A piece of beach land to serve as an eco village to promote torism and … Read more
Accès à l’eau pour un développ
Le projet vise à permettre à la communauté rurale du village d’Oulad Ali de bénéficier d’un accès régulier et peu coûteux à la ressource en eau pour l’usage agricole, permettant de favoriser son développement socio-économique. Le forage et l’aménagement d’un puits, L’installation d’un système de pompage photovoltaïque, la construction d’un bassin d’irrigation et la pose d’un système d’irrigation au goutte-à-goutte sur une surface de 5 hectares ainsi que d’un filtre (permettant d’améliorer la … Read more
Aderema by Oluokos – Smile With Nature
Having an in-depth understanding of the lack of alternative livelihoods is a key issue that both, directly and indirectly, affect the ecosystems. Our response to this alongside our guests and, other conservation organizations should identify feasible alternative activities that could both, directly and indirectly, generate income for the native communities from the natural resources sustainably. T … Read more
The Adunam center is an agricultural and cultural space. It is an ecological village welcoming tourists, volunteers and groups. It aims to discover local and ecological agriculture and food, african craftworking and arts (capoeira, african dance, yoga). Adunam offers housing in typical ecological houses or rooms for short stays or immersion periods. It is created by the Diallo family which welcomes you on the center. You can stay and help in the field work or the day-to-day tasks, visit the … Read more
African Youth Initiative on Climate
It's about making hand-made, environmental friendly cosmetic and daily care products such as (shampoo, soap...) using local products such Argan oil and indigenous knowledge ob Berber populations in Morocco. … Read more
Agatha Amani House Shelter
Agatha Amani House (AAH), is a shelter for abused women in kenya; a hub for healing, creation and sustainability. We steward the souls as we steward the land! Through practicing regenerative agriculture and permaculture on-site, the women, children, staff and the environment experience restoration and healing. We aim to expand our positive climate and biodiversity impact. … Read more
Assalam eco-village by the Indian Ocean: Sustainable Living in Zanzibar
Transforming Lives with Organic Farming and Embrace a Greener Future Through Permaculture and Ecovillages Zanzibar. Permaculture in Zanzibar isn’t just a means for agriculture but also an effective tool of community empowerment. Permaculture in Zanzibar is essential for the future because it addresses critical issues like food security, environmental degradation, and the impacts of climate change. … Read more
Association Arc en Ciel
An idea born in 2005 in Ain Séfra and accredited as an association in April 2007, the association Arc-en-ciel has an educational and cultural organizations for the preservation of tangible and intangible heritage. Consisting mainly young university students, Rainbow Rainbow regularly organizes events and exhibitions for students and citizens for the advocacy of the preservation of our heritage, biodiversity and the environment in an educational setting. We are also working to establish a network … Read more
badilisha ecovillage foundation trust
PDC trainings, demonstration, resource center, outreaches, research, restoration and protection of important biodiversity areas, indigenous forestland, fragile ecosystems including threatened tree species, and transitioning villages to Agroforestry through massive tree planting and permaculture farming. … Read more
Bafut Ecovillage
Bafut Ecovillage is an offshoot of Ndanifor Permaculture Ecovillage demo site weaving international partners to upscale and replicate our model in Europe where young people can identify synergies and engage, resulting in the conceptualization and execution of collective agendas and activities that help drive the African Ecovillage Developmental Program and GEN Twinning Agenda forward. … Read more
Bambako Eco Farm / YIRABAH Gambia Association
YIRABAH Gambia e.V. was founded in 2007 with the vision of supporting sustainable development in rural Gambia. The organization emerged from a deep commitment to improving living conditions and fostering self-sufficiency within local communities. Inspired by close partnerships with Gambian villages, YIRABAH focuses on holistic development projects in areas such as education, health, and agriculture. One of the organization’s cornerstone initiatives is the **Bambako Eco Farm**, a model for … Read more
Banana ecological fiber for sanitary pads
(Ecological Fibers for Textile), specialises in eco-fibre production from the agricultural waste of Banana trees and ananas leaves. Our sustainable biodegradable fibers can be used in a variety of end-products, in the manufacture of textiles and as a reliable supply of raw material to the fashion industry. … Read more
Benin Ecotourism Concern (ECO-BENIN
Eco-Benin is a Beninese NGO promoting community-based ecotourism in Benin since 10 years. As a member of The International Ecotourism Society (TIES), Eco-Benin is working to ensure better living conditions for communities at local and national level through the promotion and the development of ecotourism and eco-development initiatives as a sustainable way of managing natural resources in Benin. For 10 years, training and development of skills related to ecotourism are key activities in the … Read more
The farm has been divided into three zones, according to the principles of permaculture: residential, agricultural and wilderness. In the wilderness area we will be rehabilitating indigenous vegetation, regenerating damaged land, propagating seed and preserving existing ecosystems. Wilderness regions also provide environments for the growing of rare, indigenous plants, many of which are medicinal. In the agricultural area we will be growing food, seeds, medicine and biological raw materials for … Read more
We are establishing one of the first Eco village in Morroco, based on Foreigners. The site is located 50 Km from Marrakech, on the road of Ourazazatte. The Altitude is 1000 m high, and nature is luxuriante. Water is well present. … Read more
Bloemendal Farm Ecovillage
The plot is in Cape Town, South Africa. It is about 20km out of the city center and in an area already known as the bread-basket of Cape Town, as alot of the daily vegetable consuption comes from this area. The land itself has not been used for agriculture for over 20 years now. We are a small community that lives here, but I think that now is a good time to start making more progress. Now is the time to make better use of green technologies and to start networking with other communities so as … Read more
Bomigo Island – Ecovillage Transition Project
The Bomigo community is an island comprised of around 1500 inhabitants in the coastal areas of Ghana close to Anloga in the Keta district of the Volta Region of Ghana. It is a community surrounded by the salty waters of the Keta Lagoon, around 146 kilometers from Ho, with a final journey by boat the only way to reach the island from the mainland. Bomigo began a process to transition into an ecovil … Read more
Bravewomen Foundation
We are small group of 10 women living positively with HIV for more than years. We started after 2013 when Visolela came back from Mpumulanga Umphaktsi village with an EDE training. We were donated 100,000 ZAR for starting with anything we needed. We selected to start with a garden in the backyard of women solidarity which is a Namibian NGO working against violence against women and children. What we did so far: We have cleared the space We identified skilled volunteers to help us with the … Read more
CASOM – Cultivating maize and coffee in Masisi territory
Our project is an ongoing project. It means that the project has been undertaken and we are nowadays cultivating maizes, soya, and coffees. We have hired 100 persons. We would like to support ourselves with machines, seeds, hoes… Moreover, we welcome paying visitors to visit us, our fields, and to see how we keep on working and discover different challenges in our village. … Read more
CENTRE DES HOMMES Atidéka méwona Avé
The project’s aim is to create a learning and living center for the local community and volunteers and to achieve the sustainable development goals. The first step of the project was the project idea and design. The next step was to purchase the land on which the project would be carried out. These phases of the project have been completed, the land design is ongoing. … Read more
Uganda is among the poorest countries in the world, with 85% of the population living on less than $2 a day. Tourism provides the community of Kahangi village near Kibale National Park with a reliable source of income and helps tackle poverty and protect the environment. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism has come to a standstill. … Read more
Cultivating maize in Masisi territory
Our youth project is divided in two parties : 1) the first one: we deal with cultivating maizes and grace to those maizes un the town we use them to make oils, flour, milk. 2) second one: we breed bees in the fields and get honey … Read more
Dankunku Ecovillage Project The Gambia
Dankunku Ecovillage Project promoting indigenuos people knowledge and legacy traditional practices,Indigenous farmer their skills and knowledge and handicrafts. People can benefit from authentic experiences that allow them to learn about the local culture and skills . … Read more
DES Development and Empowerment Society , Kakuma Refugee Regeneration , Kenya
https://developmentandempowermentofsociety.com/des-news/ https://developmentandempowermentofsociety.com/activities/ … Read more
Le projet vise un développement holistique et va se focaliser sur l’agroforesterie sur 60 hectares et la permaculture dans les espaces parcellaires, l’accès à l’eau potable, l’habitat ecologique,l’energie et la transformation des produits locaux notamment les fruits comme les mangues. L’objectif est d’amener les villages a constituer une coopérative d’économie verte. … Read more
Eco- peace project
The Eco peace programme aims at promoting eco peace (pro active) culture and advocate for environmental rights to have access to land and to attain rational use of natural resources and ensure sustainable livelihoods. Eco peace advocates to achieving the MDGs targeting poverty eradication and ensuring environmental sustainable development. Specific Objectives ? To advocate at the state and national levels among stakeholders for equitable sharing of the resources with emphasis on land rights. … Read more
Eco- Social Development Initiatives
A community Museum and Heritage garden as demonstration places for awareness creation to environment and climate change adaptation and mitigation in the village … Read more
Eco-Clean Ghana Foundation is a Not for Profit organization that recycles waste into resources and creates entrepreneurial opportunities for the vulnerable in our society. It uses permaculture and ecovillage sustainable modules in turning waste into resources and creating livelihood empowerment opportunities. It empowers women and youth into generating income from plastic waste. … Read more
EcoGreen Betare for Community reliance
Gbaya People are People coming from Sudan and settled in the Eastern part of Cameroon before the colonization. Betare oya is a Subdivision of the Lom and Djerem Division, located in the East Region of Cameroon. There are two Seasons mainly the rainy and the Dry ones. Reliefs are mountains. More than t'en thousands(10.000) People live here amongst which we identify more than three thousands (3000) Refugees and Internally Displaced People. The local People, called Gbaya, have common … Read more
Ecovillage a Kodimasso
The aim of the project is to promote greater awareness of ecology through “green classes” and cultural events, as well as to reinforce our values of respect, to work together as a community and to discover a different way of life. In doing so, we may also be able to create employment opportunities within the ecovillage. … Read more
Ecovillage Madagascar
A main demonstration site was identified and bought by the promoter in 2014. Because of squatters and land tenure issues, the model could not develop. But smaller ecosites were born since and in 2017 the Ecovillage Madagascar Network has 11 sites: – FTA Ambohimanga – Soamonina – Soamahary – Antanana Maitso – Vohipodiana – Village Joie – Nomena Farm – Tamboho – Andrin’ny Aina – José – Tsilavo … Read more
Ecovillage Pentierebougou
En 2024, Pentierebougou-Est sera unvillage de référence, ouverte sur l’extérieur, accueillante, harmonieuse, paisible, propre, où les habitants ont accès aux services sociaux de base, où la jeunesse est force de création et d’innovation, où les touristes viennent profiter avec plaisir d’une nature préservée qui côtoie une agriculture productive et durable. … Read more
Ecovillage Youth Exchange – EYE Project
The project envisions an exchange for young adults involved in the ecovillage movements in Africa and Europe, where we explore steps towards healing and reconciliation between and within the two continents. We will focus on youth empowerment through skill-building and exchange of knowledge around ecological living, education, and project development, working towards a regenerative world … Read more
Espace Culturel et Agricole Aduna’m
Association Espace culturel et agricole Aduna’m Qui sommes nous ? NOTRE OBJECTIF : Le développement local en région rurale L’objectif de l’Espace culturel et agricole Aduna’m est d’assurer le développement de la localité de Médina N'Diathbe à travers la mise en place d’un espace agricole et culturel incluant un faisceau d’activités soutenable et écologiquement responsable. Le but est de mettre en place un projet montrant les potentialités d’une localité rurale telle que Médina … Read more
Espoir Pour Tous travaille dans plusieurs domaines notamment l’appui a la mise en place des politiques au niveau national et provincial., consultance dans la conception et la mise en place des projets ecovillages, formation des formateurs et des sensibilisateurs. Dans une approche holistique qui tienne compte des aspects social, econologique, economique et culturel.. … Read more
Birthing a Dream: The Story of ExpandingU In experiencing the global paradigm of imbalance, lack, debt and despair, it has always seemed inorganic in its form and manifestation in the human experience—the human condition. My Native American heritage along with having been born ‘awake’ has offered me a wider view of our planet and all within and upon it far greater than that which is ‘educated’ into us. It is from that place in my heart that I have always envisioned a return to what is … Read more
Extra Inn Ecovillage
The management has hired talented potters who are already working on clay works as well as a group of tailors who are set to work on creative assignments to produce a variety of made in Rwanda products, to be displayed at our gift shop. Extra inn Eco-village shall not only work with the potters and tailors but also plans to market their products to local and foreign markets. … Read more
Farmer Tantoh’s Ecovillage Project
We have built an eco lodge and look forward to building a training resource center with conference halls, eco huts and equip with bamboo furniture. We have a demo organic vegetable, flowers and medicinal plant gardens. We plan to establish animal farm ( piggery, poultry and fish ponds), install bio gas and solar energy. We intend collecting arts and crafts of Cameroon to display at the ecovillage. … Read more
Ferme Pédagogique Arc en ciel
– A farm where to use just permaculture values. – Link university to community and research on the field of permaculture. -Save fauna and flora species ( Saharan bee is also a project in our pedagogical farm. – Organise training and exchange pest practices in permaculture for farmers, bee-keepers, shepherd of the community of Ksour of high Saharan Atlas , Ain Sefra…as well as University students … Read more
FREE: Future Rural Economic Empowerment
A collective, collaborative community movement centred on knowledge and resource sharing for rural regeneration through collective actions and entrepreneurship. … Read more
Future Roots Sustainability
Future Roots Sustainability empowers communities in Uganda’s Lira District through reforestation with 5,000 oak and mahogany trees. This initiative promotes biodiversity, economic stability, and cultural preservation, fostering sustainable development and environmental stewardship. … Read more
GDA Sidi Amor
GDA Sidi Amor is a nonprofit organization home to a unique ecovillage in Borj Touil. It is also an agricultural and sustainable development complex with national and international reputations. One of the organization's main objectives is to ensure the sustainable and ethical management of the natural resources of Jebel Sidi Amor in collaboration with diverse partners ranging from local institutions to international organizations. Other activities include agroforestry, beekeeping, water … Read more
Ghana Permaculture Institute
The Institute is actively training people in local communities in the development of strategies for earth restoration, food security systems, economic stability, and the care of people, using Permaculture Design ethics and principles. We assist farmers in our institute with appropriate supplies of seeds, trees, and cereal grains. We share practical knowledge with them on how to develop their farms … Read more
Green Academy Yayu
The aim of our project is to implement a Green Academy in a secondary school in Yayu, Ethiopia which will include rainwater harvesting, waste management, clean energy and biomass production. With schools being a focal point of any community, the new Green Academy serves as a learning platform for the members of the community to empower themselves and become more sustainable citizens. … Read more
Green Canvas of Light
Green Canvas of Light is a conscious sustainable Permaculture development project, intentional community, and place of Yoga and spiritual practice on a beautiful and fertile 50ha forest-farm in the Wilderness Lakes area of the Garden Route in South Africa. Fish Eagles, Leopard, Wild Boar, and Monkeys share the land with us. --- Full details about this project can be found on our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/green.canvas.of.light/ --- Vision: The creation of an … Read more
Green educator
1. Inventory of the biodiversity of the green species Each member of the association is invited to make a scientific research of biodiversity to establish an inventory or a census of the trees, plants and flowers with photos that exist or that can withstand the climate of the willaya of Sidi Bel Abbes. Once this first steps is completed, we will have to do: Classify species according to scientific criteria. Collect information about each species (type of soil supported, watering rate, … Read more
Greening The Desert : Wahat SEKEM community
The GROW BIOINTENSIVE AGRICULTURE CENTER OF KENYA (G-BIACK) is registered community based organization whose primary purpose is to train and promote GROW BIO INTENSIVE Agriculture (GBIA) as well as other community development options and initiatives among the small scale farm holders in rural areas of Central, Eastern, and Nairobi Provinces of Kenya. G-BIACK was initiated in 2008 to respond to the ever increasing poverty levels and food shortages that are facing our people especially in the … Read more
Guede Chantier
Guédé Chantier is a thriving eco-commune with approximately 7,000 inhabits and is located on the banks of the Doué River in the Senegal River valley. Founded in 1993, it has since worked on introducing and furthering irrigation-based agriculture and has received much support from other organisations. Due to the community being composed of so many inhabitants in an area that geographically-speaking presents many challenges, those living in Guédé Chantier have had to learn how to adapt sustainable … Read more
Habiba Community
What started off as a growth strategy to expand operations and ensure food security, has today become Habiba’s key attraction: an organic farm in the desert that adapts cutting-edge methods in sustainable agri-tech, restoration & experimentation. Our farm was founded to help green the Sinai desert and produce organic food to improve the living conditions of the local community. … Read more
Hearth & Soul Eco Farm
We are situated in a beautiful indigenous Cape flora area in South Africa, with our own spring water tapped straight from the mountain, a poplar forest and a eucalyptus woodlot. The farm is ideally located 2hrs drive from Cape Town, and 50km from Hermanus, a town with services, supplies and infrastructure. Currently we operate as a spiritual retreat centre, and are in the process of developing our own sustainable organic vegetable and food supply. We aim to attract like-minded people to … Read more
Honeyville Farm
Honeyville Nature Reserve is situated in the Eastern Cape bordering the Baviaanskloof Nature Reserve.It is an hour from Port Elizabeth inland from Jeffreys Bay and Cape St Francis and St Francis Bay. It is composed of 800 hectares of land of which only 45 hectares are reserved for sustainable development. The remaining land is protected wild land and rich in biodiversity. Of the 30 hectares of old arable land we are currently farming organic produce on 10 acres.. We support a Permaculture ethos … Read more
Indigo project
For now we are only 4 and we want to build an eco-village, but we know that people will be called to us at the right time... Two of us are a moroccan couple, we have one belgo-moroccan and one french girls. We all are artists in different ways: paintors, fire jugglers, jewelry creators, hula hoopers, video artists, dancers, sculptors, musicians, recycling artists, art therapists, etc... Our land (2,5 ha)is in a rural area, close to a small small city: Kelaa des Sraghnas (a little less than 1 … Read more
Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Solutions (ISEES)
ISEES Center for Community and Ecovillage Development – is established as a living and learning center to build the capacity of ecovillage leaders and transition local communities into ecovillages. Projects such as the Bomigo Ecovillage Project seek to build resilience in local communities towards climate change adaptation, mangrove conservation and sustainable energy for productive uses. … Read more
Integrated Community Based Sub-Wate
The Abaya and Chamo watershed areas around Bare, Sikela and Edget Ber Kebele is highly affected by degradation of the natural environment , climate change, loss of bio-diversity, and loss of top soil due to erosion which ends with siltation and pollution problems in the Lake Abaya and Lake Chamo. The meager management of natural resources is the major concern in ensuring sustainable development. The project area is highly susceptible to and unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change … Read more
Investing in People Worldwide
My community is a small locality in the south west region of Cameroon. Since 2016, my country has been in a sociopolitical crisis. Freedom of movement within the community on certain days and to certain areas is being restricted. The killings, shootings and burning down of villages has caused a high increase of internally displaced persons to flee in my town Buea, for refuge and help. In order to keep many of these women and youth, we (IPW) , implemented trainings on income generating … Read more
JUA Université Holistique
• Offrir à la population un enseignement et une formation universelle de qualité • Implémenter une université de haut niveau multisectorielle, réalisée par des professeurs nationaux et internationaux qualifiés, pour apporter des solutions durables applicables en Afrique, basée sur la technicité, l’environnement, l’innovation par la recherche et la compétitivité dans les solutions locales. … Read more
Khula Dhamma Community
In 2000 five friends purchased land near the coastal village of Haga Haga in the Eastern Cape. The land is about 8 km from the sea (with beautiful deserted beaches) and is just under 300 hectares of rolling ‘bush veld’ with lush greenbelts, bordered on by the Quko River. Geographically it is situated on the southern cusp of the sub-tropical climate region which allows for extensively diverse and year-round cultivation. From 2000 to 2003 the land rarely had more than two people living on it … Read more
Kinigi Eco Center
A unique eco-tourism destination for families to learn and be inspired to live in a more sustainable manner, as well as a place for international peace and friendship building, through cultural awareness and exchange. Will support the local community and Rwanda eco-tourism, boosting the local and national economy. … Read more
KITA is a non-profit premier tropical agricultural college in Ghana networking with local and global institutions to better the lives of rural farmers, unemployed youth, hungry and homeless families, women, aids victims and orphans, needy street children, the aged, and the disabled Through training, seminars and workshops, technology transfer, on-farm research, environmental conservation, volunteer exchange, seeds and food aid, input and clothing distribution and children’s sponsorship.For … Read more
KIYAYA EcoVillage
KIYAYA Ecovillage is a 4 hectare Ecovillage to be constructed in Kiyaya in the eastern region of Kivu in the DRC. KIYAYA is a small hill located between the majesteous Mitumba mountains and the Lake Tanganyika in Uvira, a small city neighbouring Bujumbura capital city of Burundi. KIYAYA Ecovillage aims to sensitize the congolese people on the importance of preserving environment by organizing trainings and seminars. It's a project of 30 houses constructed in a traditional style with a … Read more
Become a Kongoterrestrial and get away from it all! Devenez un Kongoterrien et vivez libre enfin! … Read more
Kufunda Village
Core to Kufunda’s work is enabling rural communities to become strong, empowered agents of their own destiny, using people’s own imagination, collaboration and resources. Kufunda is living its own way into healthy vibrant community & sharing this across Zimbabwe. At Kufunda this work now includes a Waldorf inspired school for the local children, and practicing & teaching biodynamic farming. … Read more
Kuthumba Ecovillage
Founded in 1993 on the ethics of care for the nature that surrounds it, Kuthumba encompasses a vision of a healthy lifestyle and the opportunity for people to co-create an environment that allows each individual to harbour a sense of peace and growth. Homes at Kuthumba are built using green principles, and the community hopes to serve as a model for how others can contribute to the protection of the environment and foster environmental wisdom. More recently an influx of community-minded … Read more
Kwasha Mukwenu
Although Zambia is endowed with vast natural resources such as abundant water bodies, a variety of minerals, fertile soils and fair weather conditions; a number of people, particularly those in rural areas, continue to go on empty stomachs day in, day out. Worse still, life debilitating diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria seem to continue thriving on their poverty situation. This prompted us to rise up and awaken the local people to the reality that there is actually so much … Read more
Lake Bunyonyi Ecovillage “The Hidden Paradise”
We are a community-based organization that wants to change the world: through environment preservation, orphans’ protection and eco-tourism. We have several houses on the shore of Lake Bunyonyi and are happy to receive visitors or even new members. … Read more
Les Femmes Leaders de la Lobaye (M’baiki), et de la Kémo (Dékoa) dans le plaidoyer en faveur de leur participation au sein des instances décisionnelles de la Gouvernance Forestière: Objectif Agenda 2030. »
Au moment où la RCA se prépare à réviser sa Contribution Déterminée au niveau National (CDN), valider sa stratégie nationale REDD+, et propulser des réformes dans le secteur forestier, fort est de constater que d’une part, les intérêts spécifiques des femmes sont littéralement absents de ces processus, et d’autre part, elles subissent de plein fouet les impacts dus à cela. … Read more
Le projet vise un développement holistique et va se focaliser sur l’agroforesterie sur 60 hectares et la permaculture dans les espaces parcellaires, l’accès à l’eau potable, l’habitat ecologique,l’energie et la transformation des produits locaux notamment les fruits comme les mangues. L’objectif est d’amener les villages a constituer une coopérative d’économie verte. … Read more
M.L Jallow Ecovillage Project The Gambia
UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve 8 – Decent work and economic growth and mitigation of Climate change and Volunteerism impacts in our community. … Read more
MACODA Eco Ville
The MACODA Eco Ville is made of 26 towns and villages of the Tewor District of Cape Mount County Liberia. The aim of the project is to reconstruct the community after 14 years of Civil War in Liberia and to introduce sustainable livelihoods to prevent rural -urban migration for the people to move from Tewor District to Monrovia the Capital City of Liberia. … Read more
Mama Duniani ECO City in Europe
Mamma Duniani city is a European Eco-city in development. At Mama Duniani city we aim to develop successful entrepreneurship, sustainable living together in trust as a community and develop solutions for a better Earth. … Read more
Mama Na Bana
A passionate initiative to support deprived people in congo and create sustainable communities in Congo and south Africa, Bitshulualua Kekana initiated a ecovillage project in Congo to improve the well being of her people. Located in the heart of Congo, Mama Na Bana Ecovillage is promoting sustainable livestyles in Congo and South Africa. … Read more
Mauritius Ecovillage
Mauritius is a beautiful country, rich in culture, spirituality and hosts a diverse mix of people that live together harmoniously. Over 1 million tourists visit this island every year. We are a group of like minded people hoping to build a residential community integrated with a wellness resort with key focus on wholesome activities, happiness, sustainability and education. We have looked at some amazing land with sea and mountain views. We are reaching out to investors, home owners, guests and … Read more
The project started when they were looking around and discovered that the mangrove were disappearing so they went to the elders to ask what caused that, and if was a natural or human cause. The answer they got was that it was mainly a human impact. The people were cutting the mangrove for fuel and building which also read the high salination of their land. Then they organized themselves into an association called Aspovrece and they were directed to WAAME NGO dealing with marine environment. … Read more
Meaningful Sustainable Volunteer Projects in Uganda
Beacon of Hope Uganda Volunteers and Interns are typically enthusiastic, hard-working, self-motivated and proactive people who are able to work under their own initiative and as part of a team. They do not replace or take jobs away from local Ugandans – they assist them with the various projects running in the area around Mukono and other districts where we work. … Read more
Mfangano Island ecoVillage
This exists in a remote island in Lake Victoria-Kenya, in a permaculture & organic farm. With traditional grass thatched roof and round hats with mad wall. Bird watching, fishing and hill climbing is fun here. … Read more
Le projet vise un développement holistique et va se focaliser sur l’agroforesterie et la permaculture dans les espaces parcellaires, l’accès à l’eau potable, l’habitat ecologique,l’energie et la transformation des produits locaux notamment les fruits comme les mangues. L’objectif est d’amener les villages a constituer une coopérative d’économie verte. … Read more
Le projet vise un développement holistique et va se focaliser sur l’agroforesterie sur 60 hectares et la permaculture dans les espaces parcellaires, l’accès à l’eau potable, l’habitat ecologique,l’energie et la transformation des produits locaux notamment les fruits comme les mangues. L’objectif est d’amener les villages a constituer une coopérative d’économie verte. … Read more
Misriyati was inspired by the growing intolerance among the different components of the Egyptian society: religions, social classes and cultural groups. These symptoms revealed the need to work on gaining a new awareness of our reality with its structures and relationships, of improving our competences and skills in dealing with diversity or in meeting conflict, and our re-adoption of values that can enhance peaceful living. Deep discussion led the founding team to consider “education” as the … Read more
Mkaaji Mpya Asbl
ce projet s’inscrit dans le cadre d’appui à la culture du riz dans la province du sud-kivu en RD congo. la performance en transformation du riz étant une difficulté pour les petits producteurs étant source de la faible production du riz implique une acquisition d’une unité de transformation du paddy en faveur des habitants riziculteurs que nous accompagnons. … Read more
mubaya eco village
Projects So far, we have planned/realized the following projects: Permaculture Demonstration site Village transformation Workshops Training center 2013 Workshop on Solar ovens and dryers 2014 internal planning and preparation for PDC 2015 PDC training Sinking of borehole 1 2016 Planting of a garden on the 9-hectare eco-homestead reforestation Food processing workshop Animal husbandry … Read more
Ndanifor Permaculture Eco Village
Ndanifor Permaculture Eco Village (NPE) VISION: Restoration of the broken communities of Cameroon and the Central African region using African Permaculture that creates a new sense of purpose for unemployed youth. MISSION: Deliver Eco Village Education for Sustainability Design Courses using Global Eco Village Network strategy and GAIA Education to form a corps of Trainers of Trainers for the African Eco Village Movement. OBJECTIVES: *Empower bottom up decision making by giving voice … Read more
Ndem is a community in the ‘Bassin Arachidier’ of Senegal, the Peanut Growing basin of the Sahel region. The area suffered rapid desertification and soil loss due to the climatic changes combined with the extensive monoculture of peanut that was once introduced by the French for export to its other territories. The rapid exodus reached its peak with the drought conditions in the 1980s that hit most of West Africa. For 30 years Ndem has been led by the spiritual Sufi leader Serigne Babacar … Read more
Sos environment is a lab within Ngaparou ecovillages which incubates many projects, so the targets are permaculture, research on human and animal food and renewable energy. In Ngaparou we are trying to bring to the population through the results of work done in SOS lab all what they need to make the transition from the stage they are to an ecovillage. We have defined 3 steps in the transition from traditional design to ecovillage design. These steps bring competition spirit in the minds. The … Read more
Omuthiya Natural Springs EcoVillage
Omuthiya EcoVillage supports the United Nations Millennium Development Goals for the preservation of Indigenous Peoples, Cultures, Animals, and Land and serves the oldest hunter-gatherer community of South Africa. … Read more
OPC (Obrobibini Peace Complex)
Obrobibini Peace Complex is a non-governmental organisation in Ghana that promotes social entrepreneurship in the field of regenerative food and farming systems. Our centres connect national and international stakeholders and enable them to co-develop applied solutions. … Read more
Organic Technology Extension and Promotion of Initiative Centre (OTEPIC) is a community based organization born out of passion for sharing knowledge and innovative approaches with those who need it most: subsistence farmers, and in particular, women and youth groups in Trans-Nzoia district of northwestern Kenya and its surrounding areas. OTEPIC was registered as a Community Based Organization (CBO) in 2008. It has 4 board members and many volunteers. Vision: For the communities to have a … Read more
Oude Molen Ecovillage
The Oude Molen Eco Village was initially conceptualised as a micro enterprise village by a social entrepreneur & established by a group of tenants in 1997 and grew within the 1st two years to 70 tenants. The property consists of a previously abandoned and vandalised psychiatric hospital with the Provincial Government as the lead custodian. The project has evolved with a variety of committees achieving many developmental milestones, having overcome many internal and external challenges and … Read more
Oyo Projects is an association of artists, activists and other committed people. They share the wish to support street kids and young adults by engaging them in artistic and creative activities. Since 2012 the Oyo.Project team is working with street children in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In total, the projects provides food, medical support and clothes to 15 – 20 children and youths and offers regular art classes in drawing, painting, theater, music and modern … Read more
PCN Village Movement
PCN Village Movement is an initiative from Prime Care Network organization .It is a movement to create awareness of deprived rural communities and it’s associated problems and how they can be solved to benefit rural dwellers in Ghana and international volunteers on the project. This call for searching real situations in the rural sector and resources available and how they can be develop. International volunteers are being invited to come and join the movement in the field of Education, … Read more
Penyon Bay Ecological Village
Penyon Bay Eco Village is a project in the making. We will be located near the city of Alhoceima in Northern Morocco, on the Mediterranean coast of the country. The village will be initially composed of an organic farm and a hostel. Our vision is to build a community focused on self-sustainability, organic gardening and permaculture. The dream is that of a simple, healthy, natural way of life. We welcome people of all backgrounds and nationalities, particularly those that are friendly, open, … Read more
People’s Coast Ecovillage Network
PECEN’s vision is to rapidly increase – on a major scale – the number of people who are aware of the benefits and potential of ecovillage development in The Gambia and Africa as a whole. … Read more
Perfect Village Communities “P.V.C Burundi”
Perfect Village Communities "P.V.C Burundi" is a social enterprise based in Burundi, we work in land restoration while practicing regenerative agriculture on restored land, we empower women and youth in rural Burundi, offering them new employability opportunities in land restoration, modern livestock practices and regenerative agriculture, we facilitate access to health services for those communities through the production units, which are the Communities Groups. … Read more
Permaculture farm project
We are located in the near surroundings of Ougadougou, in a 4 hectares place. Our goal is to create a permaculture diversified farm, as an inspirational and sharing place, to live, experiment, share and spread permaculture mindset and knowledge. We are convinced that we can develop very desirable ways of living that can provide our needs and regenerate the nature. … Read more
We feel happy about the environment but this is when it is friendly to us. This however, may not continue because of how we have continued harming the nature through our irresponsible and thoughtless behavior such as the indiscriminate use of plastics and uncontrolled disposal of the plastic bottles. Our efforts are to bring end of plastic waste bottles disposed to to water channels. … Read more
Red Rocks Rwanda
Red Rocks Initiatives for sustainable development works with communities around the Virunga Mountains. Here we promote development by involving local people in programs that improve community livelihood through Environmental Conservation, Arts & Culture, Education, and Community Health & Food Security Initiatives. Our work is community and partner-driven, and their ideas – from researchers and volunteers to artists and skilled professionals, and everyone in between. We aim to leave … Read more
A piece of beach land to serve as an eco village to promote torism and recycling … Read more
ReSCOPE Programme
Our flagship project is the Green economy and Social Enterprises for community resilience which is being implemented in 10 communities in Zambia. The project is aimed at helping vulnerable groups in these communities to fight both poverty and climate change and achieve climate justice through innovation. The participating communities are diversifying their farming and adding value to their produce … Read more
Rural ICT Project
Give formal and informal education and reproductive health information. Mentor adolescent girls and boys to provide the skills and knowledge needed to become confident, assertive, and self-reliant. Provide coaching to help tackle the harmful cultural norms that limit the aspirations of girls … Read more
Sadhana Forest Kenya
Sadhana Forest Kenya is an International NGO working to establish food security through indigenous food forestry and water conservation with the Samburu people. Sadhana Forest Kenya is a long-term sustainable development project. We are not involved in short-term relief work or providing immediate aid. Be prepared to work very hard, be flexible and have fun! … Read more
Scope Zambia
SCOPE Zimbabwe – Ecovillage@Chitubu
Ecovillage@Chitubu was established in March 2018, 23km West of Harare, Zimbabwe. It was founded with the aim of creating a place for young people to reconnect and listen to the land. It offers all the possibilities of living off grid; from 100% renewable energy, organic food, earth building and embody the traditional and spiritual worlds. It has grown in its grass thatched and earth plastered huts … Read more
When Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish returned to Egypt in 1977 to start the SEKEM initiative he had a strong vision deep in his heart and since then, SEKEM has become a role model for sustainable development with international recognition as shown by the Alternative Nobel Prize in 2003 and the Business for Peace Award in 2012. SEKEM's vision SEKEM was founded with the idea of sustainable development and giving back to the community. The vision that brought Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish to dig the first … Read more
Sesame project
In Chiredzi, Zimbabwe, farming projects focus on crop production, livestock, and cash crops, with notable projects like Beef Enterprise Strengthening and Transformation (BEST) and Inclusive Poultry Value … Read more
SFEL (Strawberry Fields Eco-Lodge)
Strawberry Fields Eco Lodge (SFEL) delivers an eco-tourism service, embedded in the local cultural landscape and tailored for the environmentally aware visitor to Ethiopia. SFEL offers cultural hospitality and fresh organic food to national and international guests. It also forms the epicentre of a series of ethically-minded, community-based, education and adventure-tourism activities. Our unique Cultural Immersion Trekking Programs promote community inclusion in tourism activities, while our … Read more
SINA (Social Innovation Academy)
SINA unleashes the potentials of disadvantaged youth in Africa to become the change they wish to see. … Read more
Ssamba Foundation – Uganda Volunteer Program
Ssamba Foundation is a registered non-profit community development organization founded by Rtn. Isaac Ssamba in Mukono, Uganda. Operating in Mukono district, we manage a wide range of sustainable development and humanitarian projects since 2006. … Read more
Strawbery Fierlds Ecolodges and Per
Our project based in Knosd area, south region of Ethiopia, a small eco-lodge based on Konso local villages style, where the Konso area quite known by terracing and unique agricultural systems and techniques (with UNISCO award). our construction now containign the accomoddation (Koso village) and a permaculture farm to supply the lodge with food (75%). we expected to commence woprk by the biginning of the coming year - 2008, I will post 'if possible' a complete profile next time I log. … Read more
Students for Global Democracy -Uganda is a registered organization, with registration No. 120563 under the Company Act of the Republic of Uganda under. It is a non profit-making, non political and non discriminating organization that recognizes the value of making friends, building partnerships and networks, and respect for human diversity in opinions to promote human dignity. The Vision of SGD-Uganda is “An enlightened and empowered student community participating effectively in the … Read more
Sustainable Community Based Tourism
ASTCF (The Africa Sustainable Tourism Care Foundation) is a civil society organization that has been established in 2014. Founded with enormous support from the tourism industry in Uganda, it plays a key role in ensuring that Uganda’s tourism is sustainable, both in terms of concern for the environment and for the welfare of local communities. Communities in Africa’s rural and marginalized areas are the custodians of most of the world’s natural and cultural treasures. The abundant and diverse … Read more
Synergee Salone – Phase 1: Portloko Farmstead
The Synergee Salone Phase 1 initiative at Portloko Farmstead aims to revolutionize the community through sustainable energy and agriculture. By installing a solar array and embracing regenerative farming practices, we’re not just addressing energy access and food security but also empowering our community to lead a sustainable, self-sufficient future. … Read more
The Terre des jeunes ecovillage is a place where environmentally-minded youth and families from Togo’s dozens of ethnic groups are invited to share and learn about low-tech, traditional technologies in harmony with nature: permaculture, building techniques, sustainable micro-businesses. … Read more
The Sustainability Institute and Lynedoch Eco-Village
The Sustainability Institute is an international living and learning centre located outside the South African university town of Stellenbosch. Surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the Cape’s towering mountains and rooted in an agricultural community needing to break free from its’ racial past, the Sustainability Institute provides a space for people to explore an approach to creating a more equitable society that lives in a way that sustains rather than destroys the eco-system within which … Read more
Trees for Development
Trees for development seeks to improve the livelihoods of farmers and rural communities through the planting of trees and development initiatives that bring economic benefits to the underprivileged. In our work with villages, we wish to educate our communities with the principles of the ecovillage in order to empower them to develop their communities in a more sustainable manner. … Read more
Trees for Life Program
The TREES FOR LIFE PROGRAM is an initiative of Community Without Borders Association (COWIBORA) working in collaboration with key environment stakeholders. The Trees for Life Program is targeting to produce 50,000 tree seedlings per public school for planting in state and local authority forest reserves and water catchments towers. The aim is to restore forest cover in Kenya from the current 1.7% to the recommended 10% cover. … Read more
Umphakatsi Peace Ecovillage
Promote and learn about: - Trust for self and others - Promote optimum use of resource and low impact lifestyle - All voices must be heard - Promote daily activities on healing of body, mind, soul and spirit. - Allow spontaneity and creativity - Use and development of images supporting our vision - Research and practice on renewable energy, wastemanagement, biodiversity and innovative technologies - Natural learning promoted - Use rights based approaches to holistic sustainable … Read more
Unity Ecovillage
Unity offers visitors the opportunity to learn about indigenous African culture, experience community life in a traditional village, and make a positive impact. The mission of Unity Ecovillage is to promote peace and understanding through cultural immersion programs that integrate workshops, field research, lectures, and service learning. Our ten-acre campus, including visitor accommodations, artisan workshops, amphitheater, conference hall and an organic farm, reflect Unity’s commitment to … Read more
WildRain Ecovillage
At WildRain we believe in social empowerment and ecological restoration, thus in our bid to contribute to the global goals we have taken a bold step to establish an ecovillage which is community orientated and will bring together man and nature at the heart of a mountain to promote coexistence with one another. … Read more
wireless ghana
World Hope Foundation
Youth and skill Development
Women, Orphans and Vulnerable Children, War affected communities, Internally Displaced children rural families and the Youth in Southern Sudan face enormous challenges related to occupation, conflict, deep rural poverty, food insecurity and lack of extracurricular activities. The need to maintain traditional agricultural practices grows as the consequences of Occupation and conflict threaten farming livelihoods. As the just ended 22 year civil war deny Southern Sudanese the right to access … Read more