Kibbutz Lotan is located in the far South of Israel, 55 kmorth of Eilat. "Members" of the cooperative fluctuate between 45-65, 4070 children. The community is multi-generational with students and volunteers from Israel and abroad coming for educational programmes. We are a cooperative settlement, jointly owning the land, community buildings and means of production. Joint economic initiatives include date orchards, dairy, photovoltaic electricity production, eco-tourism guest house and our Center … Read more
Findhorn Foundation Community and Ecovillage
The ecovillage at Findhorn is a tangible demonstration of the links between the spiritual, social, and economic aspects of life and is a synthesis of current thinking on ecological human habitats. It is a constantly evolving model providing solutions to human and social needs while at the same time working in partnership with the environment to offer an enhanced quality of life for all. The Community is comprised of more than 600 individuals who live and work in this rural area of Scotland. … Read more
Lebensgarten Steyerberg
The Lebensgarten Steyerberg e.V. is a community that strives to live in harmony together with others and with nature. Founded in 1986, the community has since grown to include 62 terrace houses, a seminar house (also known as the healing house) and the main building where the big hall is located. Most of those that come to live here are searching for communal living and are open to embracing care and tolerance. We all support one another in the development of our talents and abilities, as well … Read more
Tamera is a peace project in Southern Portugal, a cooperative of future workers, who aim to build a so called “Healing Biotope” for a couple of hundred people – a community between humans, animals and plants whose relationships are based upon trust and mutual support. In a Healing Biotope new answers in the existential areas of life shall be researched: peace and cooperation with nature, peace between men and women, implementation of a strong self-sufficient community of compassion without … Read more
The Farm
In 1971, a caravan of 80 brightly painted school buses and assorted other vehicles carrying more than 320 hippie idealists landed on an abandoned farm in central Tennessee. They had a mission: to be a part of something bigger than themselves, to follow a peaceful and spiritual path, and to make a difference in the fate of world. Today The Farm is one of the largest and longest-lasting intentional communities in the United States. The Farm continues as a school of change, demonstrating ways to … Read more