we practice life and love with no possessions (and lower case writing style).
come and try it too!
we like to choose words very carefully,
and we want to find like minded people who love to share life in a living group!
currently we have 1 main member living in the land for about 2 years, and many prospects and partners morphing the project shape every day.
beware of the rules:
get the city out of you! we need mindset shifting to live here, although each one of us have our own path on how to, and even cars might feel like a necessity still.
the land sits 1km away from any civilization (except our dear landlord neighbour, who usually lives in another city) and 8km from vila real, the nicest big city in portugal (around 50k population).
ideally, you should bring your home, however you like. but if you want to stay, we encourage you to visit first and talk to us, in whichever order you prefer. half the time nobody will be on the land, so you can try your luck or call first.
no smokers. zero tolerance. essential for security against wood fire in portugal.
only organic material is allowed to go into the land, from cosmetics to paint and anything that may quickly leak into the ground.
only vegan food. we don’t have the infrastructure for composting meat. plus the smell in itself can attract wild animals, which we also can’t handle today.
continue reading on the website. we can’t fit it all in here! the main points, once more:
- be #readytoshift
- bring your home
- no smoking
- only organic
- no meat and derivatives, due to composting and smell
- pay attention to all details (but don’t be too picky)
- come enjoy life with all its potential and in harmony!
get in touch!!
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 1
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
# how to join the community
+ get to know us. go through our content! start with the website ahoxus.org
+ connect and introduce yourself. however you please.
+ dive in and contribute. 1 day visits are ok, but we encourage at least 2 weeks living together for really starting to understand what ahoxus is all about.
+ everyone and every idea is welcome, but we'll always strongly encourage our core values for public spaces and focus on new ideas.
+ read everything again and again. carefully. word by word. we all have been there. and we all continue to do mistakes. keep trying!
Hello My name is Athena Brown,
I’m based in the UK. Me and a few others are looking to start and set up an eco village in Portugal.
This seems like a huge task. Such as were to buy land and learn the skills required to maintain and work the land, in a short time. ie by June 2021. We have so many questions that need answers such as. How is a good Estate Agent to buy land from. How to buy land with less planning restrictions. What to do?
Can You offer any advice about a good place to start? This would really be appreciated.
hi athena,
thanks for your questions.
sorry i couldn’t give you any feedback before june!
we haven’t bought any land in portugal, but the good news is that you might not even need to, given our experience.
moving in, getting into events, meeting people, and having a project, was movement enough to get us into an owned land by sharing goals and talking directly to land owners.
my suggestion is to take it slow, come visit, and communicate. the best place to start is the one with the shortest route you can find. just do it!
we would love to welcome you here as well, and i may be able to personally greet you, but we need to talk more and…
if you want to reply, please, use our email [email protected] as this comment section is mostly unmonitored.