The Global Ecovillage Network is excited to host four events at this year's COP28. Bookmark this page and come back when we get closer to the date to register and get the weblinks for each event.For the first year, UNESCO & the UN are launching a Greening Education Hub. We are delighted to join with two events exploring the ecovillage approach to regenerative education and climate action. Greening Education Pavilion | UNESCO's Greening Education PartnershipCreating Community Resiliency to … Read more
July Updates from REGEN4ALL
The ReGEN4All project works to make the knowledge gained within and through ecovillages more accessible both for research and policy decisions on sustainable lifestyles and living environments. The project partners are GEN Europe (represented by GEN Research), ISCTE-IUL (Center for International Studies / University Institute of Lisbon), ECOLISE and LOES, the Danish Ecovillage Network. The past three years of the COVID-19 crisis and its resulting societal disruption have underscored the value of … Read more
Our Annual Report 2022 is here! How the Global Ecovillage Network is catalysing communities for a regenerative world
The Global Ecovillage Network is a growing and evolving international network of regenerative communities and initiatives. This year’s Annual Report presents the activities, impact, vision, and mission of GEN and the organisations that make up the key parts of our network - the GEN regions and GEN International.We first provide an overview of GEN and our core frameworks, key performance indicators, and highlights of the year. We then share the accomplishments from GEN’s five Regions and NextGEN, … Read more
Sociocracy in Intentional Communities Conference
We are so excited to announce that registration is now open for Sociocracy for All's second annual Sociocracy in Intentional Communities conference! This year's conference is on November 19th. We'd love to see you there! This year's conference will have presentations from several communitarians and sociocrats immersed in intentional community including Crystal Byrd Farmer, Diana Leafe Christian, John Schinnerer, and SoFA co-founders Jerry Koch-Gonzalez and … Read more
Inspiring Futures: How Ecovillage Design Education Changes Lives
GEN Online Ecovillage Design Course Testimonial by Karen Wyeth Without the knowledge I gained through the Ecovillage Design Education course, I would have never had the confidence to speak to people about something as complicated as forming an ecovillage. I receive GEN newsletters on occasion, and when I learned they were offering an online Ecovillage Design Course, I thought right away that I’d sign up. I’ve been dabbling in community living for over 20 years, having visited … Read more
The 2022 European Ecovillage Gathering Stories from the movement
After three years, four days didn't feel like nearly enough for this homecoming European Ecovillage Gathering which was hosted by Ananda Gaorii, LØS (the Danish network),GEN Europe and GEN Ukraine in Denmark this past July.Hundreds of ecovillagers and explorers from across the world joined this exploration and celebration of ecovillage life, many for the first time.This year’s Gathering was characterised by a special weaving of the Ukrainian and Danish ecovillage experience showcasing in a very … Read more
Our Annual Report 2021 is here! How the Global Ecovillage Network is catalysing communities for a regenerative world
The Global Ecovillage Network is a growing and evolving international network of regenerative communities and initiatives. This year’s Annual Report presents the activities, impact, vision and mission of GEN and the organisations that make up the key parts of our network - the GEN regions and GEN International.We first provide an overview of GEN and our core frameworks, key performance indicators, and highlights of the year. We then share the accomplishments from GEN’s five Regions and NextGEN, … Read more
Hildur Jackson Award 2021 winner: Global Permayouth Project
The Global Permayouth Project is the winner of the 2021 Hildur Jackson Award for Extraordinary Project! The Hildur Jackson Award is a €3,000 annual prize that supports and honours projects around the world that demonstrate regenerative best-practices in all dimensions of sustainability. The prize is awarded to projects bringing the most impactful inspiration about ecovillages/ecovillage lifestyles to a broad audience. In the 2021 edition we have received outstanding 25 applications from 18 … Read more
Vidalia Ecovillage, Spain, Building the new normal!
This is the story of Ben. His journey took him to Vidalia Ecovillage in Spain, where he explored community and human relations through the flow of dance.Building the new normal!The climate crisis has emerged because the growing human community has taken more than was sustainable. With our natural resources depleting and more and more ecosystems collapsing – the change begins within. When we feel loved, whole and at peace in ourselves, we can stop taking so much, and begin to love – to care, to … Read more
Help us choose the Hildur Jackson Award 2021 winner! Inspiration From This Year's Most Impactful Ecovillage Projects and Solutions
We are absolutely thrilled to share with you the 10 finalists of the Hildur Jackson Award! The jury has had a challenging time deliberating, as we have received outstanding 25 applications from 18 countries and across all of the 5 regions. Together with Gaia Trust, GEN developed the Hildur Jackson Award, a €3,000 annual prize that supports and honors projects around the world that demonstrate regenerative best-practices in all dimensions of sustainability. Meet our 10 finalists for the 2021 … Read more