Una de las formas de ver la vida, es como un proceso de aparición/desaparición de especies, pronosticar el final de todo lo que comienza encaja dentro de esa lógica. Muchos finales se han pronosticado, el fin del capitalismo y del socialismo V.I.Lenin (1917), el fin de la historia Fukuyama (1992), inclusive se ha planificado la finalización del hambre ver “objetivos del milenio/Naciones Unidas”. La visión de la revolución industrial con su matriz energética ha tenido tal éxito que … Read more
Mexico: The Power of Grandmothers The Story of Kalpulli and Grandmother Hope
The Power of Grandmothers can create and maintain healthy communities - just like this one from Mexico, collected and translated by Tracy Barnett. Esperanza Moran was not a young woman when she decided to pack up her family, leave the big city and stake out a claim in the wilderness with an assorted band of spiritual seekers. The eldest of her five children was already in college; she had co-founded the first School of Love, a program dedicated to exploring the divine feminine within, and had … Read more
First Ecovillage Network Forum China "Green land and pure water is the true wealth"
The Sunshine Ecovillage Network Forum of China held its first meeting in October 2015. Dorota Owen reports. … Read more
Green Phoenix 2015 Deep Sharing among Communities
"We are all refugees, migrating from one Earth to a new Earth" said someone during the harvesting of a silent meditative walk in the rich and magical woody mountains surrounding the Center for Unity Schweibenalp. It was during the Green Phoenix congress, initiated 5 years ago by the founder of the Center for Unity Schweibenalp, Dr. Sundar Robert Dreyfus. It was the 6th edition of the congress that each year, in autumn, brings together representatives of experiential models for the future in … Read more
A New Home for Refugees In this Moment, in Heilhaus Kassel...
Founded by Ursa Paul 25 years ago, the Heilhaus Kassel Community was created with the vision of being a spiritual home, offering a place for all stages of the lifecycle: birth, living, and dying. Alfred Hohmann reports on their experience welcoming refugees. … Read more
Heart Communication with Refugees If I don´t deal with the fears in myself, I am all too ready to project them on to others.
“If I don’t deal with the fears in myself, I am all too ready to project them on to others,” writes Dolores Richter of the ZEGG Community of Bad Belzig, Germany. She explores the question: how can we communicate with people from a different culture who have lost everything? … Read more
Community Building PowerTools(c)2015 10 Weeks to Sustainable Community(TM)
Community Building PowerTools: 10 Weeks to Sustainable Community(TM)(c)2015 is a potent workbook drawing on the millennial wisdom of our greatest spiritual leaders, thinkers, success coaches, planning experts, intentional community veterans and researchers. This is an opportunity to collaborate on the next-gen toolset for expediting the communitarian eco-village movement to next level success: thriving while enabling all future generations to thrive as well. Let's face it, the movement's track … Read more
Llamado de la Montaña 2016
- Date: 29 June – 6 July 2016
- Language:
- Spanish
- Location: Anaconda del Sur, Mocoa, Putumayo, Colombia, Colombia
Building Partnerships for Peace People, Good Living and Biodiversity Conservation Ecoaldea Anaconda del Sur, Mocoa, Putumayo The Call of the Mountain is a meeting which was convened for the first time in 2006 by the Colombian Ecovillage Network (RENACE) and today is organized by CASA Colombia (Council of Sustainable Settlements of the Americas). The Call of the Mountain brings together hundreds of people - ecovillagers, professionals, representatives and members of social movements, rural … Read more
- Languages:
- DanishDutchEnglishEstonianGermanItalianSlovenianSpanish
- Location: Undefined
21 representantes de nueve Redes Nacionales europeas de Ecoaldeas, entre ellas la Red Ibérica de Ecoaldeas RIE, se reunieron en Torri Superiore, Italia, del 31 de octubre al 4 de noviembre para comenzar a diseñar un programa de incubadora de iniciativas comunitarias sostenibles. El proyecto de dos años, "Programa Sostenible Comunidad Incubadora Partnership" (SCIPP), financiado por el Erasmus + diseñará un marco de apoyo para las fases más sensibles del desarrollo de proyectos e iniciativas … Read more
Cuso online gratuito para jóvenesr
Curso gratuito on-line para monitores, profesorado y personas que trabajan con jóvenes. Somos siete organizaciones asociadas de siete países europeos, entre ellas la RIE (Red Ibérica de Ecoaldeas). Creemos que la juventud: - Es muy conscientes de que el sistema actual no funciona, que necesitamos alternativas. - Dispone de la energía y el potencial para traer los cambios necesarios; en la forma en que nos relacionamos con los demás y en nuestro hogar, el planeta Tierra. - Tienes que ser … Read more