento diseñado bajo los principios éticos y de diseño permaculturales gestionado y habitado por RCVicent, presidente de la Universidad Popular de Permacultura. Esta es su sede oficial. Ademas de desarrollar las labores propias de la Universidad Popular de Permacultura realizamos otras labores sociales como la “Tribu de Aprendizaje Permacultural” … Read more
Hästekasen permaculture farm, learning and adventure center
Permaculture farm, learning and adventure center – situated 100 km from Gothenburg and international travel. The homestead is situated in nature with the sea and forest close by. At the end of a road and not many neighbors. Back to nature – green entrepreneurship. Simple living. DIY. Natural building. Live of the land. … Read more