The Ecovillage Design Education programme (EDE) equips students of all ages with a certification in sustainable design. The EDE was born out of the experiences of established communities and cutting-edge educators of transformative and participatory learning. It aims to share a roadmap to a new way of living - with low environmental impact and high quality of life, bringing together the four areas of regeneration: social, ecological, economic, and culture/worldview. Created by Gaia … Read more
- Lifelong Education
- Diversity & Cohesion
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- Art & Celebration
- Vision & Purpose
- Nature Connection
- Mindfulness & Self Reflection
- Defend & Protect
- Leading from the Future
- Contextualised Design
- Whole Systems Thinking
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Intervention & Transformation
- Alliance Building
- Prototyping & Feedback
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Twinning Regenerative Educators: Escola da Esperança, Tamera Ecovillage (Portugal) & Almar School, Piracanga Ecovillage (Brazil)
Over the course of 2022, both schools faced massive transformation. Escola da Esperanca in Tamera Ecovillage experienced change in their staff as multiple teachers involved with the project left the school. In their partnership with Inkiri School, now Almar School, in Piracanga Ecovillage, Anja was able to find commfort in understanding that the changes she was experiencing were happening globally, that she wasn’t alone. That the effects of Corona were long-standing. “I want to honor the work … Read more
Twinning Regenerative Educators: Aldea Feliz (Colombia) & Kuthumba Ecovillage (South Africa)
Uba Qynza at Aldeafeliz Ecovillage in Colombia in South America and The Self Directed Learning Center at Kuthumba Ecovillage in South Africa partnered in the course of a year during the Twinning ReGENerative Education Project, in which beyond developing their connection as twins they shared their experiences in Sociocracy and deschooling, respectively and also participated working together in the cocreation of the project deliverables such as the Living Showcase and Toolkit and the Teacher … Read more
Twinning Regenerative Educators: Ecomundi School (Mexico) & Teachers Center at Auroville Ecovillage (India)
After exchanging ideas, dreams and many possibilities, the twins EcoMundi and the Teachers Center at Auroville Ecovillage came to some important points to share about Mexican and Indian culture and what they have in common. They came to take the idea to create a game.What steps were taken?· Florencia shared about her yoga class and shared photos from her sessions in connection with using them for the creation of the cards.· She selected some … Read more
Twinning Regenerative Educators: Gaia School (Estonia) & Cloughjordan Ecovillage (Ireland)
School meets Ecovillage This article presents the Twinship between Gaia School in Estonia and Cloughjordan Ecovillage in Ireland as part of the “Twinning Regenerative Educators” project. One of the main learnings of this Twinship is how easy it is to use technology to deepen and enhance a meaningful learning experience for students. The project enabled children and youth to learn from and about ecovillages and to foster curiosity for more sustainable lifestyles and regenerative education in … Read more
Twinning Regenerative Educators: PermaYouth (Australia) & SCOPE (Malawi)
In this article, we present two organisations working with Permaculture in different educational settings. Starting in 2018, Permayouth is a global community of youth (organised by youth and for youth) focused on [pr]activism, regeneration, eco-humanitarianism, creativity, celebration & connection through permaculture. It serves 500 students of the age group of 11 to 17 in Australia, Asia, Africa and North America. Pre-covid, Permayouth organised youth camps in Crystal Waters Ecovillage … Read more
Twinning Regenerative Educators: Children’s Paradise Montessori (Philippines) & As One Community (Japan)
Children’s Paradise Montessori and As One Suzuka Community’s Gaia Youth Program invested in their relationship with one another, meeting weekly to share techniques and collaborate on individual projects. Through this routine, each school was able to grow significantly - in communication, multi-cultural awareness, and human development. Communication:Through the exploration of the two school’s communication methods and tools, Children’s Paradise Montessori and the Gaia Youth Program explored … Read more
Twinning Regenerative Educators: Regenerative Education and Adventures for Students (Iceland) & ReScope (Zambia)
ReSCOPE is an educational initiative based in Zambia that aims to reconnect school communities to nature, culture and their history for abundance and resilience. Regenerative Education & Adventures for Students is a youth organisation located in the south of Iceland, with the mission to inspire and empower young people to learn about regenerative practices and lifestyles. Both projects are working with school communities and youth to enable hands-on experiences in nature and to facilitate … Read more
Twinning Regenerative Educators: Ghana Permaculture Institute & O.U.R. Ecovillage (Canada)
Navigating the fine line between plan and outcome, The Ghana Permaculture Institude (G.P.I.) and O.U.R. Ecovillage were met with the challenges of navigating time differences between two very active individuals and projects so this twin was not able to meet as often as they would have liked. When connection was possible, the twins enjoyed sharing ideas on permaculture and future course collaborations. They shared resources and the powerful gift of storytelling - bringing together two different … Read more
CoFSA Presents a Collection of Conscious Case Studies
The Conscious Food Systems Alliance (CoFSA) is a movement of food, agriculture, and consciousness practitioners, convened by UNDP, and united around a common goal: to support people from across food and agriculture systems to cultivate the inner capacities that activate systemic change and regeneration.CoFSA has created a collection of case studies showcasing the application of consciousness practices and approaches that have the potential to unlock food systems’ transformation. Giving fuel to … Read more