CASA Council member, GEN Ambassador, GEN Council of Elders

I have been an ecovillager and world-changer since 2000, when I gave up my institutional job as a biologist, moving from the mainstream to the alternative world, following my dreams for a better world. I wish for a world which is more sustainable, more equal and with more justice for everyone, taking care of land and people, and sharing fairly.
Since that time, I have been weaving the Colombian ecovillage network, called RENACE, for six years, and since 2012 have been creating CASA, the Council of Sustainable Settlements of Latin America, which is now recognised as the Latin American region of GEN.
In 2015 I was selected as a CASA delegate to the GEN International Board, and also as Vice-president of GEN International.
I live in Ecovillage Proyecto Gaia, in the countryside of Colombia, where I built my own house using ecological building materials and techniques. I am starting to produce our own food and implementing a permaculture design, in the entire ecovillage project as well as on our own plot.
Primary interests: Social; Culture; Integral Design; Ecology; Economy
Events & Trainings held by Beatriz Arjona
Llamado de la Montaña 2014
- Date: 8 – 12 January 2014
- Language:
- Spanish
- Location: Colombia
VIII Encuentro Colombiano de Ecoaldeas y Asentamientos Sustentables III Consejo de Visiones sobre Regeneración Eco-social 9 al 13 de Enero del 2014 Varsana, Granada, Cundinamarca Colombia QUÉ ES EL LLAMADO Uno de los retos más importantes de este tiempo para los individuos, organizaciones y redes que trabajan por un mundo mejor es el desarrollo de capacidades de articulación concreta para manifestar una fuerza y una capacidad … Read more