Would you like to get rid of your mortgage, sell up, move to a sunnier climate and participate in a joint business venuture ? Enthusiastic, committed, grounded people wanted to live ‘the good life’ in an intentional, rural, non religious, community in southern Spain, currently looking in the region of Granada. Bi-lingual teacher and teenage son welcome like-minded people of any age, gender, race, or sexual orientation to jointly purchase a small holding (cortijo) with an old … Read more
Birthing a Dream: The Story of ExpandingU In experiencing the global paradigm of imbalance, lack, debt and despair, it has always seemed inorganic in its form and manifestation in the human experience—the human condition. My Native American heritage along with having been born ‘awake’ has offered me a wider view of our planet and all within and upon it far greater than that which is ‘educated’ into us. It is from that place in my heart that I have always envisioned a return to what is … Read more
Gaia Ashram
Gaia Ashram is a community-based education center on Deep Ecology, Permaculture and Ecovillage Design Education and other sustainable living practices. An important part of Gaia Ashram is ecosystem restoration and to develop 6-hectares of once degraded land into an abundant biodiverse productive ecosystems where humans live in deep connection and harmony with nature; with Gaia. … Read more
Thinker Boat Expedition
“We are everyone who believes that we must change the way we interact with the global system of politics and capitalism and come together to create an alternative living solution that satisfies human needs without damaging the earth. We live self-determined lives within inclusive communities that value freedom and equality. We are peaceful activists on both the physical and metaphysical planes” … Read more
Vivir en el bosque, aprender a formar parte de un ecosistema, aprovechando los recursos de una finca con huerto, vergel, agua y bosque, un lugar en el que poder crecer y subsistir, abierto y dinámico, en constante cambio y movimiento,donde poder alimentarte de forma natural, pasear por un parque nacional, bañarte en el río, observar el cielo nocturno, cultivar, recolectar, crear...esto es simbiosis, en la provincia de Toledo, rodeado por el parque de Cabañeros, una finca unas dos … Read more
Neo Unlearners United
I have a vision of an existence that thrives on co-creations from global citizens who: enjoy collaborative creative arts and simple, sustainable living; on a spiritual journey of unlearning judgemental living and; on a quest to get a place (any where in Americas) with like minded neighbours. … Read more
DEHNATEN. Holistic Community.
Dehnaten believes in right human relationships as a means to express the culture of the common good. Dehnaten is oriented by the relative collective consciousness of the expansive group of participants. In order to achieve it, Dehnaten establishes a holistic place in a rural setting with the purpose of forming a group of individuals, living in communion and committed to promoting a lifestyle in right relationship with the environment. Dehnaten intends to participate in the social integration of … Read more
Boekel Ecovillage
In Boekel Ecovillage we cater our needs in a very sustainable way. By doing so, we contribute solutions for climate change, environmental pollution, loss of biodiversity and exhaustion of natural resources, in close cooperation with our surroundings. If fact, Boekel Ecovillage is working on all 17 SDGs! We have build a self-supporting village when it comes to energy, water and most of our food. … Read more
Lovinka is a small ecovillage in the middle of Slovakia, located in beautiful nature and 1,5 away from the nearest village and just 15 minutes drive from the city. It's been established in 2012 and is known in Slovakia due to its yoga, meditation, healthy living, and self-development workshops. In 2021 we decided to change the concept of Lovinka so we are now in transition from a retreat center to a self-managed eco-village where people own their houses and we share the surrounding land for … Read more
Kibbutz Gezer
We are a democratic, supportive, open-minded, environmentally friendly, adaptable, multi-generational, pluralistic, fun, and rural community. … Read more