“Butterfly Communities” open project
In a VUCA world, we have to survive in new ways, different from those that have been successful so far. As a multicellular organism has better capacities to deal with its environment than a cell alone, the cooperative groups will be smarter and better equipped to deal with future challenges than single individuals. Those who want to move forward must learn to cooperate in mutually enhancing ways. … Read more
“proyecto de vida sostenible”
Soy un chico que busca un espacio donde continuar viviendo y aprendiendo de la naturaleza dia a dia, en total consonancia con ella. Estuve viviendo un año en Kenia en una comunidad frugívora, y voy a continuar la experiencia aqui en España, para ello me gustaria poder comprar un terreno en el norte. Mi experiencia en Africa podeis leerla en facebook: "Fruitarian Paradise" Al final tuvimos que abandonar el pais por problemas con los visados de permanencia, al menos dejamos alli unas tierras … Read more
10000€ Haus
Schaffung vieler “Keimzellen” für eine ökologische, soziale und ökonomische Gesellschaft durch die Nutzung der Gesetze und Mittel des sozialen Wohnungsbaus. … Read more
13 ha nature sanctuary in Southwest France welcomes candidates for ecovillage project.
13 ha nature sanctuary in Southwest France welcomes candidates for ecovillage project. … Read more
1769 is a lab dedicated to resilience and sustainable development. you can apply for a residency to develop an open-source prototype of your choice. the lab is located in calaceite, aragon, spain. … Read more
8100 focuses on regenerating soil-providing service to ecolife through mono activity focused neighbors completing each other on a permacultural vision using the same land.Throughout the doorstep delivery each member can sell his/her products or services directly to the consumer and has individual economical gain.However social,cultural and ecological gains are mutual. … Read more
8thLife Permaculture Farm
8thLife is a permaculture farm receiving volunteers through the European Solidarity Corp. If you are between 18 and 30 years old and want to volunteer with us for 9 months, contact us. Please note that we do not offer other kind of volunteer opportunities and we don't receive visitors. … Read more
We are an association of creative individuals spanning of all age and vocation, connect and organize dynamic community contribution centre. We are inspired by nature, history, tradition, permaculture, spirituality, music, education, old crafts; and aspire to implement sustainable lifestyle into our urban environment. … Read more
The Äerdschëff is a healthy and comfortable, self-sufficient space and a pioneering centre for the Greater Region for human learning and flourishing in an environmentally respectful way. The Äerdschëff, the first state-owned earthship-inspired buildings in the world, is a hub for social diversity and a showcase for future-proof low tech solutions. … Read more
L’Aérium is a collective project based in the beautiful nature of Cevennes. 20 adults and 10 childrens trying ta create a new paradigm. We are looking for new members. … Read more
African Peace Village
We see a world in which people from different generations, backgrounds, and gender can learn from each other to create a global regenerative future. We see a peaceful world in which we have overcome the painful divisions of the past, as to enable thriving lives in both the Global South and North. … Read more
La idea es transformar la casa vieja de mis abuelos, que se encuentra en la pequeña localidad de Aielo de Malerit, en una casa de acogida para los turistas y para las personas que quieran participar en mi proyecto. Al mismo tiempo de recuperar la actividad de mis tierras abandonadas, cercanas a la localidad, con sistemas de permacultura, de forma completamente sostenible y ecológica. Creando una venta de alimentos local y de calidad a precios asequibles. Quiero ofrecer talleres y … Read more
we live in cheap shelters on a piece of land on the countryside with trees and away from the cities or big buildings. we strive to cultivate the land and bring better water and nature than before we arrived. all along with some basic and cheap conveniences, like a hot shower (solar heated) and the internet. we are in 10ha of land north of portugal since march 2020. … Read more
AIH Andelssamfundet i Hjortshöj
AiH aims to be an example of a holistic way of living with sustainability as a keyword in respect to both ecological, economical and social aspects of life. This approach is visible in many ways in our daily life. … Read more
Aldea de Olla
No hay mas futuro que el que podamos crear con nuestro esfuerzo y el apoyo comunal. Para ello investigamos la formula que equilibre libertad personal y organizacion comunal con el fin de conseguir mejores resultados en la convivencia y trabajo de un asentamiento neo-rural. … Read more
Aldea Ecolén
Somos una comunidad en formación a partir de una finca de producción ecológica en la Isla de La Palma. La reciente erupción del volcán, nos ha estimulado a transformar nuestra forma de vida, más comunitaria, sostenible respetuosa con nuestro entorno natural. En esta isla, Reserva de la Biosfera, deseamos vivir en interdependencia con nuestro medio natural, con el mínimo impacto posible, devolviendo y agradeciendo a nuestra Tierra los dones recibidos. … Read more
ALMA Ecovillage
78 hectares of land, going to bio agriculture, permaculture. Hamlet of alternative houses for people who work on site. A third-place and many other activities to create an economic sustainability and tend to self-sufficiency.We’re searching for families and 300 k€ to fulfill the budget, buy the land and make it concrete. … Read more
Started 2020 with a Dragon Dreaming process, founded a cooperative and bought an incredibly beautiful land near Odemira. Our vision is to create a food jungle, a lush water landscape and become a “showroom” for alternative living and sustainable lifestyles & being a centre for holistic health and healing. We envision a diverse environment of creatives living with purpose, authenticity and love … Read more
Alternative View
We are a young couple who are looking for an alternative way of living. Our hope is to find a location in the north of Spain and populate a rural village. The intention is to live and work in a sustainable way, sharing ideas and assisting others in work. It is however important that each persons freedom is respected, and they are allowed to explore and understand their own version of truth. Through this mutual respect of others we hope to build a sustainable co-operative community of … Read more
Comunidad Amalurra Artzentales (Bizkaia): Amalurra Euskal Herria fue la primera comunidad y lleva el sello del aprendizaje y de la fe en la materialización del impulso. Creada en un corto espacio de tiempo en 1993, ha sido fruto de la dedicación, el trabajo, la entrega, la cooperación y el impulso de la unidad para alcanzar un propósito tanto individual como colectivo. … Read more
Ampliando redes de intercambio
Nos gustaría contactar con personas afines y seguir ampliando el grupo de neorurales por nuestra zona (Avila - Toledo) para seguir creando redes de intercambio, al estilo de pueblos en transición. Además, si te gusta la permacultura, si tienes algo de experiencia relacionada con las labores campestres o si te apetece encargarte de la elaboración de las comidas en Verxilans, te invitamos a conocernos. [email protected] … Read more
Ananda Valley
The goal is to develop a model of sustainable living in response to modern social, economic and environmental challenges. It envisions becoming a centre of environmental and social excellence that will serve as a source of inspiration and innovation for the wider community. Ananda Valley aims to create its nucleus in a rural community based on ecological principles in the centre of Portugal. … Read more
Anarres – Ca’ Favale
We never appreciated the ideas and concepts of ecovillages since 2002. Nonetheless, we continued to be present in the list of ecovillages thinking that it could lead to some confrontation. After many years, we came to the conclusion that ecovillages, as much as we know them, aim mainly to settle into "civil society" and are actively seeking no confrontation with the world surrounding them. Different from the perspective of fighting domination and exploitation and achieving mutual support, these … Read more
Anglesey Ecological Village
We are in the process of developing an eco village, and have spoken to the Council planning department,who sound very positive and we are still waiting for enough funds to buy the land required. We have been working on this for a year and hope to purchase land soon. … Read more
Ängsbacka is among the most important meeting places in Scandinavia for people who want to live a more conscious life, live from the heart and care for our planet. … Read more
Argoumbat is a ecovillage located in the southwest of France. Established in 2021, we are a diverse group of individuals of all ages, each bringing their unique qualities and experiences to our shared vision. Our purpose is to consciously create a place of cooperation that allows the emergence of our true nature through joy and authenticity. … Read more
Arkbound Foundation
The Arkbound Foundation (www.arkfound.org) seeks to support the sharing of knowledge and experience from ecological communities across the world. Ensuring this knowledge is widely accessible within literature and the media is key to enabling society to adapt in the face of worsening climate change. We must act now to prepare for the future. Our project in Glasgow aims to support existing eco-centres and inspire new ones, in both rural and urban settings. To begin this process we aim to create … Read more
En primer lugar quiero exponer la cantidad de tierra y enseres de la que puede disponer el proyecto. Un OLVIAR ECOLOGICO de 43 hectáreas. Monte bajo (jaras y encinas) 20 hectáreas. Tierra de secano unas 3 hectáreas. Tres tractores (viejecillos pero bien avenidos) Un recolector de aceitunas acoplable al tractor. Diversos aperos para el laboreo de dichos olivares (vertederines, cultivadores, viga(para allanar la tierra) Recogedor de restos de poda. Un remolque, un carro (de los que … Read more
Arterra Bizimodu Ecoaldea
Arterra Bizimodu somos una comunidad intencional que nació en la primavera de 2014 en la localidad de Artieda, Navarra. Con el lema “Otro mundo no solo es posible, sino necesario”, levamos desde entonces caminando como Ecoaldea con el objetivo de dinamizar actividades hacia la autosuficiencia y de indagar otras economías que reflejen un nuevo equilibrio entre lo personal y lo colectivo, desplegando la creatividad y los diversos talentos de cada una de las personas que se van sumando al proyecto. … Read more
Asociación Manantial de Tara
El proyecto de la Asociación Manantial de Tara surge de una iniciativa privada con la visión de convertirse en un bien de interés público en el futuro. OBJETIVOS DEL PROYECTO: 1.Desarrollar y llevar a cabo un sistema integral sostenible de funcionamiento y gestión. 1.1. Potenciar un sistema de Agricultura Ecológica 1.2. Mantener un sistema de generación energética a través de energías limpias respetuosas con el medio ambiente. 1.3. Gestionar y aprovechar los residuos orgánicos … Read more
Association Jardim do Mira
Jardim do Mira promotes and develops activities and actions to improve biodiversity and environmental sustainability. It acts through a non-profit association to create harmonious ecosystems. … Read more
Aurora Community
We are a group of people committed to manifest a common vision. Aurora is an intentional spiritual community. It is the manifestation of the search for ourselves, the reunion with our true self and the shift on the way we relate to all other life forms and the planet. The community is deep grounded into practices such as meditation and yoga. All the meals are deliciously vegetarian/vegan/raw and the use of drugs, tobacco and alcohol are not encouraged. We connect these practices to concrete … Read more
Autarca Tinizara - model project for matriarcal subsistence economy, Deep Ecology, applied Permaculture and integral landscape healing. Autarca is located in the north-west of La Palma, one of the Canary Islands, on the land of an old farm with approx. 25'000 m², nestled in a small village, at the boarder of a nature protection area. Autarca was founded on the first of June 2007. … Read more
Autonomy project at Tierra del Corazon
We are a young family of 4 opening up our little paradise of 12 hectares to another family or individuals in the same wave of love, consciousness and desire to live a resilient lifestyle with a goal to be self sustainable in food, shelter and energy. We currently have a small scale agriculture project, small fruits and orchard in the works. We are unschoolers so ideally a family would also homeschool and those without children would be respectful of this way of education. In this wild land … Read more
Avnø Oasis Ecovillage
Avnø Oasis consists of a cohousing community, an educational institution and entrepreneurial projects. The guiding principle of Avnø Oasis is to live in a world, where we compassionately connect to ourselves, each other & the environment and contribute towards a thriving planet. … Read more
Awakened Forest Project
A reforestation Project in Central Portugal where we are not only focused on outer change but also on inner transformation – that of our individual consciousness and also of our collective consciousness that shapes our culture. … Read more
Awakened Life Project
The Awakened Life Project is dedicated to the evolution of consciousness and culture in communion with the ecological web of life. We offer: Meditation Retreats, both communal and solitary / Evolutionary Awakening Courses & Retreats / The Awakened Life Transformation Intensive / Volunteer programs … Read more
Aya – Ecovillage & Nature Center
Ecovillage & Nature Center AyA strives for self-sufficiency in food, energy, water and cradle-to-cradle. We build our own houses under our own management or to be built ourselves, with sustainable materials and methods. We build, work & live in harmony with nature, in unity with each other & inspire the world around us, working closely with local residents, farmers and sustainable businesses. … Read more
Baka Delirium Eco-Farm & Co-Housing
Still under renovation & development. This land is for everyone to have an opportunity to discover & show his/her passions, as well as impact the future of places and surrounding community. Guests and Temporary Citizens can live on the premises in order to bring their knowledge in the field of construction, landscaping, agriculture and other varied fields such as art, cooking, music, and health. … Read more
Bayramic Yeniköy
Bayramiç Yeniköy is an NGO aiming to create a self-sustaining village based on permaculture principles and design in the Çanakkale Province in the Marmara region of North-Western Turkey. Yeniköy community is well known for its focus on the production of local seeds, the application of natural farming and alternative economic models based on sharing surplus. Since its inception, Bayramiç Yeniköy has hosted and provided a range of hands-on trainings and workshops about all relevant aspects of … Read more
Bergen Ecovillage
Bergen Ecovillage is establishing an ecovillage which will house a diversity of people and possibilities, buidning sustainable houses and creating green jobs and activities. We live a rich and simple life, taking care of each other, the nature and the future, focussing on growing, sharing and fair trade. - See examples of some houses: www.opaform.no/bergen-okologiske-landsby. See pictures on Instragram! … Read more
Bhakti Tirtha Dhama
Bhakti Tirtha Dham – is a spiritual vaishnava’s project in Ukraine. Since 2014 our “Mother.Fund” is a part of world’s cow protection movement. We are vegeterian without alcohol, coffee and other drugs. … Read more
The First BIOspheral settlement Biopolis – is the stable community of free, self-sufficient, capable of self-realization of individuals who reside in the territory harmoniously integrated into the biosphere settlements protect their wealth, values, goals, and freedom, without encroaching on the freedom of other peoples and the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. … Read more
Boekel Ecovillage
In Boekel Ecovillage we cater our needs in a very sustainable way. By doing so, we contribute solutions for climate change, environmental pollution, loss of biodiversity and exhaustion of natural resources, in close cooperation with our surroundings. If fact, Boekel Ecovillage is working on all 17 SDGs! We have build a self-supporting village when it comes to energy, water and most of our food. … Read more
Boodaville is an environmental education / permaculture project run by teacher and activist Anna Gurney in the Matarranya region of Spain. 2.5 hours from Barcelona, near Calaceite town. … Read more
Borgo Basino Folk School Ecovillage Farm
We are an international community of peace workers, community organizers and ecovillage activists developing a popular education center and intentional community on an organic farm in central Italy. … Read more
Bowden House Community
We are a group of families and individuals developing conscious, authentic and eco-mindful living. We enjoy a culture of singing, meditating, working, gardening, celebrating and learning together, as well as hosting events for the wider community. We inhabit about 10 acres of land and buildings in the rolling green hills of Devon UK just outside Totnes the founding town of the Transition Network. … Read more
Braziers Park
Braziers Park is a community, a residential college and an architectural treasure hidden deep in the south Oxfordshire countryside in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It was founded in 1950 as an educational trust, and is a continuing experiment in the advantages and problems of living in a group. Community members share responsibility for running the mansion house (a Grade II* listed building), 55 acres of land, organic kitchen garden and livestock, facilitating courses and organising … Read more
Bringing Ideas Together
Our objectives are multi-faceted and include:- 1. Bringing people together from diverse backgrounds to share ideas around creating an ecocentre. 2. Collating accounts from existing practitioners – those who have lived in, and set up, ecocentres – to produce a book that can be read by a wide audience. 3. Gathering the resources and finance to make the project happen. … Read more
Brithdir Mawr
Brithdir Mawr is a farm of 165 acres in Pembrokeshire, West Wales, UK, that houses an intentional community of 20 people working towards sustainability, simplicity and spirit, and wishing to share their aim with others. The adults work for the community for an average of three days per week and pursue private interests or livelihoods the rest of the time. We take care of the land, recycle and conserve resources, garden and farm organically and are off the grid for electricity and water. We … Read more
Budleigh Regenerative Community
Vision We aspire to be co-creating a world where earth’s ecosystems flourish, with humans thriving and belonging as part of the whole. Purpose Our focus is to inspire and facilitate cultural change through co-creating ecologically conscious, spiritful, joyful community living. Aims To establish an intentional co-housing community in SW England that: is nourishing and regenerative is ecologically conscious is sociocratic, with shared, distributed decision-making and … Read more
El “Buenviví” es un ecoasentamiento diseñado bajo los principios éticos y de diseño permaculturales gestionado y habitado por RCVicent, presidente de la Universidad Popular de Permacultura. Esta es su sede oficial. Ademas de desarrollar las labores propias de la Universidad Popular de Permacultura realizamos otras labores sociales como la “Tribu de Aprendizaje Permacultural” … Read more
Busquem co-creadors
Tenim entre mans un projecte de Comunitat i busquem co-creadors per formar un grup cohesionat d’uns deu adults. Som cinc persones, tres d’elles adultes i hem establert unes bases mínimes per poder donar a conèixer el projecte i trobar gent afí. Paral•lelament busquem una masia o casa rural ben comunicada que disposi de terreny per a cultiu i bosc (mínim 2 Ha) Creiem imprescindible que cada família tingui la seva intimitat, així que destinarem totes les habitacions i sales de la casa per a … Read more
Formerly called Komi Kebir, the village of Büyükkonuk nestles on the foothills of the Five Finger Mountain Range at the start of the narrow panhandle of Cyprus called Karpaz. This geographic location results in a pleasant combination of both hilly terrain and fertile flat lands, with close proximity to both seashores, to the north and the south. Traditional crops in this agricultural village include carob, olive, wheat, barley and some vegetable farming in watered fields. Dairy cows, sheep and … Read more
Cambio Social Rural
Transformación social de un pequeñito pueblo muy deshabitado en el norte de CyL, cerca Cantabria y Euskadi. … Read more
Cambium · Leben in Gemeinschaft
We strive to create a living space for about 100 people – a place for residency and work where people of all ages, different occupations and interests feel at home. We want to preserve traditional skills as well as apply meaningful sustainable technologies. Currently, about 50 adults and 25 children live on our premises, most of them in one big building, a former military base. … Read more
Camp Currie
Camp Currie ist ein Gemeinschafts- Hofprojekt in Oberösterreich, welches das Ziel hat, einen Vollerwerbs Bauernhof gemeinsam zu bewirtschaften und hier neue Möglichkeiten zu erschaffen. … Read more
Camphill Community: Clanabogan
Camphill Community Clanabogan lies on 116 acres (52 hectares) of land in the beautiful rolling countryside of Co. Tyrone, 4 miles (6 km) from the town Omagh. It began in 1984 and now over 75 people live here in a variety of shared households. In this therapeutic life sharing community, adults who have learning disabilities live and work together with co-workers and their children. … Read more
Camphill Community: Mourne Grange
... … Read more
Camphill Community: Vallersund Gaar
As a Camphill village community, there are close connections to the other Camphill villages and schools all over the world. Co-workers, villagers and some formal drugusers have transformed a run down nineteenth-century fishing centre into Vallersund Gård with space for fishing, a farm, a bakery, a weavery, a 'cafeteria', a little chapel, a wind generator for electricity, 2 heat pumps which use warmth from the sea and the rocks, and innovative water systems. Whilst everyone lives and shares meals … Read more
Casa Cares
Casa Cares is a guesthouse and meeting center of the Reformed Waldensian Church of Italy. For over thirty years it has established itself in the township of Reggello, an area known for olive oil. The villa in part is over 400 years old and the property includes a theater-chapel from the 1700's as well as 5 hectares of woods and 4 hectares of olive grove and organic vegetable garden and fruit orchard. Commitment to environmental care is also evident in the photovoltaic solar panels and the plant … Read more
Il Villaggio è un antico borgo contadino di origine 1700 nella provincia di Bologna-Italia a 70km da Firenze, raggiungibile facilmente, costituito da quattro fabbricati di cui due finiti di ristrutturare in questi ultimi mesi e abitati da tre famiglie di cui una con bambini. Altri due fabbricati sono in attesa di essere ristrutturati,cerchiamo persone interessate,il luogo collinare è un posto incantevole circa 400msl,con una ampia vista a 360 gradi.Un fabbricato molto bello è il fienile con … Read more
We are right in between Portugal, Spain and the rest of Europe. This allows us to be the future hub for awesome traveling cats, to host, share, and create! In this high speed changing world, we aim to be a focal point in an alternative way of living. We want to merge people’s knowledge to develop events, self-sufficiency and flourish into a wellbeing paradise. … Read more
CCLT Ecovillage
CCLT is a community-led project to deliver affordable and sustainable housing, owned and managed by its residents as a Community Land Trust. CCLT will deliver homes which local people can truly afford - now and forever - both ‘affordable’ housing and reduced price market housing. Building community is at the heart of the CCLT project. The design intends to include shared facilities along cohousing principles. CCLT will show that new development can be good for the environment. The project … Read more
Centre agroécologique La Rivoire
Activities at La Rivoire Natureconnection for all ages permaculter and gardening courses guest rooms nursery of local, herbal and eatable plants vegetable farming farmer-baker … Read more
Experiencing the Ces community ? Ces is a small village in the southern Swiss Alps. It is situated on a wild wide plain on 1450 m., high above the Leventina Valley, one of the main traffic connections between Northern and Southern Europe. The village has about 25 houses and stables, some of them in ruins, others already rebuilt. As there is no road leading to Ces, the only way to reach this spot is by walking up the mountain. This takes about two hours, depending on your physical … Read more
Charlottendals Farm and EcoVillage
We are a small EcoVillage on a farm south of Stockholm Sweden. Formed as a building association we now have twenty inhabitants and volunteers living on the farm as well as a kindergarten open for the larger community. We are also running several adult courses on environment, health and around local solutions on the global challenges we are facing. At the farm we have sheep, hens and horses and apply different permaculture methods as well as our own firewood production. We also want to develop … Read more
We have formed a self consistent territorial community, which helps us to take an active part in saving forestland around eco-village and renew of village roads. … Read more
Christiania is a self-governed community in Copenhagen, Denmark, where every individual is free to express themselves whilst also bearing a certain responsibility to ensure sufficient uptake. As a community, Christiania tries to show that as a society we must take away some of the energy invested in economics and learn to release some of the mental and physcial stress that often dominates. During its more than 30-year history, the community has gone through many changes and it things haven’t … Read more
Chyrvony Kastrychnik
Chyrvony Kastrychnik is a village in Belarus that is situated 50 km from closest town in the wild nature. It is not civilized. The water is taken from wells, just 2 houses out of 10 have electricity. We live there the same way as people lived 100 years ago here. We make international non-commercial art-projects in the village. It's a place for all artist to express their art. Anyone who is willing to live in our community and develop a village can do it for free. We use rare money. Between local … Read more
CityTree Tel Aviv
CityTree is a nurturing space for incubating a new, regenerative story for our society. Since 2006, CityTree - an ecological oasis in a fast-paced, concrete-covered city - has been speaking climate truth. The truth is that our civilization and planet are in a state of breakdown on multiple levels - from the soil which is losing its fertility, to the global economy which is speeding off the rails of runaway growth. In the midst of these crises, CityTree holds peaceful space, hosting … Read more
Clos du Doubs
formerly association Epidaure … Read more
Co-housing project HASENDORF (= bunny village)
Small community near Vienna with strong ecological orientation. We strive for our own version of the GOOD LIFE (buen vivir) by sharing with others, reducing the superfluous and valuing the people, the good food and the environment around us. … Read more
Collectif Mongrenier
5 years ago, we bought 80 hectars and 4 buildings with the intention of building a base for future generations. We have prepared the ground for new projects to be realized along with our own or as a follow up on this land. … Read more
Common Ground Community at Lisdean Farm
The overall mission is to secure the long term future of the farm in safe hands and create a sacred place of sanctuary for all beings. This includes setting up the Community Benefit Society Common Ground to ‘own’ the land. The activities of the community are organized in sociocratic circles with the aim to develop a diverse and regenerative culture. Members are from Ireland, the U.K. & beyond. … Read more
Communauté de l’Arche de Saint-Antoine
Non-violence, spiritualité, vivre-ensemble … Read more
Community for Badgers, Foxes & Co.
An old farm house on a beautiful southern slope in the Austrian mountains. We envision up to ten creative, soulful and pragmatic people living here, surrounded by nature, finding a path to a sustainable and peaceful life. … Read more
Community/school led by Shaolin monk
We are a community led by a Shaolin Monk. We have a base in Berlin where we learn the philosophy, brotherhood, Taï Chi Chuan, Kung Fu. Any level is accepted. Once we know a bit we help our master in humanitarian work all over the world. If you believe in the light and in the action you are welcome in our place in Berlin to start to learn, to live with us and to be ready in the future to act for the others. We share the daily life inside but we work as well outside; a lot of pleasure; a … Read more
Comunidad Alternativa EkoHerri
EkoHerri es un proyecto que busca asentar las bases de una comunidad sostenible, rentable, productiva y útil para su futuro, enfocándose en la creación de un asentamiento colectivo, ecológica-alternativo donde sus miembros tengan que participar en la creación y auto gestión de un pueblo/comunidad mediante técnicas sostenibles de permacultura, bioconstrucción, energías renovables, biodiversidad, protección del entorno, reforestación consciente, creación de bosques de alimentos y huertas … Read more
Comunidad de las Doce Tribus
Somos una comunidad formada hace muchos años con gente de todos lo lugares y trayectorias: solteros, familias y niños, ancianos… que vivimos juntos en armonía y unidad, en un ambiente de orden, respeto y calor humano. Somos personas que decidimos compartir plenamente nuestras vidas, los momentos alegres y las dificultades. Pasar por esas circunstancias diarias nos está convirtiendo en verdaderos amigos, que aman en todo momento y no se abandonan en los momentos difíciles. … Read more
comunidad El Hogar
Dios nos ha traído a este paraiso en La Fresneda Teruel, la comunidad esta en sus inicios en el lugar, contamos con 1 hectárea y media de terreno y bosque. Una huerta, móvil home y en estos momentos estamos con la instalación de las placas solares. En el terreno pueden instalarse mas personas con carabanas o yurtas, tiendas...etc así como se están preparando los cursos de eco construcción para realizar diferentes estancias. Somos conscientes y vivimos con la premisa de … Read more
Comunidad Libertaria en proceso
Hola! Proponemos una repoblacion de cabañas en la zona de Merindades (N Burgos S de Cantabria, al lado de Alava), enfocado a mostrar en breve tiempo la factibilidad de la opcion rural. Se entenderìa como una iniciativa cooperativa y libertaria de autoconsumo y pequena produccion (no artistica, turistica o terciaria) donde recuperar los valores de solidaridad y autoconsumo propios del mundo popular tradicional. Pero al mismo tiempo no cerrada sino que deberà incorporar una linea … Read more
Comunità rigenerative
Co-create & live inter-generational, open, richly diverse and responsive places to meet the needs emerging from the crises that afflict us; places that are autonomous and self‑sufficient, for food & energy, then fiber and other materials, for our health & education, while fully respecting the ecology of the planet and human relations. Reclaime and regenerate homes, land and villages, cultivate the land with agro‑ecological approaches, without external inputs, aiming to get as close … Read more
Cortijo Los Baños Al-Hamam
Cortijo Los Baños, un espacio donde despertar tus sentidos, conectar con la Naturaleza, abrir el corazón, sentir la madre Tierra, explorar tu interior y celebrar la vida. Un oasis de luz, entre el desierto de Tabernas y las playas de Cabo de Gata. Ofrecemos el espacio para todas las personas interesadas en organizar y participar en cursos para el desarrollo personal y artístico, así como una granja escuela para la educación medioambiental, creando un nuevo mundo más consciente. … Read more
You can book your visit on our website: https://www.cristalandlagos.com/visit-us/guests/ … Read more
Cultura de la Tierra
Somos un proyecto que promueve una cultura de la Tierra activa, recordando la sabiduria antigua y trabajando con nuevas formas de vivir con la tierra y de estar junt@s. - Re-conectando cabeza, corazón y manos y el contacto con la tierra: desde amasar pan hasta construir con adobe. - Queremos conectar con las personas y desarrollar nuestras comunidades, a traves de la participación activa, creando y compartiendo habilidades , conocimientos y capacidades. - Trabajamos con … Read more
CVEG Vereniging Ecodorpen Gelderland
Our first location is in North of the city of Nijmegen, the Netherlands, finished in March 2021. It is an urban ecovillage, The intention of our association is to build for and with people with the intention to contribute to the regeneration of the earth. Most of our members do not have (an easy) access to the Dutch housing market. We also target to people with an increased need for support. We work on increase of sustainability, a strong community with care for each other and environs. The … Read more
Damanhur Federation
Founded in 1975, the Federation of Damanhur is an eco-society: a federation of communities and eco-villages with their own social and political structure in continual evolution. The Federation of Damanhur is a centre for spiritual, artistic and social research known throughout the whole world. Its philosphy is based on action, optimism and upon the idea that every human being lives to leave something of themselves to the others and to contribute towards the growth and evolution of the whole … Read more
Dedetepe Farm
Dedetepe Farm is an eco farm-camp mainly producing olive oil. We have been hosting volunteers for 8 years and since 2010 we have been functioning as a camp for eco minded travelers and providing the accommodation for the educational workshops held at the Camtepe Education Center (Bugday Org.). We are closely related to and work with the Bugday Organisation supporting ecological living. All of the structures that we have created on the site have been ecologically constructed and our energy is … Read more
Deep Roots
In the beginning of 2020, we’ll be buying a beautiful property of 25 ha with building plots for five family houses, a community house, and a guesthouse. Since we want to live in a small community of like-minded people – it’s just better to have fun, help each other and respond to the challenges of living on the hotter planet together – we are open for families or individuals to join us. … Read more
DEHNATEN. Holistic Community.
Dehnaten believes in right human relationships as a means to express the culture of the common good. Dehnaten is oriented by the relative collective consciousness of the expansive group of participants. In order to achieve it, Dehnaten establishes a holistic place in a rural setting with the purpose of forming a group of individuals, living in communion and committed to promoting a lifestyle in right relationship with the environment. Dehnaten intends to participate in the social integration of … Read more
We bought an Old School House in wonderful area of "Black Forest" with best water, air +many procets of friends near by. … Read more
democratic community
ROBINWOOD TEAM We are a little team of 7 people. We don't live together but we are gathering more and more often in a house in one country or another. We have at the present time a house in Barcelona until the 15th of September, and we have decided to invite new people. As we don't want a leader we created a list of agreements so that they stay as reference for a life together, our leitmotiv will be: no boss but no chaos. That's why we have agreements in a democratic way of living. In … Read more
DIE Super-GLÜCKLICHE Kommune in D mit wissensch. Supervision
DIE Super-GLÜCKLICHE Kommune in D mit wissensch. Supervision Es handelt sich um den Versuch mit der Supervision von 23 Professorinnen, Doktoren usw. die erste so glückliche “Gemeinwohl”-Kommune möglich zu machen, dass eine Abstimmung mit den Füßen stattfindet von Millionen hin zur bestmöglichen Lebensform. Dazu gibt es auch parallel dazu die erste Partei des Gemeinwohls: https://DieKompetente.beep … Read more
DNS The Necessary Teacher Training College
We are an international intentional community who are working to train teachers who are empowered through education and capable of responding to the big issues of our time and the future. Developing independent thinkers, problem solvers and alternative educators. … Read more
Dombfalva Community
Dombfalva is a complex and unique project that tries to connect different but fundamental areas of life. We believe that merging these basic areas of life can contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. We carry out a wide range of activities, from eco-conscious architecture through landscape rehabilitation to various cultural programs. Approaching all of this with a community approach and with th … Read more
Douceur et Harmonie: Domain Maman T
We are interested in hosting Permaculture Design Courses and integrating more permaculture principles and techniques – including natural building design. A great place for writers, musicians, aritists, or the average person who desires to get their creative juices flowing. … Read more
Dutlar Kollektifi
Principles and Values Collective Decisions, Collective Budget and Collective Food. In situations that relate to the past, present and future of our community, and when required or demanded, collective decisions are taken. Our non-profit economy is based on collectivity and accessible any time to the members for any piece of information including our economic mechanism. We usually dine together, which is one of the fields where we share the sense and pleasure of belonging. Economic … Read more
Dyssekilde Økosamfund
DYSSEKILDE STORY The Ecovillage Dyssekilde (ED) has born and developed from the idea to create a village with ecological principles (sustainable and recycled materials, low-energy and simplicity), where people had self-made private houses and common outside grounds. The social vision was to develop a good and supportive neighborhood and take decisions together in common meetings (4 each year). The association bought some land with a farm building and 13 hectares of potato fields in 1987. 50 … Read more
Dzin Space
Dzin Space is an educational eco platform for festivals and retreats, seminars and forums in the middle of stunningly rich and untamed Carpathian nature. All our activities are aimed at harmonious open minded development and natural healing of mind, body, Heart and Space around. You can take part in our activities, and all sorts of eco-friendly events or organize them with us! … Read more
Earth You
„EarthYou“ is a non-profit organization funded as an association in Portugal called „Associação Aldeia Ecológica EarthYou“. The name stands for the growth of a sustainable lifestyle in tune with nature, getting back to the roots, decreasing the velocity of todays’ life, for Earth, for You...Earth You! We are a sustainably thinking group with currently 10 members. Among the members we have qualifications within the hotel and restaurant industries, elderly and child care, art and culture, … Read more
Eco Aldeia do Vale – Instituto Permacultura
Our ethics and values: take care of the earth Take care of people fair share … Read more
Eco Campus Bulgarian Houses
We offer projects with building permission to build "Eco Camp Complex Bulgarian houses" in Katina, Sofia, Bulgaria. Investment in this project, which is at the "Visa building" will become recreational sports center, near Sofia, sports halls, swimming pools and relaxation areas where they can find rest and relaxation, as well as practitioners active sports, and those for whom this is a hobby and entertainment, and this way will provide future realization of good returns and real income. … Read more
Eco Chateau
A fully restored chateau property with outline permission for permaculture ecovillage of approx. 20 eco-houses with 12 hectares/30acres land. Currently generating income. Seeking like-minded people with funds and/or skills. Currently 2 co-owners. Min investment: no fixed minimum per person. April 2020 deadline. … Read more
Eco community Kirin
We are a non profit organisation, we live among friends and like minded people in a ecological way. In our place we rescue animals. We organise humanitarian actions around the world. You can join us in for networking, short and long term stays! We also offer paid positions. … Read more
Eco Project “Nueva Vida”
Although we don't have land or a set date yet, we want to create a unique space near Barcelona. Initially, we plan to have accommodation in RVs (your own). The land will be in the province of Barcelona, providing a unique experience combining country living with the possibility of visiting the city. We haven't bought it yet. You can come with a tent (I have two), but it's not a good idea if the project starts around these dates. We need volunteers, even in the kitchen! While I can cook, … Read more
Eco Soul Hostel, London
A community hostel in London for people passionate about social change, environmental sustainability and wellbeing. Offering: • Communal meals around a long table, where people can meet other people with shared values. • Workshops and storytelling, so that people from different places can inspire each other. Check out the 1-minute video introduction at www.ecosoulhostel.com … Read more
Eco Village Cluster Carinthia – Leben in Fülle und Symbiose
connect sustainable farmers, gardening projects to exchange products, seed, harvest helpers and technology to ground a stable eco and social system with less money and with product development within the open source ecology. support experimental versions of togetherness, peaceful and harmonic cultural spaces. cooperative finance or ownership usufructuary of real estate and shared ressources. … Read more
Eco-Farm Elata
Welcome to eco-farm Elata We are a recent eco-farm in Bulgaria, started by our young family 4 years ago. The place where we are settled is high in the mountains, the nature is clean and it offers a great sight. Here grow many medicinal plants and flowers. Many animals from the farm are living around us. It is a perfect place to live a sustainable, ecologic, healthy and relaxed life. We have taken a good start with a good development. We produce and distribute our healthy products to many … Read more
éco-village “les chemins de traver
.Eco projet sous forme d'éco-village trois pôles sur plusieurs hectares . La ferme auberge musicale . ( 1er pôle) avec élevage , maraichage (permaculture , agroforesterie), comment vivre dans la nature de a à z , faire un feu , trouver de l'eau , se confectionner un habit , des outils , faire une cabane , se nourrir par la nature et se soigner , élever des animaux pour leurs laines , lait etc...), fruitière ( transformation des produits laitiers), etc...( stages avec intervenants qualifiés … Read more
Eco-Village Moldova
We are a diverse group of people, striving for a more sustainable lifestyle and committed to building an organically evolving eco-community in rural Moldova. An important aspect of our community is a social and educational focus. Since 2014 we’ve built a residential eco-house for the first 2 pioneer families living on site and a straw-bale common house for public events and small-scale trainings (up to 25 participants). Two families are trying the co-housing model on site and another family … Read more
Ecoaldea – Casa de Salud y Reposo
Un proyecto de ecoaldea es un proyecto de comunidad. El deseo de un grupo de personas que saben y creen que es posible otro modo de vida. Una vida donde compartir con otros un espacio y experiencias afines a unas formas de entender y sentir que necesidades comunes son las que realmente deseamos conseguir para tener un vida plena en este mundo y dejar el mínimo de impacto ecológico para los que vengan después. Donde ténganos claro que queremos comer alimentos sanos sin químicos y mentiras de … Read more
ecoaldea Camino de Luz
El objetivo de esta ecoaldea creada en 2018 por Marie, una mujer francesa de 54 años, es de ser un santuario de biodiversidad y de paz. Se usa la permacultura para el huerto y el bosque comestible y hay proyectos como utilizar la tracción animal (con caballos), tener abejas, gallinas, ovejas. De momento, hay conejos en el sitio para la carne (no somos vegetarianos/veganos), una gata para la ternura y 2 caballos para dar paseos y para llevar leña. Queremos seguir con prácticas ecológicas como … Read more
Ecoaldea con proyecto de ecoturismo
Somos una pareja joven española con un hijo en camino, pensando en iniciar un proyecto en España, preferiblemente en la provincia de Tarragona, en Catalunya. (Hasta la fecha hemos valorado la posibilidad de iniciar el proyecto en el extranjero y habíamos barajado la posibilidad de Africa o Latinoamerica pero vemos que se hace demasiado complicado y lo hemos descartado). Somos conscientes de que cualquier proyecto de estas características requiere mucho esfuerzo, paciencia y recursos; pero no … Read more
Ecoaldea Escolar La Torre
Ecoaldea para Turismo Rural y más cosas La idea fundamental es alcanzar pequeños logros sostenibles, para revitalizar aldeas con una población de personas cada vez mayores y a su vez tener la oportunidad de colaborar en la construcción de un mundo más justo y equitativo. El programa está formado por varios proyectos: Proyecto "Ecoaldea" Proyecto de cooperación y rehabilitación de las casiñas. Algunas ya están rehabilitadas y otras están en fase de transformación. … Read more
Ecoaldea Vega de los Rios
Beautiful site in southern Spain with lots of fruit trees. We are two families staring the project and we are now working on the ermisions to build Ecological … Read more
Ecoaldea vegetariana
DONDE: El espacio donde asentar la tribu, está en el Norte de Portugal. Son 120.000 metros cuadrados de terreno, 4 construcciones medio reformadas, 1 ruina grande y 2 ruinas pequeñas de antiguos molinos por reformar, también tiene 1 antiguo hórreo del 1.860. La finca linda con un precioso rio de agua cristalina y pozas para bañarse, con rocas y arboles grandes. Hay muchos árboles, algunos muy grandes y también mágicos espacios para la serenidad la meditación y el silencio. La energía y vibración … Read more
ecocircoaldea? del bidasoa
hola, soy una joven trabajadora con una asociacion de circo en hendaye(francia) kiero presentar al grupo un proyecto de ecoaldea con un fin cultural: un circo yo he empiezado ; - consolidacion el grupo ( a mi la gente le interasa, pero spera ) - espacio ; pais? tipo de alquiler?(ocupacion no, de momento) campamento o vivienda estamos situados en euskal herria la frontera costera algunos en hegoalde otros en iparralde y encontrar el terreno o vivienda necesitaria … Read more
EcoFarm & MiniCamping in Pajiesmeniai Lithuania
ECO FARM Welcome to stay in authentic lithuanian environment which prevailed more than fifty years ago, when almost every Lithuanian family was following organic farming principles and respectful use of natural gifts. Information about MINI CAMPING: https://camperplace-ltu.page.tl/ https://www.facebook.com/camperplacelithuania/ … Read more
ECOlonie – Centre Ecologique International
ECOlonie is an international meeting place where consciously living people will feel at home. The community is firmly based on an organic way of living and working, tied in with art and spirituality. Here within the community is open and not dogmatic. … Read more
On the greek island of Ithaka. 37000 sqm. Nine shares. 4125 sqm each. Some common rules (photovoltaic, water, buildings, co-housing etc.) Big space for individualism. … Read more
Ecotopia Romania Association
We came together in 1997-98 as members of a student environmentalist group. We were based in Timisoara, the most developed part of Romania, we were fortunate to see the 'modernisation' but also holes in its glamorous picture. We decided to set ourselves 'separately' from polution and over-consumption. After visiting ecovillages in Europe, we came home with a quite clear vision which was including LETS, solar panels and permaculture designs. When we arrived in Stanciova - a small village (300 … Read more
Ecovila Amat
Eco Libertarian, pacifist, hippie and cooperative working community … Read more
Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya
A thriving international Ecovillage, since 1995. First in Poland. We’re building a Centre of Light, a global centre for spiritual ecology to serve the increasing number of people wishing to come learn, heal and live in harmony with Nature.. The eco-centre will provide a much needed venue where teachers, healers, artists, seekers and pioneers can share their gifts for humanity and for our planet. … Read more
EcoVillage de Pourgues
Ecovillage de Pourgues is an active ecovillage since 2017. It is a place where freedom is the key. We are a group of 25 people organized around permacultural principles and democratic decision making. … Read more
Ecovillage Les 3 sources
Our Ecovillage-3sources is located in Southern of France. It is a place of peace and link between cultures and differences. Each family has his own living place and we have association facilities. There are still lots of things to develop but the place is beautiful in real nature. You can visit us in holydays, active vacations or participating stay, please see the dates on our website. … Read more
Ecovillage light “Meganom”
We invite you to project - Eco-Village of Light " Megan " - Our Common Home Like any home at our project many rooms . In the settlement there is a project of manufacturing natural sweetness , their development of eco- houses, eco- technology secure environment in which a person does not get sick , creative projects : books, poetry , music , film , sports activities , research projects , transport of the future - WIG and more -Many more. Together we can. The project consists of two parts - Eco … Read more
Ecovillage Sainte Camelle
The ecovillage Sainte-Camelle is located in France, in a hamlet within the municipality of Saint-Victor-Rouzaud in the Ariege department (09), an hour South of Toulouse, and 5 kms from Pamiers and its train station. Built on 18 hectares, including 10 has of forest, it can accommodate up to 20 people. We have been living there together for 5 years to experience happiness and local relationships of the small villages from the past. Mutual caring and activities sharing are important for … Read more
ecovillage space – an online community for people in the regeneration movement
Hi, I'm Michael - I discovered the ecovillage world in 2018 - and have slowly been able to get into what I feel is the global ecovillage network. So far, I have only visited some communities in Europe, but I have more and more also learned to connect with people online, especially after the Ecovillage Conference in Italy in 2019. Since then I'm involved in the Baltic Ecovillage Board, and in a working group for the European network regarding "fundraising and events". As a traveller, I … Read more
Ecovillage Torri Superiore
Ecovillage Torri Superiore is a beautiful ancient village in northern Italy, near the sea and the French border. Torri is the home of a resident community of 20 people, and operates as an Eco-guesthouse open to individuals and groups. It offers cosy double and multiple rooms, several dining rooms, a large panoramim seminar room and a smaller yoga room attached. Vegan and vegetarian meal available. … Read more
Ecovillage Tris Elies
The idea is to create new developments based on the natural and architectural infrastructure of the existing village. While it is important to gain the trust and support of the inhabitants in order to have the biggest possible impact at the same time we would like to attract young people and families to join us. … Read more
Ecovillaggio Habitat
L'associazione culturale … Read more
Ekoby Växhuset
Ecovillage according to permaculture principles under construction. We plan for in total five households with local solutions for energy demand and a high degree of self supply. Possibility for two more families to join us. Welcome to contact us. … Read more
Ekovillage Seven Hills in Ukraine
The Seven Hills operates on the principles of full freedom and the autonomy of each family. Despite the fact that each family implements its own unique way to live, all residents of the Ecovillage Seven Hills are united by common ideas of sustainable development, natural way of life and nutrition and equal harmonious relations between members of society. … Read more
Established in 2009, EKOYER activities are focused on networking and supporting individuals, families and communities trying to showcase a sustainable and self-sufficient living styles without negative impacts on the environment; and empowering young and adult people willing to volunteer, work and give trainings in ecovillages engaged in organic agriculture, permaculture design and eco-tourism. EKOYER is a full member of Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) Europe which is an international NGO since … Read more
El Calabacino
Es una aldea rodeada de casas y huertas diseminadas en un valle orientado hacia el sur en la Sierra de Aracena(Huelva). Después de muchos años de abandono,se empezó a repoblar hacia el año 1985 con gente joven con el objetivo de volver a las raíces,retomar las tradiciones y crear un vinculo mas directo con la naturaleza. Nuestra comunidad esta basada en pequeñas fincas familiares,donde hemos reconstruido sus ruinas, repoblado sus huertas y recuperado sus manantiales. En los 30 años que … Read more
El campo
El pueblo está localizado al sur de Teruel y es una aldea abandonada de hace 40años aproximadamente. Queremos realizar un proyecto alternativo donde estén presentes la ecología,la autogestión,el crecimiento personal,trabajando de una manera horizontal. El proyecto está en sus principios,empezamos en junio del 2015,y por el momento nos hemos centrado en un lugar para pasar el invierno,estos años posteriores serán duros de trabajo físico ya que hay que recuperar acequias y construir y … Read more
El Valle Despierta.
En Ávila entre las estribaciones de las sierras de Guadarrama y Gredos, rodeado de viñas y montes de pino piñonero se encuentra “El Valle”. Un lugar en el que convivimos unas diez personas; nueve adultos y un peque, junto con los adorables perritos y otros animales. Realizamos distintas actividades como el yoga de la mañana, las podas anuales de viña, pino y olivo, trabajo en las huertas y recolección de frutos, bioconstrucción, gestión de monte, jornadas de puertas abiertas en … Read more
ENARGEIA An open living community and Spiritual centre. A vision comes true The need to live life with Freedom and Love, away from big noisy cities. Discussion after discussion, year after year, the vision began to anchor, in the heart and from there in the mind. Yet, we were all there, into the glossiness and faked up of daily routine. It takes form in 1997 It was then, that as a team we found the courage to acknowledge, that time had come to change our lives, that we are not … Read more
Eotopia is a vegan and experimental space based on gift economy and the respect of all forms of life … Read more
Equi Trullo
Recovery of a farmhouse and a trullo from the 1700s, with adjacent agricultural areas and horse boxes, barns and olive grove land, the perfect place to create an ecological village. After the recent purchase we moved with my family, wife and young children, so we plan a future life trying to practice ancient traditions and natural methods as much as possible. Since the rural activity of the farm had been in disuse for many years, it is like writing a new story, imagining what it will be like, we … Read more
Erlacher Hof
Wir sind eine Gemeinschaft im idyllischen Kleinziegenfelder Tal. Wir interessieren uns alle für Permakultur. 🙂 Haben auch ganz viele Obstbäume, Enten & Hühner, und Gemüsegärten. Bei uns hat jeder seinen persönlichen Freiraum. Zusammen machen wir öfters Pizzaabende und Lagerfeuer, gehen Pilze suchen oder philosophieren übers Leben. 🙂 Viele bei uns sind handwerklich und künstlerisch begabt. … Read more
FalconBlanco (since 1975) Intentional - spiritual - international Community - Ecovillage, is also a charity and non profit organization. The center FalconBlanco, Ibiza, Spain serves not only as a retreat, health and seminar center but also gives the possibility to volunteers from all over the world to work together in a practical way for our charity goals. Our main intention is to provide information for all who need it and are asking for it. Our intention is to further awareness, growth and … Read more
Fantasy Farm
https://fanfarm.org … Read more
Ferme de la Chaux, Goshen
Face à l'individualisme et à la dictature de l'argent, nous agissons ensemble pour un monde solidaire, équitable et écologique. Nous choisissons comme projet créatif, un Eco-Village chrétien, participatif et festif, ou habite un collectif de familles et d'amis dans une démarche de simplicité volontaire et d'autonomie qui pratique l'hospitalité,des formations sur la Non-Violence et du développement personnel. Faced with individualism and the dictatorship of money, we act together for a … Read more
Ferme du bout du monde
La ferme du bout du monde is an ecolieu for a community of residents, an agro-ecology training centre and a permaculture farm in Arlon, Belgium. … Read more
Finca el mundo verde – Try-Out community
Always wondered to feel what its like to be in a community or to live abroad? Us as well! So lets try it out together, no obligations. Welcome to our finca! We run a small 1 hectare permaculture mango farm, with lots of tree varieties, a 100m2 vegetable patch, a playground, 3 family apartments and 2 camper sites for rent between 1 and 6 months as a TRY OUT comunity. … Read more
Findhorn Foundation Community and Ecovillage
The ecovillage at Findhorn is a tangible demonstration of the links between the spiritual, social, and economic aspects of life and is a synthesis of current thinking on ecological human habitats. It is a constantly evolving model providing solutions to human and social needs while at the same time working in partnership with the environment to offer an enhanced quality of life for all. The Community is comprised of more than 600 individuals who live and work in this rural area of Scotland. … Read more
Folleterre Faerie Sanctuary
Welcome to Folleterre: part of the global network of radical faerie communities. Folleterre aims to be a “pink lighthouse” where queers expand their special gifts and nature, explore the relationship between sexuality and spirit, and aims to provide a place of safety, homecoming, inspiration – a home for an ever-growing family of kindred souls. Folleterre is a sanctuary from the materialism and consumerism of much of gay life: a place for respite and healing in the beauty of nature. This … Read more
beginning of a new eco-village in Corsica … Read more
In the South of Freiburg, on the former area of a French army barrack site, the new Vauban Residential Area (42 ha) is home to approxiamtely 5,000 inhabitants. The planning started in 1993 and in 2006, after three development sections, the district was completed. Vauban is a community that strives to meet ecological, social, economical and cultural sustainability. Since its foundationa, the project has achieved remarkable results in the fields of energy-saving, traffic reduction, social … Read more
Free and Real – The Telaithrion Project
We have made it our life’s journey to research, create and implement an efficient social structure in a prototype, sustainable eco-community in Greece, which can be imitated and applied in any part of Greece, and why not the world, to work as a research school on self-sufficiency and sustainability. … Read more
Fresh Life in the Medieval Monastery
We try to bring back new life to the rare medieval monastery in the beautiful mountains of Pyrénées-Orientales Haut Vallespir. It was always sacred place used for special occasions to celebrate wisdom of life or to support the personal growth. The monastery is located in untouched area with minimum of radiation and no air pollution. We respect differences and support individualities on their own personal pathway. We build new community and we look for open-minded volunteers to help us to … Read more
Friskoven is a newly started ecovillage that focuses on Radical Sustainability, Free and Self directed Learning and Economic freedom, which means we want to take sustainability to a level where we grow most of our own food, share resources and build with natural materials. We want to create an environment for homeschooling and home life which calls for economic freedom for freedom of fulltime work … Read more
Frugal Off-grid Cave house, co-living project Andalucia Spain
Cave house going from low Energy impact to a small eco community … Read more
Future Ecovillage “Fruit Garden” is searching for participants
"Fruit Garden" - Gründung Ecovillage auf den Azoren / Sao Miguel We are seaching participants to realise the ecovillage "Fruit Garden" on the Azores (main Island 'Sao Miguel') Location: Povocao, Sao Miguel, Azores, (belongs to Portugal). The Land is located directly at the seaside with a breathtaking view. The land is embedded and protected from the Wind, cars and any other noises between two hills. You can only hear the birds, the trees, the wind and the sea:). Space: 27ha of mainly … Read more
Gaia School
Gaia School started in 2014. In 2022 the school has 220 students. Gaia school curriculum is based on the Estonian national curriculum and Gaia education principles. Main fields on study: - Nature and environment - Traditional culture Methodology is based on "Head-hands-heart" principle, connecting intellectual, practical and emotional learning. … Read more
Gaia Terra
Ecovillage and Ecocampig, but most of all, a projects container, for every creative and sustainable idea that can bring benefits to Mother Earth and all its sons and daughters. … Read more
Gaijan Luomukylä
Gaijan Luomukylä is located in Ähtäri on the shores of Lake Oulujärvi, where we strive to live communally and without much stress. Our ten acres of land are home to a large rocky main building, several log homes, gardens and fields for cultivation, as well as plenty of pastures for our animals. Located at the end of the land and next to the beach, is a campfire site and a sauna. The community is currently home to 15 people, including children. Our daily work consits primarily of maintaining … Read more
Garaldea Inclusiva
Garaldea Inclusiva convivimos generando un espacio libre de drogas y alcohol donde personas en situación de exclusión o con historias vitales atravesadas por la drogodependencia, junto con otras de trayectorias muy diversas, podamos participar en diversos proyectos a través del empoderamiento, del apoyo mutuo, la vida compartida en autogestión y la relación con el entorno viviendo en la naturaleza … Read more
Garp eco volunteer-community
Garp is an eco-village a small hideway on the coast of turkey 2klm away from babakale village and 500klm from Istanbul with a 300meter private beach access only by boat or atv and by donkey we have one houseboat and three yuruk tents and currently building a house with guest rooms and a common area hang out place.we have alot of guests in the summer who help out in the daily life in the cooking,gardening in our organic vegetable gardens masonry work,cleaning,maintenanace,guests who have … Read more
The gASTWERKe community is a commune (we share our salaries) of 40 people in the middle of Germany. We have a seminar house, an organic vegetable farm with huge greenhouses, a small Health Food store, a woodworking shop as well as homeopathy practice. … Read more
Gemeinschaft Sulzbrunn
We are a colourful mix of people from 0 - 80 years old, who have decided to create a living community in Allgäu, beside the mountains, surrounded by nature. We want to create future-proof ways of living, in which people can discover and unfold their potential. Ways of living where we treat our fellow people and nature with respect and love. To realise this vision, we have bought a former clinic outside Kempten, comprising 8 buildings and 15 hectares of land. We have spent the time since 2015 … Read more
Gemeinschaftsinitiative Chiemgau e.V.
Hallo! Schön, dass Du diese Seite angeklickt hast. Wir freuen uns darauf Dich kennenzulernen. Dies ist möglich, wenn Du aktiv Kontakt aufnimmst und uns eine Email schreibst oder anrufst. Wir sind eine der beiden Gruppen, welche aus einer aufgelösten Chiemgauer Projektgruppe hervorgegangen sind und führen die Vision eines nachhaltigen, ökologisch-sozialen Zusammenleben unter unserem neuen Namen als GEMEINSCHAFTSINITIATIVE CHIEMGAU weiter. DIE “GEMEINSCHAFTSINITIATIVE … Read more
GEN Czechoslovakia
We primarily connect our 3 main ecovillage projects in the Czechoslovakian region: * Zaježová Slovakia, https://ecovillage.org/ecovillage/zajezka/, www.zajezka.sk * Zeměsouznění Czechia, https://ecovillage.org/ecovillage/zemesouzneni/?swcfpc=1, www.zemesouzneni.cz * Spoluzemě Vrábsko Czechia, https://ecovillage.org/ecovillage/spoluzeme-vrabsko/?swcfpc=1, www.vrabsko.cz … Read more
Giardino della Gioia
We are an ecovillage called Giardino della Gioia, that would like to become a comunity. There is already enough structure to host 10 people, we have 3 yurts, 1 straw house, 1 caravan, 1 tipi, a draft of tree house, 4 compost toilets, a kitchen, a meditation circus and a bathroom with sauna, but right now we are just two! All is built with natural material and with the principles of permaculture. We live in an olive garden in a National Park in front of the Adriatic cost (800m walk), the … Read more
Global Tribe Biodynamic Eco-village
Welcome to our humble biodynamic farm and guesthouse. We are a small eco-village located on the Costa de la Luz beside the scenic protected nature reserve of Doñana National Park. All in all, Global Tribe is an International community of arts, culture and knowledge, a fiery soul of love and creativity, and a powerful force for positive change. … Read more
Goda Händer ekoby
Goda Händer ecovillage is a rural community, where we take care of local resources and respect the limitations of the nature. We work with practical issues such as constructing ecologically sustainable buildings and cultivating our own food. The ecovillage is also a project where we want to create a living community which promotes sustainable values, creativity and quality of life. Instead of stress and materialism, we want more time for nurturing our relationships and realizing our dreams. We … Read more
Good Life Community
Establish, develop a truly well planned and managed, multicultural and in all respects high-quality “Good Life Community” (GLC) for about 30-50 people. GLC exists in a historic, large, and beautiful Sahala multi function farm in Rautalampi municipality, Finland … Read more
Green Association
The love of nature in all its aspects bonds members of the association. Our main goal is to promote non-standard solutions for environmental protection, and the tools we use strive to preserve our originality, authenticity and freedom. We rely mainly on personal funds, donations and voluntary work. … Read more
Green Commune Belica
Establishment of a green commune as a model for the sustainable use of resources, protection of biodiversity and reducing the impacts of climate change in the region. … Read more
Grønt Nabofellesskap
Please delete … Read more
Guarda Rios Ecovillage
In Summer 2022, the project started on Quinta do Guarda Rios: a 24 hectare rural land on the River Mondego, near the Serra da Estrela mountains in Northern Central Portugal, close to Nelas, Viseu. Starting from undeveloped land the project has grown to a community kitchen building, homes of three resident members, some vegetable gardens and a cooperative has been set up. The mission: establish a viable ecovillage project with a financial and community structure that can be sustained while … Read more
Gunes Koy
Ankara Gunes Village has been established as a cooperative by 9 members on September 2000. Several of the members of our organization are either from Middle East Technical university, or graduates of the university. The aim of our coopearative is to develop and apply a healthy, natural and ecological lifestyle. The activities of our group will extend the development energy efficient houses for living, permaculture, collection of endengered plants in a botanical garden, use of renewable energy … Read more
Gut Alaune
Gut Alaune is a small Eco/social/cultural project and living space close to Halle Salle in Germany. With the intent to do our best to live in harmony with each other and nature. Specific interests around ecological building, group process/community building work, theatre, acrobatics, hand crafts, and permaculture. … Read more
Gyürüfü Ecovillage
Gyûrûfû Foundation is an independent environmental organisation which focused its activity on the local watershed situated in the southern hills of Zselic, a hillside range in Hungary. The foundation was registered in 1991, and has no affiliation to any of the political parties or business enterprises except those established by the eco-villagers. The mission of the organisation is to develop a well-founded, realistic and feasible small scale model of human subsistence with an emphasis on … Read more
Hågaby is an ecovillage with around 250 people in a rural area next to the city of Uppsala. There are a lot of self-employed people living here and a Steiner school, three preschools, and a center for holistic medicine. There is a mix of owning and renting apartments and some houses. Not everyone that lives in the area is engaged in the village, but the village has a lot of values in the structures. This allows people to both live and work in the village, and it has good opportunities for social … Read more
Hallingelille Ecovillage
In Hallingelille, we work to learn and create more sustainable ways of building and living. We use various sources of inspiration such as good ecological principles and the idea of permaculture - as goals and tools, where we are flexible in the specific situation, but strive to find the best and most sustainable solutions. We explore the respect for diversity, including our different borders. What stirs in us and among us, the things we act for and towards, represent the 'flow' we as … Read more
Harmonia Ecological Design Education Farm
Harmonia is a regenerative practices space for mutual learning and ecological design lab in nature. Harmonia carries diverse ancient cultural knowledge into the future by reinterpreting them through art, craft and design for offering regenerative design solutions. Creating regenerative design solutions to bring joy and just to life in all forms. Training & supporting those committed to the whole. … Read more
Hästekasen permaculture farm, learning and adventure center
Permaculture farm, learning and adventure center – situated 100 km from Gothenburg and international travel. The homestead is situated in nature with the sea and forest close by. At the end of a road and not many neighbors. Back to nature – green entrepreneurship. Simple living. DIY. Natural building. Live of the land. … Read more
HEART-LAND Ecovillage vision looking for co-founders
Loving hearts, open minds, nature, no-violent communication, inner growth, animal protection, no-dogmas spirituality,ecoliving, meditation, ecobuilding, counsciousness, permaculture, water independence,land protection,sun, truth,sensitivity, respect, clothing optional, creativity,gender equality, positivity, create beauty, connection, love, seminaries, arts, natural food&medicine, healing. … Read more
nothing … Read more
Hertha Levefællesskab/Hertha Living Community
Hertha Levefællesskab/Hertha Intentional Community is situated near Aarhus in Jutland on a slope with a tremendous view. It was founded in 1996 and now consists of about 150 people including 27 developmentally disabled persons. The main topic in this village community is social ecology, i.e. how do we get a culturally and socially sustainable community running including a group of people with special needs. The community decisions are made on an anthroposophical (Rudolf Steiner) basis and we … Read more
Herzfeld Sennrueti
The community is situated on the edge of Degersheim, a rural village in east Switzerland. We have followed a holistic life concept since 2006. Key features include: ecological living, sustainable economy, social structures, spiritual practice in everyday life, art and culture, and integration into wider society. We honor the diversity of each individual, encouraging personal development and inner growing. We aspire to each individual finding and growing into their full potential. We have a … Read more
Het Abtshof cv
In the village center of Borlo (Gingelom) we are developing a social, ecological and future-oriented project: Het Abtshof. We are converting a historic square farm into an intergenerational cohousing with 12 residential units and various common areas such as a large kitchen and hall, workshops, guest rooms, laundry room,… and plenty of play space for children to grow up. We have the ambition to live, work, share, grow and inspire each other together. The Abtshof is a housing cooperative and … Read more
Hof Hackenow
We are a small group of people settling in the very east of Brandenburg close to the polish border in the beautiful Oderbruch region. We have 2ha of space and two houses on it that needs renovation. We plan on doing permaculture in order to provide us with local fresh veggies, at the same time we strive to not destroy and protect the last bits of nature around us if possible - so to live peacefully with other creatures around us. In the future we plan on becoming a place that people can … Read more
Hof Medewege
We are a community of diverse individuals organized in plenty of projects, intitiatives and businesses located close to Schwerin in northern Germany. In Medewege agriculture meets craft, arts, culture and education. Our whole project began in 1991 with the foundation of a Waldorf Kindergarten on an abandoned estate surrounded by agricultural areas. Gradually, we then started with farming and food processing, from milk to yoghurt, from grain to bread, from apple to juice. All of our farming and … Read more
Holistic Center Manas
MANAS is a cohousing eco-village near Ljubljana focused on personal growth, spiritual development, and alternative healing. Guided by mentor Siona, the community combines therapies like Reiki and Craniosacral treatment with creative expression and sustainable living. Visitors can enjoy the Energy & Healing Park, workshops, and therapies to enhance well-being. … Read more
Hortus Cyrenaicus
The Hortus Cyrenaicus is a place, where we respect the nature and the people and where we will live self sufficient, with own water, energy and basic food. We are ready now to become an ecovillage with about 20 residents finding water and electricity and organic food production. Music, Arts and Cultural events are foreseen from 2025 onwards. Agri and Eco-Tourism sections are ready for guests … Read more
We live in Hurdalecovillage - 80km north of Oslo, and own a property that will have room for 45-50 houses, growing all sorts of vegetable and herbs, having animals, courses etc. More info in Norwegian: www.hurdalecovillage.no … Read more
il popolo elfico
Situated in Italy in the appennini closed to Bologna is one of the oldest and most famous comunity in italy. It has 200 peoles living there and had at least 120 babies borned there since 1980. Self sufficiency, restauration of old building, art, agriculture,alternative medicine and common living are the main activities. The comunity is based on little rules leaving freedom of expression and spontaneus sharing as main values. it starded over an occupied land owned bu the government and … Read more
We are a Co-Housing and Permaculture project located in the laurisilva forests of the North of Tenerife. We work towards human rewilding and ecosystem regeneration, integrating the cultural reality of the current world and making the most of modern science and technology to enjoy the process of living meaningful lives together. … Read more
imece Evi
Collective Decisions, Collective Budget and Collective Food. In situations that relate to the past, present and future of our community, and when required or demanded, collective decisions are taken. Our non-profit economy is based on collectivity and accessible any time to the members for any piece of information including our economic mechanism. We usually dine together, which is one of the fields where we share the sense and pleasure of belonging. Economic Independence We're trying to … Read more
In progress
In progress … Read more
Incubadora de Ecoaldeas
La incubadora es un proyecto creado desde la RIE para apoyar la creación de nuevas comunidades, proyectos sostenibles, eco-cooperativas, empresas sociales y otras. Proponemos espacios de encuentro, habitualmente despues del encuentro de Verano anual,posibilitamos el contacto con el equipo de personas con experiencias y competencias en diferentes áreas, facilitamos la gestión de las dificultades propias de los primeros tiempos de un proyecto colectivo. seleccionamos los grupos en funcion de : … Read more
Innovative center for sustainable agriculture and rural development of Serbia
Primary goal of ARHUB (agro-rural hub) is on sustainable agriculture and rural development of Serbia through the improvement of living standards and the quality of life of the local population, especially vulnerable categories such as young, unemployed women; encouraging economic and social activities (domestic work, rural development, ethno tourism) as well as initiating and gathering the local population. … Read more
Intelligence Group
Intelligence Group is a small community using advanced technologies in order to provide longer and healthier lifestyles for its members. … Read more
Intentional co-housing project Spain
Would you like to get rid of your mortgage, sell up, move to a sunnier climate and participate in a joint business venuture ? Enthusiastic, committed, grounded people wanted to live ‘the good life’ in an intentional, rural, non religious, community in southern Spain, currently looking in the region of Granada. Bi-lingual teacher and teenage son welcome like-minded people of any age, gender, race, or sexual orientation to jointly purchase a small holding (cortijo) with an old … Read more
Join our adventure in paradise nature – France
Are you ready to take part in an extraordinary adventure and give life to a unique project in the heart of a listed château, just 1 hour from Paris, between Dreux and Chartres? We invite you to become one of the first members of our community, which embraces values such as ecology, respect for life, benevolence, open-mindedness, spirituality and mutual aid. … Read more
Kalamos island eco-community Greece
Our goal is to create an eco-community that will act as a catalyst towards the environmentally damaging practices in the area through direct actions and income-generating alternatives creation … Read more
Kalikalos Holistic Education Centre
More than just a retreat centre, Kalikalos is a seasonal international community for living, working and playing together. Grounded in the practice of the Sharing Circle, we collaborate in the rhythms of a healthy, holistic, vegetarian lifestyle. In this way, the whole community becomes the container for the transformational learning experience of our workshops. … Read more
Conscious Community on a Greek Island called Karpathos that is more active between November and April but also possible to visit in the summer as it transforms more towards a yoga/retreat centre … Read more
Kardokai ecovillage
Ecovillage of family homesteads started in 2010 and now are placed in 40 ha. Kardokai Nature School was established in 2017. There are 15 straw-bale buildings (living houses, small houses, and school buildings- most in Eastern Europe. We organize seminars on straw-bale constructions and ecovillage festivals as well. Permaculture and community life are strong keywords in our village … Read more
Kasteel Nieuwenhoven
Kasteel Nieuwenhoven is a new and evolving project located on an a 20 Hectare estate consisting of historic buildings (Castle and Farm) surrounded by woodlands, farmland and lakes. In this magical setting a small group of people are experimenting with and discovering ways of living together in harmony with nature and themselves. Living off the land – Permaculture, Forestry and other Ecological ways to self-sufficiency are an important part of the communities activities. Parallel to this are … Read more
Kaszonszek Okofalu
Sustainable community in Kaszon and neighbourhood, a traditional region in Transylvania. Our fundamental objectives are, to lead a healthy lifestyle, to respect nature and to preserve traditional knowledge and the cohesion of the community. To develop a sustainable area with the help of a cohesive community. … Read more
Kaveri Kogukond
We are located 14 km from Tartu, which is the second biggest city in Estonia. There is a big river going thru, here is a lot of free forest and land. Great great place spiritually and strategically! … Read more
Keela Permaculture Farm
Currently there are 5 members of the community living on the land and numerous volunteers, students and local residents attend keela for workshops, open days and courses. Keela was established as a community in 2016 with 4 people moving to the land together and started working on restoring an abandoned agriculture farm into an abundance of food and life through Food Forests, Agroforest and land restoration activities. We have established working Permaculture systems with various natural … Read more
Kék Tanya / Blue Farm: Farmstead in the Great Hungarian Plain
Pioneering back the Carpathian Plains of Europe. Tradition is a living thing in continuation with the past. Neither is it a goal to be stuck in a certain time period, but also it would be foolish to forget what the local region has gone through in the past. With personal experience and memories, the goal is to create, live and enrichen this enviroment every day! … Read more
Kerem Bnei Shlomo
Communitarian Artists' Agro/Biodynamic Non-Sectarian Village producing quality wine and Olive Oil to finance Stage and Screen production, study, etc... KEREM BNEI SHLOMO by Eliahu Gal-Or, AKA the Pizza Rebbe For those curious about my title: The first reason for it is that I was born and raised in Napoli, Italy, where pizza was invented. The second is that I already was a filmmaker when films were literally shot on film, those big spools were called pizzas; in Italy a "pizza" film means … Read more
Keuruu Ecovillage
Keuruu Ecovillage is an international community located in the heart of Finland. It was founded by the group of eco-spirited people in 1997. Currently we have 30 adults and 10 children living here. On the larger scale we have approximately 150 supporting members who live outside but regurlarly visit us and receive our newsletter. Both us and supporting members are connected by the will to live in harmony with the nature and themselves. Ecovillage consists of 54 hectares of land of which 24 … Read more
Kibbutz Gezer
We are a democratic, supportive, open-minded, environmentally friendly, adaptable, multi-generational, pluralistic, fun, and rural community. … Read more
Kibbutz Lotan
Kibbutz Lotan is located in the far South of Israel, 55 kmorth of Eilat. "Members" of the cooperative fluctuate between 45-65, 4070 children. The community is multi-generational with students and volunteers from Israel and abroad coming for educational programmes. We are a cooperative settlement, jointly owning the land, community buildings and means of production. Joint economic initiatives include date orchards, dairy, photovoltaic electricity production, eco-tourism guest house and our Center … Read more
OUR VISION A global network of self-sustaining KindaVillage communities creating social and environmental projects that make the world a better place. OUR MISSION To empower people with a passion to deliver social and environmental change through the creation of KindaVillages across the globe. … Read more
Kingdom of Yeshar-el
All life must be allowed the opportunity to freely express themselves without fear of persecution or oppression as long as they are expressing themselves with goodwill towards others. Freewill All conscious sentient beings have the right to freely and willingly choose their destiny as long as they are not infringing on another beings free will to do the same. https://yashar-el.me/natural-laws/ … Read more
Knidia Eco-Farm was born out of our desire to combine the wonderful and unique natural beauties of Datça Peninsula of Turkey (also a “Natural Reserve”) with simple life-style facilities that will allow our guests to enjoy this environment free of stress and tensions typical of metropolitan/city life. The idea was initiated in 2000 in Degirmenbükü by Mr Ali Somer with the name Knidia (the ancient name given to the area) assigned soon after,in collaboration with many friends.We are … Read more
Kolektif Yol
Young people who stepped out from the offerings of restrictive cultures to embrace a brighter future by prioritizing relationships and trust. Their biggest passion is to produce clean and natural food from the soil, and they are on a path to find and create new ways, fair approaches to the earth and people. … Read more
Kommune Niederkaufungen
Founded over 21 years ago, in December 1986, and situated in a complex of half-timbered farm buildings in the centre of the village of Niederkaufungen, just outside Kassel, we are Germany's largest non-religious, non-spiritual commune. Our main principles and focuses are on sustainability and the attempt to be as ecological as possible, consensus decision making, left-wing politics, reduction of patriarchal and hierarchical structures, a completely socialised internal communal economy, and … Read more
Korogonas Ark,peace,educational community for regeneration & Connection
Korogonas Ark focuses on education upon Whole Peaceful Living, spiritual empowerment, peace interactions, personal growth, regenerative practices in everyday life, peace agriculture, bio-constructions, gift economy, holistic health retreats, unity singing & circle dance, meaningful collaboration/co-creation with volunteers, all of which serve the New Story, the Story of Connection. … Read more
Krisna-völgy (Krishna-valley)
Our community was started 1993, and 150 peolpe living here. This is a spiritual village, we are part of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Counsciousness) farm communities. Our motto: simple life, high thinking. … Read more
L’Ecojardin du Périgord
The éco-jardin du Périgord wants to be an independent, ecological village. Neighbourhood shall be as important as the autonomy of the people. In the village there is place for at least 100 people, a village without mayor and church. Neither spiritual nor politic conventions are given here, everyone is welcome. We want to show that it's possible for everyone to live ecological and sustainable without a big effort. You should neither wave comfort nor invest a tremendous amount of time in heating … Read more
La Bolina
La Bolina is a collective of people from Europe, West Africa, South America and the Middle East who live in the Lecrin Valley, South of Granada, Spain. What brings us together is a shared vision around integration, sustainability and regeneration. We run trainings in permaculture and agroecology and veg-box scheme in collaboration with local organic producers. … Read more
La Città della Luce
La Città della Luce is an Ecovillage and Cultural Association that has, as statutary scoop the study, practice and spreading of holistic disciplines developed for the fisical and inner wellness of the individuals. In order to reach this goal we organize seminaries, courses, consultation and treatments in Reiki Method Usui, Ayurveda, Yoga, Family Constellation, Bach Flowers, Light Water, Bio-energetic food, Kinesiology, Vedic and Western Astrology, Archetypic Psicosophy, Reich Psycology, Biology, … Read more
La Comune di Bagnaia
The commune of Bagnaia was founded in 1979. Its aim is to share human and economic resources and to experience group living based on the principles of reciprocal respect and comprehension,collaboration, equality. All property is communally owned. All decisions are taken by consensus. Each member chooses hisher own job,which can be within the commune , in agriculture or in crafts, or outside,according to individual choices and competencies. At present the group consists of about 20 people, … Read more
La Forge du Vallon
A French/English bilingual Ecovillage in central France, dedicated to creativity. We host individual retreats and group events focussing on creativity, art, healing, personal development, societal transformation and collaborative processes. … Read more
La Magione Ecovillage
Our project is meant not only to create a community, but a new way to LIVE AND WORK. We are based in Italy, in beautiful Marche region, close to both mountains and sea. We are probably the first example of such a project in our country. We are committed to create jobs, based on producing organic food and preserves. We also promote an eco-friendly living style. The project wants to create sustainable jobs and houses for people, so that it includes straw-bale houses and also 2 eco-factories, … Read more
La Pereuana
We are looking for neighbours, young and old - of all kind - as we have kids, of course especially families. We dream of a neighboury community in the valley and the mountains around, mutual support with own space, free schooling (if that s true for you). We are a small family 2 kids (*2016 & *2021). Apart from a neighbour community our vision for our land is to co-work on the healing between nature and human, as well as between humans. We believe that any "excuse" that serves this is a … Read more
La Source rit
We are Véronique and Fabrice, and we really want to share a magical place Between the Aude and the Ariège, in the Aude Pyrenees, in the middle of nature. 🌿 Cohabitation available: A shared house of 160 m2 + room of about 30 m2, 4 private rooms (bedrooms/studio), a large common living room, a small common room of activities, resource oasis, immersed in nature, with 4 hectares of beautiful landscape, a stream and a pond. Our associative goal is to promote human links in sharing, through … Read more
La Vereda
Somos un grupo de personas formado por 8 adultas, 7 niñas que hemos adquirido un espacio en el ámbito rural cercano a la ciudad de Logroño, donde establecer viviendas, espacios comunes y terrenos que permitan los siguientes aspectos: -Desarrollar una comunidad de vida con relaciones de cercanía y cuidado entre las personas, y de estás con el territorio. - Contacto y equilibrio con la naturaleza. - Avanzar hacia una sostenibilidad ecológica con mayor autonomía en la alimentación, la … Read more
La Vie Tara Sustainable Living Group
La Vie Tara living community consists of awake people of all ages and backgrounds who are busy preparing for the great social change that is taking place. We do this with like-minded people in purpose, values and beliefs by building a self-sufficient holistic life. Permaculture, connecting with nature, self-healing, sharing, helping and strengthening each other in health and consciousness. … Read more
LaCasaRotta e Nuove Rotte is an ecovillage under construction consisting of a living project and an agricultural organism project, in which six adults and four children are currently participating, open to new acquaintances and to those who want to share with us their path of life actively and be part of this dynamic group. In addition to us six, the association has 10 other people working together to help in activities, events and proposing new projects. The agricultural organism itself … Read more
Somos una pequeña comunidad ubicada el norte de navarra. Hace 34 años decidimos ocupar un pueblo e intentar ver que pasa cuando decides ser tu propio sujeto activo del futuro. … Read more
LandGut Girtenmühle
15 April 2016, five guys from Amsterdam fell in love with the Girtenmühle. Ignoring the trash and decay, we only saw the potential of this beautiful place. We left our houses, jobs, friends and family and moved to Saarland, only to be warmly welcomed by all of you. We intend to restore the Girtenmühle to its former beauty so we can all enjoy it. But why do five guys from the city move to the rural countryside of Saarland? The answer to that question lies within an ideology we all share and a … Read more
landshare/offgrid community/ white canvas to create
create a food forest, with some chickens in a natural environment, with good hearted souls. No jabs, no chemicals, preferably people that understand current events and the lies about so called global boiling😁 … Read more
Las Cabañuelas
Hola a todos y a todas. Desde este mágico rincón, situado en el norte de la provincia de Burgos, lindando a pocos kilómetros, por el oeste con Cantabria y por el este con el País Vasco, os invitamos a compartir con nosotros y nosotras experiencias, trabajo, ilusiones... Estamos en la montaña, a unos 1000 metros de altitud, en plena naturaleza, rodeados de una flora y fauna muy diversa, frondosos bosques, numerosos arroyos con aguas cristalinas...Somos varios núcleos familiares. Unos vecinos … Read more
Le Mallouestan
“Le Mallouestan” was created in an attempt to find a responsible way of living. In the middle of the French countryside, we founded a 10ha animal sanctuary and a self-sufficient eco-community. We grow fruit and vegetables (permaculture), wheat, and cereal that we transform into flour and bread; we plant trees and restore ecosystems. https://www.mallouestan.org/ … Read more
Lebensgarten Steyerberg
The purpose of the Association is to promote popular education and cultural purposes.The purpose of the Association is to offer and hold educational courses, seminars, performances and other suitable events, and thereby, as well as through appropriate research, to promote educational objectives. … Read more
Lebensgarten Steyerberg
The Lebensgarten Steyerberg e.V. is a community that strives to live in harmony together with others and with nature. Founded in 1986, the community has since grown to include 62 terrace houses, a seminar house (also known as the healing house) and the main building where the big hall is located. Most of those that come to live here are searching for communal living and are open to embracing care and tolerance. We all support one another in the development of our talents and abilities, as well … Read more
Lebensgut Cobstaedt
Das Gemeinschaftsprojekt "LebensGut-Cobstädt" wurde Anfang 2004 von einigen jungen Menschen aus Erfurt gegründet. Es versteht sich als kleines Netzwerk von Freunden, Projekten und Wohngemeinschaften, die hier eine gemeinsame Basis haben. Mittlerweile haben sich ca. 25 Erwachsene und 6 Kinder auf sechs Gehöften angesiedelt, die sich in unmittelbarer Nähe im Ort befinden. Auf den Höfen und den ca. 12 ha bewirtschaftetem Land wird ein kooperatives Zusammenleben und Wirtschaften umgesetzt. Es sind … Read more
LebensGut Miteinander
Auf einem 16 ha großen ehemaligen Klostergut existiert seit 2015 ein multi-dimensionales Gemeinschaft- wohn- und Arbeitsprojekt. Es besteht dzt. aus 5 vernetzten Projektbereichen: 1) Generationen-übergreifendes Gemeinschaftswohnprojekt, 2) Biologische Gemüsebau-Landwirtschaft, 3) Kindertagesbetreuung, 4) therapeutische Praxisgemeinschaft, 5) Seminar- und Kulturzentrum, weiters soll 6) eine Tagesbetreuung für ältere Menschen und evtl. später 7) eine Schule für Kinder von 1.-9. Schulstufe … Read more
Lebenshof Graben
Lebenshof Graben is a social project in Lower Bavaria, Southern Germany … Read more
Lebensraum Belmont
http://lebensraumbelmont.ch … Read more
Lebenstraumgemeinschaft Jahnishausen
Unsere Gemeinschaft versteht sich als experimentelles Erfahrungsfeld für die Beziehung zwischen ich und wir im Innen und Außen für das jeder sich bewusst entscheidet und in dem sich jeder eigen- und mitverantwortlich bewegt. … Read more
Les 4 Sources
Nous existons pour : – permettre à tout âge, et en interaction, de déployer son plein potentiel en vivant des expériences, des moments de transmission, de ressourcements, d’échanges et de rencontres ; – prendre soin de soi, des autres et du Vivant ; – semer des graines de changement et renforcer la confiance des humains d’aujourd’hui et de demain. … Read more
Les Chardons
C’est un projet de vie collective qui s’inscrit dans une vallée. Il fournit un hébergement pour les habitants du lieu et un support pour des activités économiques. Il a pour objectif d’offrir un cadre de vie pérenne sans limite de temps, notamment grâce à la conscience des coûts environnementaux et de production générés. … Read more
Libera Universitá di Alcatraz
Alcatraz is a hotel, and a restaurant. But Alcatraz is a utopia in progress also. Since the universe did not totally satisfy us, we decided to improve the quality of spaghetti and to come and live here, where we formed an alliance with the centuries-old woods of this valley. We will defend the trees from woodcutters in order to see them turning green each spring. Alcatraz is an association of people fond of good eating and good manners who are connected with ARCI. You can find the quality of … Read more
We are a family-group of five, living within the Valea-Babii ecovillage, located in an amazingly beautyful landscape in the mountains near hunedoara, romania. We are working on the transformation of this land wich we are keeping, to create a space of living, abundance and pleasure. One very important aspect is to give our children the oppurtunity to grow up in a natural and free way. It is an awesome place for that. We wish that the free spaces in this valley will soon be inhabited by other … Read more
Liminal Village
The Liminal Village is a co-living co-creation-space in a networked-rural setting, where we experiment with holistic and alternative technologies to co-create open-source and globally applicable solutions using Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Permaculture, Pain Medicine. It is a place without spectators, as all the guests participate in the creation of the program, giving talks and workshops. … Read more
Litvill: A Place for a Higher Quality of Lifestyle
Explore our education center in Hungary. We show how sustainable living boosts life quality and health. Join us to learn and live better, the eco-friendly way. … Read more
Liveloula Eco Community
Liveloula is a sanctuary. In this sanctuary we aim to support, nurture and care for the largest possible diversity of creatures. Humans, other animals, plants, microbes, bacteria, fungi,… At Liveloula we understand that every species and each specimen has a part to play in the support of a holistic balanced web of life. … Read more
Lively Village
Lively Village is a socio-ecological project in which farming activities are practised by seeking to adapt to the natural environment and enrich its biological diversity, instead of a millenia-old practise of rude human intervention into the natural processes. Currently our natural farm is developing and growing in these directions: several flocks of ancient domestic chicken and guinea fowl species kept exclusively for their eggs, ancient geese kept for fluff and a freshly introduced ancient … Read more
Livonsaaren yhteisökylä
Livonsaari community is an ecovillage under construction located in the south-west Finland, about 35 kilometers from the city of Turku. Currently about 30 adults and 20 children live in the community, and in addition there are some active members of the community who might move to Livonsaari in the near future. The land we live on is about 60 hectares large, some of it being fields and some rocky woods. Livonsaari is an island, so naturally we have access to the sea. There are several new … Read more
Long Distance Bike Challenge
We would like to introduce ourselves! We are Youssef, 27 yrs and Andrea, 29 Yrs old. We from Italy and we are two simple and positive people, we love being with other people. We would like to contribute to improve this beautiful planet of ours. we create an eco blog named HelloEco(ecoarganblog.wordpress.com). We talk about our passions like biking and personal and spiritual growth, like PNL, meditations, Astrology and others awsome threads. Youssef is from Morocco and loves introspective … Read more
Los Guindales
Somos un proyecto comunitario que compartimos nuestra supervivencia en el camino de la autogestión de nuestras necesidades en armonía con la Naturaleza. Vivimos en una finca de 4,5 ha, en un frondoso bosque de castaños, con encinas, alcornoques, frutales variados y una gran biodiversidad de plantas aromáticas, medicinales y comestibles. Nuestra vida gira en torno a un gran abanico de actividades campesinas y de autogestión: * Salud: Nuestro Centro de Sanación está basado en las terapias … Read more
Los Molinos del Río Aguas
Ubicados en una antigua Aldea ecológica situada en un ecosistema único, estamos comprometidos con un estilo de vida respetuoso y un desarrollo sostenible, aunque los distintos proyectos se desarrollan independientemente. Si quieres visitarnos, ponte en contacto con él que más te interesa. … Read more
Los Portales
Los Portales is an intentional community that was founded in Andalucía in 1984, although it was actually born in 1978 in Brussels. The inspiration of the founders was nurtured by Jungian psychology and dreamwork as a way to know and transform our fears and pains into power, as well as to access the talents we still do not know. … Read more
Lou Neïssoun
Lou Neïssoun, in Provençal language “the place where the source is born”, is a human collective in nature at the service of the Living. The source which arises on the heights of the land allows the inhabitants to develop agro-ecological and cultural projects while respecting the Earth which welcomes them. … Read more
Love House TLV
Open-minded, loving, celebrating life, tantric eco-community in Givatiym We host Heart, mind, health and sexuality opening events We host guests from around the world and have a happy and international atmosphere in the house We grow vegetables on the roof and try to recycle and use ecological as much as possible contact: https://www.facebook.com/shaked.rabinovitz WhatsApp: +972-5442340 … Read more
Lovinka is a small ecovillage in the middle of Slovakia, located in beautiful nature and 1,5 away from the nearest village and just 15 minutes drive from the city. It's been established in 2012 and is known in Slovakia due to its yoga, meditation, healthy living, and self-development workshops. In 2021 we decided to change the concept of Lovinka so we are now in transition from a retreat center to a self-managed eco-village where people own their houses and we share the surrounding land for … Read more
LUMEN Ecovillage
LUMEN Ecovillage is one of the longest-lived and most prosperous intentional communities in Italy. A community of families who have joined a social experiment centred on the values of health promotion, environmental sustainability, inner growth, solidarity. The ecovillage is fully self-sufficient in economic terms, partially self-sufficient in energy and food. … Read more
Luz da Floresta Holistic Institute
We are a community based in a ecovillage on the mountains of Portugal outside of Viseu. This place used to be and abandon old village, where our ancestors carved by hand the beautiful terraces, springs and stone houses we have. We been living here since 10years, and finally decided to give birth to our Holistic Institute to unify all our visions and manifest them in this lands. Our main intention is to create a nature sanctuary, we believe that is the foundation for human well being and … Read more
Magic Forest Community in Bulgaria
We are 3 families (with a total of 8 kids) based in Bulgaria, an hour South-West of Sofia, in a neighborhood of a village, suitable for populating to form an environmentally-friendly community within the same physical area. We have an extended network of other families that have chosen a life in nature in the surrounding area (20 km radius) that we meet with and support each other. … Read more
Magic Mountain Bulgaria
Update: Our project is still in its initiatory stage! So this is not an established eco-village yet. We are working on getting funding next year (Eu-grants, Crowdfunding campaign). A webpage with more information will be online soon and the link posted here 🙂 Below is a description and long-term vision for our place. We are still in need of a solid core team and many many supporters! So if you feel you should, don't hesitate to shoot a mail. Hi everybody. Our dreambird, … Read more
Maison des Alternatives du Castellas
Un tiers-lieux, des espaces conviviaux, un pôle de ressources et une pépinière d’activités. … Read more
Matavenero y Poibueno
Este proyecto nacido en 1989, se fundó por un grupo de personas pertenecientes al movimiento Rainbow. A través de un anuncio por parte de la diputación, el cual expresaba la preocupación por el abandono rural y la creciente despoblación en la provincia de León se les cedió este valle abandonado de tan singular belleza, para … … Read more
Mehrgenerationenprojekt Am Sternberg LEBEN e.G
Auf fast 7 Hektar Land haben wir 25 Häuser, welche momentan saniert werden. Wir sind ca. 40 Menschen und wollen noch 60 plus Kinder werden. (Hobby-) Handwerker, Familien, aber auch alle anderen sind herzlich willkommen, an unserem Info-Treffen (zur Zeit online) jeden 1. Samstag im Monat teilzunehmen. Bei Interesse bitte Nachricht an [email protected] … Read more
We are an ecovillage located just outside the coastal town of Rafina, in Attica, Greece on a plot of 150 stremma, with more than 200 resident families. We are a fully fledged non-profit NGO for sustainable development and ecological sensitivity, governed by a combination of direct participatory democracy and representative democracy. Meltemi was established in 1946, in the midst of the Greek civil war, as a back-to-nature, getaway from the city by a group of Petroleum Company employees. … Read more
Merkaba Community
We live by a few core principles which allow us to thrive as a community..Concept of Abundance – if every person in the community gave more than they took, we would all have an abundance of everything we ever need… Mindfulness – we are mindful in all activities throughout our day, whether this be practising yoga, eating, interacting with another person or carrying out our daily chores…& more … Read more
We are a small, bilingual family renovating/extending the old family farm here in the wood quarter of Lower Austria. The farm consists of The Farmhouse option to use as 2 seperate apartments), The Little House, The Circus Wagon plus barns and outbuildings for animals). We are surrouded by our own land (approx. 4 Hectares) which we use to graze our animals and grow our own grains, fruit and vegetables. We'll be building our very own dairy in one of the existing barns to produce cheese, yoghurt, … Read more
Molino de Guadalmesí
Molino de Guadalmesí es un Espacio de Experimentación Colectiva. Convivimos 4 personas más voluntarios y visitas. Se trata de una granja lindera con el río y en el corazón de dos Parques Naturales. Producimos parte de los alimentos y vivimos en edificaciones restauradas por nosotros en bioconstrucción. Nuestro objetivo principal es CRECER. … Read more
Monte do Aniche
we aim toward practising a sustainable way of life, living in tune with nature and sharing a community lifestyle with like-minded people who want to become part of the project long-term. Our vision is to build an organic farm, a forest school and a space for workshops and eco-tourism. We also intend for this place to have room for people to grow, and developing conscious events and social projects … Read more
Moonshine Tribe
Be welcome at the Moonshine house! A place to grow, vegetable and awareness, through the practice of LOVE, WISDOM and CREATIVITY. A Spiritual Garden, located in a land of abundance where we wish to live of natural agriculture and esoteric experiences. A Tribal Community where child can be Masters and adults child ! Now expanding towards a mycosustainble diffuse tribe model with new And innovative housing projects. … Read more
Mount of Oaks – Monte dos Carvalhos
Off-grid Permaculture monastic farm since 2006. We are now a couple that welcomes many people each year to experience and be part of a family. That’s our view of community, whether it´s an intern, a guest, a pilgrim in need of rest, our elderly neighbours, our prayer/singing circle, the “new local” who comes to settle and needs advice, a retreat we host… we believe in meaningful relationships. … Read more
Movimiento #Darvida
Queremos repoblar los 3.000 pueblos abandonados,sera duro y largo el proceso pero podemos. Ya es hora de dejar las ciudades productoras de gente independiente,tenemos que destruir la barrera de la capitalización donde los grandes mandan. Si repoblásemos todos los pueblos y creamos comunidades auto suficientes las grandes ciudades no gobernarían a su antojo. Quieres construir una comunidad donde ahora no hay nada...pues únete al movimiento #darvida POR QUE YA ES HORA DE REPOBLAR Y … Read more
We are a lively, solidary and undogmatic community that wants to grow old together as self-sufficiently and as close to nature as possible. We are all equal, have joint projects and encourage each other our creativity and our skills. We all need retreats but share our lives together. Our gates are always wide open for visitors, new ideas and culture. … Read more
Munksøgård is situated near Roskilde on Zeeland just half an hour by train from Copenhagen. The community's focus is on finding solutions to living in ways that are environmentally sustainable together with people from different backgrounds. Munksøgård sonsists of 100 houses divided into 5 groups of two-storey buildings each situated around a farmhouse which acts as the common house for eating together and hosting social events. The different groups are composed of different types of … Read more
Nackunga Community
Nackunga Community is an intentional community for families and adults living and working together, developing the community and creating outwardgoing projects. We believe a sustainable lifestyle, promoting inner growth and outer change, works as an example and source of inspiration for others. In offering events and learning opportunities within the fields of Transition, re-connecting to nature and self development, and in raising awareness about problems of society of today, working towards … Read more
Nafonte Natural living community
Nafonte is a small intentional community where we aim to live a more connected live on a beautiful piece of land with a river and a farm house in the lush hills of the North. We envision living here with a few families, max 10 adults plus children. Our way of living includes regular sharings, morning practice, tantra, spiritual practice, permaculture and shared vegetarian meals. … Read more
Naravice Ecovillage
We’re about luxurious simplicity, permaculture, education and networking. … Read more
N A T U R A L M E N T E – Forest Healing Retreat is a RETREAT CENTER … in the Heart of Algarve-Portugal we host RETREATS & EVENTS with a Purpose of EVOLUTION in CONSCIOUSNESS, and we welcome anyone who feels in tune with our principles Focused on a NATURAL HEALTHY way of LIVING Co-Creating a LIVING TOGETHER in COMMUNION with NATURE and All Beings … … Read more
Nature Community
Unsere Vision: Wir leben mit intensivem Kontakt und viel Verbindung zusammen, reden, feiern, lachen zusammen und unterstützen uns gegenseitig. Wir stehen in regem Kontakt mit der „Außenwelt“, entwickeln und verwirklichen gemeinsame Projekte und lernen mit- und voneinander. Wir leben und arbeiten an einem schönen Ort mit positiver Energie, an dem wir uns wohlfühlen, versorgen uns dort weitestgehend ökologisch autark und übernehmen für uns und unsere Umwelt Verantwortung. Jeder von uns kann in … Read more
Nature Salvage Eco Project / Family Bed & Breakfast
Situated in the Italian Alps next to the Federation of Damanhur, Nature Salvage looks to the future with dreams of creating permaculture gardens, artist collaborations, building a bio-piscina (pool) and compost toilets, creating a chicken coup, and continued practices of reducing, reusing, and recycling through Art. … Read more
Nea Guinea
Nea Guinea is a non-profit organisation (NPO) that was initiated in 2009 with the main objective of re-appropriating our everyday needs in terms of food, health, energy, shelter, and clothing. Since then, the organisation has been operating a number of projects developing different alternative practices and techniques and has been promoting these as tools for increasing self-sufficiency and resilience of people and communities in Greece. The initiative's projects aim to inform, educate, … Read more
Néo-Village Terra Nostra
Terra Nostra est une expérimentation de vie en village pour répondre aux évolutions du monde tel qu’il se dessine, en d’autres termes répondre à la question : “Comment habiter le monde qui vient ?”. Un monde avec moins de ressources, plus de risques de catastrophes naturelles et technologiques, plus de tensions sociales. Terra Nostra c’est 5 personnes qui œuvrent tous les jours pour se rapprocher du but fixé au démarrage du projet, et qui transmettent aux personnes de passage leurs méthodes … Read more
New Mayapur
We are a spiritual community in Ukraine. 150 hectares, Permaculture 1000+ fruit trees Educational centre all year Yoga | Meditation | Soul | Hare Krishna … Read more
New Roots
New Roots is a project in the ecovillage Hallingelille in Denmark. We invite traumatized refugees for rehabilitation through nature-based therapy and experiences of community. New Roots started in 2014, working with a nearby asylum center. Later it was part of a research project run from the University of Copenhagen, looking into nature-based therapy for refugees. In our experience the combination of nature and a welcoming community has a great potential of stabilizing traumas, rebuilding … Read more
New Vraja Bhumy Dhama
Since 2008 we protected 700+ cows, bulls and their calves. The biggest Cow protection mission in Europe | Own Temple house | Making natural cosmetics. We are cooking Organic certificated ghee Yogamilk and non-violence diary products like a gift for donators. … Read more
NGO Synchronic Lines Association Community
Our Community is a starting point, now involving on different levels 20 people who like the idea of setting a place to live together creating a little self-sufficient society in which happiness, richness and beauty are together with inner evolution, spirituality and art, respect for nature and mysticism. In the project, the Community buildings stand in the core of a little mountain village and they face a central courtyard that is the living hearth of the Community with different art workshops … Read more
Nomad Ecovillage
It all started with an ambitious dream. A dream to meet, work and live with like-minded people to deliver authentic ecotourism experiences, handmade workshops and educational programmes to everyone seeking it. We found each other and others like us, in the place we least expected it – in our own backyard, in Romania. … Read more
Noordeland has started construction in April 2019. In August 2019 there are 9 permanent inhabitants and 11 more to follow soon. Developments include the group center, the storage halls for workshops, production and enterprises, the kitchen garden and related facilities and utilities. The municipality has extended the license to establish an ecovillage. The plot will be purchased this year 2019. … Read more
Northmoor UK
Northmoor is an established community of committed residents. It is driven by very inspired, creative individuals. The core of our NEVO project (Northmoor Eco Village Oxford) is grounded in a seamless intertwining of resilience and enjoyment. Our purpose is to enable our own resilience to extend to others and to receive input from the Global Ecovillage Network. … Read more
Nueva Vida
Nueva Vida es el sueño de crear una comunidad donde todos los involucrados encuentren un forma de vivir distinta por completo a la manera de vivir en las grandes urbes, una más comprometida con el medio ambiente y con la sociedad, respetando los criterios de los demás y colaborando unos con otro con la sostenibilidad del proyecto en sentido general. Nueva Vida basa sus principios en una comunidad creada a partir de principios cooperativos, donde cada persona juegue un papel preponderante en … Read more
Nyim Eco Community
Our eco-community was formally established in 2010, through the union of people who are committed to the importance of the process of fulfilment on both a community-based and individual level. The composition of participants has dynamically changed since the onset and continues to change, however we have been continuously striving to maintain the mentality of the initiative at the focus of our attention. … Read more
O2 Dom
O2 Dom — душевное и энергетическое место, где можно жить, работать и отдыхать. Эко пространство в новом формате загородной жизни, с оригинальной архитектурой строений на участке, созданных по принципам экологичности и минимализма, с интересными событиями (мастер-классами), эко-инфраструктурой и чистейшей окружающей природой Истринского района Московской области. Наше эко-пространство основано на теории Васту, на искусстве выбора участка и построения дома в гармонии с законами … Read more
Oase Greifenstein
Seminar- und Gästehaus mit grossem Duft- und Naschgarten zur grösstmöglichen Selbstversorgung. Leben und Arbeiten verbinden. Gemeinschaft bis 10 Personen möglich. … Read more
Oasis “Terres de Baume Rousse”
Vous souhaitez simplement habiter proche de la nature pour faire votre jardin et prendre soin de la terre ou accueillir des personnes pour des activités de soin ou de développement personnel ? Nous accueillons deux nouveaux habitants (ou familles) sur l’Oasis “Terres de Baume Rousse” située dans la Drôme sur une ferme de 23 ha avec nos deux chevaux Merens et des activités de médiation équine. … Read more
Oasis de Lentiourel
Construire un espace relationnel épanouissant, s’inscrivant dans le soin de la terre, du monde et de soi. Cultiver la joie de vivre dans une sobriété heureuse et un esprit d’ouverture, dans une quête d’autonomie créative et de partage. Créer un lieu collectif d’alternatives de vie respectueux des besoins de chacun. La capacité d’accueil de l’Oasis est d’environ une trentaine de personnes. … Read more
Oasis du Coq à l’Âme
The 20 families of our ecovillage will be situated in Gironde (Bordeaux), France. We follow the principles of the Oasis program, initiated by the Colibri Movement: food autonomy, energetic simplicity and green building, shared governance, mutualization of resources, and openness to the world. … Read more
Sustainable art-village we dreamed about. … Read more
Olive Juice Community
🌻 Ready to step into a life aligned with purpose? 🌿 This is an invitation to reconnect—with nature, with others, and with yourself. Nestled in the heart of Portugal, Olive Juice blends conscious living, community, and personal growth. Through workshops, permaculture, and dance events, Olive Juice inspires you to live simply, love deeply, and rediscover the joy of being. … Read more
Paradise Valley
Paradise Valley is a community of (potential) residents, volunteers and learners progressing towards living self-sufficiently an addiction-free lifestyle on 22 acres of woodland and pasture in Herefordshire in the UK. We work the land and the woodland with a minimum of fossil fuels and a minimum of high technology. We use the Scott Peck Community Building process to facilitate our decision-making, which is consensual and embraces all views compatible with our ethos. We are also a wild-life … Read more
Peace Factory
Please note that during our building phase, whilst we are extremely grateful for volunteers who help us for between two to eight weeks, we are unable to accept casual visitors because we get behind with our building work. We are developing (recycling!) a 1950's industrial building of 2000 square metres into loft apartments in South-West France. Each loft is sold individually as part of an ecological and sustainable co-housing development with shared facilities like swimming pool, well-being … Read more
Permacultura Caña Dulce
Permacultura (pc) Caña Dulce es una escuela de pc y de Yoga Kundalini (Y.K.) que ofrece cursos de introducción avanzada y certificados de diseño, con la Academia Inglesa de pc, así como cursos de Y.K. Caña Dulce nace a finales de 1999 cuando comenzamos a diseñar en esta tierra, abandonada por trece años, un asentamiento humano sustentable con espíritu comunitario. Con la motivación de aprender, experimentar y expandir las semillas de la transformación interna y externa para co-crear un mundo … Read more
Permacultura Cantabria
La principal temática en la que se desenvuelve la asociación es la Permacultura. Esta palabra hace referencia a CULTURA PERMANENTE. El trabajo por una sociedad sostenible empuja a esta organización a trabajar diferentes áreas. Permacultura y sostenbilidad Atención y cuidados humanos Bioconstrucción y tecnologías adecuadas Gestión medio-ambiental Transformación social Crecimiento personal Actualmente la entidad esta trabajando con colegios, ayuntamientos, comunidades y sobre todo con familias y … Read more
Permacultura en alicante
A finales de 2012 compre una finca de menos de una hectarea en la provincia de alicante, cerca de un rio, con una casita y un pozo con abundante agua. Desde entonces he plantado arboles, cultivado hortalizas, y mejorado la casa siguiendo el modelo de la permacultura y la agricultura natural. Pero aun esta casi todo por hacer. Me gustaria conocer personas que quieran interesadas en conocerlo o colaborar, yo soy persona sana, no fumo ni bebo y procuro llevar una alimentacion natural, lo cual pido … Read more
Permacultura Madrid
Tenemos una parcela rústica de en la Sierra Norte de Madrid. Está cerca de Torrelaguna a unos 60 Km de Madrid. Tiene pozo propio, un arroyo que la rodea y una casa de campo. Llevamos un pequeño huerto entre 9 personas. Nos gustaría crear un grupo de formación en permacultura y aplicar los conocimientos que adquiramos en la finca. Pensamos sobre todo en un aprendizaje a través de laacción y la intervenciaón enla finca que incluya un buen diseño en sus disitntos elementos: buen aprovechamiento … Read more
Permaculture & Education Community (for families with children)
It is important for us that we click and are like-minded. We have a lot of ideas about how to create income from the land, many skills between us and also knowledge of the culture, country, and language. Navigating bureaucracy is not a problem. We are hardworking and looking for people who share our values. So, that’s it in a nutshell. We look forward to hearing from you 🙂 … Read more
Permaculture Schloss Glarisegg
We have started setting up the permaculture garden within the ecovillage in 2012. Since then, it is constantly growing and changing. This year, we have build a pond, a small greenhouse for seedlings, a solar dryer, an outdoor kitchen, and have our first animals, namely ducks (who are busy eating the snales) and chickens. And, of course, from the start we have supplied the community as well as the seminar business with many, many fresh vegetables. And there are so many more opportunities and … Read more
house + 66.000m2 land 2 adults and 3 children involved at the moment permaculture food sovereignty water retention landscape meat free zone events … Read more
We are meeting families in Alicante at our rented house near Santa Pola Alicante or at other permaculture places to create synergies towards the goals of: 1) The creation of our permaculture and respectfull education cohousing project 2) Ways of living as sustainably as possible in this region. 3) Support and help eachother ! 4) We produce organic grapes and a lot of organic products with local ingredients, we can teach you what we know and/or provide you with what we have ! Feel free to … Read more
Great news! On October 1, 2022, I started an experimental Permavillage. I want to use all the techniques that will allow us to reach 100% local, zero petroleum. … Read more
– Bioconstruction – Gardening permaculture – Natural resources – Emotional conecction – Community life – Shadow work – Building in armony with nature. … Read more
Progetto Pecora Nera
EN - BlackSheep Project We are Devis and Luca and we started our ecovillage project five years ago, in 2003. The project is located in the the north-east of Italy, on the Alps. We have a garden (about 1 acre), a big greenhouse and some hens . Actually we provide about 50% of our food need by self production. We plan to upgrade our structures year by year in order to become independent in food and energy needs. We hope to join to other person interested in eco-village philosophy and … Read more
Project Abundance Bulgaria
Project Abundance aims to create a small eco community which will provide, teach and demonstrate ways of sustainable living. The methods used are based on concepts and principles which have been tried and tested throughout generations all around the world. … Read more
In search for open-minded people to grow together by the power of sharing. Electricity from the sun and water from a well is provided as well as half a hectar of land. What would you be willing to share..? … Read more
Projekt WIR
Das Projekt WIR ist im Juli 2013 auf Initiative von Rikarda, Holger und Reinhard in Berlin gestartet. Im ersten Jahr haben wir uns monatlich zu einer Runde Gemeinschaftsbildung nach Scott Peck getroffen, zusammen mit anderen Menschen die ab und zu dazukamen. Während diesem Jahr lernten wir noch viele andere Kommunikationsmethoden kennen und wollten sie gerne mal ausprobieren. So entstand die Idee, Dozenten dazu einzuladen uns diese Methoden vorzustellen, und wir organisierten dies als monatliche … Read more
Proyecto Ecoaldea
We plan to form a totally self-sufficient community and ecological and we want a population around ten people. We are from Spain. … Read more
Proyecto esenio…
Somos muchxs que nos damos cuenta que tenemos que cambiar de vida.. Nada nos llena.. ¿Que hacer.? Por otra parte vemos y notamos que el entorno del campo y rural, podría ser una opción verdadera de cambio. Cuantxs de nosotrxs estamos preparados para ello?. Un cambio tan drástico en la vida de la persona es para pensárselo varias veces... ¿Por qué no acometerlo con las máximas garantías? Aquí propongo algo, solo para gente muy determinada, gente que quiera efectuar un cambio de vida de 180 … Read more
Proyecto Lerida
Desde el 2005 estamos trabajando en la rehabilitación de una finca antigua (estamos en Catalunya, frontera con Aragón, una hora y cuarto al norte de Lérida) y estamos preparados para incorporar a más personas en el proyecto. Como el espacio es limitado, y somos una familia con un niño, en este punto del proyecto estamos dando prioridad a las familias (o personas solteras con niños) que se interesen. Los interesados nos pueden mandar un email con sus datos, cuanto más detallados mejor, a la … Read more
Proyecto O Couso
Introducción Queremos crear una comunidad integral y abierta, de todos, donde se pongan en práctica los valores de la Nueva Cultura Ética. Llevamos tiempo trabajando sobre el apoyo mutuo y la cooperación y especialmente sobre los valores universales que ayudan a mejorar nuestro mundo. Todo ello bajo nuestro lema principal: “deja lo que puedas, coge lo que necesites”. O Couso Por su posicionamiento junto al Camino de Santiago, en Samos, Lugo, España, O Couso puede ofrecer una proyección al … Read more
Q centre for experimentation
Q is a retreat space surrounded by nature, where you can experience simple and conscious living, with low environmental impact. A place to internalize, change habits, become aware. … Read more
Quinta Alada
Take a break from our routine lives and create time to internalize, relax, emerge in Nature, celebrate life, and recognize our essence! In a natural environment, with several therapies available and organic and vegetarian food, we offer the perfect conditions to reconnect together! … Read more
Raduga ecovillage is located in Oleshkivsky (Tsyurupynsky) district of Khersonska region. It was founded by Oleksii Ursulenko. The village covers an area of 10 hectares occupied by 7 straw and clay residential houses and 10 buildings of other purposes. Members of the Ursulenko family are its only full-time residents at the moment. The village settlers are focused on promoting healthy diet and sustainable lifestyle through educational festivals and healing practices. As for autumn 2018, they … Read more
Re-Green is an ecoculture centre situated on a mountain countryside, aiming to actively experience the power of green living. Through re-greening our lives we hope to find solutions to some of the world's most pressing issues. Re-Green stands for all components of life: re-using and re-cycling, reducing waste, refusing, repairing, re-thinking our actions, re-writing the rules, re-viewing, re-modeling, re-designing. In sum, re-inventing life! Through community we aim to foster a sense of … Read more
Red de Construcción con Paja
Desde la Red intentamos coordinar toda la información y recursos disponibles para que la gente que habla castellano pueda aprender a utilizar esta forma constructiva. A lo largo de todo el año podemos encontrar cursos o obras de construcción en balas de paja llevados a menudo por miembros de esta Red. La Red fue inaugurada 2005. Ahora, unos años después, contamos con más de 100 Miembros. … Read more
Redfield Community
Redfield is an Intentional Community situated in North Buckinghamshire, England. The house is a large old mansion with 17 acres of gardens, woodland and pasture surrounded by farmland. Our legal structure is that of a Fully Mutual Housing Co-operative, where members are effectively both Landlord and Tenant. The legal structure merely forms the bare bones of a culture of collective living that has developed since 1978.We live as a single household which means that we spend a lot of time together. … Read more
Regenerative Education and Adventures for Students Iceland
Project History 2022 – Teachers for Ukraine, Permaculture Gathering , Eco Camp – Regenerative Education , Twinning Project with GEN 2021 – Teachers Workshops in Iceland – Implementation of sustainability in the classroom 2021 – Empowerment of multicultural youth . Regenerative Project – youth camp in Iceland , Hiking across Scotland to raise fund for NHS 2017 – 2019 Travel and volunteer prog … Read more
Region in change
We live in the beautiful eco-community Fuchsmühle (fox mill) in the middle of Germany. As young people that are aware of the challenges and global crisis of our time, we came together with a big vision: To build sustainable and communal-based structures within a “region in change” to support bottom-up system change, regenerative ways of living and a long-lasting, resilient community networks. … Read more
La Red, somos sistema social abierto y de centro vacío que nos conecta a las personas y colectivos con esta Visión, Ética y Principios La Visión. Integrar en nuestras vidas y comunidad cercana este diseño, éticas y principios. Reflejar una verdadera sostenibilidad que se expande desde nuestro interior a la biorregión, repercutiendo con ello planetariamente. ¿Qué ofrecemos? ⚫Un espacio social de apoyo mutuo e intercambio ⚫Coordinación de los encuentros estacionales para reunirnos, … Read more
Resonancia Community
A Co-living and Co-working environment to find Resonance through our communal exploration and your authentic flow in a broad field of opportunities. community – deep communication – trust – free eros – co-working – creativity&art – self-responsability – paradise environment – permaculture – cultural cocreation – andalusian village life – … in Southern Spain. … Read more
Rubha Phoil, a nature based permaculture community on the Isle of Skye, Scotland
Rubha Phoil is a regenerative nature-based culture project with a vision to create a thriving, resilient and diverse community and enterprise. We model and teach permaculture, regenerative design, nature connection and regenerative community building. We will offer an online market place for selling, as well as eco holidays, open days, workshops and longer retreats. … Read more
Separate owned houses with commons for small agriculture. Some families runs their own businesses, but most families commutes to workplaces in Gothenburg. … Read more
Sagol Eco Spiritual Village
Sagol Eco Spiritual Village And Sound Healing Retreat Center for transformation and healing Gorgeous sunsets, an ecologic pool for healing with crystal bowls awareness and sound healing workshops, an organic vegetable garden, a hospitality for groupsand mud huts. treatments, music, nature and lots of love. Kfar Sagol is an ecological center for hosting awareness workshops, special events in nature, holistic healing and ceremonies. Sagol eco village has born from making the first and … Read more
Savia is a vegan agroecological cohousing and coliving project, based in Asturias, in the north of Spain. Savia is a space to live in community, a home to build a life in connection with nature and its processes, where we can grow respect for all beings and create together a more sustainable, simpler and more self-sufficient lifestyle. … Read more
Savia is a vegan agroecological cohousing project located in the west of Asturias, consisting of a coliving space, a cohousing community, and agricultural land. Savia is a community housing project, a home to build a life together, in connection with nature and its processes, where one can cultivate respect for all beings and create a more sustainable, simpler, and self-sufficient lifestyle. … Read more
In the middle of Moldovan Codru , surrounded by all sides with forest is located an ecovillage called “Schastlivoeâ€. We are a community of young, active individuals who strive to build a sustainable lifestyle, where a modern human being can live and work of full value. In order to achieve this we have organized an ecovillage where we aim to unite the best developments of technical world with beauty and abundance of primordial Nature, in harmony and with no disturbance to natural life … Read more
Schloss Glarisegg
The community project is nestled between forest, torrent, meadows and the Swiss shores of Untersee. Since 2003, an average of 60 people have been living on 5 hectares with partly listed buildings, large natural areas and a beach. Our interest to face our responsibility unites us as well as contributing to new ways of life. We seek synergy between personal needs & commitment to a common vision. We face the challenge of organizing and developing the community in balance, while shaping life … Read more
Schloss Tempelhof
TEMPELHOF In December 2010, after three years of community building and inner preparations, a group of about 80 (mostly German) have purchased a small abandoned castle with surrounding buildings and farmland, altogether 31 hectares, in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. TEMPELHOF NEWS Today, in 2020, 150 people live at Tempelhof, about a third of them children. In addition to the members of the community, there are also employees from the companies or young people in training or in their community … Read more
Schloss Tonndorf
Die Gemeinschaft auf Schloss Tonndorf vereint die Menschen der Genossenschaft, welche Schloss Tonndorf gemeinsam sanieren und beleben möchten, unsere Kinder und unsere FöJlerInnen und Lehrlinge. Wir sind sowohl Familien als auch Alleinstehende. Unsere Herkunft, Lebenserfahrungen und die jeweilige wirtschaftliche Situation sind unterschiedlich - der Wunsch nach gegenseitiger Unterstützung im Alltag, einer anregenden menschlichen Atmosphäre und einem reichen, sozialen Umfeld bei allen … Read more
Schweibenalp – Center of Unity
Schweibenalp is a community, whose members by mindfully dealing with oneself and others make an active contribution to the strengthening of the field of consciousness of love, in which every human being can unfold its true potential. The community at Schweibenalp explores and lives sustainable ways of living together and acting in the areas of community, spirituality, economy and ecology as possible models for a new world. As a living and working community we manage the seminar business … Read more
SCI du Tournesol
SCI du Tournesol (Sunflower Co-housing) comprises a group of 4 companions (to date) who have purchased a property in a small hamlet near Champagne-Mouton in France, where there is an infant’s school, doctor, pharmacy, post office, and supermarket. The property comprises a modernised 2-bedroomed house, with stone barns on both sides and a hangar, all facing into a central grassed courtyard, and we have started to convert one of the barns into two further self-contained terraced dwellings, with … Read more
Selba – Artosilla
Artosilla es una antigua aldea situada en el municipio de Sabiñánigo (Huesca, España). Propiedad del Gobierno de Aragón, en 1986 fue cedida a la Asociación Artiborain para ser reconstruida y repoblada. Anteriormente había sufrido más de dos décadas de abandono, olvido y deterioro. La visión inicial de los nuevos pobladores era reconstruir totalmente el pueblo y recuperar un patrimonio cultural que se estaba perdiendo. Posteriormente se han ido añadiendo otros elementos a esta visión, … Read more
Serene Light Gardens / Finca Luz Serena
This pilot project aims to create an ecological settlement, as well as a therapeutic and educational center, which will serve as a model and living reference for an integrative and symbiotic way of life with our natural environment. Everything will be surrounded by permacultural gardens of great beauty. … Read more
Serene Light Gardens in Villanueva de la Vera, Spain
Please visit www.serenelightgardens.org to learn more about what we have been working on. … Read more
Serenity La Palma
Serenity Eco Village is a thriving community dedicated to sustainable living and harmony with nature. The cornerstone of Serenity is its expansive garden, which covers a vast area and is continually enriched with a diverse range of plants and trees. This garden is not just for show; it serves as the primary source of ingredients for the community's culinary needs. The guiding principle behind Serenity's agricultural practices is permaculture, a philosophy of working with, rather than against, … Read more
Shangri-la is and wants to be an intentional community for living a healthy lifestyle, free from EMF/microwaves radiations. We offer a holistic healthy environment and life FREE from unhealthy pollution from electromagnetic/EMF, wireless radiations (i.e. WiFi/mobiles) We do not have and do not allow WiFi so the CONNECTION is much better here... There is a long term possibility to join as a resident. It is also a place that offers BnB (rooms for rent) for short, or (with special … Read more
Shelter The Pigeon
VegaEl objetivo es comprar un pedazo de tierra en algún lugar en el sur de Europa, donde podamos construir un refugio permanente para nuestros animales. The goal is to buy a piece of land somewhere in south or Eastern Europe where we can build a forever home for our recued animals and build a lifestyle based on a natural rhythm rather than capitalistic rhythm. … Read more
Sieben Linden Ecovillage
Sieben Linden Ecovillage aims to establish a socially and environmentally progressive model settlement – both as a village and a community. The settlement is planned as a living and working space for 300 people of all age groups and social/cultural backgrounds. The ecovillage aims to enable its inhabitants to live through self-governance and as self-sufficiently as possible. We finance our lives individually but share some costs including food and utilities. Our own organisations provide some … Read more
Vivir en el bosque, aprender a formar parte de un ecosistema, aprovechando los recursos de una finca con huerto, vergel, agua y bosque, un lugar en el que poder crecer y subsistir, abierto y dinámico, en constante cambio y movimiento,donde poder alimentarte de forma natural, pasear por un parque nacional, bañarte en el río, observar el cielo nocturno, cultivar, recolectar, crear...esto es simbiosis, en la provincia de Toledo, rodeado por el parque de Cabañeros, una finca unas dos … Read more
SIOM nace de compartir los sueños y visiones de un grupo de personas que creen en la importancia de cuidar de la tierra y de las personas. Es la evolución de la comunidad del Cortijo Los Baños Al Hamam, con más de quince años de trayectoria y que se amplía al resto del valle de Luicainena de las Torres en el desierto de Almería. Formada por diferentes asentamientos y grupos a lo largo del valle, SIOM acaba de nacer en el 2013 y poco a poco va creciendo en personas con la convicción que es … Read more
co-housing project in Budapest … Read more
Sitio da Terra
searching roots … Read more
Skala Ecovillage
Skala Ecovillage is an attempt to form and accomplish an ecological friendly and collective way of living. Currently, four adults and three children live permanently at Skala Ecovillage. Last year (2014) it has been created a core group of 8-10 people, which is working intensively on the implementation of the vision.At the same time, a wide network of friends and collectives, both in Greece and abroad, supports us in several ways. Ecovillage for us means connecting the political and social … Read more
Slow Tours
We are exploring how the music and arts trades can embrace transition and help to build community resilience, how the practical and creative endeavours of musicians and other touring artists can help to grow healthful networks and systems dedicated to the regeneration of Life (ecological, social, cultural, spiritual). We believe that touring artists and the ecologies surrounding our travel routes can really thrive when we place our live events in the cultural centres of a healthy world; in … Read more
Smala Ecovillage Communities
Beginning of 2020: Smala is composed of 4 community living projects in cooperating housing, out of which: 2 well established communities and 2 new project studies. Cheiry – State of Fribourg – for 20 families. Grandvaux Gare 17 – State of Vaud, Lavaux UNESCO patrimony – for 25 families. Our objectif for 2025 is to animate at least 4-5 ecovillages for 200 to 400 people in the Romandie … Read more
Smiltenei un Latvijai
Main objectives: Children, young people and adults to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Promote sustainability and ecological life. Cultural, educational and charitable events. The disadvantaged section of society to help for cultural and educational events. Adult education and continuing education of school children. To achieve development and expansion of cooperation with other similar associations in the Latvian Republic and abroad to achieve the objectives of the organization. Preserve … Read more
solana de riambau
Nous aimerions developper des activites sur la ferme, comme de ateliers ou des cours sur les plantes sauvages, la permaculture ou la construction,… ou arriver à plus d’autonomie via l’agriculture,… Et faire des sejour détox. … Read more
Live ultra-lightly, avoid combustion-engined vehicles & machines, combustion fumes & coughs. Horticulture as sculpture & science, by hand & e-machinery, with “family” livestock if enough love & commitment for it. Travel by eBike, dwellings as solarpunk “free from” generators, cars & vans as runabouts, frequent flying, & frivolous burning of biomass. Songs around smokeless fountains & flowers. … Read more
Sólheimar Iceland
Sólheimar is a village in southern Iceland, located about 80 km from Reykjavík. Founded in 1930 by Sesselja H. Sigmundsdóttir (1902-1974), it is the first community of its kind in the world, where so called able and disabled people live and work together. Sólheimar is also the first community in Scandinavia where organic cultivation is practised. Today Sólheimar is a village with 100 inhabitants, 40 of whom have disabilities, and spreads across an area of approximately 250 hectares. Sólheimar … Read more
Spirit Horse Eco-Village
Off-grid eco-village … Read more
Spoluzemě Vrábsko
We are settled in a small village surrounded by beautiful woodlands, meadows&ponds. With a community of 15 people we are making a foundation for a future eco village. We are gardening, conserving & fermenting food, making herbal tinctures; we are building tiny houses, renting yurts in a yurtcamp, making natural soaps & cosmetics, we recycle old fabhouses, renting yurts in a yurtcamp, … … Read more
Strohplatz is a learning place for selfsufficiency, non-violent communication, permaculture and foodforesting. … Read more
Subir a por Aire
Busco compañer@s para un proyecto en Asturies de retorno al campo y de búsqueda de una vida más autosuficiente. Se pretende ir aprendiendo a reducir nuestra dependencia del sistema lo máximo posible en cuestión de autoabastecimiento y al mismo tiempo tejer enlaces con gente y colectivos que ya existen en Asturies siguiendo esa misma dirección. Siendo consciente de que la autosuficiencia plena no es posible hoy por hoy, de momento habría que conformarse con esas dos terceras partes de … Read more
Suderbyn Permaculture Eco-village
Suderbyn Ecovillage is an intentional community of open-minded people from various countries and cultures, located on the island Gotland in the middle of the Baltic Sea. We question patterns of consumption, social structures and cultural stereotypes. We experiment in different areas with innovation and traditional knowledge with the attempt to create a model of healthy and happy society. … Read more
Sunny Hill Association
The guiding principle of Sunny Hill is cohabiting and collaborating in the living social laboratory. Our core values are simplicity, joy, community, caring and diversity. … Read more
Sunseed Desert Technology
Sunseed Desert Technology is an eco-project based in an off-grid village called Los Molinos in Almería (Spain). Our vision is to discover how to live a healthy and ecologically responsible life working in harmony with nature. To reach this strive towards closed cycles, using solar energy, growing food, protecting the soil from erosion, eating a vegetarian diet, using low-tech energy efficient devi … Read more
supplied by nature – naturversorgt
Our projects started in November 2019 on a 2,1ha farm in central Carinthia. We have room for up to 7 people and are open to people that come with there own wagons or tents. Our goal is to use the land as a source for daily living, including storing food for winter. Animals are helping with the meadows. We try to avoid using fossil fuel engines but like to use machines that are driven electric. Our community welcomes everyone that commits to living in a close community and likes to share … Read more
Svanholm is an old estate situated near Skibby north of Roskilde on Zealand. It is home for 65 grownups and 35 children and a lot of guests from around the world. Some have lived here from 1978, but every year between 5 and 10 persons move out and others move in. We live in the buildings in the mansion and in houses in the villages around. We have ecological farming with grain, vegetables, fruit and 100 cows. There are also woodlands, a packing plant for fruit and vegetables, wood factory, … Read more
Syntropy For The Masses / Синтропия за масите
We are currently working on renovating our home and the design of our garden. If you would like to visit and volunteer during the warmer months of the year, please contact us vis instagram as this the platform which manage to check out frequently - https://www.instagram.com/syntropyforthemasses We believe that creating various types of food forests will have positive effects on the Earth's climate and quality of life. We would like to make ideas accessible to millions of oppressed people who … Read more
Syrian Initiative Craftsmanship eco
The Syrian Initiative Craftsmanship Ecovillage (SICE) is a newly formed NGO (April 1st 2015) driven by a group of Syrian refugees and Swedes in Uppsala, Sweden. Our aim is to empower migrants and other Syrians to take control of their own lives, integrate into Swedish society, and do so in an inexpensive and ecologically sustainable way. We also find different ways to job possibilities for our residents in our Ecovillage. Help Support our project … Read more
Szatyor Association
In Szatyor Association, we organize and facilitate community events such as intercultural learning programmes for children, alternative/experimental small-economy systems, educational workshops, film screenings and discussion evenings revolving around ecological issues. … Read more
Taller Karuna
Nos dedicamos a promover la Bioconstruccion con balas de paja y la Autosuficiencia. Organizamos una formación completa en Bioconstrucción con paja a nivel profesional para que puedas construir la casa que quieres o vivir de la construcción con paja como profesional. Vivimos en una finca muy autosuficiente en la Sierra de Madrid (no somos comunidad, aunque hemos formado parte de una). … Read more
Tamera is a peace project in Southern Portugal, a cooperative of future workers, who aim to build a so called “Healing Biotope” for a couple of hundred people – a community between humans, animals and plants whose relationships are based upon trust and mutual support. In a Healing Biotope new answers in the existential areas of life shall be researched: peace and cooperation with nature, peace between men and women, implementation of a strong self-sufficient community of compassion without … Read more
Tao Valley
✅ Choose the skills that interest you – eco-building, food forests, reforestation, wildfire resilience, companion planting, and more. ✅ Get in touch to align your needs with ours. Test out whether a life in conscious care for nature and each other is for you. ✅ Help to co-create a multi-generational community that embodies what life in genuine connection could be. … Read more
Ecovillage and LAND-center to be. Conciously holistic sustainability. First estate donated to Ikikaiku Foundation aiming to study and learn the best practicies of sustainability and to make it possible for people to devote themselves to taking care of land without owning it. … Read more
Taspinar Village Farm
We are a farm dealing with organic and clean food. We have goats, sheep and cats. We grow vegetables and fruits. We have mainly walnut trees, olive, plum, peach, fig, apple, etc. We grow pepper, bean, tomatoes, melon, watermelons, etc. We make products from vegetables and fruits. We produce healing creams from wild plants and olive oil. We produce yogurt, and cheese from goat milk. … Read more
Terra Alta Permaculture Education Centre
An educational center focused on off the grid living and ecological design spanning all of the permaculture ethics, social, environmental and economic dimensions. Our aim is to distribute sustainable living skills, blending the teachings of permaculture, natural building, and those of many other traditions. … Read more
Terra Libera Økogrend
Et lite økosamfunn i etablering, som etterhvert vil ha plass til 10 hus. Terra Libera Økogrend stiftes på Skaarbu gård i Holmestrand, Vestfold. Viktig for oss er: Økologisk livsstil, som betyr å leve i balanse med naturen, med lokale kretsløp, basert på bærekraftige løsninger. Utvikle miljøvennlige og kulturelle aktiviteter som bidrar til et levende og rikt lokalmiljø. Dialog med Skaarbu gård angående matproduksjon (kortreist mat) og landskapsforming. Vi ønsker å skape en levende … Read more
Terramada es una asociación de Permacultura que fue creada para el desarrollo sostenible del ser humano, de su habitat y del planeta. Respeta el princípio básico da permacultura “como” y “a favor de” la Naturaleza. Está integrada en la reserva natural de la pres de Beliche, en la zona de Barrocal Algarvio, donde el proceso de desertificación de los suelos y humano avanza a pasos agigantados. Terramada surge en este contexto para ayudar en la solución del problema. La permacultura es la base. … Read more
Tesla Ullastrell
Estem intentant crear la "societat del futur", en un "Living Lab" situat al Poble d'Ullastrell, provincia de Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain. Codi postal 08231. Volem crear un model que inclòs es podrà exportar a altres llocs del Planeta, inclòs La Índia i La Xina. Ecoaldea, Silicon Valley (empresarial i tecnològic). Eco Bio Tic, Smart City. … Read more
Thabarwa Nature Centre EU
Thabarwa centers are designed to be open spiritual communities. With the simple philosophy of DOING GOOD DEEDS, we help ourselves by helping others. By doing good actions we create the causes for good results. For this reason, we work with all types of volunteers and donors to make what seems impossible possible. Our centers are open to everyone, Buddhist or non-Buddhist, old or young, sick or healthy, layperson or monk. We currently have a total of roughly 115 centers located in Myanmar, … Read more
The happy tribe
Want to join a raw vegan collective community in the center of Portugal, near the Mondego River? You are welcome to come and experience a peaceful life in nature and live together as a supportive community. Living a simple minimalistic life, living close to each other, doing only what we really want to do, deciding everything together. Communicating in nonviolent communication, fulfilling our needs, creating the best happy life we can. The basic principles: * Consensus decision … Read more
The Hives Project
Hives Project is a proposal to sustainable lifestyle with a social commitment. … Read more
The Hollies Centre for Practical Sustainability
The Hollies is a small Eco Village in Ireland, County Cork on 24 acres (10 ha) of land. As of 2020, we are 19 adults and 3 children. We are also a centre for training in Practical Sustainability. The land is owned by An Baile Dulra Teoranta, a non-profit making company with charitable status for the educational work it promotes. It aims to create working examples of what a sustainable society might look like in the areas of housing, energy, gardening, economics, and community development. … Read more
The Northern Lights NPO
We focus on the areas of: permaculture, agroforestry, regenerative farming, non-violent communication, natural building, healthy nutrition and movement, renewable energy solutions. … Read more
The Xperiment
This project’s goal is to create an international social and cultural center, combined with sustainable lifestyle amidst the beautiful nature of the Balkan mountains. … Read more
Thinker Boat Expedition
“We are everyone who believes that we must change the way we interact with the global system of politics and capitalism and come together to create an alternative living solution that satisfies human needs without damaging the earth. We live self-determined lives within inclusive communities that value freedom and equality. We are peaceful activists on both the physical and metaphysical planes” … Read more
Tierra Iris
The Rainbow Caravan A Collective Experiment We are a community of artists, healers and practitioners growing as a collective in nature, walking each other home. We are dedicated to building a regenerative communal way of living. We contribute to a solution moving beyond an individualistic and materialistic orientated society by co-creating an alternative lifestyle, based on principles and values … Read more
Tinos ecolodge
The eco lodge idea is about building an ecofriendly touristic destination on the island of Tinos, using sustainably the natural resources that surround us, cultivating the land and creating a self-sustained off the grid system. Because we believe that knowledge must be shared we organise every year a Permaculture Design Course in Autumn end September- beginning October. … Read more
To the Garden
We are in the stages of completion of a 500 sq m self- build project comprising a number of houses and facilities designed for creative study purposes with special regard for artistic handwork and garden environment. This was accomplished through a process of self study and learning experience based on previous self employment projects in the arts and crafts field undertaken during my life. We built on depleted and disused farmland and can claim quite some measure of success in generating … Read more
Proyecto de ganaderia caprina y agricultura ecologica (medicinal, horticola y fruticola). La actividad se desarrolla en varias fincas, la ganaderia en montaña y la agricultura en montaña y en zonas de menos altura y cercanas al pueblo Estamos abiertos a compartir el proyecto con mas familias dadas sus grandes dimensiones … Read more
We have a vision to form the ecovillage in Slovenia, more precisely Kras. We are enthusiastic about this program but have no practical knowledge. … Read more
Transition Tivon
Transition Tivon is Israel's first group to form part of the Transition Network and strives to promote positive change through practicing and learning different models for action. … Read more
Transition Town Freiburg
Transition Town bedeutet Stadt im Wandel. Gemeint ist der Wandel von energiefressenden, umweltzerstörenden und landschaftszersiedelnden urbanen Lebensformen hin zu Städten, die Umwelt und Ressourcen schonen. Für diese inzwischen weltweite Bewegung bedeutet zukunftsfähige Stadtentwicklung eine drastische Einsparung an Energie im Öffentlichen Leben, beim Wohnen und im Verkehr. Angesichts abnehmender Erdölvorkommen, eines durch gehäuft auftretende Unwetter und schmelzende Eisberge deutlich … Read more
Tribe of Likatien
The Tribe of Füssen/Likatien The Tribe Füssen Eins is also known as Tribe of Likatien. Likatien means “residents at lik”, wich retrogrades to the last ancient celtic tribe, living at the river Lech. One of our central visions is to become a tribe – in a modern meaning. For us that means a special quality of admitting with each other and close to our emotional and spiritual reality. In the way people get involved with the the tribe and eachother the tribe becomes sustainable. In the … Read more
Tribodar is an association born in 2010 out of a dream to create an environment which facilitates learning, sharing and connection for people of all ages. Holistic and sustainable living is at the core of Tribodar. Since the beginning of the project we have recieved many people from all corners of the world to volunteer and participate in our permaculture and creativity gatherings, open learning events, healing retreats and our Tribojam Festival. In the past few years we have been dedicated to … Read more
TvBIO HERRAMIENTAS PARA EL CAMBIO https://www.youtube.com/user/elCambioTb?feature=mhee Es un Canal que promueve vídeos libres y educativos sobre temas que nos preocupan en relación a la temática actual con el medio ambiente, energías renovables y modos nuevos de convivir en la tierra. Ofrecemos vídeos educativos que hemos ido seleccionando dentro del panorama alternativo mas fuerte en España. … Read more
Unnamed project
http://www.association-fondale.com www.fondalecorsica.jimdo.com permaculture and intentional ccmmunity … Read more
Ura Gora
Ura Gora means Hurray for the forest, a celebration of renewal and growth- an ever growing forest of trees and a forest of people who may inhabit together this beautiful place in South Bulgaria. Our Foundation is based in 'Rodovo Selishte', the first eco-village in Bulgaria, where we currently have eight families living together on their own plots of land. The 'Ura Gora' founders are two young families who have settled in the fields of a deforested and degraded territory in Strandja Sakar, … Read more
Somos una Ecoaldea-Ecobarrio con el formato de cohousing, ubicados en la población de Valdepiélagos , Madrid. Las treinta familias que formamos la cooperativa tenemos economías separadas y diversos proyectos. … Read more
Vale das Lobas
Vale das Lobas is a Rural Regeneration Project in the Beira Alta region of Portugal, promoting biodiversity, well being and discovery, and providing inspiration in natural medicine, eco-construction and agro-ecology. It is time to reverse the trend of the past few millennia, and set a course towards a healthy world for our children and grandchildren. … Read more
Vale do vento – Adegas
In the middle of a national park close to the Portuguese Atlantic coast, we are looking for a social and sustainable life away from the pressures of society. Who we are: We are a small group of people (in the next months practically just a young family) that want to realize their dream of a critical, autonomous and ecological life. We want to get in contact with the local people, respect their culture and learn from their knowledge. The place: The huge terrain, once covered with cork-oaks, … Read more
Valle de Sensaciones
Our paradise valley invites for exploration, celebration, learning and to find sanctuary. Here we enjoy a paradise environment with treehouses, cave spaces, artistic clay buildings, circus and other caravans, the ‘Spa’ glas-temple with hot tub, the ‘Moon temple’ as a sacred space for feminine empowerment and healing, the … Read more
Valle del Roble Encantado
El Valle del Roble Encantado es una finca de 14 hectáreas dedicada a variadas actividades y con diversos espacios específicos para camping y caravanas, animales, cultivo, juegos tradicionales, meditación, cursos esotéricos, rituales. Estamos enfocando nuestros esfuerzos en este momento en la recuperación de Juegos Tradicionales de la Era Celta y Medieval. Los campos de Juegos estarán montados todo el año para que, quien nos visite, pueda disfrutar de ellos. Tenemos espacios ideales para … Read more
Three families, after years being friends, decided to buy a land in the countryside and move there to create a permaculture farm. We have found our place by the Börzsöny mountain outside of a village called Szokolya, and we moved there in 2019. Since then we try to live there according to the principles of permaculture, and we are creating a parmaculture farm together. We also organize both artistic and educational projects in the site. … Read more
Vegetarium – Integral Eco Community Guest Home
We are the community of Zhelen village - one of the first post-communist eco communities in Bulgaria. Beginning in 2005 with the foundation of NGO "Trinoga association", when Filip and Martin came back to their grandmother's house in Zhelen, after inspiring 2 years experience in "Trois Salazes" community on Reunion Island. The main goal is to live healthy in nature, practice regenerative agriculture, non-dogmatic spirituality and exchange help with similar projects in Bulgaria and around … Read more
Allá por el año 1.999, compré una finca de algo más de un cuarto de hectárea con varios olivos, higueras, cepas y muchas zarzas, a las afueras de una aldea, en las estribaciones de la Sierra de Gredos, cerca de un arroyo, a unos cien kilómetros de Madrid. Poco a poco y laboriosamente, se levantaron las paredes de piedra que dan al camino, se llevó agua y luz, se hizo la casa, el pozo, se han ido plantando frutales, labrando y ampliando la huerta..., hasta llegar a ser lo que ahora es. Ya hay … Read more
Vestigium responds to the need of the community through its members and users to give people a space and a platform to help shape their community creatively and freely by voluntarily support of its members. … Read more
VFS Dargeluetz
We aim to establish a basis for a regional commons based economy. We want to expand the staff of the project to 15 – 20 people that work and live together as a community. … Read more
Villaggio Verde
Villaggio Verde is an ecovillage that was established during the 1980s and now serves as a laboratory for sustainable ways of living and a centre where harmony is sought with oneself, others, and nature. Due to the community having no prevailing political or religious beliefs, everyone is free to explore their preferences for themselves and able to openly participate in any group activities. The village is currently home to approximately 20 inhabitans, including 6 children, and many live in … Read more
Vitopia – Magdeburg (Germany)
Magdeburg, state capital of Saxony-Anhalt and one of the greenest cities in Germany, located between Hanover and Berlin, is home of Vitopia. Vitopia is both a group of people and a special place in one of the city's oldest landscape parks, the Herrenkrugpark. Vitopia has: - a café with fairtrade / regional / ecological menu and room for parties, seminars and team meetings - a place to stay and enjoy - shared living space - a simple hostel The community at Vitopia lives together … Read more
You‘ve entered international waters - Vlierhof is an intentional international community founded in 2002 by four members of the NL chapter of the GEN located in Keeken Germany. Our vision is a world of truly peaceful and aware human beings living in harmony with nature. We do this through the practice of mindfulness, NVC, meditations, love, compassion, mirroring, community, pluralism, and communal conflict resolution. We strive to make a contribution to dealing with social and … Read more
Vuelve a la Tierra
Se trata de construir en una finca de 40.000m cerca de Riaza (Segovia) un centro agroturistico, en que los socios participantes podamos autoemplearnos desarrollando actividades agricolas, ganaderas, terapias alternativas, deportes y turismo. con posibilidades de formar una pequeña ecoaldea, ya que para vivir en comunidad primero hay que conocerse. … Read more
White Carpathians (Vrbovce)
Ecovillage White Carpathians is research experimental project founded spontaneously around 2010 by Petr Skořepa. White Carpathians is located at the border of Slovakia and Czechia, serves as demonstration of natural architecture and aims at restoring traditional crafts and shows possibilities of more free lifestyle without installments, banks, mortgages and electricity bills. … Read more
Yantreya – Bulgaria
Living closer to nature with a group of like-minded people in an existing Bulgarian village. … Read more
Yarok Ba-ir
Yarok Ba-ir, which means "green in the city" is a community of 17 households that will be living in the same future building in the city Harish. The community started to form in 2012 and is meeting on a regular basis since. The building which started out as a normal city building design of 5 stories went through a redesign in order to incorporate ecological and communal components including 3 community-owned spaces: roof, garden, and indoor. Green building components were also added improving … Read more
Yasna Sloboda
Yasna Sloboda is a community of families united by general core values. We wanted to combine life in nature with a Waldorf education for children. We are the first ecovillage in Russia with sociocracy and the first ecovillage in Russia with Waldorf education centre. … Read more
Yehudiya Shivtiya
Eco-Village Next to the Yehudiya River by the Sea Of Galilee. A gate to Shivtaya’s Eco-Village network. We are almost Self Sustained, hosting events, meet-ups, meals, running a vegan restaurant based on local products, and hosting every one who needs and wants a place to lay his head and willing to help grow the placce and Shivtaya’s Eco-Village Network. … Read more
Yeryuzu Ecovillage
Earth ecovillage is an initiative for experiencing an ecological way of life. It was established in 2009. We work to farm our land with ecological methods to offer an alternative to conventional farming methods which harm the weather, soil and air. Our goal is to be self-sufficient by producing organic vegetables and fruits, and to enhance the surounding environment using permaculture methods. We construct our village structures with local materials and ecologically informed … Read more
Yes to Sustainability is an international project that aims to bring together young people from different regions of Europe by organizing different Youth Exchanges in different ecovillages funded by Erasmus+ . We are part of NextGEN Europe. Participants can participate in one or more Youth Exchange and will be fully funded by the Erasmus+ Program. … Read more
Young family looking for an alternative, social and sustainable way of living
We are a young family with two little children looking for partners to buy land for housing, sustainable rural tourism and farming somewhere in Spain, Portugal or the Canary Islands. … Read more
Zajezova is a widely spread village consisting of small groups of settlements. The greater part of its original inhabitants has gradually moved away during the second half of the 20th century. From 1991 several NGOs have started to be active in Zajezova – their focuses being traditional handicrafts, folk architecture and environmental issues. These NGOs have attracted (and are still attracting) a great amount of people, of which some decided to settle in Zajezova and its surrounding settlements. … Read more
ZEGG intentional community hosts more than 100 people. We focus on the ecological and social aspects of living together in a future-orientated way. ZEGG especially promotes personal development and cultivates a way of heart- and mindful communication. As a community we stand for following our own truth in love, relationships and sexuality. … Read more
Zeleni Kruchi
Our goal is to live on earth in harmony with nature and ourselves, breathe clean air, drink pure water, eat our own natural food, develop, create, be healthy and raise healthy children … Read more
We are building the first full-featured ecovillage in the Czech Republic with integrated social, ecological and economic sustainable holistic solutions. Our goal is to organically grow up to approximately 150 tribal members. Our keywords: permaculture gardening, natural buildings, alternative energies, traditional crafts, alternative currency, homeschooling, courses of personal development, etc. … Read more
Green Network of Activist Groups (ZMAG) is an association that brings together organic gardeners, practitioners of applicable technologies and eco-building, permaculture designers, researchers of equitable social models of organization and equal interpersonal relationships, and environmental activists … Read more
Zonca Ecovillage Italy
Seasonal work includes mowing the hay, repairing terraces and tending gardens. In addition we are repairing walls and roofs, clearing ruins and building a sauna and a sweatlodge. … Read more