1st Humanity Fellowship Centre in New Brunswick
1st Humanity Fellowship was formed as a project to bring internal quietness to each human being. It has evolved into building an Eco Village with Training Centre at Warwick Settlement (20 minutes from Miramichi) in New Brunswick, Canada. Now we are developing a 400-acre forested land into a small community for people interested in living more sustainably and off the land in one of 3 ways. Permanent Residence Short Term yearly Residence Several Short term visits from week-end to … Read more
Abundance Ecovillage
Abundance EcoVillage is a sustainable community supplying its own wind and solar power, water and water treatment, and waste treatment, functioning in a well integrated system in harmony with nature. … Read more
Alaska Resiliency Institute
The Alaska Resiliency Institute will consist of a series of buildings that forms a village campus of innovation. These facilities will be used to demonstrate technology at scale as needed to process local resources into the feedstock to support the construction and maintenance of local living economies, regardless of size. … Read more
Alderleaf Wilderness College
The Alderleaf campus is a small-scale permaculture homestead nestled in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. It is located above the Skykomish River valley near the town of Monroe, Washington, 30 miles northeast of Seattle. Our 15 acre property is an evolving model of environmental sustainability. Alderleaf Wilderness College has its office and classrooms on site. The large forested portion of the land contains giant mossy cedars, a cascading creek, a diversity of wildlife, and several … Read more
Aletheia Springs
Aletheia Springs is a multigenerational community of stewards restoring the land and mineral waters of a 20-acre geothermal springs in the Sonoma Valley of Northern California. Our community’s primary service offering stems from natural springs with pools, creek side picnic areas, organic cafe, heritage oak woodlands and open meadows. … Read more
Alpha Farm
Alpha Farm is an intentional community of people who have chosen to live and work together to share a more harmonious way of living. At our home in rural western Oregon, we live the largely self-reliant style of a close-knit expanded family; we average 5 to 20 people, including singles, couples and families, and have ranged in age from infants to elderly. Alpha Farm is located about 25 miles from the Pacific Ocean and about 55 miles by road northwest of Eugene, the nearest city. Dense, … Read more
Alt Terra Commons
WELCOME - Alt Terra Commons is an Innovative, Communal, Egalitarian, and Sustainable Intentional Community / Eco-Village that is Doing Community Differently. A Unique Community of Forward Thinking and Loving people who are Developing a 21st Century Intentional Community Model. VISION - Specifically we are Building a Collective of up to #12 Semi-Autonomous Satellite Groups, micro-neighborhoods, that will Surround a Central Hub of Shared Facilities. Alt Terra Commons is a place where Each … Read more
Altair EcoVillage
We are developing an active 55+ cohousing community in Kimberton, PA (near Phoenixville, PA and just 45 minutes from Philadelphia). Our mission is to create an ecovillage community and to educate the public in sustainable methods and practices. We hope to get zoning approvals during 2025 and construct 30 homes during 2026. More information about our community: https://www.altairecovillage.org/ … Read more
Arboretum Cohousing
Arboretum Cohousing is a cohousing community located in Madison, Wisconsin that is designed to encourage interactions between people and enrich our lives with the pleasure of cooperation and friendship. here are 9 existing and 31 new homes, 2 of which are built by Habitat for Humanity. By working together and eating together we build understanding and friendship and strengthen our community. We began as strangers to each other, but now Arbco feels like an extended family. … Read more
Atlan Center
Vision: Atlan is a living and learning ecovillage dedicated to the artful co-creation of healthy living systems celebrating the connectedness and diversity of all Life. Mission: Atlan provides sanctuary for the creation of sustainable culture through the holistic integration of healing, art, and design. Our ecovillage demonstrates permaculture and regenerative principles while engaging a network of resonant communities. The Community: Beginning in 2007, Atlan emerged from spontaneous … Read more
Aurora Dwelling Circle
The Aurora Dwelling Circle is the pilot project of New Earth Living in Ithaca, New York. Dwelling Circles are similar to co-housing and small lot cottage development, except smaller in scale and cooperatively owned. The small scale allows for uncomplicated resident management and makes Dwelling Circles easier to place on small urban lots within existing established neighborhoods, preserving and incorporating existing buildings. Buildings are constructed to inherently conserve energy, … Read more
Avalon Organic Gardens & EcoVillage
A regenerative culture of Spiritual Awareness … Read more
Baltimore Free Farm
The Baltimore Free Farm is an urban farm and cohousing collective in Baltimore's Hampden neighborhood. The founders of the Farm acquired the land through mixed efforts of peaceful resistance and local fundraising, eventually transforming an abandoned lot into a flourishing community garden. The right to free food access is at the heart of the Farm's mission, and several organizations operate out of the space, including Baltimore Food Not Bombs and Baltimore Food Rescue. The Farm also works … Read more
Belfast Cohousing and Ecovillage
We're a diverse group of individuals and families who have been meeting together since early 2007 to build a cohousing community with clustered housing and shared infrastructure in Belfast, Maine. We're working to create a community model which combines affordability, sustainability, and healthy community processes. We seek a close-knit, cooperative, and ecologically conscious way of life, open to people of all ages, lifestyles, beliefs, and backgrounds. We want to maintain the land … Read more
Betterfields Community
We are looking for people who are interested in putting together, in an equal partnership, a limited amount of assets to purchase Viable Agricultural land near the beautiful California/Oregon coast. Be apart of a living Quality of Life, through being an equal member of a privately owned Farming Community, designed to provide ourselves with nearly all our needs. A Community of people pulling together our talents to provide our own Homes, Utilities, Food, Jobs, Income, Health Care Insurance, … Read more
Bezaleel Israel Eco-Village
The Bezaleel Israel Eco-Village (NE Washington State, USA) has openings for a permaculture farmer and a permaculture builder for 2024 (families okay). After a successful 60-day trial period you would become an apprentice Village member until the end of the year, renewable, with permanent residency potential. Ready to unplug from “the system” and put down some roots in your own ecosystem? … Read more
Blueberry Creek Village
Blueberry Creek Village is a non-profit cooperative located on a beautiful 90 acres property, in the Blaeberry, 20 min away from Golden B.C near the Canadian Rockies. The land is surrounded by mountains, has its own creeks and a waterfall! We want to co-create with the environment an eco-village with a human dimension; sustainable houses that work in harmony with their environment! Our main goals are: create an alternative school Produce sustainable food Defend community … Read more
Bodhi Farms
Bodhi Farms is a sustainable permaculture farm outside Las Vegas NM. We are located in rural northern New Mexico where the plains met the mountains. This area is noted for it's views, mountains and trails. Nearby there are numerous National Forests and hiking opportunities. We are in our fourth year of operation. We typically plant heirloom vegetables, root crops and sell at a variety of local farmers markets. … Read more
Breitenbush Community
We are an intentional community and worker-owned cooperative that operates Breitenbush Hot Springs Retreat and Conference Center, hosting 25,000 guests annually. Sixty miles east of Salem, Oregon, Breitenbush sits on 155 acres in ancient forests of the Cascades. Our community ranges from 50 – 90 adults and children. We are off the grid, using hydro and geothermal, and practice low-impact Earth stewardship. The members of the worker-owned cooperative make major decisions about community and … Read more
Camphill Village Minnesota
We are seeking help in our organically grown gardens February through October and on our biodynamic farm all year round. Growing, preserving and preparing food is a large focus of our community. Everyone in our community has talents and gifts to offer. … Read more
Cape Breton Eco Village
Theme Independence, self-sufficiency, healthy living, permaculture, self-sufficiency and personal responsibility, … Read more
Catalyst Ecovillage
NOTE: We are closing on the purchase of 75 acres by March 15th and need a few more people to contribute to the downpayment and help us with loan repayments to the local Farm Credit Bureau! Come join us now! We are doing this! Email: [email protected] immediately with any questions! Mission Statement Catalyst Community is a forming ecovillage and green business-incubator education center in Warwick, NY. Our energy-positive residential and agricultural buildings will be … Read more
Cedar Moon
The seven-acre farm houses two intentional communitites, Cedar Moon and the Sacred Land Alliance and the nonprofit Tryon Life Community Farm. The land is a community event center that support social change, equity, regenerative culture, and spiritual expression. … Read more
Chuckleberry Community Farm
Laughter and song echo in the evenings, intertwined with the rushing waters of Falls Creek pouring through the deep gully on the western side of the pristine 23 acres of forest that is home to Chuckleberry Community Farm. Every day, the Selkirk mountains of the West Kootenays offer a breathtaking, ever-changing Awesome View. You will find us taking in the view from the earthship rooftop deck, waking from a night under the stars. You will find us doing morning practices in the orchard, or … Read more
Cinderland Ecovillage
ALOHA! Cinderland ecovillage was founded on the remains of the 1960 kapoho lava flow on the big Island of Hawaii. The land was buried with lava and then with Cinders. The cinders were mined and sold to the public and the land laid wasted, barren and empty until we purchased it in 2000. We implemented permaculture technics and planted nitrogen fixing trees extensively. We composted all of our organic waste and brought in cinders, mulch, horse manure, soil, green waste, saw dust and plenty of … Read more
Cite Ecologique (Qc, Canada)
La Cité Écologique of Quebec, Canada, covers 700 acres of land. Near 100 people live on the property, participating in different ways to the school and working within the ecovillage’s businesses. Education is offered on-site from kindergarten to graduation and can even continue after within an entrepreneurship program. … Read more
Claytor Nature Study Center
The CNSC is a former farm in rural Bedford County, VA, USA. It was given to Lynchburg College in 1998 for use as an environmental education and research center. Our mission is to 1) enrich the learning experience about nature through education and research, 2) to demonstrate and promote sustainable human-environment interactions, and 3) to preserve and enhance the diversity and function of ecosystems. We serve approximately 1000 Lynchburg College students faculty and staff, 1000 adult lifelong … Read more
Clearwater Commons
Clearwater Commons is an intergenerational residential community, ranging from small children to grandparents. Members share an intention of living a lifestyle that sustains a balance between individual and community needs and the natural ecosystem. Clearwater Commons began forming in June 2006 when a group of families purchased a 7.4 acre site on North Creek, 11 miles north of Seattle, WA city limits. The site includes wetlands, wooded spaces, and a salmon stream. As of May 2012 there are … Read more
Cleary Ecovillage Collaboratory
Cleary University in Howell, Michigan www.cleary.edu - an 800 student Business University www.cleary.edu - is developing a unique Ecovillage testbed on campus, with students, staff, faculty, partners and other stakeholders to research and deliver a template or model Ecovillage design and development package. This package would be so designed and tested at Cleary that it can be adapted to meet the needs of any particular community or region. It would include a limited set of cost-effective … Read more
Cleveland EcoVillage
Exciting, urban and historic, the Cleveland EcoVillage, centered around the W.65th-Lorain-EcoVillage Rapid Station, has become one of Cleveland's most diverse neighbourhoods and continues to blossom as a community. New residents are moving in, businesses are setting up shop, theatres are opening, and the number of vistors is growing. The aim of this neighbourhood has always been to realise the full potential of urban life in the most ecologically sustainable way possible. The ecovillage is … Read more
Coalescence Ecovillage
Coalescence Ecovillage utilizes egalitarian models of governance, economic organization and community businesses focusing on methodologies that set up our purposeful culture to thrive. Our culture consists of Healthy Social Connection, Inclusion, Integration, Emotional Development, Spiritual Evolution, Somatic Embodiment, Wellness, and Healing. … Read more
Coastal Roots Farm
Coastal Roots Farm is a nonprofit community farm and education center where we nourish connections—to ourselves, our neighbors, and the land. Inspired by Jewish wisdom and centuries-old agricultural traditions, we practice sustainable farming and share our harvest with communities that lack access to healthy food. Our goal is to become a model for community farming and creative Jewish expression, both at home in Encinitas, California, and around the world. … Read more
Coffee Creek Community and Gardens
We are a variety show of homesteaders, hustlers, therapists, anti-oppression activists, students, and families in south west Washington. We have cats, 2 dogs, a small rabbitry, sheep, chickens, and turkeys. We are committed to sharing this experience and our skills to promote sustainable relationships with land, animal, and humans through intentional stewardship and everyday farm life. We grow wide variety of seasonal herbs, veggies, fruits and berries, and raise critters for meat, eggs, … Read more
Cohabitat Québec
Notre intention est de créer un milieu de vie plus humain en vivant dans un ensemble d’habitations permettant un voisinage agréable et chaleureux. Le projet est construit selon les principes du développement durable. Nous favorisons la méthode de prise de décision par consentement, basée sur la sociocratie, pour atteindre nos objectifs car chaque personne détient une partie de la solution. … Read more
Merciful rescue effort to evacuate those who do not wish to be trapped & use as human guinea pigs against their will. If you are pressured into taking experimental agents in order to keep your job to sustain your livelihood, then you are being forced against your will. You are not making that choice of your own free-will, but under coercion. … Read more
Coops to Co-ops
In Princess Anne Maryland a sustainable project created to be an example of a new way to live in the world launched in 2019. … Read more
Crooked Tree Homeless Ecovillage
A Tiny home Campground & Village part of One Network that will be a Gaiaship EcoVillage that is built and fueled with 95% TRASH! … Read more
Culture Caravan
Culture Caravan is a Nomadic Family committed to healing & creating a regenerative culture. Culture Caravan is a Gaian Gameworld that creates, inhabits and navigates bridges that create paths of healing from a capitalist patriarchal exploitative culture, to a regenerative culture that works in harmony with Gaia. … Read more
Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage
Dancing Rabbit believes as our society faces ecological crisis, there is a critical need for practical, tangible examples of sustainable systems to serve as a model and inspiration for change. We look holistically at the issues of sustainability to create a sustainable culture that takes into account all impacts of its actions and acts to preserve the Earth for the future. … Read more
Dapala Farm
We are Daniel & Patti EarthStewards. We seek Co-Founders for a collective run Ecovillage and Sustainable Technologies Educational Center. Our goals are to restore sustainable lifestyles, to live close to the land, and to teach the right use of our planets limited resources. At Dapala Farm our wish is to co-create with a unified voice and make enduring alliances. We seek to become part of a common voice, will and intent which manifests as sustainability. We want to live sustainable … Read more
Dogtown Ecovillage
We are an Urban Ecovillage building community and sustainability. We aim to: 1) Bring together and build a community of neighbors interested in environmental sustainability through shared experiences such as pot-luck dinners, community service projects, parties, and educational events 2) Enhance the environmental sustainability of the neighborhood and promote these values more regionally. 3) Create projects such as: gardening in private and shared settings, permaculture, home energy … Read more
Down-To-Earth EcoShire
Please see our website for more information and updates at www.ecoshiresage.com … Read more
Dry Gulch Ecovillage
Here in the gentrifying West Denver Barrio we have improved the energy efficiency, safety, and attractiveness of a tri-plex, turning lawns to gardens, with a solar-power system to be installed when affordable. We are 2 blocks from an elementary school, 1 block from a park and bicycle trail to downtown, and 4 blocks from a light-rail station, connecting to the commuter rail line to the DIA airport. … Read more
E Ola ka Pu`uwai Aloha; Living Life Source Foundation
In Wailea, with and as the community, we aim to cultivate hope and healing through collaborative ecological regeneration, food forests, and watershed restoration; experiential learning of Hawaiian social-ecological knowledge, practices, language, ritual, history spiritual/cultural heritage; planting harvesting and preparation of traditional healing foods and herbs to share with wider communities. … Read more
Earth Deeds
Earth Deeds offers innovative online tools for users to “onset” the social cost of their carbon footprints and support sustainability projects of their choice. We help ecologically-minded groups and individuals give back to the Earth and become “carbon conscious” by 1) measuring the carbon footprints of their activities and events, 2) raising funds to acknowledge their impacts, 3) efficiently distributing these funds to small, local sustainability projects of their choosing, and 4) receiving a … Read more
EarthArt Village
EarthArt Village (EAV) is organized as a cooperative association for land and building ownership, membership structure, decision-making (consensus) and infrastructure development (power, water, waste management, shared facilities, etc.) EAV will include full and part-time residents, non-resident members, and guests, to achieve a healthy diversity of involvement, and a balance of the necessary skills and talents for cooperative activities. EAV owns 400 acres in the Northeast San Luis Valley. … Read more
Earthaven Ecovillage
Earthaven is an aspiring ecovillage founded in 1994 on 329 acres in the mountain forests of Western North Carolina, about 50 minutes from Asheville. We are spiritually diverse and value sustainable ecological systems, permaculture design, elegant simplicity, right livelihood, and healthy social relations. We have both vegetarians and omnivores, and some of us raise livestock for food. We hope to become empowered, responsible, ecologically literate citizens who model bioregionally appropriate … Read more
Earthen Heart
Geographically speaking, Earthen Heart is a 20 acre homestead in Bangor, Michigan, USA. Located within the fruit belt and the heart of blueberry country with mostly a sandy loam soil, near many small lakes and 10 minutes from the Great Lake Michigan. It is within an hour or two of many cities, including: Chicago, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Holland, St. Joseph; and there is an Amtrak passenger train passing through Bangor daily on the Grand Rapids - Chicago line. Earthen Heart is looking for … Read more
Earthwalk Eco Education Center offers sustainable living educational experiences. Our mission is to raise consciousness about sustainable solutions to our social and environmental issues. Through our workshops, seminars, courses and publications we share information and techniques for healthy and environmentally responsible living. Located about 60 minutes east of Toronto. Earthwalk is designed to function as an eco demonstration and education center. Our focus is exploring both new and … Read more
East Wind Community
We are a 70-member collective located on 1,045 acres of rural Ozark Hills in southern Missouri. We are a member of the Federation of Egalitarian Communities, and as such, we put great value in cooperation, nonviolence, and sharing. We support ourselves through two industries: East Wind Nut Butters and Utopian Rope Sandals. Our membership is very diverse, we have no central leadership, and we practice democracy. Our work lives are busy and varied, but we always find time to relax and enjoy … Read more
Eco Aldea Tierra de Niebla
VISION Ser una comunidad ecológica y autosuficiente, donde familias e individuos cuidamos el entorno, compartiendo nuestros recursos, habilidades y talentos para llevar una vida creativa, digna, sostenible y plena. MISION Somos un grupo de familias e individuos organizados con el fin de lograr un modo de vida sostenible, fomentando la seguridad alimentaria, educación alternativa, salud holística, economía solidaria y protección ambiental, aprendiendo y compartiendo conocimientos y … Read more
Eco-village in Montana, U.S.A
Hello my eco-friendly guys and gals! My name is Ivy Beck, and I have been interested in building my own eco-village/intentional community for a long time, and now I am finally ready to do it! Recently I moved to Arizona, and it hasn't been the best for me. I have experienced many hardships while living here, and it is time for me to move on. Whilst living here I met many new friends, but unfortunately not many with the same mindset as me when it comes to sustainability. Eventually, I met … Read more
We are building a new cooperative community of independent, private individuals designed to provide natural, compassionate support to its members, humans who share compatible, complementary beliefs, goals and values. Our community’s goal is to honour the rights of humans to eat, work, live and love in a place where they have truth, justice and peace to create a true, sustainable human home. … Read more
Ecovillage at Ithaca
EcoVillage at Ithaca is part of a global movement of people seeking to create positive solutions to the social, environmental and economic crises our planet faces. Since 1991 we have developed an award-winning ecovillage that invites you to live, learn, and grow. EcoVillage at Ithaca has 170 acres and 100 homes and over 200 residents. … Read more
Ecovillage La Cite Ecologique of NH
Our Mission: To create a micro-society with a high quality of life by providing holistic education to all generations, financial sufficiency by creating our own businesses, secure environment and where everyone can explore their full potential. Our Story: In 1984, 30 families and 15 individuals from diverse professional backgrounds embarked on a new adventure. They sold all of their personal assets to invest in what is now known as La Cite Ecologique: “The Ecological City”. In the … Read more
Toronto’s Eco Village Our Mission: ECOville.TO will offer an affordable housing option with a sizeable land component, a low carbon footprint design incorporating elegant esthetics, as part of a community of high-tech, eco-friendly, globally-minded citizens. Our Vision: ECOville.TO will be a community located on a parcel of land within an hour of an urban centre, providing a variety of eco-dwellings with plots ranging in size from one to four acres. Amenities would include a solar … Read more
Edgewood Ecovillage
This community is in the "FORMING" stage. We are currently applying for funding to help us get our people and our partners ready and able to dive into the long journey we have ahead. THE OVERALL CONCEPT 20-30 residential units A shared Members Activity Centre ("The MAC") A number of trials through a variety of natural habitats (bog, beach, protected salt marsh, forests, and wetlands) The residents will all be ages 50+ (with some lee way to allow members as young as … Read more
Ekvn-Yefolecv is an intentional ecovillage community of Indigenous Maskoke persons who, after 180 years of having been forcibly removed from traditional homelands - in what is commonly/colonially known as Alabama - have returned for the purpose of practicing linguistic, cultural and ecological sustainability. The term Ekvn-Yefolecv implicitly embodies a double entendre: 1) Returning to the earth, 2) Returning to our homelands. With only a handful of speakers remaining, we are revitalizing the … Read more
Elphinstone Rainbow Village
Food Forest: We’d like to get some more people knowledgeable in gardening or permaculture practices. We have one greenhouse area and a garden area but there is lots of potential for growing more. It would be nice to have enough food for 5 people to live off of at the community. Structures: We have 2 structures made of deadfall and wood platforms but need to add more and waterproof everything. … Read more
Emerald Earth Sanctuary
VISION: In this time of rapid planetary change, we envision a world where groups of people connected to specific land recreate culture in which humans reclaim their role as a keystone species in that ecosystem. MISSION: To create opportunities for personal transformation through participation in a thriving community culture which connects us to ourselves, each other, and the land while meeti … Read more
Floyd EcoVillage
A new intentional community focused on bringing together people who want to live and work in an environment that encourages sustainability, personal growth and lifelong learning is coming to the New River Valley. An inviting 75 acre mix of woods, farm fields and gardens located just a few miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway and the charming town of Floyd. The EcoVillage is growing ... The 75 acre property features designated spaces for residential living units, some of which are planned as … Read more
Forever MicroRanch
Forever MicroRanch: A Community Leaving Project is a diverse collection of human folk and nonhuman residents, acting together as co-citizens, who believe that farmed animal, environmental and human justice promotes health and quality of life for all. We understand that our wellbeing as a community is directly connected to the kindness, compassion and respect we extend to nonhuman animals, humans and our natural environment, and we are dedicated to promoting a space of safety and comfort for … Read more
Forge of Brigit ~ Snake Village
“We’re tending a global cultural shift and the web of our interpersonal bonds with all beings through: Drumming up the fire of a commune village; Co-braiding a basket for the stages of life; Sharing the land, power, provisions; Co-creating a flow of art and wealth; Healing the land, sky, and sea, living with the earth and seasons; Stretching bridges with indigenous nations in clarity of being.” … Read more
Freedom Village Georgia
Freedom Village Georgia is a self-contained off the grid Modern Eco Village. Utilizing the principles written in the book “The Principles of Freedom” Freedom Village is a haven for doers, craftsmen, makers and developers seeking to fully emerge themselves with like minded individuals who are unimpeded by anyone. … Read more
Futures Growing Together
What an incredible moment to be alive Here we stand, at the convergence of the intertwining crises that threaten the future of all life on earth, and the growing awakening to our place in the web of life as caretakers of this precious blue-green sphere floating in space. With the technology and knowledge now capable of both destroying and regenerating life on earth, we have become the keystone species of this planet. The question now is can we overcome the powers of greed and hatred in … Read more
Ganas Community
Ganas- Staten Island, New York, United States Ganas is a Spanish word meaning … Read more
Gesundheit! Institute
Gesundheit, through our world-work, seeks to restore people, communities, systems, and planet to wholeness and health through laughter and loving care. Our activism promotes and models humane values of generosity, justice, and compassion. We began traveling and clowning around the world in 1985 and has grown every year since. In 2006 we began the Gesundheit Global Outreach programming to help us organize all the individual trips taken throughout the year. Gesundheit Global Outreach Clowns … Read more
Gita Nagari Eco-Farm and Sanctuary
Gita Nagari is America’s first slaughter-free dairy farm and promotes compassion to all living beings through vegetarianism and connecting with nature. They use regenerative agricultural practices, preserve the natural forest that surrounds the farm by removing invasive species and planting natives, and have formed a variety of partnerships to further the mission. They provide wellness retreats that support one’s mind, body and spirit, and help the surrounding community by partnering with … Read more
Glen Valley Organic Farm
The Glen Valley Organic Farm Co-operative (GVOFC) is a community of individuals who have come together with the goal of sharing, owning and operating Glen Valley Organic Farm. The Co-operative’s members come from a variety of backgrounds, including conventional and organic farming, education, law, project management, marketing and group facilitation. The Co-operative uses a consensus model of decision-making, ensuring that all members have a voice. GVOFC stewards 50 acres of fertile loam, … Read more
Global Community Communications All
Global Community Communications Alliance (GCCA) is established in two locations at present: In Sedona and Tubac, Arizona, USA. GCCA is a Church with its focus on the Fatherhood of God and the brother/sisterhood of humankind. We see ourselves as a cosmic family, with members and friends from every corner of the world and from many diverse religious backgrounds. We work as a team of committed individuals with the desire to serve humanity through our various outreach programs and supporting … Read more
Goodlife Eco Village
Goodlife Eco Village located on Wolfe Island features a beautiful location with water-views of the mighty St. Lawrence River in several directions. It feels like you are away from the hustle-and-bustle of city life, yet the city lights of Kingston’s skyline are just a 15-minute ferry ride across the water. The unique waterfront village will feature edible forest parklands, organic gardens, eco business centre, recreational facilities, a dock, boat launch, camping, and swimming areas … Read more
Greenbriar Community School
Located within 170 wooded acres east of Austin, between Elgin and Bastrop Texas. Greenbriar was a part of the free school movement that began in the 1960's ☮ We are an Educational community focusing on sustainability, homeschooling, and providing an alternative learning center. Our land stewardship program maintains and provides a space for a variety of Educational Programs, Workshops, and Events. Participation in community life is an integral part of our learning process. We host a … Read more
Hawaiian Sanctuary Retreat Center
Hawaiian Sanctuary is an eco-retreat and permaculture center nestled in the jungles of Big Island, Hawai’i. We are dedicated to providing experiential education in the areas of health, wellness, permaculture, leadership and sustainability, as well as opportunities for personal and collective growth. We open our arms and our home to you with the warm-hearted spirit of Aloha. … Read more
We are an artistic eco village We purchased our 12 acre kipuka “island of trees” in 1987. There are 35 founding members (mostly jugglers and performing artists) from 8 different countries, who met at one of the 19 Hawaiian Juggling festivals. We loved the Big Island of Hawaii enough to decide to live or visit here regularly and organized ourselves to establish a permanent home and performing arts center. We bought an abandoned jungle homestead that was overrun by vines and weed trees. Since … Read more
Headwaters Garden and Learning Center is built around a shared ethic of land stewardship, reverence for nature, mutual support and respect, and a sustainable life. We strive to build a resilient web of relationships between our community, ourselves, nature, and spirit. We want to cultivate food, energy, and our human spirit to honor all our relations, and thereby eliminate impoverishment and exploitative relationships with Earth and humanity. Our shared work on the land, in our neighborhoods, … Read more
Healing Creek Farm – Centre for Collective Thriving
Healing Creek Farm creates 1) spaces, 2) experiences, and 3) communities to learn about and embody 4) regenerative culture, 5) well-being, and 6) leadership development for individual and collective thriving. We achieve our mission in three ways: 1) Sustainability Demonstration Center, 2) Leadership Development and 3) Wellbeing Support for Changemakers. … Read more
Hearthstone Village
We have work parties on the second and fourth Sunday of every month. We do have regular maintenance projects such as trail clearing; cleaning intake water tanks or backwashing the filters; gutter clearing or new projects such as building a sauna or a humanure composting unit. … Read more
Heartwood Cohousing
We are a rural cohousing community in Southwest Colorado made up of people of all ages and from all walks of life. In our 24 homes, we represent a diversity of ages and family units. Our vision is to form strong community connections and nurture the planet. We are an established, close-knit, and thriving community. We are now developing a second phase of 14 homes, planning to complete construction in 2025. We are welcoming new Phase 2 members. For lots of information about our community, … Read more
Heathcote Community
The adults and children of Heathcote Community strive to live in a healthy, loving, and sustainable manner. We are located on 42 acres of wooded valley which is part of the School of Living community land trust. We believe that we have a responsibility to care for the land and each other, treating both with dignity and respect. In community we support one another in living a life that we love. We don’t currently have community businesses, so each member earns income individually and makes … Read more
Hedonisia Hawaii Sustainable Community
Hedonisia Hawaii is a sustainable community located on 4 acres of lush rainforest in Puna, Hawaii. Our cozy little community has been hosting ‘eco-tourists’ and ‘volun-tourists’ from around the world since 2004! … Read more
Hickory Nut Forest Eco-Community
Hickory Nut Forest is an eco community near Asheville in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Located on over 100 acres in beautiful Hickory Nut Gorge, we are a sustainable community where adults and children live and work among caring neighbors, sharing their inspiration and enthusiasm with each other. As well as protecting the land’s biodiversity, we are growing vegetables and fruits, designing green homes, and using renewable energy from water and sun. We have kept the special … Read more
Highgrove Farm & Commons
Highgrove is an experiment of regeneration at the person, place, and community level. We use adaptive design and evidence based decision making to effectively speed learning and responsiveness; primarily to address pressing social and environmental concerns that effect us all. We adhere to mixed-used regenerative practices with an integrated blend of pastures, food forests and gardens growing a variety of healthy food while increasing the vitality of the environment. We congregate over … Read more
Hummingbird Community
Our Vision Hummingbird Community is a family of pioneering souls whose vision is to cultivate a joyful, vibrant, co-creative culture in service to the evolution of consciousness. Our Essence At our core we are cultivating a resonant field of safety, trust, playfulness, appreciation and love that nurtures our spiritual growth and empowers the fulfillment of our soul’s purpose. All of our activities emerge from this foundation. Our Mission As a living laboratory of co-creation, our … Read more
Hundredfold Farm
Hundredfold Farm is a small, rural multi-generational, co-housing community located near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The co-housing model is characterized by private dwellings, clustered housing, pedestrian-friendly design, and extensive common facilities. We promote sustainability with organic community gardens, active and passive solar components in our energy-efficient homes, and an innovative wastewater treatment facility that recycles water to our homes. The cornerstone of our common vision … Read more
IDEAL Society
IDEAL Society is a collectivity composed of members of all ages hailing from various nationalities, cultures, religions and backgrounds. Uniting this group is a common ideal of fraternity among people. Since 1993 our shared collective life in the beautiful mountains of southeastern British Columbia forms an experimental framework and environment in which to grow in harmony with nature, while contributing to the well-being of the group and larger community in a spirit of sustainable … Read more
Ik-Balam Ecoaldea
! Creado como un ejemplo de vivienda sustentable en comunión y respeto con la Tierra Sagrada Maya, Ik Balam Eco Aldea se encuentra localizada sobre 88 hectáreas de bosque selvático, hogar de una hermosa flora y fauna tropical.! ! IK Balam Eco Aldea está ubicado a 15 kilómetros al oeste de Tulum, a sólo 11 minutos del pueblo de Tulum y a unos cuantos minutos más de las paradisiacas playas de Tuum, en un área de espectaculares cenotes ~ albercas naturales inundadas de refrescantes aguas … Read more
Inuksuk Project
In September 2013, our project was authorized by the Municipality of Sainte-Beatrix (located an hour and a bit north of Montreal). This is an eco-tourism project eventually involving the existence of a functioning eco-hamlet consisting forge, workshops of all kinds, gardens, etc., doubled rental housing for people of outside. In fact, we want to become, in a few years, a kind of research university and developments in ecological solutions and fulfillment of human potential. --- En … Read more
Jackrabbit Permaculture Homestead
Two brothers and a permaculture community who are greening the desert , building, and teaching sustainable design, permaculture, and eco-living. … Read more
Kailash Ecovillage
Kailash Ecovillage, located in SE Portland, Oregon, is an intentional community offering a model for sustainable urban living. Residents have their own private spaces but also enjoy shared activities and a sense of community. Principles of co-housing within a rental model maintain affordability and create opportunity for people looking to experience an intentional community. … Read more
Kootenays Village
Kootenay Lake Innovation Centre is a Creative Coworking Space for Open Source Innovation now creating a Smart Village that will be located in Kaslo, British Columbia, Canada. Our aim is to use regenerative design and create scalable communities for affordable living that solve environmental, economic and social problems. … Read more
Kuishtak, para SER humano
Comunidad autosustentable que eleva la calidad de vida fomentando respeto al medio ambiente, desarrollo económico y social, contribuyendo a la creación de una nueva cultura de convivencia pacífica. Buscamos crear una mejor forma de desarrollo social a través de la participación ciudadana en educación, producción orgánica, huertos familiares, uso racional del agua, preservación de la salud, entre otros. Un proyecto de espiritualidad aplicada, que incluye: - Un proyecto de salud. - … Read more
Labishire Homestead Commons
Labishire is a gay POC-founded and led experiment to figure out how to live on Mother Earth during and after the climate collapse. There is no financial barrier to entry. … Read more
Le Manoir
The vision we have for le Manoir community is a balance of the following 5 principles: – Human relationship – Social Justice – Nature – Autonomy – Openness … Read more
Light of True Liberty
Exit and Build in Oklahoma! Our model community is forming in Le Flore County, Oklahoma, starting with over 3000 acres. This is an oasis for homeschooling, biblical liberty, and is suitable for permaculture, regenerative, organic, etc. gardening and farming. … Read more
Living Energy Farm
Living Energy Farm is a farm and community in Louisa VA, USA that operates without fossil fuel. We are a fully operational, organic farm, not just a demonstration project. We have built our community at modest cost so that it can easily be replicated in other locations. … Read more
Living Well Community
Living Well Community is on 126 acres of land on the Deep River in the rural town of Franklinville in central North Carolina. The land is beautiful with a variety of ecosystems and a pubic greenway on the property parallel to the river connecting the community to adjacent towns. The community's Concept Plan has residential, business, farming, and conservation components. Our four core values of health/wellness, sustainability, honoring the sacred, and service to the greater good, influence … Read more
We are a small eco-community in tropical rural part of Yucatan, Mexico very close to the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. In the future, we would like to incorporate a small hotel and run courses so that others can come and stay and share the experience in more comfortable surroundings and to input and take ideas too. We wanted to live in a fantastic place, work hard, eat awesome food grown by us on our ‘farm’, in season and without chemicals, to relearn what our food is … Read more
we already have land and several buildings and self sufficient elements. … Read more
Los Angeles Eco-Village
Los Angeles Eco-Village is a place name for our transit rich two block neighborhood three miles west of Downtown Los Angeles. Three nonprofit organizations are working toward reinventing how we live in the City. Our 45 member intentional community does this by demonstrating higher quality living patterns at much lower environmental impacts, engaging with one another, our neighbors and the City at large in a variety of hands-on and educational activities. We try to maximize the beneficial … Read more
Lost Valley Education Center
Lost Valley is a 35-year-old ecovillage, permaculture education center, and non-profit community land trust, providing access to land for ecological community living. Our core pillars are Sociocracy, Nonviolent Communication, and Permaculture, and we offer courses and internships that engage people in personal, social and ecological growth, for the co-creation of a regenerative future. … Read more
Manzanita Village
Manzanita Village is a cohousing community centrally located in beautiful Prescott, Arizona. The community overlooks the city of Prescott, with views of Thumb Butte and Granite Mountain. The small town lifestyle is ideal for working from home, telecommuting, or retirement. … Read more
Meadowsong EcoVillage
WHO WE ARE: “Meadowsong Ecovillage is an intentional community of educators, eco-entrepreneurs, and cultural creatives, located in Dexter, OR.” VISION: We envision the full maturation of a multigenerational, bioregionally adapted, culturally innovative community, committed to long-term stewardship of its land and culture. MISSION: Our mission is to explore, sustain, and share the values and practices of indefinitely sustainable living. VALUES: We are guided by the core … Read more
Michigan EcoVillage
Michigan Ecovillage is located in Southeastern Michigan and is an intergenerational, live-work community in the making. We are dedicated to mutual support in living holistically within a sustainable social environment and community whilst striving to live in harmony with our ecosystem. The community is integrated with a wellness center, an organic farm, has Consumer and Worker Co-ops as well as US DOL Registered Apprenticeships to deliver caring services to seniors, young families and … Read more
Middle Earth Biodynamic Village
An ecovillage for people looking to change their lifestyle for cheap (fee is expected to be one time below $3,000 CAD, granting 5 acres of exploitable surface in the village). Join https://discord.gg/sYZwwCQ to find out more Note: approximate location on map … Read more
Mobile Permaculture Village
Searching for volunteers to build a sanctuary to help those running out of option to survive. Our goal is for each person that we rescue and incorporate into our community, they in turn pay it forward by dedicating their life to help rescue at minimum two additional people. And those that they rescue in turn do the same. Show gratitude by paying it forward & backward. … Read more
Mountain Treehouse Ecovillage
Resource based economics can solve most problems. This is not happening because most people choose Monetary economics. … Read more
Myriad Village Marketing Co-op Ltd.
Myriad Village is a place of vision and of growth. This land is 320 acres, only 1 hour from Winnipeg, 20 minutes west of Gimli, and within walking distance to Dennis Lake. This location is well suited to avoid any major floods. There is approximately 60 acres of forested land including oak bluffs and poplar stands; mixed in the landscape are vast hazel standings and chains of wetlands and willow. Boulders piled up by farmers of the past make playful piles of opportunity, while the neighbours … Read more
Natura Regenerative Community
Nautra, regenerative community is in existence to help build and help people live up to their full potential while enhancing the natural environment. This can be achieved through the practice of permaculture, which is based on three core principals: care for Earth – so all life can continue, care for people – by providing the resources necessary for existence, and return of surplus – so systems remain productive and stable. Natura is currently developing a 30-acre parcel of land located a … Read more
Neo Unlearners United
I have a vision of an existence that thrives on co-creations from global citizens who: enjoy collaborative creative arts and simple, sustainable living; on a spiritual journey of unlearning judgemental living and; on a quest to get a place (any where in Americas) with like minded neighbours. … Read more
New Oasis for Life Commune
Lifechanyuan’s new mode of production and life in the New Oasis for Life will solve these twenty one problems that have been handed to us over thousands of years of human history: It will free women from their daily trivial chores forever. The elderly will lead their happiest lives in old age whether they have children and receive pensions or not. The phenomenon of orphans will disappear, … … Read more
Ocate Cliffs
We are a working community where people live and work at the retreat center. The community aspect is mainly over the summer (retreating season) and it is possible to stay over winter as well, but it is not permanent housing. The goal is to be autistic -run and staffed. It's about full inclusion of disabled people, not just as helpers, but as people who actually run it. Because of this, the way we set up rules and divide out tasks has to take account of accommodations needed by … Read more
One Community
One Community is a 100% volunteer-operated non-profit and non-governmental organization creating open source resources and solutions for all aspects of sustainable and globally-regenerative living. Here is our Purpose and Mission: https://www.onecommunityglobal.org/purpose-mission-values/ Here is our Global Transformation Pledge: https://www.onecommunityglobal.org/one-community-pledge/ … Read more
One Island
One Island is an organic farm-based education center that embraces core eco-village principles and our facility serves as a community commons for other like-minded eco-farms in our immediate area. Since Hawaii does not allow multi-residential dwellings on agricultural land, we are developing a distributed eco-village model in Honaunau, at the heart of the Kona coffee belt, on the West coast of the big island of Hawaii. We grow a diversity of organic fruits and vegetables, breed butterflies … Read more
One Planet Valley
To target a lifestyle that fits on one planet. Measured planet by planet, a reduction in consumption as defined by the Ecological Footprint online calculator, Creative ways and methods are invited to the project, as long at a measured one planet or less lifestyle target remains. To also target, an alternate cultural model that allows attainment and maintenance of the first objective. … Read more
OUR Ecovillage – Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia, Canada
OUR Ecovillage – is located on an extraordinary 25 acres near Shawnigan Lake. OUR Ecovillage began operations in 1999 with a vision to create a model “Sustainable Living Demonstration Site and Education Centre” rooted in social, ecological, and economic well being. As a multi-stakeholder organizational structure, there are a number of organizations, industry partners, government/regulatory authorities, researchers and local to global community members participating in OUR Learning Community. … Read more
Pacific Gardens Cohousing Community
We aspire to be a thriving, multigenerational, environmentally conscious community that celebrates connection with each other and personal growth while having fun! … Read more
Pickards Mountain Eco-Institute
www.pickardsmountain.org … Read more
Building a self substaining community with tents, platforms, a garden, a farm, some buildings of any kind the old way\ old style, building a hostel to accommodate travellers. Peoples can stay temporary or all year long with a system of donation ( time, construction material or money) … Read more
Polestar Gardens
Polestar is an intentional, spiritual community on the Big Island of Hawaii. We offer year-round, hands-on experience in cooperative living based on the universal teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the spiritual classic, 'Autobiography of a Yogi'. We also offer opportunities for personal retreat and vacation, as well as many dynamic programs for families and youths. Our core values are spirit, community and life-long learning. As we often say, we try to 'eat, pray, work and … Read more
Port Townsend EcoVillage
Port Townsend EcoVillage is a community of people dedicated to living in harmony with each other and with the earth, exploring together ways to live more sustainably and joyfully. We are a small-town intergenerational urban ecovillage on 7.5 acres in Port Townsend, WA USA. As of March 2018, 28 adults and 10 children (ages 5-15) live in dwellings varying from "tiny houses," small homes and duplexes to rooms in a cooperative house, built using a variety of earth-friendly, energy-efficient … Read more
Pura Vida Village at Tico Time River Resort
Pura Vida Village is located within Tico Time River Resort. Our next Eco-Village is in its property acquisition phase as well nearby … Read more
Quaker Intentional Village – Canaan
QIVC, established in 2000, is a community of about 30 people. We strive to live spirit-focused lives that are simple, sustainable, and joyful, benefitting from and enjoying our close connections with each other and the land. … Read more
Rachel Carson Ecovillage
Rachel Carson EcoVillage is western PA’s first ecovillage, and will be built in McCandless Township, 10 miles north of downtown Pittsburgh. It is a multigenerational 35-unit cohousing community dedicated to sustainability that values diversity and social justice. … Read more
RareBirds Housing Co-operative
We are currently a group of adults - singles and couples. We completed construction of our new co-op home in February 2014, after three years of community building, design and construction. We have six equal shares in the value of our property and house. Beyond this initial investment, we share equally the other costs of living together. We describe our project as an ‘intentional community’. We share expenses and live co-dependently with a common kitchen, shared evening meal, dining and living … Read more
Renaissance Farms
We are a Catholic Worker community dedicated to the care of creation, care of the human person, and care of our community. We are situated on nearly 300 acres of land in central Massachusetts where we operate a permaculture farm. Our work includes permaculture and traditional skills education and advocating for the rights of marginalized peoples. We also are developing an ecovillage in Bulgaria. … Read more
Renaissance Permaculture
The project as it stands is converting a mostly raw hay field into a sustainable community. We are looking for founding members to help with the building of infrastructure and utilities needed to support a small group of people who would like to live off grid. We hope to find 20 people who will share the dream with us. Goals -Village-Education-Farm -Workshop -Biogas -Mushroom house -Market Garden … Read more
ReTribe at NorthernShire
Youth and adults become more creative, powerful, self-realized individuals who, together, foster compassionate human culture. Reawakening individuals to their connection with themselves, each other, and the earth through nature-based play, community building, healthy living, and, magic and mystery. … Read more
Rocky Corner Cohousing
Rocky Corner will be the first cohousing community in Connecticut. We are building 30 clustered, passive solar homes on 33 acres of pristine farmland. We will share a 4500 SF common house, community gardens, orchards and an organic annual vegetable farm using permaculture principles. Sociocracy is our form of decision-making and governance. … Read more
Rooted Northwest
Rooted Northwest is a cohousing community in Western Washington designed for healthy living, connecting with nature and one another, and member-run microenterprises, all within the context of the permaculture ethics of earth care, people care, and fair shares. … Read more
Roots Ecovillage
Our focus is on environmental sustainability and community building. We are governed through consensus process and highly value nonviolent communication. Roots was founded in 2012 by 10 activists out of the Occupy movement and promotes awareness of societally generated oppression with the goal of creating a new standard for non-hierarchical relationships. Now at Roots, we endeavor to create an ecovillage in order to achieve our goal of environmental and social sustainability. This will … Read more
Santa Barbara Eco-Village
The Santa Barbara Eco-Village vision is to create a place to gather and care for the Earth, ourselves and each other. A place to pull our resources and talents to live a healthier and more fulfilling life that can be sustained for generation as we help people of all ages and backgrounds. The Santa Barbara Eco-Village mission is to support and promote sustainable lifestyles. The project focuses on community living, land restauration, health and education. Resources will be directed towards … Read more
Sawyer Hill Ecovillage
Sawyer Hill EcoVillage includes two cohousing groups: Mosaic Commons and Camelot Cohousing. We're in Berlin, MA, about an hour west of Boston. Both cohousings have 34 units each, and both have market-rate and affordable units for sale. This site is very rural, but all of the facilities of a big city (shopping, doctors, hospitals, entertainment, etc.) are less than 20 minutes away. We're committed to open, green space. Almost 30 acres of our land is preserved as conservation land. Clustered … Read more
Seed of Life
We are a spiritual community based on the historic Essenes. We follow The Way of Yashua – the Northern Essene – The Nazarite – the Nazorean. We follow the PRE-Noah, Genesis Garden of Eden Diet. Animal kinship and stewardship is part of our mission. We embrace permaculture and Modern architecture! … Read more
Seeds for Eco Communities
Seeds for Eco Communities is actively seeking the right piece of land to establish the first pilot community in Ontario. In addition to looking for land for a pilot community, we are beginning to develop the various information, tools and resources required to support ecological community-based sustainable living. … Read more
Shepherd Village Cohousing
We aspire to be a cohousing community characterized by trust, kindness, joy, and gratitude that embraces interdependence with all its gifts and challenges. We aspire to live harmoniously, respectfully, and responsibly for the good of the planet and protect, heal, and regenerate the land at Shepherd Village for generations to come. We aspire to cultivate a culture of generosity and equitable, responsible use and care of resources so we can live within our collective means, while contributing … Read more
Silver Leaf Community
Welcoming people to come and stay and get a feel for the land, the project and the small group currently there. Seeking people who are happy to contribute in some way whether staying in the short or long term. Certainly hoping some will want to stay and become involved in co- creating the longer vision. … Read more
Simplicity III
bringing together spirituality and self sufficiency. all levels. the present condition of the world, circumstances are always difficult. The whole world is in a condition of strife, conflict between the forces of truth and light wanting to manifest and the opposition of all that doesn’t want to change, which represents in the past what is fixed hardened and refuses to go. the picture to the left is of earth from 1,000,000,000 miles in space just as voyager 3 was leaving the solar system. … Read more
Sky Meadow Retreat Community
Sky Meadow is a small conscious community dedicated to supporting each other's spiritual growth. We each have private housing, share daily meditations, mid-day meals, and work five days a week. We grow food organically, maintain our own buildings and land, and manage a retreat facility that houses up to 25 people. We are in Vermont's Northeast Kingdom, at the end of a dirt road overlooking the green mountains. The setting is serene and the land beautiful, with trails, fields, woods, ponds, … Read more
Songaia Cohousing Community
The Songaia Neighborhood is located about 20 miles north of Seattle, where our 17 homes are surrounded by a small forest, organic gardens, orchards, and a meadow. Our multi-generational community was established in 1993 and is still expanding; we currently have about 40 residents. Songaia is well-known for our activism within the communities movement. We offer a summer permaculture intern program. … Read more
Southern Coastal Oregon Permaculture Ecovillage, SCOPE
To live the change we want to see. To be the example of living with Permaculture Design. … Read more
Southwest Sufi Community
We are not a commune as such. Participants have individual housing and incomes. We work together on projects to benefit the retreat center we collectively Stewart. … Read more
Springhouse was founded in 2014 in the Blue Ridge mountains of Floyd County, Virginia and is one example of what can happen when this model is used to create regenerative culture. The Springhouse community envisions a world where all life thrives. We believe that taking care of Life, one person and community at a time, can eventually bring the larger culture we live in back to health. Springhouse is an intergenerational vitality-centered learning community in Southwest Virginia where we are … Read more
Springhouse is a prototype of regenerative culture. We envision a regenerative culture where all people are connected to the vitality within themselves, their community, and the Earth. We move toward this vision by creating and sharing a model of regenerative culture through vitality-centered education that equips people to courageously respond to the world’s emerging needs. … Read more
Projects: Gedenkstätte der StadtCOLOUR, Virtuelle Universität COLOUR i. Gr. Mediaparc … Read more
Stowe Farm Community
Stowe Farm Community (formerly Katywil). We are a multi-generational rural co-housing community in Colrain, Massachusetts tucked into the beautiful hills of western Mass. There are currently 8 houses (1 is for sale) and the last 3 lots are now available to complete our maximum capacity of eleven households. We also have many neighbors who are interested in becoming associate members. Stowe Farm Community is rural with urban centers are nearby. We have single family homes, which afford privacy … Read more
Summertown Gardens – Summertown, Tennessee
Summerton Gardens is just getting started. Have you been dreaming/reflecting on ways to scale down to a simple land-based life style? Summertown Gardens just might be the place you’re looking for. Come join us and help build this new community. The initial direction that we feel called to is: Integrated Ecovillage based on sustainability principles; Multi-generational, but more towards senior living; Cohousing, co-living permaculture homes that are cost effective, energy … Read more
Suncatcher RV Park In Texas
Suncatcher RV Park is the perfect place for people interested in growing food or practicing sustainability. Our park offers a range of amenities and accommodations to ensure your stay is both comfortable and enjoyable. A Permaculture Oasis in Texas Suncatcher RV Park offers an ideal environment for those interested in homesteading, growing their own food, and experiencing a community that prioritizes health and nature. It provides the opportunity to embrace this lifestyle without the … Read more
Synergia Ranch (HQ of Ecotechnics)
The Institute of Ecotechnics has been a platform for innovative exploration for 50 years. Our mission is rooted in the interconnection of ecology, arts, and enterprise. Most notable of our projects, is the Biosphere 2 located in Oracle,AZ. Although the Biosphere 2 is our most prestigous project, the Institute of Ecotechnics has been instrumental in advancing multidisciplinary studies for the last fifty years and continues to do so. Among our direct initiatives are: The Sailing Ship, … Read more
Terra Futura
Terra Futura: An Intentionally Designed Regenerative Neighborhoo Terra Futura is more than just a neighborhood; it’s a vision for a connected and sustainable way of living. Located in West Asheville, just a mile and a half from downtown, Terra Futura combines the best of community life with personal privacy. Our neighborhood is thoughtfully designed to foster meaningful connections while providing serene retreats for residents. Homes are arranged in clusters to encourage spontaneous … Read more
TerraVie has built a Nature Interpretation Center, a building entirely self-sufficient in energy. Trails are developed. We are currently looking for individuals or a group to hold a part of the forest shelter project. We are also developing a rustic campsite. Part of the land is also dedicated to mini-houses. … Read more
Terre de la Reunion
Our ecovillage is a non-profit housing development that brings together people with similar interests and ecological awareness to create a village in harmony with the surrounding nature. It is a community of people driven by the same ideology who come together according to the principle of equity among all, in an organized system of good neighbourliness. Located in a mountain maple grove in the province of Quebec, Canada, the ecovillage includes 12 private residences and a common pavilion (to … Read more
The Camphill School
We are part of the worldwide Camphill movement and the only Camphill community in North America for children. We offer residential and day academic and prevocational programs, as well as therapeutic care for children in kindergarten through grade twelve. We also offer a Transition Program for young people ages eighteen to twenty-one. Students participate in a full range of conventional and holistic therapies along with prevocational programs, community-based instruction, entrepreneurial … Read more
The Emerald Village Organization
The Emerald Village Organization is a chosen family of healers, educators, and creators building sacred space for heart centered community. EVO is committed to living harmoniously with nature, and supporting individual and collective growth through innovation, celebration, and service. … Read more
The Farm
In 1971, a caravan of 80 brightly painted school buses and assorted other vehicles carrying more than 320 hippie idealists landed on an abandoned farm in central Tennessee. They had a mission: to be a part of something bigger than themselves, to follow a peaceful and spiritual path, and to make a difference in the fate of world. Today The Farm is one of the largest and longest-lasting intentional communities in the United States. The Farm continues as a school of change, demonstrating ways to … Read more
The Garden
The Garden is an off-grid, alternative, leaderless (leaderfull) community on a 21.3 acres of earth in Lafayette, Tennessee; hosting a constantly evolving and fluctuating group of about 10-60 people throughout the year. Individuals on the land have practiced sustainable earth stewardship for over twelve years, creating multiple acres of active farm lands, highly functional off grid water and electric systems, a chicken coop that currently houses 38 chickens, 10 storage/living structures, and a … Read more
The Love Plan
The Love Plan is a single homestead in Mount Dora, FL which would like to grow into an eco-neighborhood of homesteads sharing a healthy lifestyle. Our definition of a healthy lifestyle includes self-sufficiency, sustainability, and promoting universal wellbeing. We would like to have neighbors who are like-minded including self-sufficient in food and energy. Even better if you have children. Our philosophical pillars include Compassionate Communication, Libertarian Socialism, Permaculture, … Read more
The Wild Cooperative
Our vision is to be surrounded by energy efficient homes, perennial food forest gardens, healthy soils and clean reliable water and healthy air. Just as we design this resilient system on the ground we nurture similarly supportive social, economic, cultural, and educational guilds. … Read more
Tierraluz Eco Community
In these times….It’s time to do it differently… Stewarding a Refuge from the pace and patterns of business as usual… Practicing and Inspiring lighter footprints on the earth Earth Built * Sun Powered www.tierraluz.org We are committed to living closer to the natural world… in harmony with nature and more lightly on the earth using sustainable technologies. SUN: solar power, solar hot water, solar clothes dryers(!) WIND: wind power, enhanced natural ventilation EARTH: Natural … Read more
TKi Land
Immediate openings for select individuals who want to participate. Interested? … Read more
This 80-acre property nestled along Birch Creek & the Little Applegate River was acquired by Friends of Trillium LLC in 2017. Our mission is to grow a supportive and resilient community where residents and visitors are inspired to deeply connect with self, others and the natural world. We are a community that values integrity, resourcefulness and a welcoming nature. … Read more
Twin Oaks Community
Twin Oaks is an income-sharing community of 100 people in rural Virginia. Founded in 1967, our life reflects our values of income-sharing, egalitarianism, cooperation and non-violence. We are self-supporting economically, and partly self-sufficient. Each member works 42 hours a week in our business and domestic areas. Each member receives housing, food, healthcare, and personal spending money. … Read more
Unadilla Community Farm
Founded in 2014 by millennial first-generation farmers who met through the international WWOOF network, Unadilla Community Farm is an off-grid fruit & vegetable farm and non-profit permaculture education center, situated on 12 beautiful acres of field and forest in West Edmeston, in central New York State. The Unadilla River, which runs alongside our farm, gets its name from the indigenous Oneidan word for “a meeting place.” And at its very core, Unadilla Community Farm is just that – a … Read more
Unity Sanctuary
We envision a small, intentional community of healing and spiritual arts practitioners tending to a regenerative, land-based retreat center. We are in the process of selling our land in Oregon and looking for a new home for the vision. We are open to relocating. We are in search of partners who are ready to collaborate. This means they are dedicated healing or spiritual arts practitioners, have financial resources to contribute, have some practical skills, have some community living … Read more
Upland hills learning community
a demonstration Farm that has toured thousands of people since 1960 in 1971 an independent school was formed that now has 80 students K through 8. The school installed a wind generator in 1973, has a geodesic dome, a theatre, and a school building built in 1980. in 1974 we formed a non profit organization called Upland Hills Ecological Awareness Center. Together we call this the Upland Hils Learning Community. The mission of the Upland Hills School Ecological Awareness Center is to design … Read more
Valley of Light
The Valley of Light is a sustainable, spiritual micro-community founded by members of The Oracle Institute, a 501(c)(3) educational charity and socio-spiritual think tank. VOL Members are aware of what is happening in the world and believe in the adoption of a new way of living based on an awareness of the interconnectedness of all life. … Read more
Veridian at County Farm
Veridian at County Farm is presently under construction. It will be a 100% all-electric development, powered primarily by solar energy with battery storage, the community will have no natural gas lines, nor combustion appliances of any kind. … Read more
Villages at Crest Mountain
The Villages at Crest Mountain believes in the fundamental community ideals of balance and responsibility. We believe in social and ecological diversity and that built environments can be healthy, productive, and stylish. We choose smart over big, health over indulgence, community over expediency, and inclusion over division. Our primary objective is to maximize the sustainability of the land and to build environments that are green and energy-efficient. As a community, we engage in rainwater … Read more
Wandering Coyote Community
We are a multigenerational group, thriving in mutual respect and support. We are co-learning and implementing permaculture living approaches to build an off-grid sustainable community on 30 acres in southern BC, Canada. We are welcoming new members to join us at the beginning phase of the community to help make decisions and help develop the communal areas. … Read more
White Hawk Ecovillage
As of December 2024, White Hawk Ecovillage is on a pause from accepting new households to our membership process. You may join our waitlist here. Our community is growing through a 'lot development' model, which means that as each family is ready to begin, their home can be built and they can move in. The design of the homes may be chosen by the individual families, within certain green building parameters -- we are not limited to a small number of pre-existing designs supplied by a … Read more
Whole Village
Whole Village is a cooperative farming ecovillage that aspires to model and support resilient, just, and regenerative systems. … Read more
Wild Seeds Ranch
Providing affordable, live/work space to artists, creators, and builders of tomorrow … Read more
Windekind Commons Cohousing
Windekind Commons Cohousing is a semi-rural community located about 40 minutes from Burlington in lovely Huntington, Vermont. There are 9 homesites across more than 150+ acres. We are a group of individuals and families who believe in the strength of community. … Read more
The Windsong co-housing community is an innovative neighbourhood aiming to create a space for interaction, cooperation and friendship. It is a multigenerational community where neighbours are encouraged to trust and care for each other. This is done by respecting everyone's uniqueness, by taking responsibility for the environment we all share, and by celebrating the richness of diversity. Through co-housing, we ensure the prevalence of safe surroundings and foster sustainable lifestyles. Our … Read more
Windward Intentional Community
--What is Windward? Windward is an intentional community and sustainability research center located on the eastern edge of the Cascadian Wilderness in southern Washington State, about 80 miles east of Portland, Oregon. As a community of people and a research cooperative of farmers, scientists, historians, healers, engineers and artists, Windward is guided by the understanding that it is time for radical change and that there is nothing more radical than a working model of a better … Read more