8th Life Panama
We are creating a diverse, multi-generational permaculture-based community where together we re-learn how to live cooperatively and where the values and ideals of community, respect, peace, and living an “on-purpose” life will be rediscovered. This is a unique opportunity to design your future & live sustainably. Come volunteer with us, learn permaculture, or apply as an aspiring member. … Read more
Aberamentho sustainable community
Aberamentho means a word that becomes a thing, meaning the manifestation of reality through word. This self-sustaining community is based on principles of circular governance and collaboration among its members, trying to be an alternative social and economic option. The community is in the province of Pastaza, in Ecuador, 40 kilometers from Puyo city. That is, it is located in the upper Amazon. … Read more
Agrovilla El Prado
La Agrovilla nació en 2001, en un terreno localizado en la zona rural de Santa Rosa de Cabal, con una fuerte influencia poblacional y funcional de la ciudad de Pereira. Además de viviendas, en un terreno de 11.000 m2, se han establecido prácticas agropecuarias limpias para seguridad alimentaría, recreativas y de conservación ambienta … Read more
Aldea 506 Ecovillage
Hello world We are launching a dream starting-up a group to develop a Costa Rican Eco-Community of devoted nature lovers. We do not have a membership guideline yet since the idea emerge just a few weeks ago but there is already some people showing interest to join. The crucial goal is to use all the knowledge, experience, skills and resources of the community members to create a sustainable living environment with comfortable but environmental friendly home standards. Aldea 506 Ecovillage … Read more
Aldea Cuatro Aguas
“La Aldea” is one of the Seed Territories of the “Multiversidad Mastay – Planting Future from the Origin”: A Native Permaculture Multiversity that opens portals of multiple possibilities for all youth, in mind and heart, to dive deep into a transformational life experience inspiring actions that nurture unity and a healthy co-existence with Nature and all our relationships. … Read more
Aldea Domo Permacultura Integral
Somos un proyecto familiar que se inicia el año 2004 un transito a una vida más sustentable y que busca en ese proceso lograr la replicabilidad de las técnicas y métodos que hemos aprendido a través de la enseñanza y práctica del diseño en permacultura. Creemos en la posibilidad de caminar senderos resilientes y autonomos donde el buen vivir es un aprendizaje diario. … Read more
Aldea Ecologica Gaia
La Aldea Ecológica GAIA es parte del movimiento que aspira volver a la naturaleza y lo natural. Fortalecer el proceso de construcción que hoy transita desde la sociedad industrial hacia una sociedad donde pueda permanecer la vida. La aldea es una iniciativa hasta ahora familiar, con la voluntad de ampliarse. … Read more
Aldea Ecológica Gaia
Hasta ahora, somos una familia que desde el 2014 ha asumido la custodia de un predio en la zona rural Dominicana – Con la intención de acercarnos a la Naturaleza, para regenerarnos y explorar la posibilidad de que se manifieste la abundancia perdida. … Read more
Looking for a nem life style. We want to leave the actual system of life and re-invent the society. We want to live simple, in contact with nature, having time for family and to do than we love. We want to live the future luxes: time, air, green, space.... We want to live!! … Read more
Aldeafeliz Ecovillage
Aldeafeliz Ecoaldea We are a rural ecovillage 1,5 hour from Bogota. We offer workshops and services on alternative health, ecovillage, permaculture, sustainable settlements, inner and spiritual growth, conflict resolution, sociocracy, decision making process, Non Violent Communication. We are growing organic coffe, orange, bananas, plantains, guabas, cacao and organic vegetables. We are involved in the Colombian Ecovillage Network (CASA Colombia), and we are one of the organicers of the … Read more
Aldeas de Paz
Because of the current situation we have temporally suspended all activities at our community and we remain enclosed and do not receive visitors at the moment! … Read more
Amazon Permaculture Community
We have lived around the world and have found that community tends to build itself. We don't feel the need for obligatory community events, functions or services. We do not need participants to see everything exactly as we see things. We are however particularly interested in people that have a strong drive to become self sufficient. We are particularly interested in people that are looking and thinking outside of the mainstream narrative. There will be a few very simple rules to agree to … Read more
amor y paz
arte en vida is a project created by university students committed and spiritual connected with the environment and the ancesters prehispanic culture; our mission is to wake in people love and respect for nature, and to be in care of the speaces in te park, in the project we have consider the idea of a comunity living by the ancesters … Read more
Anjos do Sertão School-Farm
Anjos do Sertão Institute is an organization located in the northeast of Brazil with the goal to reach a sustainable territorial development through the work alongside local communities, regenerative agriculture and self-knowledge immersions. We aim to raise human consciousness and work the environment with regenerative techniques, such as agroforestry and beekeeping, simultaneously. … Read more
Árbol de Piedra
Contribuir a la educación ambiental para la construcción de una sociedad sostenible. Fomentar investigaciones que tengan como objeto la ecología, la conservación y el uso sostenible. Arbitrar colectivamente los medios necesarios para que el 76% de la superficie privada se mantenga cubierta por árboles autóctonos. Tomar las medidas necesarias para prevenir y combatir incendios. … Read more
Arca Verde
We are an ecovillage and permaculture community … Read more
Arca Verde
We live in the Mountains of South Brazil, 2 hours from the state capital Porto Alegre, near a beatiful lake, and have a very active community. Our main activities are courses, organic agriculture and local economy, bioconstruction and social-cultural activities. Now we have 16 members, and intend to have 60 maximum. We welcome all people interested, especially entpreneurs, people with skills in bioconstruction, trade, holistic healers, and organic growers and farmers. There is 9 houses, and … Read more
Atahualpa Habaspamba
La creación de este proyecto tiene como objetivo fundamental el crecimiento y desarrollo sostenible, a través de la agricultura, ganadería y turismo, tomando en cuenta las necesidades del presente y de las generaciones futuras , además busca un aumento económico de la parroquia, sin afectar al medio ambiente y respetando las normativas legales vigentes del ministerio del ambiente. … Read more
Balenbouche Estate, St Lucia
We are a retreat center and nature heritage site looking for individuals with some experience in sustainable tourism, organic farming, maintenance, and construction. We are open to short to medium term leases, employment, volunteer work, and work exchanges. … Read more
Barrio Codesa mas Responsable y Sostenible
Regular los horarios de recolección de la basura, reforestar las areas boscosas. … Read more
Barrio cultural Ejido sur
La Comunidad de Colonos del Ejido Sur tenemos el gusto de informarles que declaramos a nuestra colonia como un Barrio Cultural donde convergen diversos espacios que impulsan y promueven el Bien Estar de las familias que habitamos en las hermosas tierras de Solidaridad. … Read more
Beija Flor Village
Where individuals can live a fulfilling and simple life surrounded by nature and meaningful relationships. We aim to foster a sense of connection and community through shared values, experiences, and activities. … Read more
Better In Belize Eco-Community
Visit our Belize ecovillage to view the available lots for sale and take a peek into some of the custom-designed homes that have been built in our Belize community. … Read more
Beyond Vitality
An intentional community comprised of regional and international people with diverse personal and cultural backgrounds striving towards living a meaningful life through rewilding, movement, holistic health and sustainable living. We embrace an egalitarian, eco-centered and alternative way of life. We have a deep-rooted commitment to co-existing as part of local ecology, protecting the Earth, its beings and generations to come. … Read more
Bio Chakra
Bio Chakra Don Torcuato A 20 km de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires zona urbana. Espacio para la práctica de la Permacultura, Agroecología, Bioconstrucción, Soberanía Alimentaria Huerto Urbano, Vivero de Especies Nativas y la difusión de una apicultura consciente. Podés compartir unos días con nosotros y practicar, aprender, colaborar, enseñar tus experiencias e inspirarte para tus propios proyectos. … Read more
Bioaldeia Arawikay
Bioaldeia Arawikay é uma pequena comunidade intencional proativa desde o ano 2000 que está criando um Anel Ecológico para mais novas eco moradas de pessoas afins ao estilo neorrural florestal. Com vocação e boa convivência com a vida selvagem andamos pelos caminhos da sustentabilidade ética. Habitamos um vale florestal e de agricultura, em Santa Catarina, Antônio Carlos, (a 47km de Florianópolis) … Read more
Blue Star Tapovan Trinidad
The Tapovan Project is envisioned as ecologically driven communities that evolve in consciousness at every level, whilst living in harmonious co-existence with all of Nature. These model communities will be based on the principles of spirituality, sustainability and environment. They will promote research and education in these areas in the interests of reuniting ancient teachings with modern technology, whilst seeking to preserve and expand indigenous knowledge. Living close to nature will … Read more
Bosque Village
Bosque Village is a sustainability laboratory and growing ecovillage. … Read more
Campo Divino
The project is settled at the pristine mountains of Córdoba, Argentina in previously inhabited areas and it is also known as Divine Land. It reaches out to curious visitors, families, and volunteers from around the world to come and taste the blissfulness pervading in the campus and its sustainable projects. Since 2014, with ever-increasing efforts, it is becoming an ideal model of progressive growth, following the guides on ‘Master Units’ which are miniature forms of sustainable … Read more
Cantón Arenillas-desarrollo sostenible
La comunidad en el Cantón Arenillas busca un futuro sostenible y equitativo, arraigada en una rica historia y valores. Guiada por principios de solidaridad e inclusión, aspira a un desarrollo que armonice crecimiento económico, equidad social y preservación ambiental. … Read more
Cantón Gualaceo parroquia Zhidmad comunidad de Gordeleg
que … Read more
Caravana por la Paz y Restauración de la Madre Tierra
The Caravan for Peace and Mother Earth Restoration is a Itinerant School awakening consciousness, Community Peace and Restoration in the territories of Latin America and the world. We promote regenerative life and offer ourselves as an instance of convergence and energy exchange, cross-pollination between human groups. We can create and strengthen bridges and networks among people and communities. … Read more
Carbon Neutral Now Community to Lead the 2024 Revolution!
This community is to be put together rapidly with the intention of gathering those who are very aware of present climate dangers and wish to find a semi-stable environment from which to fight. This community will be established around the: Fastfrwrd – A Manifesto for a Decentralised Society and it’s Carbon Neutral Now agenda. This agenda includes provisions for open borders, prison reform, etc … Read more
casa pangea
its a hub for transition. a building in the middle of the town. … Read more
Casa Putraintü – Ecoescuela Arte Escencia
‘CASA PUTRAINTÜ’ – Ecoschool – Art – Essence We’re a community project that values natural and cultural spaces and carries out various forms of learning through re-connecting with community, nature and the universe. Our main project is known as “Caravana por la Paz y la Restauración de la Madre Tierra” – Caravan for Peace and the Restoration of Mother Earth. … Read more
Centro Amazanga Ecuador
At Centro Amazanga, we practice a way of living in harmony with ourselves and everything sourrounding us. We strengthen the connection with our true nature. Ancient traditional wisdom of the Amazon region and humanity in general are being put into practice here through sustainable projects. … Read more
Centro Multidisciplinario Acahual
El Centro Multidisciplinario Acahual es una Sociedad Civil con el objetivo de favorecer el desarrollo personal y social para crear una ciudadanía activa y comprometida en la regeneración ecosistemica del contexto en el cual operamos y en otros contextos de América Latina y del Mediterráneo. … Read more
Everyone is equal here. We have 3 principles: unity, harmony, and personal integrity. It is important that people only do what they want, as this is an exploration into what it is to live free, tranquility and respect for the sacredness of all things. We are living the new paradigm, where love is the bottom line. … Read more
Chanchos de Monte
Creamos una eco-comunidad mediante el fortalecimiento de los vínculos que nos unen y el desarrollo de recursos para nuestra autosustentabilidad en la finca de Chanchxs de Monte ubicada en las Nubes de Abangares, Costa Rica. Actualmente nos encontramos en la definición de nuestros principios de convivencia, sistema de gobernanza y planificación de los espacios de un terreno de una hectárea, con un 40% de bosque nuboso y fuentes de agua. Como propósito para el 2019 se tiene la construcción del … Read more
Hello We are Ireneusz and Larissa. We came a few months ago with our 2 dogs to Paraguay. Our idea is to create a peaceful and healthy place, where we can live in symbiosis and harmony with nature. We are looking for open hearted and minded people, who want to live free of dogmas and who (want to) realise god within. We are all overloaded by everything. Our idea is to empty ourself and fill this emptyness consciously with what we want. We would like to put our focus in a healthy … Read more
We have designed and developed a Education for Sustainable Development Plan which is structured in the four dimensions of sustainability, ecological, social, economical and cultural and includes objectives, goals and activities to build a resilient community that is an example for other schools and territories, conceived as a demonstration site that introduces SDG and EDE to the curriculum. … Read more
Comuna de Rhiannon
We live in Malchingi, 1 1/2 hours from Quito. We have 15 hectares of land and moved into what was an abandoned half built 8 roomed house. We have composting dry toilets and solar heated showers (when there is sunshine!). At present we do not have electricity but we plan to use wind and solar power in the near future. Our aim is to be as sustainable as we can regarding food, all cultivation will be purely organic. We are currently planting trees and have just harvested our first vegetables. The … Read more
Comunidad Ecologica de Peñalolén
We are a community on the edge of santiago, facing the Andes mountains. It is a well established area on more than 200 hectareas, well recognize in santiago as an artist zone. Out of 380 houses some 320 are made on soil (earth), no pavements or roads, no public lighting and with other urbanistic caracteristic make a very distint area. We use local water from the small river nearby, other services are available. There is single organization that administer this comunity, voted every 2 … Read more
Comunidad Halcyon
Nuestra comunidad demuestra un modelo de trabajo para la Nueva Tierra de cómo los seres humanos pueden vivir en armonía entre sí y con la Naturaleza, como base para las generaciones futuras. Nuestro objetivo es vivir en gran medida independientes de la sociedad tecno-industrial, en nuestra transición hacia una cultura soberana, sostenible, saludable y espiritualmente integrada. … Read more
Comunidad Los Horcones
Los Horcones is a community comprised of people interested in preventing and trying to find solutions to social problems in our contemporary world. The lifestyle lived by those in the community is based on the principles of cooperation, equality, non-violence, solidarity and respect as well as appreciation of the environment. When the founders of Los Horcones realised that behavioural psychology, when correctly applied to education, could lead to children acquiring new habits and ways of … Read more
Comunidad Madre Tierra
We have the purpose of living together in harmony with Nature and pulsating the integral development of the being. Our project is currently under construction, however, as far as we have traveled, we have a 12Ha property in the rural area of Roldán, province of Santa Fe, with a common use sector, a sector of native forest and an area for private homes. In this space we carry out activities aligned with our purpose: afforestation, regeneration of biodiversity, biodynamic beekeeping, biodynamic … Read more
Comunidade Aldeia – Terra Preta
Vamos sonhar e construir um novo mundo juntos? Imagine um pedaço de terra na beira do Rio de Contas, na Costa do Cacau, na Bahia. Tente imaginar a exuberância da Mata Atlântica nessa região que ainda segue preservada. Cachoeiras, trilhas, cacauzeiros, banho de rio. Agora pense num grupo de pessoas buscando construir, nesse local, uma realidade que os permita estar em comunhão com a natureza e compartilhar o dia-a-dia em comunidade. Essa é a Comunidade Aldeia. Atualmente, somos quatro famílias … Read more
Comunidades Sustentables de la Sierra Madre
Desde el año 2000 hemos tratado de incidir dentro de las comunidades de la región que están en el área de la Sierra Madre Oriental en el Estado de San Luis Potosí. En el camino hemos recibido varios reconocimientos como el Premio Paul Robeson Fund for Independent Media 2000, la Mención Honorifica del Premio al Mérito Ecológico 2005, y el Premio Colectivo Ronda de la Agencia Latinoamericana 2019. … Read more
Consejo de Visiones Guardianes de la Tierra Mexico
Encuentro multidisciplinario itinerante: Aldea de Paz Temporales que nos re-unen para aprender, compartiendo y conociendo una gran diversidad cosmogonías, proyectos e iniciativas de diversos enfoques encaminados a una vida más conscientes, sustentables y colaborativas, en armonía con la Madre Tierra, las culturas nativas y todos los seres vivos en nuestra casa común. … Read more
Center for transgenerational and collective healing. … Read more
Cotocollao, Quito
El proyecto de Cotocollao, Quito busca evaluar la sustentabilidad de la comunidad más próxima a la que pertenezco. En resumen, se busca comprender el papel que desempeñan los diferentes actores del barrio Cotocollao hacia el desarrollo sostenible. dentro del marco institucional para la sustentabilidad en el Ecuador. … Read more
Crystal Land Colombia
We are the Rainbow Crystal land Colombia. Our Project was founded 5 years ago and is now in a fast-growing stage. Our Project is dedicated to make the earth green again and to free land from ownership to welcome every soul who decided to leave Babylon, a society, a system that is not working any longer. We work for a system change by creating a new way of living in which every being is seen as equal, no matter if human, animal or plant. Our project is located 15 car minutes outside of … Read more
Danyasa Eco-Retreat
Our eco-friendly retreat center is a sanctuary for transformation and living artfully. Our mission is to create a safe sustainable space for seekers to come home to their bodies and true essence nature. … Read more
Dome Forest, off grid eco community
We are starting an off-grid eco village in a self-sustaining community that operates independently from the traditional power grid and focuses on minimising its environmental impact. The first phase of the project is complete, its an eco hotel called Xblache. Please feel free to visit us and see the progress we are making. We will utilise renewable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines to generate electricity. The village will employ sustainable farming practices, including … Read more
We work together carrying love in our hearts and peace in our thoughts. We are creative. For our own well-being we practice yoga, tantric and shamanic techniques, dance, cook delicious food and express ourselves in many different artistic forms. We organize ourselves sociocratically, we share the knowledge of generations about nature, about being human. We learn from the ancients, dream the dreams of a utopia creating our own culture in harmony with nature. We learn from our errors. A wild … Read more
Ec(H)o Village ELISA
... L'île de La Réunion se situe dans l'hémisphère sud, dans le sud-ouest de l'Océan Indien et à 10 000 km de France, 600 km à l'est de Madagascar... Son histoire issue de la colonisation et de l'esclavage, a forgé des habitants vers une forme de résilience. Les 1ers écovillages sont nés des "marons", qui pour fuir l'esclavage ont retrouvé leur "liberté" sur les pentes et au centre de cette île volcanique. Ils ont pu alors : construire un "toit" pour s'abriter, en matériaux de … Read more
ECCOS Vereda Cascajal
desarrollar una evaluacion de la comunidad para tener claridad en sus aspectos sobre sustentabilidad y educar a la comunidad para que sea gestora de su propio desarrollo … Read more
Eco Aldea de los glaciares sagrados – Maras
Eco village located in Maras, Cusco, Perú. With 100% autonomous off grid ecological houses. … Read more
Eco Aldea Espiritual
Hace muchos años que siento la necesidad de Formar una EcoAldea, que sea Autosostentable, con Energias renovables solar,eolicas,etc,Pero con la ante todo prioridad, que como base tenga la union de las religiones y creencias.Un lugar Espiritual,donde adorar a Dios,y dar servicio.Voluntareado,Siento de alma tambien desde hace muchooo,lograr este proyecto en Mendoza,argentina,Por eso pido la colaboracion de quienes sientan mi mismo llamado,se sumen a mi sueño, i Para descristalizarlo los que … Read more
Eco Caminhos
Eco Caminhos it’s a different way of living, where sustainability, taking care of nature and human development is the objective. We focus on Permaculture, Agro-forestry, Bio-construction and Organic Farming. We work hard, we work with the community, we work in the middle of the beautiful Brazilian Mountains and it’s Nature. … Read more
Eco Casa Nompuehuenu
En Nompuehuenu estamos trabajando con ecotecnias, bioconstrucción, banco de semillas de la región, conservación de plantas nativas y/o ancestrales, reforestación con germoplasma de la región/nativo de México, regeneración de suelos, permacultura, cosecha de agua de lluvia y reuso de aguas grises, cero residuos, yerbas medicinales, agricultura regenerativa con visión hacia agroforestería sintrópica … Read more
Eco Centro Social Vila dos Sonhos
Eco Social Center focused on human development, education, generation of opportunities / income and strengthening of solidarity ideals. As an agent of social transformation, Vila targets local communities, volunteers and national and international residents. We develop our social projects in Education, environment and sports. All connected with nature and lead by positive examples. … Read more
Eco Truly Park – Eco Village
Our Project Eco Truly Park is a beautiful Peruvian Pacific coast ecological, artistic community founded on Vaisnava principles, strategically located on Chacra y Mar beach, a district of Aucallama, in the province of Huaral, one hour by bus or car (63 km) north of the capital city, Lima. We live together according to principles of non-violence, simple living and elevated thinking, and visitors can learn and experience how it is possible to live happily in harmony with nature, others, and … Read more
Eco Yoga Park
Deblockedion: Eco Yoga Park is a non-profit organization which is developing a life in balance with nature. The eco village is located in a beautiful rural environment just 60kms from Buenos Aires. Eco Yoga Park welcome vegetarians or those who like to experience a vegetarian lifestyle. Within this eco conscious community, you will learn about yoga, meditation, vegetarian cooking, organic agriculture, eco building, nutrition, spanish, different kinds of art and life philosophy. … Read more
Eco-tourism MZ_9 | Apulo , Colombia
A small rural village under contruction following eco-tourism conditions … Read more
Ecoaldea Alborada
Es una ecoaldea ubicada en un area de montaña en Los Andes Venezolanos. Ya establecidos en el lugar desde noviembre 2005. Altitud: 1500 msnm. Con tierra para cultivo, manantiales de agua y una quebrada libre de contaminacion. Nuestros objetivos son: ECOLOGICOS, EDUCATIVOS, SALUD, ECONOMICO-SOCIAL e INTERNOS. Nos dedicamos fundamentalmente a la preparación en el SER. Nos concentramos primero en la toma de consciencia individual y colectivo, a estimular una auto-transformación positiva … Read more
Ecoaldea Anaconda del Sur
La ecoaldea Anaconda del Sur es una propuesta de vida permacultural basada en la recuperación y puesta en práctica de la cosmovisión del "buen vivir" con el fin de volver a la esencia, reivindicando los valores y saberes tradicionales de los pueblos de la anaconda del sur (Amazonia colombiana). … Read more
Ecoaldea Comunidad Uchanchi
La comunidad aspira a la sostenibilidad a través de la promoción de la cohesión económica, social y territorial, con el objetivo de mitigar problemas sociales adjuntos como la migración. Por otro lado, la visión a largo plazo es la de abordar los retos y problemas basándose en las nuevas oportunidades brindadas por las transiciones ecológica y digital, y en las enseñanzas extraídas de la pandemia. … Read more
EcoAldea Crisálida
Somo grupo de 52 participaciones que conformamos "Crisálida", una ecoladea en formación hace ya más de un año. Inspirada en la conservación del bosque nativo, prácticas agroecológicas, el desarrollo permacultural, desarrollar formas de economía local asociativa y basada en buenas prácticas ambientales. Se sitúa en la zona del Corredor biológico de "Nevados de Chillán-Saltos del Laja", región del Ñuble, Chile. … Read more
Ecoaldea Espiral De Luz
Ecoaldea Espiral de Luz Eco-Aldea Espiral de Luz, es un proyecto en nacimiento, que busca conseguir una convivencia con techo y alimentación para sus miembros, a través del trabajo comunitario y auto sustentable. Quiere que sus miembros, desarrollen al máximo sus capacidades personales y así puedan brindar una función social a través de la educación, el arte y la cultura. Proyectos de conservación del medio-ambiente, cooperativas, eco-construction, ecoturismo, apicultura ecológica, … Read more
Ecoaldea Huehuecoyotl
Arte y ecología. Espacios para trabajos en grupos. Dormitorios, regaderas y comedor para visitantes. Conservación del medio ambiente. Manejo de aguas pluviales. Reciclaje de aguas grises. Baños/letrinas secos. Construcciones naturales. Hortalizas orgánicas. Energías renovables. Facilitación y consenso. … Read more
Ecoaldea La Montana
La Ecoaldea La Montaña es una iniciativa comunitaria que tiene como propósito el desarrollo de un cambio cultural hacia una sociedad que promueva en todas sus formas un estilo de vida sustentable, pacifico y armonioso con el medioambiente y con todas las personas y comunidades de la zona … Read more
Ecoaldea Manuaré
¡Que la magia y la exuberancia de estas tierras inunden su alma como marea, disfrutando emocionantes experiencias en la tierra y en el mar! … Read more
Ecoaldea Mi Tribu
Somos Mi Tribu, an ecovillage that inhabits and cares for a territory called La Flora, in La Vega Cundinamarca - Colombia. Our work is focused on: valuing diversity, being nature and caring for life, promoting the development of the Being, caring for the social fabric, practicing participatory governance, sharing tenure and management of the territory, developing a regenerative culture, being a learning community connected to the world and enjoying the process. … Read more
Ecoaldea Paititi
Candelaria Madidi Ecológico es una comunidad-organización creada en 2010 con el fin de proteger un territorio de 35,000 hectáreas adyacentes al cuello de botella del Parque Nacional Madidi, donde se ubica el corredor biológico más biodiverso del mundo, y el último reducto de este corredor sin perturbación humana, donde se conectan los 16 ecosistemas diferentes creados por el encuentro de la Amazonía con los Andes. Entre los proyectos de la comunidad CME, está la creación de una ecoaldea … Read more
Ecoaldea Panzenu
Ecovillage developed in a very pleasant and peaceful part of Colombia… Permaculture, peace, and harmony! … Read more
la parroquia Matus es una parroquia Rural, actualmente por su tamaño aloja una cantidad pequeña de habitantes, los mismos que se dedican a actividades ganaderas, agrícolas y turísticas, los cuales son consientes de que es suya la obligación constante de mantener la naturaleza que los rodea de mejor manera, cuidando siempre del ecosistema … Read more
Ecoaldea Tacotal
Bio construcción, hidroterapia, espacio de contemplación en la naturaleza. … Read more
Ecoaldea Tierra Madre
Una de las mayores motivaciones que inspira nuestro proyecto es la puesta en práctica de sistemas de subsistencia (alimentos, agua potable, vivienda, energía) que no supongan degradación o menoscabo alguno para los ecosistemas dentro de los cuales existimos … Read more
Ecoaldea-IEAN Jesús, sustentabilidad y espiritualidad.
Nuestra comunidad mantiene un enfoque social, espiritual y de sustentabilidad autónoma de la economía de los miembros, se capacita a los miembros en: teología, finanzas, creación de huertos urbanos y formación de emprendimientos para la sostenibilidad de las familias. … Read more
Ecoescuela El Jardín
Centro de aprendizaje y práctica, que inspira e impulsa soluciones en resiliencia y regeneración ecosocial ante la crisis política y económica en Venezuela, a través de programas de formación, intercambio de experiencias, acompañamiento psicosocial y soberanía alimentaria. … Read more
EcoGay Community
Rural gay community based on Permaculture, sociocracy, ecosystems. Visitors and new residents welcome. … Read more
Ecogranja Wiphala
Ecogranja Wiphala We are a Colombian Dutch family with three kids that moved from Holland to Colombia to make our dreams come true. So here we are in Calarcá Quindio on an abandoned 10 hà farm trying to establish a community following permaculture principles while raising our kids through homeschooling. Our interest: - permaculture - homeschooling, ala Waldorf - reforestation - gift economy, living in the gift - sovereignty - shamanism - harmonise the ways of hunter gatherers of … Read more
Ecomundi is based on three pedagogical concepts: the Montessori pedagogy, a method that is based on project based learning for highschool students, the Waldorf method Influences which studies permaculture to implement the understanding of flourishing natural ecosystems. (casa de niños, taller I y taller II) . … Read more
We are EcoSur. A project to become a self-sustainable multicultural community, a place where human unity can be realized and thrive in harmony with the environment above all ideologies, nationalities and creeds. … Read more
EcoVibe Living: Embracing Sustainable Serenity
Welcome to EcoVibe Living! We’re a sustainable, work-from-home-friendly shared housing community that’s vibrant and inclusive. You can expect to feel a sense of belonging, grow personally, and connect with like-minded individuals here. Let’s embrace the beauty of shared living and create a supportive and inclusive environment. … Read more
Ecovila Ayrumã
Ayrumã Ecovillage is a sustainable settlement of an intentional community that seeks to promote a sustainable way of life integrating the ecological, economic, social and cultural dimensions, to inspire the construction of a more just and balanced world. Through our non-profit organization, we promote a local network of partnership for the conservation of biodiversity and culture. … Read more
Ecovila da Montanha
The Mountain Ecovillage project aims at establishment of forest that produces life, creating prosperity for their colaborators and the community, seeking supportive and barter economy as forms of integration. … Read more
A 30-year-old Eco-Village surrounded by the Atlantic Rain Forest of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro. With a long history on Permaculture, Agroforestry and Sustainability EL NAGUAL has become a reference point for the environmental movement in the region, 90% of its territory is a natural reserve with the remaining 10% used for Organic sustainable food production, Agroforestry and the Eco-village itself. … Read more
Ecovila Felicidade
The main objectives that support the establishment of this Ecovillage are: I) the improvement of the lifestyle of the people concerned; II) rural sustainable development; III) the creation of new jobs, mainly in the area of the Ecovillage. The essential strategy to be pursued in the carrying out of our agenda involves the combat of the degradation of nature. The knowledge the Ecovillages will spread can be summarized by the general focus of their three dimensions: Social/Community, Ecological … Read more
Ecovila Florescer
The Florescer Ecovillage is located in an area of 260 hectares, formed by flat and mountainous areas, containing several springs and waterfalls, with flora and diverse wildlife. Located in Urubici, Santa Catarina, Brazil, the Ecovillage is supported by Florescer Association. The Florescer Association, is formed by families that joined the project to share their lives with others, and has as a principle the sustainability of relationships and the environment in general. Therefore, since 2007, … Read more
Ecovila Piracanga
A Ecovila de Piracanga é um lugar de realização de sonhos, transformação pessoal e reconexão com a Natureza que somos e a Natureza na qual habitamos. Um local de belezas naturais exuberantes, onde atualmente habitam cerca de 180 pessoas, com aproximadamente 40 crianças e recebe alguns milhares de visitantes todo ano. O desenvolvimento da Ecovila foi impulsionado principalmente a partir de 2011 com a criação de uma comunidade intencional que se estabeleceu com a missão de inspirar o mundo, … Read more
Ecovila Raiz do Anuhmas
we bought the land (4 ha) in 2011 by a collaborative found with 20 families, since this time we start our project and now we have good and independent water, organic food, and we are starting bioconstruction in there. … Read more
Ecovila Santa Margarida
we have ecological urban structures with led and solar power lights, bio seales, rain garden, community center, rules to guide bioarchitecture and social rules connect with Brazilian Alternative Communitie association. … Read more
Ecovilab – Ecovillage Laboratory
We are an ecovillage focused on sustainable living and land connection. Currently, we live on a 0.75-acre rented site with two houses, a camping area, and a vegetable garden, fostering community and eco-experiments. We recently acquired a 5.9-acre property and will start building in 2025. We invite those passionate about regenerative living to join us in creating a resilient, inclusive community. … Read more
Ecovilla GAIA – Argentina
Más de 20 años de diseño permacultural dan al lugar un paisaje único de belleza y abundancia, y a su vez que genera alimentos y otros recursos. Todo esto en un entorno con construcciones naturales que dan al lugar un carácter especial por su estilo arquitectónico basado en la armonía de las formas de modelado en barro. … Read more
Ecovillage at SEED, an International Community for Sustainable Living
Our ecovillage is comprised of members who own ½ hectare (~1.25 acre) private lots within the 150-hectare (~370 acre) sustainability focused SEED Corporation property. SEED is an acronym for Society for Ecological Education and Development. The five SEED Corporation partners all have ecological education and development backgrounds, and each owns or co-owns a residential property in the ecovillage. The Ecovillage at SEED is one of the corporation’s primary projects. Another is the ongoing … Read more
Ecovillage Self-Sufficient Community
We are joining a group of people REALLY INTERESTED AND UNITED BY A HIGHER PURPOSE, create a self-sustaining community, ecovillage or whatever you want to call with the concepts of harmony, permaculture, nonviolence and others to rescue the knowledge that has been lost in the current urban model life. We will create the Community in Brazil and we propose more specific in Rio de Janeiro state, at surround area and inside of what remains of Atlantic Forest. At the moment we are trying to bring … Read more
Ecovillage Viver Simples is a project designed by Brazilians and by foreigners that is being established in the region of Morro Grande, south of Minas Gerais. It is a new community that has as its goal an alternative way of living, with better quality of life and focus on spiritual growth. We look for more integration with nature, through sustainability and by learning and respecting nature, using Taoist techniques and others. We will develop and disseminate knowledge to society, always in … Read more
Ekobius International
We began looking for a community location as a base in 2011, in 2013 we acquired Ekobius, from 2014 to 2020 the political situation in Venezuela has deterred new investors, especially North Americans, and restricted our ideals to begin our vision of a sustainable ecological village and demonstration center. … Read more
Ekumal is an ecological sanctuary, sustainable community, and eco-incubator. We are in the process of certifying as a “Sanctuary of Life and Peace” under the Rights of Mother Earth (DMT- Derechos de la Madre Tierra) and are honored to be joining CASA Latina (Council of Sustainable Settlements of Latin America) and GEN North America! … Read more
El Cady, parroquia Colón – desarrollo sostenible .
Este estudio se centrará en el sector El Cady de la parroquia Colón, donde se conocerá que cosas está haciendo el sector para alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible. … Read more
El Guamacho – Microrreserva de Bosque Seco Tropical
Microrreserva de bosque Seco Tropical en las estribaciones de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta dónde se protege el bosque y a todas sus especies … Read more
El Manzano
A small community zoned urban and rural in the south of chile waking up and determining its own future. We are a transition initiative. … Read more
El Manzano
El Manzano es una pequeña comunidad familiar en la región del BioBío, Chile. Despertando, alzándose, afirmando el derecho humano y la responsabilidad fundamental de la autodeterminación. … Read more
El Valle de la Luna
Somos un emprendimiento social cuyo propósito es servir de conexión entre las personas y la naturaleza. ❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟ ❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟ Como parte de nuestra responsabilidad social y sostenibilidad, realizamos diferentes proyectos en forma totalmente gratuita, así como asesoría y consultoría en temas como: ❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟❟ ❶ TURISMO RESPONSABLE … Read more
A learning and development center, for individual and collective transformation, based on the values of the Elos Philosophy and the diverse social technologies that support and enrichen its practice. … Read more
Erigiendo Dipam
Sobre el Terreno a Edificar: * Agua: La primer prioridad es localizar un terreno cercano a algún cause de agua dulce que pueda potabilizarse (rio, arroyo, esteros) o en su defecto agua dulce extraible de pozo (en Corrientes el agua dulce es fácilmente conseguible, en chaco presenta mas dificultades, pero no son insalvables). * Tendido eléctrico: si hay algún tendido de red eléctrica cerca, eso facilitará la construcción de la eco-aldea, aunque ésta aspira a ser independiente mas adelante, … Read more
Escuela de Permacultura Tikabamba
Javier Bonifaz, 55 years old, an architect specialized in Natural Building ( CRATerre 90-91). I'm a Peruvian man living in the Sacred Valley, Cusco, working with Adobe houses, designing and building supervisor. I love the natural building and to promote a natural life. Refugio Tikabamba is an educational project. We live and promote permaculture principles by offering workshops in natural building, permaculture, and others. The aim of this project is to share knowledge with young travelers, … Read more
Espaço Orgânico Imagine
O Espaço Orgânico Imagine é a sede do Instituto Movimento Orgânico, e Lar da Filosofia Orgânica. Nele são realizados encontros, eventos, cursos e atividades voltadas para o propósito do Movimento Orgânico. … Read more
Family living, organic and working towards self sustainable
Our dream is to join together with like minded families and people to share, exchange and grow together. We like to built, do handcrafts, learn with our kids, have animals around us, get our hands dirty and develop our spirits and minds. We like to be open and learn from each other. Our vision is to find people that would like to build a community by becoming neighbours and living in a freely arranged community. To exchange knowledge and goods and give our kids a space to grow and … Read more
Faro del Mundo Ecoaldea
Beaches and 800 meters from the river, stream, slopes, project promoter, orchards, greenhouse and productive area, event room, permaculture school, waldorf school, fruit square, sports Center,children’s square and a community library inside a forest … Read more
Fighting for the Environment
The Fighting for the Environment project, created by the Jadir Taekwondo Association (AJTKD), aims to use sport to promote reflection and raise awareness about the importance of preserving the environment. … Read more
Finca El Zopilote
El Zopilote Permaculture Farm & Hostel on Isla de Ometepe offers a unique eco-village experience. Stay in rustic cabins amidst lush gardens, explore our permaculture farm, and join mushroom-growing courses. Don’t miss Pizza Night with fire shows and fresh wood-fired pizzas. Learn, relax, and connect with nature in this vibrant, sustainable community beneath Maderas Volcano … Read more
Finca Las Brisas
Finca Las Brisas is over 150 acres of unspoiled forest and pasture. Previously a combination of grazing land and dry forest, the finca is presently being transformed into a self-sustaining oasis where the best interests of the environment and our surrounding neighbors come first. Two year round rivers – Rio Frio and Rio Naranjalito flow through the property and feeder streams follow the paths of ancient lava flows; forming picturesque waterfalls and authentic “swimming holes.” Ranging from 750 … Read more
Finca Las Cordilleras in El Retiro near Medellin, Colombia
We’re a traditional Colombian family, educated abroad but with deep roots and an intense love for all Colombian things. If you’re looking to relax, engage with conscious folk, experience the mountains, learn about Arriero culture and many more things, you’re at the right place. … Read more
Finca Matias
Reducir nuestra huella ecológica este valor fue la base para la decisión de incorporar la producción de tilapias activa y pasiva en el hogar, un sistema que recicla nuestras aguas residuales para reutilizarlas como aguas residuales, lavar y regar, cultivar nuestros propios alimentos, reciclar vigorosamente todo, desde baterías, botellas de cerveza y plátanos. … Read more
Finca Morpho
Finca Morpho is a small tight knit regenerative educational experimental permaculture community on 4.2 hectares, close to the OSA peninsula's point of Cabo Matapalo, 14km south of Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica on the road to Matapalo, the only purple gate. We are morphing ourselves and others to be more sustainable, creative, free, happy, at peace, and open-minded to all ideas and ways of lives. Being surrounded by an indescribable primal energy from the rainforest and the ocean has inspired us to … Read more
Finca Sagrada Community
As keepers of sacred lands, we are in service to Earth and we are living in reciprocity with her bounty. We are building a community that honors the sacredness of the land and supports the diversity of its members, allowing us to experience and practice a flow of generosity, and to find our true roles as co-creators of life on Earth. … Read more
Finca Vida
Hello I'm 23 and my name is John I am currently gathering other young people interested in leading a vegan life in community in Puerto Rico as well as fund raising for 100 acres for said project … Read more
Fruit Haven EcoVillage Ecuador
Located in the foothills of the Andes on the edge of the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador, the tropical climate is ideal for fruit and many tropical perennial vegetables. International intentional community with group buying members as well as volunteers and visitor guests. Hosting retreats and vacations. … Read more
Fundação Terra Mirim
Fundación ArteSumapaz
ArteSumapaz is an arts and culture center located in the Colombian Andes. Two intentional communities are in the forming stages: an area to be comprised of 8-10 individual homes; and an eco-village comprised of smaller homes with a common open kitchen and social area. Potential members are encouraged to come and take a month or longer residency at ArteSumapaz. … Read more
Fundación Durika
Open to visitors since 1995 and accessible by road since 1997, the Durika Biological Reserve (DBR) offers the true naturalist a unique opportunity to get to know this extraordinary area with little known biodiversity in this region of Costa Rica. Durika is a private reserve that protects approximately 8500 hectares localized in the top of the Talamanca Mountain Range, in the south west part of the country, about 17 kilometers North East of the town of Buenos Aires. Motivated because of … Read more
Fundacion Escuela Sintana y Tierra Negra
In these times of world imbalance and climate change, the wisdom and ancient knowledge of native people of the Americas are needed more than ever. … Read more
Gaia University and Gaia U Latina
Since 2006, Gaia U has supported world changers to create strategic projects and regenerative enterprises. It offers externally reviewed Bachelors and Masters degrees as well as Post Masters Graduate Diplomas. Internally accredited Diplomas as well as Certificate courses are also on offer. Some scholarships are available. www.gaiauniversity.org for more information or [email protected]. … Read more
Granja Beró
We are a forming ecovillage. 10 families searching for a more meaningful life through cooperation, using permaculture as a design tool to accomplish our goal. … Read more
Green New World – Finca Nuevo Mundo
We are a educational research organization dedicated to assisting our planet in the transition to a sustainable civilization by learning, experimenting, designing, prototyping and teaching regenerative and sustainable living models. Green New World’s educational research center, Finca Nuevo Mundo is being developed in the valley of Tzununa close to the shores of Lake Atitlan in the Highlands of Guatemala to experiment and showcase regenerative and sustainable living models while restoring … Read more
Hacienda Agroecologica Renacer
Somos una organización dedicada a la educación de sustentabilidad como método inclusivo para una mejor calidad de vida, tanto ambiental, salud, física y emocional. Proveemos un ambiente agroecológico sustentable donde podrás encontrar hospedaje al aire libre, recreaciones en contacto con la naturaleza y consumir productos ecológicos cosechados en nuestra hacienda. … Read more
Hapori Eco Cohousing, San Miguel de Allende, México.
Intergenerationl/multicultural cohousing community outside of San Miguel de Allende, México. Our vision is to enhancing the lifestyle and wellness of members and neighbouring communities while restoring the local ecosystem. We currently have 3 households living on site and 2 more houses being built, we are looking for pioneer members to join our project. … Read more
Huerto Urbano Nuevo Sol
Huerto Urbano Nuevo Sol is a place of Sensitization and Connection between urban life and Mother Earth. We are dedicated to promoting the formation of a Community of individuals and initiatives in favor of building a Future of Hope through the practice, research and dissemination of Sustainable Organic Farming on a Human Scale, Grow Biointensive® … Read more
Huertos Urbanos de Costa Rica
Huertos Urbanos de Costa Rica es una comunidad virtual y física que busca conectar personas y proyectos que se encuentren cerca geográficamente para que puedan compartir miembros, materiales y/o conocimiento para así crecer y fortalecerse. No es necesario tener conocimiento del tema, ni tener un huerto ya establecido. Aquí podemos aprender unos de otros e ir dándole forma a muchos proyectos. El grupo prioriza cooperación/colaboración sobre ventas. Hay muchas alternativas para aplicar en un … Read more
InanItah is a consciously created, earth-based spiritual community and transformational living and learning center in Nicaragua. Its vision is to raise spiritual and environmental consciousness and create space for individual and collective transformation. InanItah responds to the current expansion in human consciousness and the growing collective urge for a practical spirituality by offering classes, workshops and gatherings to support social, environmental and spiritual regeneration. We focus … Read more
Inla Kesh
Inla Kesh • is on the way to be more and more a regenerative community in which human beings, animals, plants, and waters live together in full cooperation and unreserved trust • is an open systems that constantly evolve through feedback with their environment • is a place to develop social, ecological and economic frameworks that allow life’s self-healing … Read more
Instituto Biorregional do Cerrado –
Instituto Biorregional do Cerrado – IBC was created in 2012 and has three main projects: the ecovillage Ecoaldeia Aratikum, the educational center Ecocentro Pedagógico do IBC, and the creation of a preservation area (RPPN – Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural). Additionally, as an institute, we also engage in political issues of our bio-region, through participation in local councils and part … Read more
Instituto ÇaraKura
The ÇaraKura Institute develops projects, pedagogical practices, and researches that engage children, youths, and adults in ethical activities connected to the sustainable and conscious use of natural resources, environmental protection, and restoration. We use artistic approaches to communicate our mission, and we live a communal life focused on low impact, meaningful and peaceful life. … Read more
Instituto Favela da Paz
Model and Education Center: Culture, Community, Autonomy and Peace Education … Read more
Instituto Pindorama
The Pindorama Institute is a Permaculture Station registered as a Non-profit Organization. We are located in Nova Friburgo, a 2-hour drive from Rio de Janeiro. Nova Friburgo is known worldwide for having the biggest preserved portion of Atlantic Forest in Brazil. We are known nationwide for our expertise with bamboo building, Earth building, and permaculture. Our foundation is based upon the Vedic Philosophy. We keep a simple living and high thinking. We grow our own organic food, including … Read more
i-tekoa is an Ecovillge situated in the Delta of the Tigre river, beside the Espera Stream,in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Inside Itekoa we run an Integral Community Center that provides educational activities for sustainability. i-tekoa is a place of reinforcement of clean local production and communication within locals offering activities that promote an integral wellbeing for the individuals of the community. We also have an artist residency which aim is to enrich the cultural inheritance of … Read more
Ixixtlan is beautiful ecovillage located near Atlixco, Puebla, that allows for the mind and body to come into balance again. Since its foundation, Ixixtlan has become a site for "recreational education" through the art of holistic practices stimulating creativity, self-knowledge and harmonious relationships. Situated in atop a large hill in Atlixco overlooking two big volcanoes, the site is home to several beautiful bio-constructions based on sacred geometry. This includes spaces for meditation … Read more
Jacutinga do Caparaó
We founded the Associação Permacultural Jacutinga do Caparaó in 2017, now we are 14 families in this group. We are located in the Caparaó region, in the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil. We are agroforesting an area of 6 hectares, in a land of 12 hectares, and our intention is to create a permacultural school in this area. Now some families are constructing their houses, expecting to move there soon. We are a group of studies and practices in technologies for the transition. Our understanding … Read more
Jaguar Chirripo
Special Project Sustainable Development Living Models & Conceptual Solutions Conceptual ARTISTRY Permaculture + Architecture + Plastic Arts Harmony and sustainability + safety and comfort + warmth and beauty= Living Sculptures Designs based on human needs, geographical and climatic conditions, biological and orographic, cultural and vernacular architecture. … Read more
Jaguarapira Wildlife Reserve
In 1994, as a master’s student in forest science, we start to restore the vegetation of a land we bought in 1998. This land is located at the foothills of a mountain in southern Brazil, harboring a mix of Araucaria and Atlantic Forest severely degraded by mining. After 27 years of restoration the forest cover and wildlife is exuberant. We teach conservation and restoration and wildlife studies. … Read more
Komunidad Kolinda
[MAP LOCATION NOT EXACT!] Founded in 2018, Komunidad Kolinda is an autonomous multi-generational Intentional Eco-Community with 11 international permanent inhabitants living on 6.5 hectares of forested shared land in the temperate high-altitude Sierra Sur mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico, where we practice regenerative agriculture and reforestation, bioconstruction, traditional medicine, art and spirituality in close alignment with the local Zapotec indigenous population. We are located at an … Read more
Kuyabeh Sustainable Ecological Community, is located at the 34 kilometer of the Tulum-Coba highway and counts 375 hectares of land which are designed to protect and preserve the Jungle. Within its 25 hectares of common areas we can enjoy an amphitheater, sustainability school, area for market and organic community garden, restaurant, temazcal, jungle gym, jungle kids, pool, hotel, spa, lagoon, holistic and meditative area, bird sighting tower, observation platform and a cenote. Currently we … Read more
La Bella Ecoaldea
Our village is sustained and oriented towards: social regeneration, integral education, the promotion of personal development and spirituality, the expression of arts, bio-construction, organic agriculture, the practices of healthy life, the reduction and recycling of waste, the organization of meetings and ceremonies, ecotourism, the creation of innovative and responsible products and services. … Read more
La Ladera, Terreno Cultural
La Ladera es un espacio que desde hace 6 años ha venido ofreciendo un lugar de encuentro y fomento de la cultura para todas las personas que habitamos en la comunidad, especialmente para l@s niñ@s de Huitzilac. Ubicadas en uno de los corredores más violentos de México, tenemos la intención de generar otras formas de convivir acordes con el cuidado hacia la tierra y nuestro propio territorio. … Read more
La Pequeña Granja de Mamá Lulú
Aquí tendrá un verdadero encuentro con la naturaleza y con las costumbres de nuestros abuelos campesinos que nos enseñaron a trabajar la tierra y a vivir de los que se produce... Venga y conozca una pequeña finca que tiene como objetivo enseñar a la personas a valorar el campo y así evitar el hacinamiento y la pobreza en las ciudades. Servicio de alojamiento, restaurante, charlas agroecológicas, auditorio para 100 personas Una granja familiar autosostenible, en donde se cultiva plátano, … Read more
Las Cañadas Bosque de Niebla
Las Cañadas Bosque de Niebla is a centre for agro-ecology and permaculture, situated in one of the last remaining islands of the Bosque de Niebla- the forest of mist-, in Mexico’s central Veracruz region. Here, permaculture is used as a design tool with the aim of learning how to implement and share a sustainable way of living. We are continuously developing creative solutions to solve both social and environmental problems that persist in this era of accelerated climate change. The centre is … Read more
Las Liridas
Community Description We are a family of friends, who are inspired by one another, and eager to spend the rest of our lives developing this project and living peacefully and in community together. We are very varied in our cultural backgrounds and disciplines and provide a wide range of services for the community. … Read more
LemuLawen reúne distintos proyectos bajo ciertos principios y éticas. Estos proyectos los reunimos en 2 grandes áreas: Salud y Sustentabilidad. Somos una comunidad familiar al servicio de la vida. La humanidad interactúa en 3 ejes principales: 1. Eje vertical: integridad del cuerpo físico, emocional, mental, espiritual. 2. Eje horizontal: individual, familiar, comunitario, social, territorial. 3. Eje profundo: La inserción profunda de la consciencia en cada aspecto del constructo de … Read more
Litibu Ecovillage
All buildings in the community are self-sufficient with solar electricity and water catchment. The community food forest is our primary collective project. For more information, go to https://litibuecovillage.squarespace.com. … Read more
Magdala Ecovila
Located at 950m high, at the fringes of the Central Plateau of Brazil, at the border between the states of São paulo and Minas Gerais, 10km away from the town of Franca-SP, Brazil. We are now in the process of building the main infrastructure and would like to start the contacts with people with experience in other ecovillages. … Read more
Mahuá Ashram
Mahuá Ashram * Una Ciudad de Luz * Universidad para el Alma * Un Prototipo de Vida Sustentable, Educación y Consciencia como inspiración del significado y la magia del vínculo consciente entre el Ser Humano y los Reinos de la Naturaleza. Un espacio de convivencia comunitaria que recupera la importancia de la primera célula de la comunidad: La Familia viviendo la belleza, la armonía, el respeto de la vida del alma… El Espíritu que nos Mueve Un Compromiso profundo con nuestra verdadera … Read more
Mama Roja
Mama Roja is a Sustainable Living and Learning Center focused on education, organic gardening, natural building, and seed saving. This project comes from our desire to live a happy, healthy, harmonious life. We want to live true to our ideals and honest with ourselves. For us, this means living close to nature, producing our own food with ecological consciousness, and building a comfortable, peaceful place to grow and share. We are creating a healthy alternative lifestyle focused on … Read more
Marcahuasi – Casa del Protector
Our main goal is to develop an ecological campsite, innovative in terms of construction, agro-ecology, and sustainable tourism activities in the pampa of Upica. We are located in a communal land of the peasant community of San Pedro de Casta, 3h from Lima. … Read more
Medicina Costa Rica
The goal is to discover and develop approaches to community living in small groups of 150 people or less that consume less time, money and natural resources than the status quo while producing a higher quality of life, as measured through an app. This data will be shared freely on social media or for non-profit fees in person for the purpose of learning what does and doesn't work in small communities. In a broader picture, such research over time gathered by an app may help the first 100 people … Read more
Mercado Aldeas Verdes
Un nuevo concepto de mercado de prosumidores que concentra en un mismo espacio regenerativo para la comunidad y el medio ambiente el intercambio equitativo de productos saludables, genuinos y amigables con el medio ambiente, de ideas e innovaciones alrededor de la ecología aplicada y las comunidades resilientes y en transición, para la regeneración social y sistémica a 360 grados. … Read more
Molinos Verdes de Moringa
We believe and create a better world where sustainable development and knowledge it's shared. We want to learn, apply, and share ethical solutions for sustainable development through Permaculture. Why did we choose "Molinos Verdes de Moringa" ("Green Moringa Mills") as our name? - Mills are one of the first machines humans invented, very simple, versatile, with few pieces and that helps achieve many tasks at different scales. - Green is the color that represents nature. - Moringa is a … Read more
Moraro Indigenous Off-grid Community
We practise a forest-based, sustainable livelihood by combining old knowledge with the new. Our small, off-grid, sustainable community creates solutions to address current environmental and social challenges. We are working toward invigorating an economy, so as to negate the impact of deforestation, energy consumption, climate change and current health problems. We merge our programme with community cohesion activities in order to support our health and well-being. … Read more
Musu Runakuna Indigenous Community
Musu Runakuna Indigenous community is located in El Pepino, a rural area of Mocoa, Colombia, where the each member life is based in the owned Musu Runakuna’s Life Plan: Territory (which includes environment and economy), Mother Tongue (specifically separated from culture), Health & Traditional Medicine, Social Organization (and Own Rights), Culture and Education. … Read more
Nanku Village
Spanning across 22 hectares of pristine land, our community features 50 thoughtfully planned lots that seamlessly blend with the surrounding landscape. … Read more
Nashira un canto de Amor
En el Bolo Palmira Colombia 88 mujeres cabeza de hogar en un predio de 33.000 metros cuadrados sembrado de frutales y hortalizas han construido una eco aldea productiva y sostenible con viviendas gratuitas y con el propósito de generar un futuro de bienestar y seguridad ambiental y alimentaria para ellas y las futuras generaciones … Read more
Natural Health Center – NatTech
I remain living at George Orwell’s animal farm.I think sometimes that I feel as the donkey, and otherwise I am the parrot. As my name is lorenzo and in Spanish loro is parrot, so I confirm my own suspicious focus. So I live in front of the water spring in the ceiling of the forest, the dossal, canopy or forest ceiling. My mates are tree copes: the vicious and luxurious mango, that far old as mine, does not work, and consider an offense if some one think about (I cut them). The hearted leaf of … Read more
Not yet named
I am looking for people interested in helping start an eco-community in the Bahamas, using the principles of permaculture. The community would have an agricultural focus and members should be willing and able to work in the field. The project is just in the planning stage at this time. Purchase of land and set-up of farm and individual dwellings would be the intial step. … Read more
Nuestra Finca Sagrada – Our Sacred Farm
We are looking for all sorts of volunteers, from beginners to experts, to help share ideas and energy. We are open-minded, we want to create a space for growth of all kinds, personal and natural. Although we aren’t at the farm full-time year-round, we have a network of friends and neighbors who look out for us and us for them. … Read more
Come & join an internationa, spiritual commune in the heart of Uruguay. Live with use in tune with humans, animals and nature! Let’s hug, meditate, work and dance together. Thank you for contributing to a life affirmative way of living. See you soon! Here a video that shows the building up of our place over 7 years in pictures with music produced by us: https://www.oshoasis.net/uploads/sevenyears/ … Read more
PachaMama is an oasis of an alternative lifestyle. It’s a place to dive into a transformative spiritual voyage, rejuvenate the body, connect with nature and celebrate life. The village is located on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica in a forested valley. PachaMama was founded 11 years ago by Tyohar and fellow travelers who responded to the invitation to manifest together a commune that embraces a new way of life. Ever since it was founded, the oasis became a gathering place for people from all … Read more
Pachamama Fair Trade
Pachamama Fair Trade links rural producers to urban consumers generating social and environmental development and consciousness for both. Our purpose is to create a community that shares ideas to develop progressive and innovative initiatives while making the most of the shared knowledge, experience and opportunities that arise from collectively pursuing our mission. … Read more
Paojilhuasca anncestral medicine camp
Preservation and diffusion of ancestral plant medicines. Sustainable and eco friendly living: not only with the nature but with the local people around. Preservation of natural resources. … Read more
Paradise Garden Ecuador
Our Vision We envision a christian vegan raw fruitarian community living in a beautiful fruit forest, where all of creation thrive together in peace, joy and harmony. Our Mission Our mission is to create the community and the forest by employing widely successful community and fruit forest farming practices such as CBDM, NVC, permaculture, work exchanges, renting etc. Our Core Values Family Friendly Fitness Godliness Love, Grace and Forgiveness Natural Hygiene / … Read more
Parque Visao Futuro
O Instituto Visão Futuro está localizado no Parque Ecológico Visão Futuro, uma propriedade de 85 hectares perto das pequenas cidades de Quadra e Porangaba, e duas horas de carro de São Paulo. Foi fundado em 1992 como um centro de educação ambiental para crianças, jovens e adultos. O projeto inicialmente foi financiado pelo SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency) através da Globetree Foundation of Sweden, que ajudou a estabelecer a infra-estrutura ecológica. O projeto do Parque, com 16 … Read more
Parroquia “El Paraiso La 14” Planificación para el Desarrollo
Su historia se remonta a más de 50 años de creación, ya que por décadas estuvo en conflicto limítrofe entre las provincias del Guayas, Los Ríos, y Manabí, siendo ratificada su pertenencia a esta última provincia después de una consulta popular desarrollada en septiembre del 2015. Cuenta la historia y personajes que aún viven y de familiares de quienes ya no están con nosotros que en el año de 1964 un grupo de colonos llegaron a estas tierras con el afán de lotizar e iniciar a cultivar estas … Read more
Parroquia Bulán Tierra sostenible
Conocer un poco mas sobre la Parroquia en la que se vive, es un zona bendecida por sus tierras y su productividad en la cual se da a conocer que es rica en la fruticultura así como en la flora y fauna que se encuentra en sus montañas con una gran fuente hídrica. … Read more
Parroquia La Villegas
El presente proyecto esta orientado a la realización del diagnostico y evaluación de sostenibilidad en la parroquia La Villegas. … Read more
Parroquia San Pedro de los Cofanes – Una parroquia sustentable
La parroquia San Pedro de los cofanes es rica en flora y faunas silvestre, puesto que contamos con muchos bosques tropicales, cascadas y ríos. Y también, cuenta con una al variedad de cultivos como cacao, maíz, café y arroz. … Read more
Permaculture demonstrative center for dry climate in Hidalgo mexico
The demonstrative permaculture center we are creating in hidalgo. The Non Profit Legal Representation: We have a legal Non-Profit that can receive tax deductible receipts in Mexico. Element-All Solutions for rural comunities: We create eco-stoves (fire) – Gardens and agroforestry (Earth) – Water harvest and biofilters (Water) and we teach social skills for communities RestaurArte: art related … Read more
PermaTree a Holistic Gaia Association in Ecuador
PermaTree a Holistic Gaia Association – Permaculture, organic tropical fruit farm and nature reserve at the edge of the amazon in Ecuador … Read more
We are a community that has come together with the intention of living in harmony with nature and our soul being. We seek to cultivate awareness to live in a sustainable and respectful way with our environment. We work for the rescue and conservation of ancestral wisdom, receiving here families from all the tribes of the world who come to share their knowledge and medicines. We are a family that works the practical religious philosophy of honoring life, our Mother Earth, our … Read more
Possibilica Archiarchy Invention Center
Possibilica is a nomadic nanonation learning community, a tribe of adulthood initiators and culture-shift agents. We specialize in the transformational arts for individuals, groups and projects. We use thoughtware upgrades from Possibility Management to unleash potential, transform conflicts into opportunities, clear up communications, and verify purposes. We source Archiarchy and High Level Fun! … Read more
Primera Semilla – Self-sutainable Ecovillage
Self-sustained in food production, energy, and construction material. Family-oriented with eco-tourism aspect. Bamboo construction, permaculture, food transformation and a special emphasis on aestheticism and art presence. Wide variety of teaching from kids to adults. Sacred geometry oriented from individual house to the whole village. … Read more
Programa Permanente Ecobairro | Instituto Ecobairro Brasil
Programa Permanente Ecobairro, desde de 2004 atua para transformar bairros em ecobairros, a partir de uma visão sistêmica e de longo prazo, buscando trazer o espirito das ecovilas para o ambiente urbano promovendo experiencias colaborativas e comunitárias de sustentabilidade e regeneração. Em cada célula da cidade criar as condições para qualificar as relações entre as pessoas e com o território. … Read more
Projeto Walden XXI
Walden ou a vida nos bosques é uma autobiografia do escritor transcendentalista Henry David Thoreau. A obra é considerada, simultaneamente, como uma declaração de independência pessoal, uma experiência social, uma viagem de descoberta espiritual e um manual para a autossuficiência. Publicado em 1854, Walden é um manifesto poético contra a civilização industrial, que então ganhava força nos Estados Unidos. Diante da crescente complexidade da vida social estadunidense, derivada do … Read more
Proyecto autosuficiencia y soberania
Hace ahora más de seis años que empezamos esta aventura (escrito en feb-2017), una granja autosuficiente. Somos solo dos personas: María y Miguel. Iniciamos el proyecto con animales pero las dificultades para que en esta sociedad los animales disfruten de libertad nos ha hecho que replanteemos la situación, ahora mismo solo tenemos gallinas, un perro y un gato. Nuestra huerta no sigue ninguna disciplina, pero aplica muchas características de varias de ellas, ahora mismo es muy productiva, … Read more
Proyecto Yum Kaax
Started in January 2021 on a physical site in Chiapas, Mexico, we are here to build an ECOvillage as a place of constant material and cultural development for a living embodiment of a real human unity. Thus, we dedicate ourselves to the environmental, social and cultural protection and its development in Community. The permaculture philosophy/management is maybe the best way to resume our resilient wishes to develop as close as possible to real sustainability. The way we manage the land is … Read more
Pu Am Ecolodge
Espacio que cuenta con cabañas enterradas en lomas tipo “Hobbit”. Un lodge construido con madera local nativa y fardos de paja. Huerta con método biointensivo. Ovejas y gallinas con libre pastoreo a través de cercos móviles. Un bosque comestible. Planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Laguna, río y bosques. … Read more
Sembrar 400 árboles en la parroquia de Quitumbe hasta finalizar el año 2022 … Read more
Pura Tierra – Eco Village Costa Ric
ura Tierra is a sustainable land project on the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica. Together we are growing a peaceful, healing & conscious community of visionary leaders, yoginis, teachers, healers, free-lancers, holistic practitioners, artists, natural builders, permaculturists, organic farmers - people and families from all walks of life. Our homes will be built using the best eco-conscious designs focusing on cob, earth bag and rammed earth. Organic farming, solar power, swimming holes, yoga … Read more
Quinta Esencia
Ubicado en la región pampeana de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Quinta Esencia es el centro de educación e investigación para la Regeneración, desarrollado por la Asociación Civil Amartya. Tiene por finalidad contribuir al diseño e implementación de un nuevo modelo de desarrollo regenerativo produciendo, modelizando, enseñando y difundiendo información y conocimiento. … Read more
Rama Negra – ECHO MOVEMENT- Argenti
About us: We aim to inform you of our proposal related to the development of sustainable communities in the South American region. With the help of members from different countries, the mission of Echo Movement is to encourage the exchange of experiences of volunteers from around the world. These volunteers are mostly academics, who, by taking part in our different programs, share the experience of creating sustainable communities that function as centers of permacultural education. … Read more
Ramaviva fue fundada por Abelito en 2016. Era el camino de regreso de la ciudad al campo. Una media hectárea de terreno en la cordillera de Guaniuanico. El primer lugar de Cuba que funciona como un sistema de permacultura holístico. Ramaviva es la conexión de la comunidad local guajira y otra, de origen citadino, con interes en la permacultura y la re-ligación a través de prácticas eco-espirituales. Es la casa sui generis de ambos. Se ha diseñado desde la observación y la interacción con la … Read more
Ranchito Acuario – Nueva Aldea
Proyecto de Comunidad Intencional basado en el respeto y la tolerancia. … Read more
Rancho Luna – Paraíso Renacer
After 20 years of having an eco-hotel, two particular mother and daughter have come together to make our dream project out of Rancho Luna. Paraiso Renacer is about creating a self-sustainable space in this privileged location, a place where everyone is welcome. We want to encourage the life in community, self-sufficiency, sustainability, healthy living and spirituality. … Read more
Rancho Mastatal
We consider environmental concerns from personal to global perspectives and develop solutions that are regenerative, regionally appropriate, and maintainable. We source our food and materials locally while maximizing our diversified farm. We promote community resiliency by supporting regional efforts for clean water, healthy food, fertile land, and safe, naturally constructed buildings. … Read more
Red Colombiana de Reservas Naturales
MISIÓN Es misión de la Asociación Red Colombiana de Reservas Naturales de la Sociedad Civil, contribuir al conocimiento, consolidación y posicionamiento de las iniciativas de conservación de la sociedad civil, a través de procesos de uso y manejo sostenible de la diversidad biológica, para la construcción de tejido social, modelos de vida y desarrollo alternativos, con criterios de equidad generacional, étnica y de género. VISIÓN La Asociación Red Colombiana de Reservas … Read more
Red de Permacultura Bioregión Central Occidental
Póngase en acción en su comunidad, de la mano de más de 20 organizaciones y proyectos que incluyen: Granjas urbanas, Centros comunitarios, Bosques de alimentos públicos, Huertos escolares y jardines, Ecoaldeas, Cooperativas, Centros de Cultura, Jardines Comunitarios, Instalaciones de compostaje, Espacios de arte, Granjas de semillas. … Read more
Red de Reservas Kunagua
Proceso de transición a la agroecología, recuperando prácticas tradicionales, cuidado de semillas criollas, elaboración de abonos naturales, rotación de cultivos. Se adelantan emprendimientos para la transformación de los productos agrícolas cosechados en el territorio, como la elaboración de miel de yacón, chips de yacón y kale. Bioconstrucción y prácticas artísticas: Danza, Música y artesanías. … Read more
Hoy la RENACE es CASA Colombia, el Consejo de Asentamientos Sustentables de América Latina Capítulo Colombia, que convoca asentamientos sustentables, comunidades intencionales y organizaciones que promueven y difunden estilos de vida sustentables y regenerativos. MÁS INFO https://redcasalatina.org … Read more
Reserva Huaravito
We seek to promote the value of forests and other biological resources related to biodiversity, watershed protection, carbon fixation, use of genetic material, maintenance of scenic beauty, production of water and energy, to protect natural ecosystems and use natural resources in a sustainable way, where conservation and sustainable use can mutually benefit. … Read more
Reserva Integral y Ecoaldea Sasardi
The Sasardi ecovillage was the first initiative within the ecovillage movement to start in Colombia, it was as well one of the first private natural reserve in the country. The first members of this ecovillage moved in 1985 from the city into the Darién, within the Chocó biogeographical region, known as one of the areas with greatest biodiversity worldwide. The members were looking for new and different ways of life, trying to show it was possible to live a sustainable life in the middle of the … Read more
Reserva Natural Rancho Los Ocotes
Our mission is to create community with likeminded likehearted souls that love nature, that love to study, create and develop ethical agroecological life in tune with natural cycles. We are always planting, and in continuous study of ecological practices, rebuilding spaces and regenerating the land. Our aim is to become selfsufficient in our food consumption, energy and water resources. … Read more
Resilient Ecosystems Institute A.C.
! … Read more
RiverFalls Village – Costa Rica
Humanity in harmony with Nature: rainforest, waterfalls, natural pools, the Pacific Ocean, intentional and sustainable living. A joyous lifestyle. RiverFalls village is a unique sustainable residential community in Uvita, Puntarenas province, located between the 2 major rivers (the Uvita River and the Ballena River), backed by 2,000 acres of private rainforest preserve. We are surrounded by wilderness, yet our community is located only 2 km from the vibrantly growing Uvita town … Read more
Este 2025 nos encontramos en un momento de rediseño. El proyecto sigue siendo incipiente y por ahora da acogida a viajeros que quieran contribuir, cuenta con tres piezas, cocina y un pequeño salón. Vista al mar. Estamos vinculados al mov. de Transición, a Comunicaciones de CASA Latina y a World Beyond War. … Read more
Escuela Comunitaria de Permacultura Andina-Amazónica Ancestral dedicada a la enseñanza de: permacultura, cosmovisión andina-amazónica, medicina herbolaria, agrisilvicultura. Los voluntarios-alumnos son oriundos de cualquier país o continente y recibimos un día por semana grupos de alumnos de los colegios de la Provincia nuestra. Constituimos un banco provincial de semillas nativas agrícolas. Existe una estrecha relación con las comunidades indígenas de los alrededores con las cuales … Read more
Sadhana Forest Haiti
Sadhana Forest is an international vegan volunteering community working in India, Haiti and Kenya. Our aim in Haiti is to support long-term food security for people living in the area of Anse-à-Pitres, in southeast Haiti. Our volunteers do this by planting indigenous food-bearing trees in partnership with the local population. … Read more
La sacha inchi en la actualidad es cosechada en un 80% para la extracción de aceite, el cual está ganando mucha popularidad en el comercio. Con este proyecto se pretende ayudar a mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas de la comunidad. … Read more
Sanación Natural para el Mundo.
Aquí hacemos Medicina natural ancestral, Yoga, Temazcal, Wachuma, Ayahuasca, Agricultura orgánica, tenemos arboles de Aguacate, Café, mandarinas, guabas y más, huerto de verduras a disposición. También hacemos Productos artesanales como Chocolate, Tabaco, Aceites esenciales, Esencias, Pomadas, Miel de agave y Miel de Abejas que al comerciarlos nos ayudan a la conservación del proyecto. … Read more
Santa Branca Ecovillage
Santa Branca, a large ecological project includes jungle restoration, organic farming, cattle production, eco-tourism, and our recently formed ecovillage. Construction is underway with space for 336 families. The permaculture design include a food jungle surrounding the village with more than 70,000 fruit and nut trees planted. Santa Branca is located between Goiania and Brasila in Central Brazil. More than half of the land is restored jungle with many original animals, birds, and vegetation … Read more
Sat Yoga Ecovilliage
The Sat Yoga Community is an intentional community of people who live near an ashram (Sat Yoga Ashram)—a meditation and spiritual retreat center—and participate in the vibrancy of its spiritual and cultural richness, without necessarily needing to be fully immersed in the absolute simplicity and purity of an ashramite's lifestyle. Sat Yoga Community is a spiritual community that is currently developing and refining its capacity for cooperation, empathy, care and compassion to foster a life of … Read more
Sembrando Vida
Sembrando Vida Ecovillage is an intentional community that seeks a natural and organic life based on spirituallity, ecology, education and art located on a beautiful place at Isla de la Piedra, Mazatlan, Mexico. The general project of the Ecovillage has Organic Garden, Healing Center, natural horsemanship, Holistic Learning Center “Green Schooll” for children, Sacred Garden. … Read more
Semilla de Mares
Installation, workshops and facilitation of Medicinal Syntropic Farming. Creation of natural medicines, esencial oils, hydrolates and teas. Facilitation for human projects that seek to be based on systemic well-being. … Read more
SemillAmadi Huerto Urbano. Centro de Intercambio de Aprendizajes y Siembra.
Nuestro fin es ser embajadores de la alternativa de vida que puede hacer grandes cambios en nuestra comunidad y en la de todos. Sembramos vida, arte y cultura. Un pequeño laboratorio de vida que ofrecemos con Amor a nuestra Comunidad con la finalidad de fortalecer nuestro tejido social y lazos al sistema natural que nos abraza y nos provee. Todos somos guardianes de la tierra. … Read more
Ser Humanos: Building sustainable self-financing village communities
The aim of the PROJECT FOR POPULATION REDISTRIBUTION WITH FAMILIES FROM URBAN MARGINAL NEIGHBOURHOODS: ESTABLISHING SUSTAINABLE, SELF SUPPORTING ECO-VILLAGE COMMUNITIES is to build a rural eco-village community that is productive, operates in an ecologically and financially sustainable manner and finances itself with poor or extremely poor families from the city of Córdoba, Argentina. … Read more
The mission of Shamballa Permaculture is to increase awareness of ecological and social regenerative practices through examples and learning opportunities. By creating spaces, events, and communities through the application of permaculture ethics, art, appropriate technology and community living experiences, Shamballa provides sustainable living solutions so we can be the change we want to see in the world. … Read more
Sikuanga Ecoaldea
Sikuanga Wasi es una ecoaldea intercultural (indígena mestiza) en la Selva amazónica de Pastaza – Ecuador. Con el propósito de guardianar y regenerar la biodiversidad de la Amazonia, tener autosuficiencia de las necesidades mediante la permacultura y el desarrollo del potencial humano en libertad, aplicando varias metodologías educativas holísticas, artísticas y saberes ancestrales. … Read more
Sitio Maracananduva (SitiOM)
O Sítio Maracananduva, conhecido carinhosamente como SitiOm, é um verdadeiro oásis verde, localizado em Vargem Grande Paulista, a 40km da capital. Um espaço Eco-Cultural, que conta com uma casa colonial datada de 1790, construída em taipa de pilão, em meio a um bosque de jabuticabeiras, protegida pela vegetação do Bioma da Mata Atlântica. Acreditamos na humanidade como mais um fio na "teia da vida", onde cada elemento da natureza deve ser preservado e respeitado para garantir o equilíbrio da … Read more
Solferino Re-Genera
Farm Market Solferino, es un proyecto que consta de inicio de dos hectáreas con opción a extenderse más, lugar que será destinado para el cultivo de frutales y de verduras orgánicas, granja de animales para producción de productos diversos, cañamo industrial, (LAB) laboratorio de expresión culinaria y transformación de alimentos creativos. … Read more
Source Temple
Source Temple is a Sacred Cooperative Community that creates an environment for spiritual, personal, and community development. We came together because of a desire to establish harmonious relationships based on cooperation and tolerance. Embedded in our practice is a deep respect for the local ecosystem as well as the sociocultural context in which we operate. We are 25 people from fifteen different countries, a true melting pot of different cultures, generations and mindsets dedicated to … Read more
St. Michael’s Sustainable Community
We are a bridge from the modern world to a sustainable world. We are a beacon of peace and stewardship toward the earth. … Read more
Stush Bush
An artisan eco-community in Guyana for personal development and local self-sufficiency. … Read more
Somos una pequeña comunidad en el limite de la zona urbana, que esta explorando alternativas en el intento de la sustentabilidad y el respeto a todos los seres. … Read more
Terra Frutis
Terra Frutis is a vegan homesteading intentional community in tropical Ecuador. We are working together on planting a food forest aimed at sustainably feeding 20+ people on a plant-based diet. … Read more
Terra Luminous
Connect people engaged with their self-development, and the mission of protecting the environment and co-create a new world based on shared power, nonviolent communication, free spirituality (without gurus), sustainability, and food + energy sovereignty. … Read more
Terra UNA
Union, nature nd art. … Read more
TerraVitae – Ecovillage based in the Yucatan, Mexico
TerraVitae is the product of a changing political and economical climate which has become quite concerning over the last few years. Based in the Yucatan State in Mexico, we provide a space where you can live your happiest, cleanest and most peaceful life! … Read more
The International Permaculture Community (new name when Tribe and land bond)
We are a newly forming intentional community based in the North of Panama. The IPC is an affordable way for creative, conscious, ecologically aware, free spirits to BE together in a beautiful setting that nature has offered us. A place for people of all ages to live, communicate, grow, learn, experiment and make discoveries. Looking for Tribe members now: www.communityearth.org … Read more
The OASIS Center for Conscious Living
Our eco resort is our main business which supports the community. Our eco village is where long term volunteers can build their own hermitage using local materials and enjoy a sublime existence in nature. … Read more
The Source Farm
The Source Farm is a multi-cultural, intergenerational eco-village, located in Johns Town, in the parish of St. Thomas, Jamaica. Our ecological mission and vision is to respect Natural life, its systems and processes - preserving wildlife and botanical habitat, and creating a life-style that regenerates, rather than diminishing the integrity of THE SOURCE FARM environment. We have a commitment to: Natural living Holistic Health & Spirituality Ecological & Social … Read more
Tierra Baturi
Tierra Baturi is a Jewish intentional sustainable community located outside Todos Santos, BCS, Mexico with Jewish tradition, learning, and spirituality at its core. It consists of a cooperative, a farm, retreat center, and adjacent community of households that support the activities, infrastructure, and programs of the coop through the payment of an HOA. … Read more
Tierra Langla Lunahuana
Tierra Langla is a space for reconnection with ourselves and so with Mother Earth, Pachamama, of which we are all a part. It is a space for meditation, yoga, music and all arts… We are learning the community way of life, learning to be sustainable, applying the ethics and principles of Permaculture. We have built the space with bioconstruction techniques (thru worshops!), we grow a generous organic garden from who we learn everyday, a young eatable forest, a beautiful and healing temazcal, a … Read more
Tierra Magia – Territorio Escuela –
Territorio Escuela en las montañas de Cali, Colombia. Uno de los propósitos de Tierra Magia es promover modos de vida armoniosos con la naturaleza por medio de una educación viva e interactiva, experimentando y aprendiendo desde el hacer, teniendo como foco las herramientas que nos proporciona la permacultura, la bioconstrucción, la agricultura regenerativa y el trabajo del ser en comunidad. … Read more
Todos Santos Ecovillage
Connecting to one another in our neighborhood by creating a space where we can come together to create and have a caring community. There are many pieces of land for sale in our neighborhood that are reasonably priced. Already we have 4 families that live very close to one another that are interested in this project. Our vision is that people buy their own piece of land whether they are a family, single person or group. Then everyone will donate some money to buy collectively a piece of land … Read more
Tortuga Bay
Building a counter-weight to centralization, mindless consumption, global decline, without losing sight of modern achievements such as the internet. … Read more
Triunfo Vivo – Rancho Vivo
Ecoaldea educativa para las comunidades desplazadas de la Reserva de la Biosfera del Triunfo. Implementación de banco de semillas tropicales, difusión del desarrollo sostenible, bosque comestible, huerta, entretenimiento comunitario, sanidad, y educación emocional. El Rancho Vivo ofrece sus instalaciones a quien guste participar, vivero diversificado de cultivos y buena convivencia. … Read more
Uba Qynza
Uba Qynza is learning community in constant co-creation of a living space, cared for and prepared for the respectful development, coexistence, and exploration of girls and boys in a multi-age group between the ages of 5 and 12 years of age. Mothers, fathers and teachers actively participate in the operation of the project and are committed to their ability to grow and evolve in the service of life. Our name is in the Mhuysqa language, the ancient language of this territory; in English it … Read more
UBUNTU as a pilot of a Community Based Training Center for Peace Building and Conservation, with a holistic/ integral approach that shows with practical examples, how to create sustainable solution of the social, environmental, economical and cultural dimensions, in the Colombian Caribbean. We are part of the traditional community of Islas del Rosario and its ecotourism/conservation initiatives. … Read more
Una Nueva Ecoaldea
El propósito de UNE (Una Nueva Ecoaldea) es CANALIZAR LA DEMANDA EMERGENTE DE NUEVAS ECOALDEAS Y COMUNIDADES RESILIENTES hacia procesos efectivos de aprendizaje, acompañamiento y consolidación. Nuestra plataforma online ofrece los siguientes contenidos: Artículos y charlas de calidad, mapa de anuncios de nuevos proyectos de ecoaldeas, foros, tutores y cursos en línea. … Read more
Unity Urban Conscious Coliving
Unity is an intentional community focused on sustainability & spirituality. Our objective is to demonstrate that a more conscious way of life is possible including in an urban environment. … Read more
Utopia vida autossuficiente.
Construção de Instituto Cultural Luz Infinita: comunidade autossuficiente … Read more
VerdEnergia Pacifica
VerdEnergia is a cooperatively-owned permaculture community and reforestation project located in the rural mountains of Pursical, Costa Rica. Since 2006, we have been repairing destroyed cattle land into a food forest in one of the most deforested areas in the country. We have a participation program, yearly permaculture design courses, and host immersive events in our remote ecovillage setting. … Read more
Vía Orgánica
The Vía Orgánica Ecological Ranch was established in 2012 and it is an educational model in organic and regenerative agriculture and sustainable living. The ranch is a training and networking center for farmers, families, and activists. The Via Organica Ecological Ranch and Conference Center is located in the Jalpa Valley of Central Mexico, just 15 minutes outside of the beautiful World Heritage City, San Miguel de Allende. The Ecological Ranch serves as an educational farm and training … Read more
Vila Céu do Mapiá
Vila Céu do Mapiá is an intentional and traditional community in the Purus National Forest, southwest Amazonas, Brazil. Founded in 1983, it is the result of the community work developed since 1974 in Rio Branco, in the state of Acre, by a group of rubber tappers, rural workers and indigenous descendants motivated and united by the spiritual tradition of Santo Daime (Ayahuasca). … Read more
Vila das Borboletas
We preserve 17 hectares of pure Atlantic Forest with a river, and we’re starting growin our own organic food, working with friends and the community around. We offer workshops on Permaculture, Agroforestry, Bioconstruction and Personal, Mental and Spiritual development. … Read more
Vila Qatuan
Qatuan is revolutionizing the approach to water by spearheading the development of comprehensive and community-driven solutions. By reconnecting individuals with their natural environment, we are fostering a positive impact on their collective well-being. Our ultimate objective is to empower communities to take ownership of their environmental responsibilities, rendering our company obsolete. … Read more
Vilaj Espwa
Vilaj Espwa is a farming community/orphanage located in southern Haiti. Sustainable living [respecting mother nature] is our goal as we prepare children for the future. Children are learning basic life skills using appropriate technology. … Read more
Villa Monte Reserve
Located in the subtropical northwestern region of Argentina and sprawling over 400 acres of mountainous native forest, Villa Monte Reserve is a serene place for families, individuals and groups to explore, learn and relax in harmony with nature and community. Surrounded by wild nature, spectacular landscapes, streams, rivers, springs, unique flora and fauna,Villa Monte Reserve offers an inspiring destination. Within this natural beauty lives a creative intercultural community embracing art, … Read more
Villa Productiva Agroecológica JANUS
Inspirados en la visión, tradiciones y prácticas iniciadas a comienzos del siglo XX por las familias de colonos agricultores que llegaron al Alto Valle del río Negro y al valle inferior del rio Neuquén con sueños de progreso, adaptación y cambio, en la primera década del siglo XXI retomamos aquel espíritu de aventura y comunidad. … Read more
Volviendo a Casa
Volviendo a Casa es uno de los varios proyectos entretejidos en la gran comunidad, que nos permiten y desplegar nuestra creatividad colectiva y ponerla al servicio de la comunidad más amplia. … Read more
Vuelta al Conuco
Volver al conuco es mantener y recuperar tradiciones, recuperar la confianza en nosotras/os y nuestros lugares; es buscar adentro para despertar. Volver al Conuco es ayudar a regenerar la salud de la tierra y comenzar a tener el control de la nuestra. El conuco puede ser… Vínculo directo/cotidiano y sagrado con la naturaleza/lo natural. A través del conuco se podría iniciar ese dialogo pendiente con la madre tierra. El conuco nos aleja de la visión insostenible que hoy … Read more
Willka Hampi
Empowering conscious leaders to initiate inter-connected communities & projects, rooted in ancestral and sacred plant wisdom. … Read more
Wisdom Forest
Welcome to Saraswati Ahimsa Vana, the Wisdom Forest, a hidden paradise in the Amazon Jungle. We're a diverse community that follows Vedic principles and have a shared vision of protecting part of the Amazonia rainforest through our natural reserve and organice farm, and strive towards teaching foreign visitors about simple living and high thinking. We engage in several social and ecological projects such as reforesting parts of the Amazon jungle, volunteering and ecotourism. Our overall … Read more
Yaakunaj Amor
Explore, on a daily basis, sustained and sustainable ways for cooperative and supportive good living, fully integrating respect for and love of nature as a living being that embraces us. Being and Living in harmony to Serve in the bioregion as Guardians and Ambassadors of our Planetary Sovereignty. … Read more
Yacu Yura
We are working to revive and redesign an ecovillage project initiated in the late 80's, and abandoned in 2002. In 2003, we came here to protect the land, water, plants, and buildings, and to create a spiritual community based on universal and ecological values. Yacu Yura is located on 1,000 acres of hilly, semi wilderness area, with a warm, dry, Mediterranean climate. We have been learning to grow organic food, recycle, channel water from our spring for irrigation, keep bees and chickens … Read more
Zamukia Ecovillage
The project is located in 3.2 hectares with ocean view located in Palomino, Colombia. It is surrounded by mountains, jungle, and a creek. It is a peaceful place where you can breathe clean air and farm organic food. … Read more
Zutut’Ha Community
We are a group of Mexican friends living and working on a piece of land inside the Mayan jungle of Yucatán since 2015. We have built and develop an Agroecology, Arts and Crafts Community Center called ZUTUT’HA, in which we like to exchange all types of knowledge and practices about permaculture, beekeeping, birdwatching, waste management, eco-building, agroforestry and arts through workshops. … Read more