The Fellowship for Intentional Community is now the Foundation for Intentional Community. “FIC” shorthand remains. FIC is part of GEN North America (GENNA) Alliance, which is a collaborative platform serving the regenerative communities network within North America. New name, new brand, new look, new everything! For over 30 years, the FIC has served as a platform for intentional communities to connect with each other and as a hub for people to discover community for the first time. The brand … Read more
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Webinar: Privilege and Inequality in Ecovillages A Global Perspective Towards a New Story
May 2019 Global Ecovillage Network monthly webinar was hosted by NextGEN. Privilege and Inequality in Ecovillages: A Global Perspective Towards a New Story Ecovillages are integral to creating the beautiful world we know is possible. However, some of the same social patterns of inequality also appear within ecovillages. A global array of speakers will share how the inequality has impacted their communities, and we also invite you, the participants, to share your experience and insight. … Read more
Welcome GEN’s new President and Vice President
Welcome GEN's new President Jennifer Trujillo, and Vice President Cynthia Tina. Jennifer Trujillo, from Colombia, is GEN’s new President. Jennifer is a consultant in organisational planning and networking, skilled in hosting the transformation of social movements towards participatory leadership and comes from Colombia. She brings to her new role a high level of enthusiasm, intelligence and skill - and we can already taste the breeze of change she will be bringing to GEN. Cynthia … Read more
Global Ecovillage Network elects new Board of Trustees Open letter from GEN's Executive Director welcoming the recently elected Board
Dear friends, colleagues and ecovillage lovers, It is with one laughing and one sad eye that I share some exciting news with you: Nearly 4 years have passed since the last big transition in GEN Board leadership in 2015, at the GEN+20 Summit in Findhorn. And now that time has come again. Daniel Greenberg has done a fabulous job over this timespan to steer the ship of GEN, as President of GEN, with a light but decisive touch, and with much love and generosity. His preparation and … Read more
Free Webinar: GEN & Climate Change How can Ecovillages best respond to the crisis of climate change?
GEN & Climate Change This webinar was facilitated by Daniel Greenberg, GEN President, along with Kosha Joubert, GEN Executive Director. Here is a brief overview of what we looked at together.... GEN's mission is 'To innovate, catalyze, educate and advocate in global partnership with ecovillages and all those dedicated to the shift to a regenerative world.' Ecovillages really are local solutions to global problems. So, how can GEN best respond to the crisis of climate change, which … Read more
Climate Change and Consciousness Conference 2019 Our Legacy for the Earth, April 20-26
From April 20-26, 2019 the Climate Change and Consciousness: Our Legacy for the Earth (CCC19) will be taking place in Findhorn Ecovillage in Scotland. This Conference will bring together eminent scientists, wisdom keepers, business people, activists, entrepreneurs and young people, to envision and begin to inhabit our joint future. Among our presenters, there are names like Vandana Shiva, Bill McKibben, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez and Charles Eisenstein. It will be an international, … Read more
Gambia’s environmentalists trained on ecovillage regeneration and sustainability At least thirty environmentalists from environmental organisations and institutions have been trained on regeneration and sustainability of the ecosystem, including environmental protection held at the MDI campus in Kanifing.
Organised by the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN), the training sensitised participants on ways of regenerating lost ecosystem and maintenance of the disappeared forest cover. Kosha Joubert, GEN executive director said her Network is committed to sure that Gambia is well prepared to regain her lost ecosystem values, saying GEN has a network of different active partners globally who are prepared to safeguard the ecosystem. She said they are not only working for the sustainability of the … Read more
Impressions from COP24 European Voluntary Service (EVS) member from GEN delegation shares her experience of climate change conference
On the last day of a two-week long summit characterised by many encounters and an awareness that pressure to move towards a 1.5 degree planet must increase, I was overcome by an uncertainty about what COP24 had really achieved. Tired faces and hurried bodies, as well as extended negotiations, would suggest not much. Indeed, the changes so desperately needed were not clearly agreed upon and so it seems the regenerative world we have the potential to create remains a distant utopia. I left with a … Read more
Training for Youth Leaders in Ecovillages An update from the NextGEN Europe project - Yes to Sustainability
Thoughts and Words by: Ciska van Stuijvenberg, Pascal Gelling, Stalla Mavr, and Fanni Sall In the middle of October on a forested mountainside in Euskal Herria, in the Spanish state, a group of young people met. They came together in the ecovillage Lakabe to follow a training to become Youth Leaders for EU funded Erasmus+ Youth Exchanges. This training was part of the Yes to Sustainability project, which is an international programme that aims to share knowledge amongst and bring together … Read more
Discovering the Ecovillage Movement Insights from the Youth - Part of a series of curated blog posts and articles written for, by, or shared with the NextGEN Europe team on this years GEN Europe Conference.
Thoughts and Words by: Ciska van Stuijvenberg - Photo Credits: Grace McGade & Thomas Heuser I felt really new to this whole ecovillage movement having only discovered it in March 2018 so I attended the Ecovillage Conference as a way for me to get to know it a bit better and to get to know GEN better. Although I (was and still) am currently working on Communications for GEN Europe in their Office through the European Voluntary Servies, this was the first time that I met so … Read more