Thoughts and Words by: Grace McGrade - Photo Credits: Ciska van Stuijvenberg Imagine an alternate universe, where people are self-governing, sovereign, and focused on nurturing environmental and social change. Imagine alternative currencies, gift economy and a “we” focus. Relationships with substance and joint purpose. Imagine quitting your nine to five and having the leisure to focus on delving into the subconscious, on growing what you love and building a system that serves … Read more
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Ghana Permaculture Institute integrates Ecovillage models GPI explores dimensions of sustainability in its carbon footprint and sustainable development
Short introduction of GPI Ghana Permaculture Institute (GPI) is an institute that considers the future feedback of human interaction with the earth or the environment. GPI uses the permaculture principles and ethics of earth care, people care and fair share integrated in its activities. GPI, through its exemplary model of seeing solutions beyond problems, has identified poverty as the core challenge which commits people to initiate certain actions that negatively affect the … Read more
Why I came to volunteer with GEN A reflection from our European Voluntary Service volunteer Viviane Straub
I came to university to study International Relations, hoping, along with many others, that this would provide me with an insight into how to make the world a better place. I had envisioned belonging to a global community in which the majority believed in the good intentions of others and hope prevailed. However, the worldview I was presented with after most lectures seemed to contradict this. The world discussed was often one of power struggles and wars, terrorism and violence, of dominant … Read more
GEN Advocacy at the HLPF: Review and Next Steps
GEN spent the last two weeks in New York at the UN’s annual High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development, held under the theme “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies.” It focused on reviewing Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) on water (Goal 6), energy (Goal 7), cities (Goal 11), consumption (Goal 12), forests (Goal 15), and partnerships/means of implementation (Goal 17). GEN’s Delegation joined the Forum to share the ways in which ecovillages and … Read more
Internship Opportunity with GENNA
2018 Internship Program In a nutshell: GENNA is seeking three passionate individuals to work as an Administrative Team (aka Synergy Team) from August to December 2018 to support the development of key initiatives within the sustainable communities movement in North America. The expected number of hours per week is 15 hours. We are searching for candidates with a desire to learn more about sustainable living and community! Why is this role important for GENNA? Our internship program … Read more
Exploring Suderbyn Permaculture Ecovillage European Voluntary Service volunteer Tim Boneder reflects on Swedish ecovillage hospitality
Arriving in Suderbyn It was the beginning of Winter 2017 when I applied to volunteer for four months in Suderbyn Permacutlure Ecovillage in Sweden. I felt the subconscious urge to come back to this gem after I coincidentally discovered it that same year while biking through Sweden. In the summer I just spent around 5 days there, leaving a stronger impression on me than I could have imagined. I arrived the night before Halloween, together with a lovely family from Australia who I just met … Read more
Reports from the CASA Conference 2017 Sharing reports from the 2017 ECCO Conference
Below are reports of the ECCO Conference held in 2017 in Brazil. Here you can download the various presentations and other relevant information on the conference.You can also read more about CASA’s activities in the 2017 Annual Report. ECCO2017 brought valuable and profound learnings to everyone involved and successfully accomplished its main objectives, particularly, supporting and strengthening the network of sustainable settlements in Brazil and connecting it with the global network. Below … Read more
Reports from GEN Africa Conference 2017 Sharing reports from the 2017 Conference
Below are reports of the GEN Africa Conference held in 2017 in Nigeria. Here you can download the various presentations, both technical and financial report and other relevant information on the conference. For an article about the conference, kindly go back to recent news and click on the link. Thank you. You can also read more about GEN Africa’s activities in the 2017 Annual Report. Ecovillage Development Programme_GEN GENAfricaConference2017_Technical Report The PAEDP is a growing … Read more
GEN Africa Annual Regional Conference Sharing Highlights from 2017 and Announcing the 2018 Conference
It is another exciting year with many developments at local, national and international levels in GEN Africa. Members are engaging with their national governments to implement the Ecovillage Development Program in their countries. In Nigeria GEN Africa is developing and implementing a curriculum grounded in sustainable approaches to empower Masters and PhD students in the Transformation of African Studies at the University of Ibadan. Programs of similar scale are happening in Senegal, DR Congo, … Read more
Community Research Project – Inspiring a New Way
This blog is continued from Susanna's first post, here. Susanne Ratka is a GEN Ambassador, seeker and community researcher who has recently spent 2 weeks supporting the GEN team in the Findhorn office. Simultaneously, she has embarked upon a journey to connect and inspire with her Community Research Project. Here, in the second part of Susanna's article, she generously shares her path to community research and some of her learnings along the way. Community Research Project - Inspiring a … Read more