We are interested in hosting Permaculture Design Courses and integrating more permaculture principles and techniques – including natural building design. A great place for writers, musicians, aritists, or the average person who desires to get their creative juices flowing. … Read more
Avalon Organic Gardens & EcoVillage
A regenerative culture of Spiritual Awareness … Read more
Govardhan Ecovillage
Govardhan Ecovillage established in 2003 spreads in 100+ acres of land in Palghar, India. It is home to 350+ diverse residents as families, students, volunteers & monks. With foundational principle ‘Simple living and high thinking’; community strives to live in harmony with divine, self, nature, community members & neighboring communities. … Read more
Konohana Family
Welcome to A Utopia at The Foot of Mt. Fuji! Konohana Family is a community where about 100 non blood-related people from babies to seniors live as one big family at the foot of Mt. Fuji, which is a sacred mountain that receives the inspiration from the universe. The life that each individual fully expresses abundant uniqueness, goes beyond one’s ego helps each other, and lives in harmony, is highly interested in nationally and internationally as a model of human living for the 21st century, and … Read more
Comunidad de las Doce Tribus
Somos una comunidad formada hace muchos años con gente de todos lo lugares y trayectorias: solteros, familias y niños, ancianos… que vivimos juntos en armonía y unidad, en un ambiente de orden, respeto y calor humano. Somos personas que decidimos compartir plenamente nuestras vidas, los momentos alegres y las dificultades. Pasar por esas circunstancias diarias nos está convirtiendo en verdaderos amigos, que aman en todo momento y no se abandonan en los momentos difíciles. … Read more
Awakened Life Project
The Awakened Life Project is dedicated to the evolution of consciousness and culture in communion with the ecological web of life. We offer: Meditation Retreats, both communal and solitary / Evolutionary Awakening Courses & Retreats / The Awakened Life Transformation Intensive / Volunteer programs … Read more
Somos una pequeña comunidad ubicada el norte de navarra. Hace 34 años decidimos ocupar un pueblo e intentar ver que pasa cuando decides ser tu propio sujeto activo del futuro. … Read more
Sky Meadow Retreat Community
Sky Meadow is a small conscious community dedicated to supporting each other's spiritual growth. We each have private housing, share daily meditations, mid-day meals, and work five days a week. We grow food organically, maintain our own buildings and land, and manage a retreat facility that houses up to 25 people. We are in Vermont's Northeast Kingdom, at the end of a dirt road overlooking the green mountains. The setting is serene and the land beautiful, with trails, fields, woods, ponds, … Read more
Red Colombiana de Reservas Naturales
MISIÓN Es misión de la Asociación Red Colombiana de Reservas Naturales de la Sociedad Civil, contribuir al conocimiento, consolidación y posicionamiento de las iniciativas de conservación de la sociedad civil, a través de procesos de uso y manejo sostenible de la diversidad biológica, para la construcción de tejido social, modelos de vida y desarrollo alternativos, con criterios de equidad generacional, étnica y de género. VISIÓN La Asociación Red Colombiana de Reservas … Read more
Tui Community
The Tui Land Trust was formed in 1984 to create an intentional community village for holistic living. Most of the buildings are partially solar, with mains electricity. The main objective of the community is to create an environment supportive of families and personal growth; closeness to the land is therefore of great importance to us. No specific religious or political creed is followed but we celebrate the equinoxes and solstices and have spontaneous drumming circles, music nights, … Read more