It is that time of year to celebrate our dear Hildur Jackson's birthday with a special celebration of some amazing ecovillage projects. Thanks to the continued generosity of the Gaia Trust, we are delighted to provide some financial celebration as well.Find out more about the award and apply for the next round (applications due by July 2024) here.Celebrating this year's HJA winner!REDES (Réseau pour l' Emergence et le Développement des Ecovillages au Sahel)The main goal of the REDES network is … Read more
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Meeting Mentors of the Sprouts Project
Meet the mentors of the transformative learning experiences created for pupils, educators, and school communities in the field of ecological regeneration through the Sprouts ProjectYouth in Action – Sprouts for the Future local project implementation has launched and little hands are busy digging in the soil, creating compost stations, and preparing cob. Along with the representatives in the Community of Practice, each local project benefits from the support of a mentor to help navigate them … Read more
Join ReGEN4ALL’s 3rd Colloquium: Ecovillages & Climate Action
The ReGEN4ALL Colloquium Series continues to investigate the main topic “Ecovillages in Times of Crises' exploring their learnings, challenges and possible contributions. The third Colloquium will focus on Ecovillages & Climate Action. We are honoured to have as guest speakers experienced community members: Albert Bates (the Farm) and Christoph Strünke (Sieben Linden) and an academic researcher, Chelsea Schelly ( Professor of Sociology at Michigan Technological University) to share their … Read more
Envisioning the Future with Ecovillage Resilience +2.5°
Envisioning an alternative future scenario requires a clear understanding of the past and present from both a data-driven perspective as well as within our social and emotional capacities. When developing strategic pathways forward, the Resilience Community of Practice used the Three Horizon's Approach to write the story of our positive future, exploring the pathways needed to get there. (If you missed our July update you can learn more about the process here!) Storyboards helped to visualize … Read more
Deepen Your Kincentric Practice
Join us for an online or in-person event to learn with leading practitioners, facilitators, thinkers, and peers in Kincentric leadership and deepen your kincentric practice. While our weeklong retreats in 2023 require an application and are part of our pilot Kincentric leadership programme, we also regularly host open events online. You can find our upcoming retreats and workshops here: Immersive retreatsThe 4 retreats are entry points into the … Read more
Ecovillage Cards for Kids NOW AVAILABLE! We’ve added a new tool to our sustainability education collection, specifically developed for educators and youth!
We bring you an exciting update from our 2022 Twinning Regenerative Educators Project promoting sustainability education.To complement our versatile and well-utilised ecovillage design cards, we’ve added a new addition to our sustainability education collection, specifically developed for educators and youth. To celebrate launching this new resource, we are delighted to offer 50% off for the next week (until 18 August). ⚡ Check them out in our online store⚡ Learn … Read more
Kincentric Leadership August Updates Celebrating the Devon Retreat; Sound, Silence and deep listening with the more than human world
We are celebrating the completion of our second Kincentric leadership retreat! We welcome you to join us in sending the Kincentric Leadership team celebratory love showers after the completion of the second Kincentric Leadership retreat, in Devon, UK.A powerful group of changemakers committed to leading from a deep sense of kinship with all life gathered from July 14th to July 20th at Sharpham House to explore sound, silence, and deep listening with the more-than-human world.The group worked to … Read more
Our experience in the EDE 2023 Reflections from the support team, Jule, Mari, & Rubén
In the current context of ecological emergency and huge social inequalities, it is more important than ever to support education for the design and promotion of sustainable communities that generate solutions integrating the 4 dimensions of regeneration.This year’s EDE offered exactly such an educational journey and was characterised by a diverse range of guest speakers with an abundance of knowledge and experience to share. The journey was a deep dive into the ecovillage approach, including the … Read more
GEN International Celebrates Global Connection
Our team GEN International is feeling ABUNDANT after a week of in-person meetings at the European Ecovillage Gathering!After many years of online cross-continental relationship building, we can not begin to describe the delight of meeting each other in person. The GEN International team was able to undergo transformative shadow and healing work, synchronize global strategy efforts, and most importantly hug each other! Here are a few statistics to showcase the international representation … Read more
July Updates from REGEN4ALL
The ReGEN4All project works to make the knowledge gained within and through ecovillages more accessible both for research and policy decisions on sustainable lifestyles and living environments. The project partners are GEN Europe (represented by GEN Research), ISCTE-IUL (Center for International Studies / University Institute of Lisbon), ECOLISE and LOES, the Danish Ecovillage Network. The past three years of the COVID-19 crisis and its resulting societal disruption have underscored the value of … Read more