Cloughjordan ecovillage measured its ecological footprint in 2014. The ecological footprint of the average ecovillager was found to be 2 gha (the "gha" or global hectare is a measurement unit for the ecological footprint of people or activities related to the biocapacity of the earth), compared to an average of 4.7 gha for the average Irish person. This gives evidence that the ecovillage is modeling the transition to a low-carbon society through developing its own unique ecosystem of innovation … Read more
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How do we want to live tomorrow and what does it take to follow that vision?
Susanne Ratka is a GEN Ambassador, seeker and community researcher who has recently spent 2 weeks supporting the GEN team in the Findhorn office. Simultaneously, she has embarked upon a journey to connect and inspire with her Community Research Project. Here, in this two-part article, she generously shares her path to community research and some of her learnings along the way. How do we want to live tomorrow and what does it take to follow that vision? Those were the questions I was … Read more
Celebrating our Annual Report 2017 How we Innovate, Catalyse, Educate and Advocate in Global Partnership
Celebrating our Annual Report GEN just completed several months of hard work co-creating our 2017 Annual Report! It is a beautiful and many-faceted document and so we will take this opportunity to share some highlights from our programmes and partnerships over the last year that continue today! Since our mission is "to innovate, catalyze, educate and advocate in global partnership with ecovillages and all those dedicated to the shift to a regenerative world," we offer the following examples … Read more
Report from Talanoa Dialogue #GENTalanoa: Addressing climate change through empowered communities pursuing their own pathways of development
Yvette Dzakpasu, GEN Advocacy Director, attended the Talanoa Dialogue on behalf of the GEN Advocacy Working Group, which also includes Executive Director Kosha Joubert and Main UN Representative Rob Wheeler. Yvette filed this report for the event: The Talanoa Dialogue took place in Bonn, Germany on 6 May 2018, bringing the traditional Fijian storytelling tool to the UN Climate Change policy process. As described by the UN, “the purpose of Talanoa is to share stories, build empathy and to … Read more
KITA Stories Innovative Solutions from Ghana become GEN's contribution to the Talanoa Dialogue
Sarah runs the Kumasi Institute of Tropical Agriculture (KITA) Green Market. She co-ordinates with the farmers in the area and ensures that they are growing by organic methods. Most of the farmers around have received training in sustainable farming from KITA. Sarah gets orders from the community and KITA buys produce such as lettuce, cucumber and green peppers from their farmers. Kwame is co-ordinating an upcycling project. The average Ghanaian drinks 4 sachets of water a day. The plastic … Read more
SpeakEATsy at Cloughjordan Irish Ecovillage celebrates the arts and brings community together
Life at Cloughjordan Ecovillage involves hard work, meetings and decisions, and celebration of the finer things in life. While the 100+ residents go about their days in the various roles they play to keep the community running smoothly, every so often they gather together for a completely holistic experience. They balance great food with inspiring food-for-thought. Last month, the regular SpeakEATsy event maintained its reputation as “a unique evening that is so much more than the sum of … Read more
March Newsletter Opportunities from GEN's regions
The Global Ecovillage Network builds solidarity across all planetary regions to catalyse communities for a regenerative world. This month we are gathering materials for our 2017 Annual Report and in the mean time we want to feature just a few key opportunities from our regions: Auroville celebrates 50 years "The City of Dawn" celebrated its Golden Jubilee with a Fire and Water ceremony last month. View photos and hear perspectives on this momentous occasion. Two job … Read more
Auroville turns 50 The Global Ecovillage Network congratulates "The City of Dawn" on its Golden Jubilee
Auroville, "The City of Dawn" founded in 1968, just celebrated 50 years as a "universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities." The community of over 2500 residents from 54 countries in Southern India represents one of the most established models of intentional, sustainable community living worldwide. The Global Ecovillage Network congratulates Auroville on this milestone and looks forward … Read more
Two Job opportunities with GEN Africa Part time, remote work supporting the Global Ecovillage Network across the African continent
GEN Africa is currently seeking highly motivated candidates for two part time positions supporting the regional network. The submission timelines for applications are short so please review the job descriptions, complete all requested materials and submit by the dates outlined on each job description. Job Opportunity GEN Africa Regional Coordinator Job Opportunity GEN Africa Bookkeeper UPDATE We have extended the deadline for this job posting to Tuesday, April 10th, 2018! Click here to … Read more
February Newsletter River of Life
Through the Global Ecovillage Network's River of Life, brave and generous women from the Western World are financially enabling outstanding women leaders to continue their work at the forefront of community-led strategies for sustainable change in the Global South. The friendships and multi-faceted support are mutual. Another River of Life member shares this: "The year 2017 was full of successes and challenges. The ongoing protest in Southern Cameroon did not make work any fun this year. I … Read more