Since its 20th birthday party, celebrated at the GEN+20 Summit in Findhorn in July 2015, GEN has gone through a deep process of transformation and seems to have arrived on a next level of its evolution. Kosha Anja Joubert, the Executive Director of GEN, was asked how the year unfolded for her. The spark for GEN´s new direction came from GEN´s core funder, the Danish GAIA Trust, who - through the founders, Hildur and Ross Jackson - decided that GEN had so much promise that it was worth … Read more
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Improving on the Core Structure of GEN Africa
Sonita Mbah, Executive Secretary of GEN Africa, reports. From it's inception in 2012 until today, GEN Africa has been growing from strength to strength, maximizing its potential in meeting the needs of grassroot communities, improving on the core structure, and showing capacity to manage and build on challenges. More than 50 participants from over 23 countries including Europe and Africa, met at Ghana Permaculture Institute in Techiman, Ghana, from December 1-6, 2016, to reflect, evaluate … Read more
GEN Latin America A Year in Review from CASA
Jennifer Trujillo Obando from CASA, the GEN Network of Latin America, reports. CASA Latina, legally established in October this year in Colombia, is emerging as a pioneer organization in Latin-America to implement Sociocracy as a dynamic form of governance within the context of conventional legal protocols. More than 100 sustainable settlements, grass roots communities and positive impact entrepreneurships came together in the CASA network to promote sustainable and regenerative styles … Read more
GENOA – From Deeper Levels of Insight
Trudy Juriansz shares about GEN Oceania and Asia. Two of GENOA’s key objectives for 2016 were to develop more authentic and trusting exchanges, and organize activities and initiatives from deeper levels of insight. We were able to do this through convergence, community building and through being more mindful of how the budget is utilized. We focused on one sub-regional gathering in partnership with an ecovillage and networks in the region and also on network coordination and strategy … Read more
GEN North America Accomplishments in 2016
Cynthia Tina - GEN Trustee and GENNA International Coordinator reports. Collaboration continues to deepen among the partner organizations that comprise GENNA, which is currently GEN-US, the Fellowship for Intentional Community, and NextGEN North America. North America is a unique region in the fact that we have several organizations serving different aspects of the communities movement. Last year, these groups and individuals agreed to join forces as the GENNA Council, recognizing the … Read more
GEN Europe – Challenges and Actions in 2016
Alfonso Flaquer, Communication Officer at GEN-Europe Office in Arterra, reports 2016 was a year both celebratory and challenging for GEN Europe on organisational and financial levels. After twenty years, our network is bubbling with myriads of initiatives every year, hundreds of projects pointing towards our main goal: that of a modern and mindful lifestyle based on sustainable and fair communitarian development that cares about all beings. In the following lines I describe some of the … Read more
SCIPP Sustainable Communities Incubator Partnership Programme
SCIPP is a 2 year EU Erasmus+ funded strategic partnership between several GEN networks. The aim of the project was to develop and scale up an Ecovillage Incubator made up of a workshops, a written guide, mentoring and an online platform with resources,nks, examples and tools for both projects and trainers engaged with supporting communities to grow . Thus, CLIPS was born - the Community Learning Incubator Programme for Sustainability. Read more about CLIPS, browse resources and engage in the … Read more
GEN in World Goodwill Newsletter
"All who love and serve their fellow humans are agents of a spiritual future – one where the human spirit is evolving towards ever greater cooperation, sharing and unity. In every interaction, these servers ask one simple question of themselves – how can I bring this future closer?" Follow the link to read more. … Read more
GEN in World Goodwill Newsletter GEN featured as 'Agent of Change' in World Goodwill Newsletter
"All who love and serve their fellow humans are agents of a spiritual future – one where the human spirit is evolving towards ever greater cooperation, sharing and unity. In every interaction, these servers ask one simple question of themselves – how can I bring this future closer?" Follow the link to read more. … Read more
Resilience and Self-Reliance An Update on Regenerative Solutions for Active EmerGENcies Projects
As the call for global climate action strengthens following the COP22 in Marrakech, GEN’s work in climate change adaptation and mitigation through ecovillage development programs is guided by a design based on both prevention and response. One of the pillars of this framework is EmerGENcies, GEN’s emerging humanitarian program. The purpose is to respond to and try to prevent further deleterious effects of climate change (among other forms of crises), in vulnerable communities around the … Read more