Ndanifor Permaculture Ecovillage

Ndanifor Permaculture Ecovillage is a regenerative climate justice platform that promotes African indigenous wisdom, international reconciliation, and regenerative living. Our ecovillages in Bafut www.betterworld-cameroon.com and Portugal www.africanway.world provide community learning, youth dialogues, and new pathways in social Permaculture to tackle contemporary challenges such as climate change, poverty, hunger, and war in Ambazonia https://www.nrc.no/news/2019/june/cameroon-tops-list-of-most-neglected-crises/ in need of volunteers to support the project through digital communications.
Primary interests: Network weaving for community building, organising cross-disciplinary visits, Trainings and Consultancy
Site content by Konkankoh
African Peace Village
We see a world in which people from different generations, backgrounds, and gender can learn from each other to create a global regenerative future. We see a peaceful world in which we have overcome the painful divisions of the past, as to enable thriving lives in both the Global South and North. … Read more