The GEN Democratic Republic of Congo network (GEN DRC) just delivered its annual Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) course in Mingadi, approximately 1 hour outside Kinshasa. With the support of Vodacom, this two-week course provided training for 44 participants from 4 villages and was one of the first steps towards developing an ecovillage demonstration centre for the DRC. This event was the culmination of a very busy six months for GEN DRC and their lead organisation, Luc Lutala and his … Read more
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GEN’s Growing Swarm by Mailys Herry - A story about GEN Training Of Trainers held in Narara Ecovillage
Can you hear this humming sound in the distance, moving closer in your direction ? As the native bees of Australia flying in groups, about twenty passionate change makers came together during GEN's Training of Trainers in order to learn how to voice and expand their message about the benefits of ecovillages. This is the sound of our stories. We were all coming from diverse backgrounds such as ecovillage members, humanitarians, students, teachers, healers, events … Read more
Fiji Ecovillage Transition Project
Fiji project: GENOA is heading an exciting project in collaboration with GEN Australia, to support a pilot village in Fiji to transition to ecovillage. Shane (GEN Australia) and Trudy (GENOA) will be facilitating the first introductory workshop in August for key stakeholders, to help build the ecovillage network in Fiji as well as to begin working with the pilot village. Andrew (GENOA Trustee to GEN Board) recently attended the 5th UN Pacific Urban Forum in Nadi, where he met with several key … Read more
London Climate Action Week’s Emerging from Emergency Urgency as a catalyst for action and regeneration
The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) is one of the key solutions at the London Climate Action Week roundtable “Emerging from Emergency: Urgency as a catalyst for action & regeneration”. On Thursday 4th July from 12:30 PM to 5:00 PM (BST), the Club of Rome will host this high-level Roundtable at Chatham House, “Emerging from Emergency“, on harnessing the momentum generated by the growing climate emergency narrative, to shift from mere declarations to action. The meeting will convene the … Read more
Our Annual Report 2018 is here! How the Global Ecovillage Network is responding to the state of Climate Emergency
We are proud to release the Global Ecovillage Network Annual Report 2018. Our staff, partners, and members are diverse, creative, and driven by passion and commitment. We strive to ensure our projects and programmes are engaging, impactful, and contextually relevant. When we reflect back on our accomplishments of 2018, we hope to ignite these qualities in our readers as well. Our annual report provides metrics, as we measure and track our progress and set new targets for the coming year. It … Read more
COP24 Katowice and the Ecovillage Development Programme in Africa
Last December, the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) delegation of 10 people attended the UN Climate Change Conference, COP24 in Poland. GEN hosted an official side event entitled Essential Climate Solutions: Community-Led Development, Renewable Energy and Cultural Heritage together with INTO and the Nordic Folkecenter. GEN also hosted a press conference where focus was placed on the climate change solutions provided by ecovillages and similar projects from around the globe. Several delegates … Read more
Sustainable Infrastructure Foundation (SIF) is our new partner! Changing the way infrastructure is developed by leveraging innovation in today’s digital age
We are pleased to announce our partnership with the Sustainable Infrastructure Foundation (SIF) to facilitate Ecovillages data analysis and impacts assessment, and create a replicable standard for future initiatives. Sustainable Infrastructure Foundation (SIF), a non-profit Swiss foundation headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland is mandated to manage the development of SOURCE. SOURCE is a joint global initiative from Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to address the global infrastructure gap … Read more
Webinar: GEN’s Core Values Be a part of the change you want to see!
With Daniel Greenberg, June 28 2019, free webinar via zoom. We would like to invite you all to review and reconnect with the proposed values so we can explore how we can best live these values (or actually living them) within the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) and how it can guide our actions and work. Daniel Greenberg will guide us through this process in the webinar. Clarifying GEN's Core Values will help us unify our identity and purpose, tell the world what makes us unique and … Read more
Auroville: a large ecovillage turns 50 by Susanne Ratka
Auroville is the second community besides Findhorn that I visited, which has made it to such a commendable age. What happens in a community if it exists for such a long time and how does it affect its surroundings? If you look at Auroville today you see a flourishing, manifold area, a lush green oasis with a rich culture, solid administrative structures, great education possibilities, creative and sustainable businesses, impressive buildings and a lively community going into its … Read more
Seeking Director for “LEARN@EcoVillage”
Seeking Director for “LEARN@EcoVillage” We seek a Director who will provide visionary and creative leadership for LEARN@EcoVillage, (LEARN), the educational outreach arm of EcoVillage Ithaca, (EVI) One of the most well-known ecovillages in the world, EVI serves as an inspiring campus for learning about sustainable lifestyles. LEARN currently offers a spectrum of tours, workshops, internships, and a gap year program. It collaboratively offers accredited courses for … Read more