An ecovillage is an intentional, traditional or urban community that is consciously designed through locally owned, participatory processes in all four dimensions of sustainability (social, culture, ecology and economy) to regenerate their social and natural environments.GEN’s definition of ‘ecovillage’ is broad, allowing for many different kinds of communities and projects to be recognised. Because each ecovillage is designed by the people who live there, according to their vision, … Read more
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SIRCle Social Innovation for Resilient Communities
The Social Innovation for Resilient Communities (SIRCle) project uses adult education to address one of the most pressing needs of our time - how to marry our love for the planet with our capacity to make a living. An Erasmus+ funded strategic partnership, it involved a diversity of social enterprises, NGOs, cooperatives and academic institutions from Austria (Plenum/Pioneers of Change), Belgium (AEIDL and Still Consulting), Romania (Asociatia Romania in Transizie), Scotland (GEN and the … Read more
Intentional Ecovillages and Their Role in Global Transformation – Join Sabine Lichtenfels and Macaco Tamerice in an open GEN Webinar
Intentional Ecovillages and Their Role in Global Transformation - with Sabine Lichtenfels and Macaco Tamerice Thursday, 20 April 18:00 BST (British Summer Time) - Find your timezone here Register here and get your link to join! Ecovillages have long been places of alternative living and solutions, but what is their potential and impact beyond the village itself? Hear Sabine and Macaco tell the stories of two of the oldest and most established ecovillages: Tamera in Portugal and Damanhur in … Read more
Zambia Greening Schools
Using the innovative ILUD methodology and EDEs the project works through schools as entry points to sustainable community development. Community-led resilience plans for 4 schools will be created and implemented. Children, teachers and local communities of Kapete School, Chongwi, Katuba School, Kapuri Mposhi, Nabukuyu School, Monze and Ashley Jewel School, Chilanga will engage with and benefit from the project. The project is scaling up from a Scottish Government funded … Read more
Boletín Sustentable No. 3
Presentamos la tercera edición de el Boletín Sustentable del Consejo de Asentamientos Sustentables de América Latina. En esta ocasión la Educación es el tema central de esta edición. Lee, disfruta y comparte este boletín! Click en la imagen para ver Boletín: Boletín CASA latina Abril 2016 by Andrés Boa Vida on Scribd … Read more
Living and Learning Centres
Many examples of a worldwide range of Living and Learning centres are shown in this three folded brochure available for download: Living and Learning Centres. … Read more
GEN Africa Conference 2016
Supported by the German Foreign Ministry, the GEN Africa Conference took place during the first week of December 2016 at the Ghana Permaculture Institute. Representatives and delegates from more than 20 countries gathered to share experiences, present their projects and work on the development of the Pan-African Ecovillage Development Programme, promoting initiatives aimed at reducing poverty, restoring the environment, achieving resilience in response to the climate change challenges, and … Read more
Community Nature’s secret to evolutionary success
By: Jaime Brown-Hansen and Yael Marantz As we reflect on the current ecological, societal, political, economic and spiritual circumstances in the present day, it is clear that the need for reorganization is upon us. A time of creation, of course, is equally a time of destruction. We breathe life into new models by stepping into them, and old model dissolve as we step out of them, though for a time we may have a foot in each as we shift our weight from one to the other. … Read more
COP22 – Pan-African Ecovillage Development Programme
In November 2016, German Foreign Ministry funding enabled 16 GEN delegates to attend the UNFCCC COP22 event in Marrakech. Attended by world leaders and thousands of changemakers working on climate and environmental issues, COP22 was the perfect convergence by which gain exposure for GEN’s programmes. At the forefront of our delegation was the launch of our Pan-African Ecovillage Development Programme (PAEDP) which is putting communities at the centre of the development processes across the … Read more
Editorial, Newsletter January 2017 GEN Newsletter January 2017, Editorial
Dear friends of ecovillages, The past year has seen global developments that could not have been foreseen even just one year ago. Who would have thought that the majority of people in Great Britain would have voted to leave the European Community, for example; or that Donald Trump would have a chance to become President of the United States? However, despite the depressing news, we are also witnessing strong movements gaining momentum globally. One of those is the ecovillage movement. With … Read more