Der Gemeinschaftsrundbrief vom Januar 2015 ist jetzt online... darin könnt ihr entdecken, was es alles an spannenden Projekten rund um Transition, Permakultur, solidarische Landwirtschaft und soli Ökonomie in und um Berlin gibt. Viel Spaß beim Lesen! … Read more
El viaje hacia tu interior
- Date: 29 January 2015
- Languages:
- BasqueEnglishSpanish
- Location: Spain
Escuchando a tu Ser sintiente Centro Loratze Zentro C/Mazarredo 17, Bilbao Jueves 29 de enero a las 19:30 Contacto: 944 233 207 [email protected] … Read more
Earthen Heart 2015 Spring Gathering
- Date: 28 February – 19 March 2015
- Languages:
- EnglishSpanish
- Location: United States
This is an end of Winter transitioning into beginning of Spring event. It is not reliant on specific Gregorian Calendar and Mechanical Clock time coordinates but will mostly occur between the Chinese New Year and the Spring Equinox. One idea is to create tonics and fermented beverages with the sap that is running from the trees: sugar and silver maple, birch, etc. Making different batches that combine the sap with apple and blueberry fruit juices, extracts made from roots and herbs, etc. … Read more
El viaje de las mujeres salvajes
- Date: 26 September – 2 October 2016
- Languages:
- EnglishGermanSpanish
- Location: Spain
Valle de Sensaciones invites all women to journey with the wild nature within! Build together with clay and connect with the earth! Share with women and exchange female wisdom ! Time to be truthful to our your feelings and emotions! Discover our shared feminine, wild power within! Embrace song, dance and celebration! Valle de Sensaciones will be welcoming women who want to be together in nature. Women who wish to be wild, authentic and open to what arises during the journey. We can … Read more
O Projecto CATALISE 2015 Lançamento do questionário às iniciativas de transição e inovação local
O Projecto CATALISE - Capacitação para a Transição Local e Inovação Social, é um processo de investigação-acção que pretende desenvolver um modelo de análise de inovação e sustentabilidade integral, isto é, ecológica, social e económica; e uma metodologia que potencie a disseminação e replicação de iniciativas de inovação local. Hoje está a ser lançado o questionário às iniciativas que integram redes já existentes no âmbito destes temas. É um momento chave no processo CATALISE, sendo a primeira … Read more
national network meeting 10-11.1.201
- Date: 10 January 2015
- Languages:
- EnglishFrenchGerman
- Location: ecovillage Degersheim, Switzerland
annual meeting of the swiss national ecovillage network, starting on Saturday at 13h30 and finishing sunday at 15h contact: [email protected] … Read more
Inaugural GEN Israel Conference The Network of Eco-Villages and Eclogical Projects in Israel Gives Birth to GEN-Israel
The first public event of GEN-Israel, an all-day conference, was held on November 23 at Kibbutz Gezer. Participants included Kosha Joubert, president of GEN-International, Aida Shibli, coordinator of GEN-Palestine, and around 200 people from different ecological projects, communities and communities-networks. It was a new step which not only strengthens the existing network, but also stretches it further to local traditional Bedouin communities, some communes and networks coming from a socialist … Read more
“Blueprint” Meeting in Tamera – For Sustainable Aid in Areas of Crisis
In September, a group of specialists, entrepreneurs and representatives of aid organizations came together in Tamera to discuss the possibility of creating a “Blueprint” for coordinated aid measures in crisis and disaster areas. They were invited by Ruth Andrade who called on the friends and cooperation partners of her late husband, Paulo Mellett, to form a team that would continue his work. Leila Dregger reports. … Read more
Big Changes in Communities magazine! Now All-Color + 100% Recycled Paper! - Plus Spring Issue "Community for Baby Boomers"
Big Changes in Communities! We’re excited to announce two major changes in Communities magazine, starting with our Spring 2015 issue. Fulfilling a long-held dream of better aligning our production process with our ecological values, Communities is now printed on 100 percent post-consumer recycled paper. Not a single tree fell to produce our new issue of Communities. We are thrilled to be using this beautiful matte-finish recycled paper from our new printer, Ovid Bell Press, and to be … Read more
EDE in 2015 Ecovillage Design Education Programme
Ecovillage Design Education programmes, commonly referred to as ‘EDEs’, are a 125 hour courses which have been carried out over 190 times in more than 34 countries on six continents since 2006. More than 5,000 people have participated in these sustainable design programmes worldwide! … Read more